Hunt: Showdown (Crytek)

Still loving it despite not getting a boss kill yet. Extracting is the name of the game for progression.

I would LOVE some kind of a co-op story mode, or an endless type mode without the PvP, just you and a friend creeping around the swamp
I guess people camp the clue and boss spots with long rifles reap the gold and bounties I know that is what we did but we didn't CAMP =) This game gives you the same feeling as Dark souls PvP.
Yeah I think the servers are messed up I waited for like 6-7 minutes couldn't find anything.
surprised the game is still is having server issues. people were freaking out when battalion 1944 had issues for like 5 days. has performance gone up since the closed alpha?
This game is still on top of my list for Fun Factor and originality good looking as well servers are hit and miss when I play population went way down which is a shame but maybe if they have a server browser that would be cool but a death trap at the same time.
I'd like to get this game ..been watching twitch feeds of different guys.. but I'm not really setup to do co-op(no mic) and would probably just go it solo if I did get it...:(

Hunt showdown goes Predator mode Hunters are being Hunted I wonder if this is along with PK.
I really hope this game comes along. After spending 80% of the time sitting in menus not able to load in, or crashing, I'm gonna let it simmer a bit.
Just curious - anyone playing this with a gamepad? Is it feasible to play that way or are mice aimers going to annihilate you? These days I just can't bring myself to play with KB/M unless I have to.
The camping / griefing absolutely ruins the game for me and my buddies. We keep getting sniped / jumped and there is literally NO way of knowing if anyone is near you. It's incredibly frustrating to waste a half hour on this garbage when we could be playing something more fun and rewarding.
The camping / griefing absolutely ruins the game for me and my buddies. We keep getting sniped / jumped and there is literally NO way of knowing if anyone is near you. It's incredibly frustrating to waste a half hour on this garbage when we could be playing something more fun and rewarding.
Is there a benefit to going after the bounty and trying to extract - as opposed to letting someone else do the hard work?
As far as I can determine your first 3-5 matches with a new hunter should be spent working your way towards the nearest extraction, killing all the zombies and getting all the clues you can along the way... But entirely foregoing the bounty in favor of surviving long enough to level up a few times so your hunter has something that vaguely resembles a chance in hell when you do finally encounter someone else or take on a bounty.
Wow that game looks incredibly bad. Just watched the live stream and at 10 seconds I had to close it lol.
Wow that game looks incredibly bad. Just watched the live stream and at 10 seconds I had to close it lol.

No, actually it is really great looking. Livestreams tend to degrade game visuals as that is the nature of the beast. The game is really atmospheric and fun. I die way too often though.
No, actually it is really great looking. Livestreams tend to degrade game visuals as that is the nature of the beast. The game is really atmospheric and fun. I die way too often though.

I was talking about the game itself. Crappy looking 'monsters' that keep flooding at you. Repetitive and boring, I wouldn't touch that game with a yard long stick. But then again most Crytek games are the same scripted shit.
I was talking about the game itself. Crappy looking 'monsters' that keep flooding at you. Repetitive and boring, I wouldn't touch that game with a yard long stick. But then again most Crytek games are the same scripted shit.
Game is incredible looking, and the gameplay kicks ass once you get past the learning curve IMO.

But you haven't actually played it, right? Just watched it for 10 seconds?
The camping / griefing absolutely ruins the game for me and my buddies. We keep getting sniped / jumped and there is literally NO way of knowing if anyone is near you. It's incredibly frustrating to waste a half hour on this garbage when we could be playing something more fun and rewarding.

This game is mostly audio, it's very easy to hear where people are.
Yeah I grouped with this guy on Steam he told me to connect to Steam's audio system so they can't hear you in game not sure if that works or not.
Yeah, we use discord for comms. In the game, just like opponents, once you get far enough from your teammate, you can't hear him.
I've hated every Crytek game so far and yes, I grew a major dislike in the first 10 seconds of the stream. It just screams boring scripted enemies and griiiind.
Glad to know you have an informed opinion.
I play solo and am a bad shot .. so I sneak around a lot. I have low end USB headphones .. and though I have a hard time gauging distances with certain audio cues, listening has saved my bacon many many many times. The dogs, I still tend to get to close to those hell spawn things :cautious: that I have some funds built up, I need to engage more and get better at the PvP aspect of the game.
I play solo and am a bad shot .. so I sneak around a lot. I have low end USB headphones .. and though I have a hard time gauging distances with certain audio cues, listening has saved my bacon many many many times. The dogs, I still tend to get to close to those hell spawn things :cautious: that I have some funds built up, I need to engage more and get better at the PvP aspect of the game.
The Hell Hounds are not a joke anymore.
I got the game. A blast to play with a friend, not so much fun with random people. Maybe because I SUCK and they leave me.
I got the game. A blast to play with a friend, not so much fun with random people. Maybe because I SUCK and they leave me.

well .. if you want to compare e-peen suckage .. I'm level 80 now, 95% going solo .. with a 6/38 kdr .. one of those 6 kills was by a random guy I did a match with so not really mine. I do have 4 lvl 50's and 1 lvl 41 currently though .. I'm living proof that pacifists can have fun at this game too ..

The few times I did go after other players, I got pwnd. 1 of those 5 kills I got was "legit" shootout battle .. 1 I don't remember, and the other 3 were distracted by a boss when I came up on them. That's pretty bad when you have as much time into this game as myself and can count your kills on one hand ...
Is the crashing and matchmaking queue time issue resolved yet? Been waiting for that to get settled before I try this game again.
I got this game when it came out, only played a little with my buddy. We ended up waiting on some patches for performance, etc... We recently played it last weekend with the new patch and had a lot of fun, even as noobs we won a few matches and one double monster match with 3 bounties. So much stuff we didn't know so I was surprised we did as well as we did.

I see the new patch will let us noobs play with noobs so that will be nice, we were getting decimated by tier 3 hunters almost every time we saw them. We're only bloodline rank 14~

They also reduced loading times apparently which was one of our criticisms playing last weekend, which is awesome.
Here is a list of the content changes coming that were announced on stream. The stream archive is here, starts at the 5 hour 29 minute mark.

Flare gun that can be used to light up areas, as well as to set PvE and PvP on fire. It is a tool, not a weapon.

Axes found around the map can now be picked up and thrown as a weapon. I assume sledgehammers too, but they did not mention or show hammers.

Hive bombs. Yep, that bug lady in a bottle that makes a nice homing grenade.

Bear traps. Can be reused if found and moved to a different location.

Spectate mode after you die so you can go along with your teammate and stop getting a suntan.

Looting of downed Hunters. Ammo, and a chance of a consumable item if they had those.

DeathScreen after you get killed. Will show you who killed you, what weapon they used, and at what distance from you.

And finally......the BOOST. The bounty will contain a Dark Sight perk. When you pick the bounty up, it will allow you to see other players in a 100 to 150 yard radius. This will have a limited amount of time, and will stay with the bounty even if dropped.

Also from earlier this week: Crossbow, pistol crossbow, and throwing knives. New "water monster" PvE as well.
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Video interview from E3 showing new upcoming content.
