Hunt: Showdown (Crytek)

hmm I'm surprised they put up on steam early access in its current state. I played it 2 days ago and I never saw above 60 fps and movement still feels clunky. game felt unchanged in the last month I've had it. devs putting it up on early access all of a sudden without performance optimization seems like a shady cash grab. no mention of changes in the version that was released to early access.
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game felt fine when I played the alpha...yes it felt janky at times and initial load times were long but overall I had a did get repetitive with the same map and monster also looks bigger then what it actually is
Iv been watching a few streamers play and it looks promising, its on my watch list but i will hold off until its out of early access.

Looks good my Steam bud keeps bringing this game up to me even though it's only in early access.
Dude, I have been loving the shit out of Hunt Showdown.

Just pulled a win.

The game seems fairly janky at the moment. What about this game are you enjoying more than similar titles?
What is janky about it? I have been playing smoothly without much issue. What is awesome about it, is that even your shitty games are great games. Totally enthralling if you use just a bit of tact and strategy. If you go rushing in every time, probably not that fun. I just played a game that lasted over 40 minutes that we lost and it was still incredible satisfying.
Well - Tried a few matches with a friend and the server issues are pretty bad. I figure because it's Saturday night, but we've only had 1 match that didn't disconnect on us.
Yeah, you jumped in the moment that Crytek was doing server reloads.
Two of my friends and I picked up this game and have been trying to play. We've been having a hard time though. There are frequent server issues, but when things are working ok, performance seems to be acceptable. The main problems we are having is that the game starts players too close together. This is a huge map and there are only 5 teams of two that start on the perimeter of the map. Several times, we have run into other players 30 seconds in and die in one shot after waiting 5 minutes for the map to load. We always make sure we are silent and avoid/melee the zombies whenever we can. There is almost 0 incentive to kill the boss monster. Every single time we've started killing the boss, another team has shown up to kill us while we're fighting it. My 2 friends and I have been stuck in this death spiral where we are broke and have the worst hunters with the worst gear. I have killed 2 other hunters while dying 25+ times to them. 90% of the time, it's a single shot that takes me down. We stay off the main path/in the shadows and are always as quiet as possible.
Technical issues are bewildering right now. The client itself runs fine - but the server is constantly having problems.

I agree that some sort of balance needs to be made. I don’t have problems myself, but this game is not forgiving at all. Folks who just aren’t the greatest at shooters are just going to get owned.

One way to fix the death spiral issue is to make hunters cost nothing. If they are standard level 1 hunters.

I’d also kind of agree that the current map is to small for the amount of teams dropped in.
I bought this last week when you posted the discount in hot deals, finally got to play last night. Although I suck, had fun!

We need a [H]unt group! Anyone that doesn't mind playing with a total n00b, add me on steam BalzacLefty.

Also, anyone know of any graphics tweaks for the most recent update to the early access? I'm running an overclocked 8700k, with a 1070; stuck in the 40s, high of like 58 fps which is killing me.
OK, done. Let me see what it is going to take to admin this. Probably will need a bit of help....
I've been playing a lot with some other groups and won a good bit of matches. Game is really fun but most people are terribly bad at this. I'll be around Sunday.
Technical issues are bewildering right now. The client itself runs fine - but the server is constantly having problems.

I agree that some sort of balance needs to be made. I don’t have problems myself, but this game is not forgiving at all. Folks who just aren’t the greatest at shooters are just going to get owned.

One way to fix the death spiral issue is to make hunters cost nothing. If they are standard level 1 hunters.

I’d also kind of agree that the current map is to small for the amount of teams dropped in.

There is no death spiral at all. It takes one round where you pick up all three clues and simply look at the boss (this is brain dead easy even by yourself drunk at 12 fps) and you're back in the money game and your character levels up. You might be playing this wrong?

You should not be going in with the goal to kill anything that isn't a player or the boss. Enemies are your alarms that someone else is near, they shouldn't be killed even with the knife unless you abosolutely have to.
Uh - Yes there is. You can have a number of bad rounds. You only get $25 per clue. Sure, three clues = $75, but most dudes cost $80+, and generally most people are going to be lucky if they find all three clues.

Not to mention i'd say almost 25% of the matches the server bugs out and gives me absolutely nothing at the end of the match.

I'm not having money problems - yet - but low level hunters shouldn't cost anything.
Uh - Yes there is. You can have a number of bad rounds. You only get $25 per clue. Sure, three clues = $75, but most dudes cost $80+, and generally most people are going to be lucky if they find all three clues.

Not to mention i'd say almost 25% of the matches the server bugs out and gives me absolutely nothing at the end of the match.

I'm not having money problems - yet - but low level hunters shouldn't cost anything.

This is again nonsense.

