Just ordered a GTX280!

I'm starting to agree that a lot of haters are jealous of those with more money. Some people in this thread just seem to be infuriated by the idea of anyone buying a 280. Geesh guys, let them buy what they want. If they didn't ask you for an opinion, then the only thing you are doing is wasting your own time.

There is a microstuttering issue with the GX2, if someone doesn't want to deal with it then the 280 seems to be a wise decision. And don't worry, I was with the rest of you all pissed off that Nvidia came out with a pile of junk, but in reality they didn't. I was just unaware of the SLI and dual GPU issues. Maybe you are too? I will probably get the 280 so I can play AoC with ease.
Grats OP!!! I'm really itching to get the 260 myself. Too bad my EVGA step up already ran out. :( Oh well, guess the wife will have to get another hand-me-down.:)
I'm starting to agree that a lot of haters are jealous of those with more money. Some people in this thread just seem to be infuriated by the idea of anyone buying a 280. Geesh guys, let them buy what they want. If they didn't ask you for an opinion, then the only thing you are doing is wasting your own time.

There is a microstuttering issue with the GX2, if someone doesn't want to deal with it then the 280 seems to be a wise decision. And don't worry, I was with the rest of you all pissed off that Nvidia came out with a pile of junk, but in reality they didn't. I was just unaware of the SLI and dual GPU issues. Maybe you are too? I will probably get the 280 so I can play AoC with ease.

Haters? Jealous? It's so freaking obvious this card isn't worth the price and the guy did have a second thoughts about buying this so pretty much it looks like an open opinion to me.

I don't understand why they are releasing all these ass cards when they can't even get the driver right for the other cards to work properly for other games. Maybe they should concentrate giving people better drivers instead of releasing a whole can of worms.
I couldn't resist using my Step Up too...

The GX2 was expensive, but wasen't as shocking at $600 bucks because it was 2 cards in 1.

I went for the SSC when I baught my GX2, so only $40 bucks was required to get me into a 280. How can you beat that?

My Step Up has been processed, and my GX2 is on it's way back to EVGA right now!

Looking foward to my new toy. I algo grabbed it a water block too. No fan noise and extra low temps might be nice features to have with this card... :D

I run at 1920 x 1200. I would like to know at that res, how much AA in general, will allow the 280 to show it's speed over the GX2?

Probably depends on the game...

Oh well, here's to no microstutters anyway!! :cool:
Haters? Jealous? It's so freaking obvious this card isn't worth the price and the guy did have a second thoughts about buying this so pretty much it looks like an open opinion to me.

Trying to convert people at the forums is pretty much pointless, everybody here is right in their own mind. So trying to add an opposite view on things in a thread like this is pretty much pointless. You can try, but 99.9% of the time it ends up badly.

Personally I just don't see the reason for these threads, but hey if it makes OP feel better about hes buy, here is a GRAZ from me. I just wonder if its like this in every forum. Are there people congratulating each other for buying a candy bar in the candy makers forums too? Whoa man, thats a cool super size WTF edition bar you got there! .. Or it just could be that 3D card nerds are the most sympathetic peace loving kinda guys/girls around? :p
Haters? Jealous? It's so freaking obvious this card isn't worth the price and the guy did have a second thoughts about buying this so pretty much it looks like an open opinion to me.

I don't understand why they are releasing all these ass cards when they can't even get the driver right for the other cards to work properly for other games. Maybe they should concentrate giving people better drivers instead of releasing a whole can of worms.

Well when you are playing a game like AoC that hates SLI/Xfire, Yes, the GTX 280 is well worth the price. I'm building an entire new rig because of AoC, so I'm not going to get a dual GPU solution.

You seem really pissed off, so obviously you are a "hater". It's OUR money, let us do what we want with it. If you feel like we are better of wiping our behinds with the 600$ instead, keep it to yourself. The GTX 280 appears to be the best SINGLE GPU solution for those who require a SINGLE GPU. :rolleyes: This is my vice, everyone can have their expensive hobby, let gaming be mine.
Well when you are playing a game like AoC that hates SLI/Xfire, Yes, the GTX 280 is well worth the price. I'm building an entire new rig because of AoC, so I'm not going to get a dual GPU solution.

