Hunt: Showdown (Crytek)

My machine - X99, I7-6950x (10 core/20 thread) O/C to 4.0Ghz, 4x4GB 16GB PC2400 DDR4 (Quad channel memory), 2080

My buddies machine (my old machine I sold him in 2013). X58, I7-920 DO O/C to 4.0Ghz (4 core/8 thread), 3x4GB 12GB RAM (Tri-channel memory(I dont remember the speed but DDR3)), 1080ti

Both of us have Alienware AW3418DW monitors. (3440x1440)

My framerate in Hunt with all settings maxed low 70s
His Framerare in Hunt with all setting maxed (except AA) (low 60s)

ha. We played together last night and I’ve been pondering this all day. That old circa 2008 I7-920 is a beast!!! That chip and motherboard has about the longest usable lifespan of any CPU in history. Makes me feel somewhat foolish for selling it to him 7 years ago and spending all the money along the way to have a 15% performance upgrade on the most graphically demanding game I own in 2020 ;)
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Just started playing this game. I'm enjoying it but damn it's frustrating as hell. Can't remember the last time ive cussed so much at a game.
Just started playing this game. I'm enjoying it but damn it's frustrating as hell. Can't remember the last time ive cussed so much at a game.
It is not for the weak..... Downright brutal. I still love it, and I still suck at it.
Just started playing this game. I'm enjoying it but damn it's frustrating as hell. Can't remember the last time ive cussed so much at a game.
I've got 1700+ hours of 99% solo time invested .. about to prestige for 27th time .. and still having fun

It's a frustratingly good time! :mad:

..and yeah, I still suck at it too
How does this compare to Death by Daylight?

While I have not played death by daylight, i have watched it for a while. DBD is a asymetrical survival/hunter game where one player tries to wipe out the rest, while the rest run/hide with limited options to fight back.

Hunt Showdown is not really asymetrical, all players start with their loadout, a team (most of the time) and have the same objectives as several other groups on the map. its a PvP/PvE experience where you both manage other players (defend, hunt, whatever works for you) and hunt for the bosses on the map to collect their sweet occult juices for profit.
Just when I think I'm getting better I get mauled by 2 dogs and a zombie. Then my team mates leave me to rot lol.

And am I doing something wrong or is there a complete lack of ability to socialize in the game? Can't talk in lobby to plan at all. Short time before match, as far as I know you can't type before the match starts.

I understand the lack of in match scoreboard and not being able to talk while dead and stuff. But most the matches I feel like I might as well be playing with bots.
Just when I think I'm getting better I get mauled by 2 dogs and a zombie. Then my team mates leave me to rot lol.

And am I doing something wrong or is there a complete lack of ability to socialize in the game? Can't talk in lobby to plan at all. Short time before match, as far as I know you can't type before the match starts.

I understand the lack of in match scoreboard and not being able to talk while dead and stuff. But most the matches I feel like I might as well be playing with bots.
Get on the Hunt discord to coordinate games and make sure folks have mics. Much easier that randos.
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Just started playing this game. I'm enjoying it but damn it's frustrating as hell. Can't remember the last time ive cussed so much at a game.

It's Hardcore when you sync in the game you dont know what to expect unless you know the maps.
My machine - X99, I7-6950x (10 core/20 thread) O/C to 4.0Ghz, 4x4GB 16GB PC2400 DDR4 (Quad channel memory), 2080

My buddies machine (my old machine I sold him in 2013). X58, I7-920 DO O/C to 4.0Ghz (4 core/8 thread), 3x4GB 12GB RAM (Tri-channel memory(I dont remember the speed but DDR3)), 1080ti

Both of us have Alienware AW3418DW monitors. (3440x1440)

My framerate in Hunt with all settings maxed low 70s
His Framerare in Hunt with all setting maxed (except AA) (low 60s)

ha. We played together last night and I’ve been pondering this all day. That old circa 2008 I7-920 is a beast!!! That chip and motherboard has about the longest usable lifespan of any CPU in history. Makes me feel somewhat foolish for selling it to him 7 years ago and spending all the money along the way to have a 15% performance upgrade on the most graphically demanding game I own in 2020 ;)

Not that I'm knocking the CPU (I ran a 2600k into the ground same way) but you're looking at this wrong. At that resolution you are GPU bound, especially in Hunt which is GPU hungry. I don't really get much variation in frame rates on hunt no matter the right I'm using (2600k + 1080, 7700k + 2080, 9900k + 20080 super) on a similar ultrawide ( I have the LG version).