Most hunters are well under 100, those that are above tend to be extremely potent that have all sorts of extra gear you'd normally buy after your first few rounds. Furthermore it is damn easy to get all three clues if you are trying to avoid engagements, ditto for just peaking the boss and going. Death is really only something to worry about if you are playing sloppy, seeking a fight, or rush the boss.

There is to much cash flowing, too easy to level up a character, and the consequences of dying aren't worth worrying about as is right now.

Why not just say free guns and maxed out people as well?
This is again nonsense.

Most hunters are well under 100, those that are above tend to be extremely potent that have all sorts of extra gear you'd normally buy after your first few rounds. Furthermore it is damn easy to get all three clues if you are trying to avoid engagements, ditto for just peaking the boss and going. Death is really only something to worry about if you are playing sloppy, seeking a fight, or rush the boss.

There is to much cash flowing, too easy to level up a character, and the consequences of dying aren't worth worrying about as is right now.

Why not just say free guns and maxed out people as well?

Stop being such a drama queen.

We played for a week and have stopped playing. Most of us are down to less than $100 at this point due to a number of bad matches.

No, most hunters are not well under $100. You get maybe one at $60 if you’re lucky. They are all typically $75+.

This combined with matches where the server screws up and you get nothing even if it was a good match - this game isn’t going to last if they don’t fix some issues. Played a match where we killed 3 other teams, the boss, and died before extraction - nothing back. Server screwed up, and $96 hunter down the drain.

It also doesn’t help that just about everyone is camping clues now.
Stop being such a drama queen.

We played for a week and have stopped playing. Most of us are down to less than $100 at this point due to a number of bad matches.

No, most hunters are not well under $100. You get maybe one at $60 if you’re lucky. They are all typically $75+.

This combined with matches where the server screws up and you get nothing even if it was a good match - this game isn’t going to last if they don’t fix some issues. Played a match where we killed 3 other teams, the boss, and died before extraction - nothing back. Server screwed up, and $96 hunter down the drain.

It also doesn’t help that just about everyone is camping clues now.

Both 60 and 75 are well under 100. These numbers are recoupable even with a bad match (two clues and a couple must have AI kills is a bad game).

A single decent match with three clues + spot the monster puts you back in the game completely. A match where you take out several people puts you solidly in the gold, and after a few good runs with a character having 1000+ in the bank is expected.

The game is about camping and avoiding contacts. There is no way around that.

Maybe this just isn't the game for you? I don't know anyone who's playing it who's had any problems maintain a bank balance, most people have money flowing left right and center.
The game is about camping and avoiding contacts. There is no way around that.
That I am not sure of. Certainly it is an element of the game, but it is not what the game is about.

I did get a horribly bad beat this weekend playing with my daughter. We got all the clues, killed the Butcher, got the bounty and made our way to the extract. We NEVER heard another soul on the map through the entire match. Going into extract, we pulled a wide circle to come up to the extract point "from behind." Got into the back of the extract point, which was the pontoon boat, got in between the rear pontoons, and both of us were headshotted from behind in a couple seconds. It was a 100% camp by another team that did nothing but camp the extract, I am almost 100% sure of. On one hand, I should have taken more time to secure extract, but on the other it was a bullshit kill/loss. I have been killed at extract before, but this one really gave me a negative feeling about the game for the first time. I think something needs to be done in the game mechanics to address this somehow. That said, I will surely play again. But this did sour me a bit. Also, it will make me a better player next time. :)
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There is currently no incentive to do anything besides camp.

I don’t find it fun sitting in one place for 30 minutes.

I’ll creep around the map killing people, but ultimately I’m loosing too much to server glitches at this point to continue playing.

The inordinately long load times don’t help either.
I have changed my play style up a little and have been having a lot more success. While I hope they fix some of the gameplay issues from my last post, I am working around them for now. I now refuse to try and kill the boss's unless I'm sure everyone is dead. I'll just collect my clues and maybe peak in on the boss before extracting. I've switched to playing exclusively night maps which help hide me better. The dual bounty maps give me more opportunities to find clues/peak bosses. In my last 10 matches, I think I've been killed twice and have killed probably 7 other hunters. I've gotten back up to around $600 and have been able to purchase more items without fear of losing them.

I still wish I could play the game the way I would like to, which is to find the clues, kill the boss, extract the bounty. Maybe a PVE mode where everything is harder but you don't have to worry about other hunters camping you.
I have changed my play style up a little and have been having a lot more success. While I hope they fix some of the gameplay issues from my last post, I am working around them for now. I now refuse to try and kill the boss's unless I'm sure everyone is dead. I'll just collect my clues and maybe peak in on the boss before extracting. I've switched to playing exclusively night maps which help hide me better. The dual bounty maps give me more opportunities to find clues/peak bosses. In my last 10 matches, I think I've been killed twice and have killed probably 7 other hunters. I've gotten back up to around $600 and have been able to purchase more items without fear of losing them.

I still wish I could play the game the way I would like to, which is to find the clues, kill the boss, extract the bounty. Maybe a PVE mode where everything is harder but you don't have to worry about other hunters camping you.