You seem really pissed off, so obviously you are a "hater". It's OUR money, let us do what we want with it. If you feel like we are better of wiping our behinds with the 600$ instead, keep it to yourself. The GTX 280 appears to be the best SINGLE GPU solution for those who require a SINGLE GPU. :rolleyes:

Yeah it's your money fueling Nvidia's idiocy. Why not save that $600 and buy a 9800GTX, it should run the game just fine for $200. Put that $400 into a better motherboard or cpu.
This is my vice, everyone can have their expensive hobby, let gaming be mine.

It's a less expensive hobby compared to my brother who just dropped 2 grand on a exhaust system for his '72 Chevelle. :)
Enjoy your gold brick. I hope they deliver it through your Window landing in you good china cabinet knocking over and breaking some 5th Chinese Dynasty Vases along with destroying some plates that Abe Lincoln ate on the hour before he was shot, causing the cabinet to tip over into your 10,000 HDTV that falls over on your $1,000 Blu-Ray player that catches on fire causing the sprinkler system to go off ruining the treasure maps you have on your desk that would lead to the lost city of gold.

Haters? Jealous? It's so freaking obvious this card isn't worth the price and the guy did have a second thoughts about buying this so pretty much it looks like an open opinion to me.

I don't understand why they are releasing all these ass cards when they can't even get the driver right for the other cards to work properly for other games. Maybe they should concentrate giving people better drivers instead of releasing a whole can of worms.

Like I have been saying, the OP wanted an opinion and he got one or two :D
It's a less expensive hobby compared to my brother who just dropped 2 grand on a exhaust system for his '72 Chevelle. :)

No kidding, cars would be my other vice and far more expensive.

I think these people are pissed they can't go out and blow 600$ on a card. That's just my .02. :p All boils down to what you spend your money on IMO. Well, that and education and profession, hehe.
No kidding, cars would be my other vice and far more expensive.

I think these people are pissed they can't go out and blow 600$ on a card. That's just my .02. :p All boils down to what you spend your money on IMO. Well, that and education and profession, hehe.

Yep....controlling emotions FTW!!! ;)
I want one. Infact I want three.

And if you don't fold ima come to your house and beat you. Then take your graphics card. Then get something to eat because I'm hungry brb...

@ complaints about this card, seems to me NV really shoulda manned-up and gone with a 55 or 40nm process, because that die is just way to god damned big. I mean, if all NV had done is managed to get all the horsepower of the GX2 into a single die package, I woulda been very happy. As it stands, they kinda manged to do that in that you don't get the hitching of SLI and you can use both your monitors, but the power consumption and frequencies are a little gross.

Shrink it and you've got a beast.
No kidding, cars would be my other vice and far more expensive.

I think these people are pissed they can't go out and blow 600$ on a card. That's just my .02. :p All boils down to what you spend your money on IMO. Well, that and education and profession, hehe.

Opinions like these needs a kick in the fucking balls. It's nothing to do because I'm rich and you're poor and you're a hater and are jealous and that you can't afford it.

If this new card is twice faster than my 8800GTX for that price, then I wouldn't be here preaching bad crap about it. +20% increased and -10% decreased in certain applications/games does not make this card worthy.

What's pissing people off is that they are slowly implementing tiny bits of improvement every 3 months on a whole different card when they could've done it with the release of the 9800GX.
Haters? Jealous? It's so freaking obvious this card isn't worth the price and the guy did have a second thoughts about buying this so pretty much it looks like an open opinion to me.

I don't understand why they are releasing all these ass cards when they can't even get the driver right for the other cards to work properly for other games. Maybe they should concentrate giving people better drivers instead of releasing a whole can of worms.

Why isn't this card worth the money? Is it not worth the money because you believe there are other solutions that are cheaper, or do you believe that a card should not be worth this much period? As others have noted in other threads, this is a common price point for nvidia high end cards. Hell, the 88Ultra was $829 at one point.