On the other hand the difference is SHOCKING on a 1080p 240hz monitor in games that really need to go that quick. At that point, those old CPUs show their age really damn quick. We're really at the point where you sort of pick your game and monitor and build around that.
Get on the Hunt discord to coordinate games and make sure folks have mics. Much easier that randos.

this, nobody uses in game in voice in anything really, any game will ahve a discord, go there and the quality becomes much better
OMG, just had the best single player game I have ever had....and I have over 1000 hours.
OMG, just had the best single player game I have ever had....and I have over 1000 hours.
lol .. like a giddy little school girl .. you can't come in here with a statement like that and then just leave us hanging .. :nailbiting:
lol .. like a giddy little school girl .. you can't come in here with a statement like that and then just leave us hanging .. :nailbiting:

Last second wellspring steal. Fun times.
Did everyone quit playing after the new patch or playing the trials? I can hardly find a group anymore...
I play solo on USWest and running into other teams/solo players like normal
I need to play more of this - I've not played much lately, or if any... We've got a Steam [H] group, don't we?
With influx of players .. I'm having to be extra sneaky of late .. (solo player here)

Seems like every time I stop/slow down .. I hear creeping or just out and out sprinters running everywhere
Here's why you should be playing Hunt: Showdown in 2021

Things are looking up for Hunt: Showdown, but the reason I want to talk about it isn't just a plea for more players—in fact the servers are in a relatively healthy state at time of writing and I've had little trouble finding matches—it's simply because I think it's a game with a whole lot of potential, both casually and competitively, that feels under-tapped so far...
What I'm not clear about is what do I miss if I don't buy all the DLC, is it scenarios that I miss or?
I've finally managed to get most of my gaming friends into this and it's been a great time. The 'moments' that happen in this game are things we'll still be laughing about for years. We've had matches where we've been on the cusp of victory only to have it snatched from us at extraction (one time with my team in a gun fight at a boat where a water monster got involved). There have been games where we've hunted down and rolled every other team on the map. There have been games where we've stealthed the whole time. Games where we go around making noise and wasting ammo on zombies. Games where I, or one of my teammates, made a bad decision a minute in causing an early (usually hilarious) wipe. It's a near perfect mix of "lean back and chill" and "sit up and pixel hunt where that sound came from".

Some random thoughts. We all seem to enjoy the night and fog maps the most and they don't pop up often enough. Private servers where we had control of the match parameters and the ability to reduce the map size to a specific area and then play against each other would be absolutely fantastic.


The Prodigal Daughter DLC contains: The Prodigal Daughter (Legendary Hunter), The Harbinger (Legendary Caldwell Pax), and The Reckoning (Legendary Sparks LRR).

Many come to the Bayou to forget their past. But Sarah Burton came to confront it, bringing along a Caldwell, a Sparks LRR, and a hunger for revenge.

Burton’s mother had risked life and limb during the Civil War to pass information to the Union. After the war, her deeds were recognized and celebrated, and she received a uniform symbolic of that final victory. Through her death, that uniform was passed down to her daughter – alongside a dark legacy, mottled with betrayal, cruelty, and treachery.

The flowers still fresh on her mother’s grave, Burton set out for Louisiana, where she vowed to destroy those who had had a hand in her mother’s death. Through her handiwork with The Harbinger and The Reckoning, Burton became notorious in the bayou, allowing rumors to circulate that she was a veteran herself, ageless, reincarnated to channel a restless spirit of revenge.
The Committed DLC is here!

Henry Monroe is an Asylum escapee. The DLC includes Legendary Hunter Monroe and his two weapons which helped him escape: a Legendary Knife (Pane) and a Legendary Romero 77 (Lock & Key)...

Hunt: Showdown’s Big New DeSalle Map is Now Available to All PC Players

The DeSalle map is a pretty big shakeup for Hunt: Showdown as it features a lot more buildings and structures than past maps, providing more verticality and opportunities for strategy...Trainyards, a drydock, a plantation, an entire Wild-West-town – the map offers up 16 unique points of interest to explore and fight it out in...

new map looks great .. right now I'm feeling pretty lost in it. It certainly "feels" bigger but it's because I don't know the map yet .. and the terrain is so much more diverse
Any issues with crashing for anyone else? My PC is stable, or so I thought, but tried two rounds of hunt tonight after not playing in months and it crashed to full bios reboot both times. No Windows blue screen, just straight to bios screen. (We detected your computer wasn’t shut up down properly - load bios defaults…)
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Any issues with crashing for anyone else? My PC is stable, or so I thought, but tried two rounds of hunt tonight after not playing in months and it crashed to full bios reboot both times. No Windows blue screen, just straight to bios screen. (We detected your computer wasn’t shit down properly - load bios defaults…)
only time Hunt has crashed on me was from me over tweaking my RAM and once from doing an auto overclock on my old 5700xt's VRAM .. never caused a reboot though .. Hunt's good at showing that your overclocks/tweaks are not as stable as you thought
Hunt Showdown is about to receive four new playable characters as part of the Light the Shadow event (August 25- Sept 22)...these are also the first Native American Hunters, and Crytek decided to acknowledge what happened in the real world to that population, specifically in Louisiana which is where Hunt Showdown is fictionally set...

Hunt Showdown is about to receive four new playable characters as part of the Light the Shadow event (August 25- Sept 22)...these are also the first Native American Hunters, and Crytek decided to acknowledge what happened in the real world to that population, specifically in Louisiana which is where Hunt Showdown is fictionally set...

WTF does that mean "acknowledge what happened in the real world to that population".....if that means what I think it means......thats some bullshit coming from some Germans.