Yeah - straight up coop/pve mode is desperately needed.

They could also do something cool where you try to race other teams in killing the boss/extracting. That or make it so you still fight other players, but there is no reward for killing them.
There is currently no incentive to do anything besides camp.

I don’t find it fun sitting in one place for 30 minutes.

I’ll creep around the map killing people, but ultimately I’m loosing too much to server glitches at this point to continue playing.

The inordinately long load times don’t help either.
I like to go out and hunt other teams as well, but that is just me. :)
Yeah - straight up coop/pve mode is desperately needed.
Actually, I do not think I would be drawn to that much. Too repetitive. Just took in two rounds at lunch, had a GREAT TIME with my son. Got killed the first round (did get in one other team kill), bailed out the second as we were down on health and the team that was holding the boss-point was well equipped, very aggressive, and doing their best to bait teams in.
I have wondered that. If you run out of cash and have no hunter is the game "unplayable" at that point?
I have wondered that. If you run out of cash and have no hunter is the game "unplayable" at that point?
No, you still get hunters. I ditched out to $0 when I first started playing. Have $2K today. My kill/death ratio is still horrible, but the rest of my stats are solid. Playing with a bunch of noobs does not help much either. I have to stop that shit. Just kidding rgMekanic Playing higher level games lately with low level hunters had jacked me a bit. Need to invest in a better rifle. Shot a sumbitch 3 times at lunch and did not put him down.

Can't get into a damn server tonight. Some of you bastards get killed and off please. ;)
I have changed my play style up a little and have been having a lot more success. While I hope they fix some of the gameplay issues from my last post, I am working around them for now. I now refuse to try and kill the boss's unless I'm sure everyone is dead. I'll just collect my clues and maybe peak in on the boss before extracting. I've switched to playing exclusively night maps which help hide me better. The dual bounty maps give me more opportunities to find clues/peak bosses. In my last 10 matches, I think I've been killed twice and have killed probably 7 other hunters. I've gotten back up to around $600 and have been able to purchase more items without fear of losing them.

I still wish I could play the game the way I would like to, which is to find the clues, kill the boss, extract the bounty. Maybe a PVE mode where everything is harder but you don't have to worry about other hunters camping you.

Missed this one. When you go to kill the boss one player should solo it, the bosses aren't very hard at all, pretty damn easy, they just take time. This can work to your advantage if you set someone up close to the boss and hit and run from them back to the boss. Your partner never goes after the boss, they simply wait for someone to try and creep up on and reap the kills. You can use the sound of the boss fight as a lure to trap someone else.
The load times and server issues affect everyone and they often announce when they are bringing them down.

If you don't like sitting this might not be the game for you. If you want to kill people the best way to do this is to make a bee line for another spawn right off the map and take them out there. I'd also advise doing the maps that carry both the spider and the butcher at night, there is more combat there and a hell of a lot more clues. The game is more hectic this way and tends to syphon players into two areas. This can get you out of the waiting game. Plus the reduced range of night and dead effective flash of the rifle really hits the waiting game hard.

It's also the best way to turbo level up a player. You can crack out a bunch of clues, get a few cheap zombie kills, a player kill or a revive and then pow... you've got enough to get your character some health and a trait. You can rush two rounds like this at night to get a player where it needs to be and have some cash to play with.

Server drop times are often annouced

This is the nature of it. You can bottom out and then be up a few thousand a few hours later. The sparks is amazing.

You are far too apologetic for the sad state of the servers.

I'm not even talking about server drops. I'm talking about the game simply not recording what you did.
You are far too apologetic for the sad state of the servers.

I'm not even talking about server drops. I'm talking about the game simply not recording what you did.

It's an early access game, this is to be expected. Also everyone is dealing with it.
Cool game but I suck at it big time is first contact PVP or just hunting NPCs? I think I'll have my Steam friend to help me out before I'm down to zero cash.


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This game loads really slow even on a SSD due the the syncing of the game Warface is the same way takes alot of time to sync in.
So I did a mission with my steam buddy fun stuff didn't get the boss the map so dark but he knew his way though the entire map couldn't get my mic to work.
This game is hardcore when other players start whistling bullets past you =)


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Extracted for the first time finally got some more Health bars it takes like 10 minutes for a game to start something is buggy. Still haven't killed a Boss...Originally this game was suppose to be a Left for Dead clone called Horrors if the Guilded Age.


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Fought the Butcher didn't kill him but Killed the spiders collecting other peoples bounties is evil unless they killed them already.
I was down to 6 cash but after two matches I'm back up to 700 took me a while to get used to the game I'm going to switch Shift close up aim to my side mouse buttons.
Man this game is a griefer camper simulator but instead of respawning you are dead for good.
People going all Call of Duty in this game they should have a single player mode but that would take out the fun.
Still in early access anything can change.