Simply put, the fact remains there is no single GPU card out currently that can match the performance of the GTX280. Take from that as you will, but I don't see your point in criticizing others for their purchase.
Shrink it and you've got a beast.

I wonder if NV is testing the 55nm process on the new 9800GTX+ to make sure it works.:confused:

It would make sense as they wouldn't want to release their new cards on an untested process. I think I heard in another thread that they are sort of at the mercy of TSMC as to what process they can use. I might be wrong here.
Opinions like these needs a kick in the fucking balls. It's nothing to do because I'm rich and you're poor and you're a hater and are jealous and that you can't afford it.

If this new card is twice faster than my 8800GTX for that price, then I wouldn't be here preaching bad crap about it. +20% increased and -10% decreased in certain applications/games does not make this card worthy.

What's pissing people off is that they are slowly implementing tiny bits of improvement every 3 months on a whole different card when they could've done it with the release of the 9800GX.

+20% increase? Where are you getting this? If you take a look at the [H] review, there is a giant leap from a 9800GTX to a GTX280. And, I've never seen an instance through any of the review sites where it has decreased performance in any game. However, if one did pass by me, I'm more than sure it is just a driver issue.

Also remember: This card is for high resolutions with AA/AF settings all cranked. So, just like any really powerful card in it's time, it may not perform much better than a card that costs less at lower resolutions and at lower settings. This does NOT mean the card doesn't have potential for more.
Why isn't this card worth the money? Is it not worth the money because you believe there are other solutions that are cheaper, or do you believe that a card should not be worth this much period? As others have noted in other threads, this is a common price point for nvidia high end cards. Hell, the 88Ultra was $829 at one point.

Simply put, the fact remains there is no single GPU card out currently that can match the performance of the GTX280. Take from that as you will, but I don't see your point in criticizing others for their purchase.

Unless he is running a 30 Inch monitor, this is a real waste of money. And even then, I would almost have to say wait until Fall when they release version 2 of this card for an even better price/preformance.
Unless he is running a 30 Inch monitor, this is a real waste of money. And even then, I would almost have to say wait until Fall when they release version 2 of this card for an even better price/preformance.

Well, then you must have thought the same about the Ultra, and yes, even the 88GTX when it first arrived.
Opinions like these needs a kick in the fucking balls. It's nothing to do because I'm rich and you're poor and you're a hater and are jealous and that you can't afford it.

Why are you getting all emo over it to the point of threatening people then? :rolleyes: Go ahead and try to kick me in the balls, considering I don't have any it wont be a big deal to me.

If this new card is twice faster than my 8800GTX for that price, then I wouldn't be here preaching bad crap about it. +20% increased and -10% decreased in certain applications/games does not make this card worthy.

Who are you to deem what is worthy of OTHER PEOPLES money?

What's pissing people off is that they are slowly implementing tiny bits of improvement every 3 months on a whole different card when they could've done it with the release of the 9800GX.

So don't buy it, simple enough. You need a life if you are getting this pissed off over video cards.

I don't want a DUAL GPU set up, I want a SINGLE GPU set up and the GTX 280 is best for that right now. Not hard to understand. Really.
Fist off anyone with a "SLI" motherboard needs to just stop complaining / hating. Second, the performance over a single 8800GTX / 9800GTX is a shit ton. I game at 1920x1080 and the difference is quite stunning. Turn everything on max, + 16xQFSAA / 16xAF with a single 8800GTX at that resolution and see where you are in terms of enjoyment factor.

Stop crying about nVidia, and the fact that it wasn't what "you" expected. Some of us like stable motherboards and single GPU setups and this is the only game in town. I have a lot of money to get whatever the hell I want, and I went with the 280 FTW edition because I can.

Deal with it, and when something 20% faster comes out I'll buy that too regardless if its ATI or nVidia. If you want to save 400 dollars, have an SLI capable motherboard, and still want to be below a single 260 in terms of performance go for it. But to be honest all this hostility towards 200 series owners is "scrubbish". :rolleyes:
ugh... Its one thing to argue the card value in regards to price/performance. Its another thing to argue if the purchase is a waste. The value to a person is not the same as the value in regards to price/performance. The value or worth $600 - $650 can differ from person to person and if the people that can drop that amount for a card and or any hobby for that matter, then let it be. If you want to argue price/performance, then thats fine, but cut this crap out about the OP "wasting" his money. It's his money to spend any way he likes.
From the Egg. Should be here next Wednesday if I let it go through. Not sure, though. Maybe I should cancel it. Wasn't a clear conscience order. Hhehheeh...

My condolences to your money....:rolleyes:

Backlash - who cares about Vantage? I mean really, its garbage... $650 for a higher Vantage score :rolleyes:
Well fine, I hope the OP Enjoys his Gold Brick. I'll just be sitting back thinking, yeah there's some idiot out there right now that goes through Video Cards like water because he has to have the best. Hell, I don't even think he knows it can play video games which is what these cards were designed to do. I think that got lost in translation while he was stroking his Epeen.
But of course his Epeen is a lot smaller than what he thinks.
Last time I checked this was an enthusiast forum, which usually entails alot of early adopters whom pay top price for there hobby and willingly share information for other enthusiast/hobbiests to help with issues and buying considerations. Those who are complaining should take a look at there own crappy systems perhaps before spouting off "advice" to someone else. It's people like the OP whom are helpful by adopting early to inform the rest of us of there experiences, which not all reviews tell us.

QFT. That was probably the most intelligent post in this whole thread.

Congrats OP. I know if I had the money for a GTX 280 I'd be all over one. Let us know what you think of it once it arrives. We need some pics/benchies!
Well fine, I hope the OP Enjoys his Gold Brick. I'll just be sitting back thinking, yeah there's some idiot out there right now that goes through Video Cards like water because he has to have the best. Hell, I don't even think he knows it can play video games which is what these cards were designed to do. I think that got lost in translation while he was stroking his Epeen.

Sounds like someone needs a hug. :p

I really don't know what the fascination is with other people's purchases. Did you really think nVidia would release a card and no one, not a single soul, would purchase it?
Wow your not helping !! :(:(:(
What matters is whether you are happy with your purchase -- which, in this case boils down to, "Are you happy spending $650 for the fastest single GPU currently available, in light of what it enables you to do that alternatives cannot accomplish, or can accomplish with limitations or disadvantages?"
Well fine, I hope the OP Enjoys his Gold Brick. I'll just be sitting back thinking, yeah there's some idiot out there right now that goes through Video Cards like water because he has to have the best. Hell, I don't even think he knows it can play video games which is what these cards were designed to do. I think that got lost in translation while he was stroking his Epeen.
But of course his Epeen is a lot smaller than what he thinks.

I'll make sure to consult with you before I purchase my next graphics card, lest I be labeled with a small epeen.
Well fine, I hope the OP Enjoys his Gold Brick. I'll just be sitting back thinking, yeah there's some idiot out there right now that goes through Video Cards like water because he has to have the best. Hell, I don't even think he knows it can play video games which is what these cards were designed to do. I think that got lost in translation while he was stroking his Epeen.
But of course his Epeen is a lot smaller than what he thinks.

OUCH u nailed it!! thats me i just buy things cuz there new Im gonna use my GTX 280 to play warcraft 3 and winamp Seriously.... LOL :D:D:D:D

*light bf2, crysis, cod4, tf2 maybe
Last time I checked this was an enthusiast forum, which usually entails alot of early adopters whom pay top price for there hobby and willingly share information for other enthusiast/hobbiests to help with issues and buying considerations. Those who are complaining should take a look at there own crappy systems perhaps before spouting off "advice" to someone else. It's people like the OP whom are helpful by adopting early to inform the rest of us of there experiences, which not all reviews tell us.

QFT! Rock on OP, give us a report once you test it out.
What's sad is I know people who would think someone was insane for spending 650$ on a graphics card, but will spend that much and more in a month on cigs and booze.
What matters is whether you are happy with your purchase -- which, in this case boils down to, "Are you happy spending $650 for the fastest single GPU currently available, in light of what it enables you to do that alternatives cannot accomplish, or can accomplish with limitations or disadvantages?"

it was 699+ TAX!! :D:D:D