How old r u?

How old r u?

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16, 17 in october. just got driver's license - be afraid. be very afraid.

folding (off and on mostly) since 2003 or so. before the purge at the very least.
SmokeRngs said:
I'm 26 for a little under two weeks yet. Damn, at the beginning of this thread I was wondering if there was going to be anyone to post in the thread that was older than me. I know there are plenty that are older but I was wondering if they were going to post in here. ;)

Older, wiser, and not afraid to post our ages.

My daughter starts college in 6 weeks. WOW! hard to believe it. Time for the house to get quieter. 13 year old son still at home to make some noise.
Scorpionjwp said:
26 years old and I am already considered an uncle on my mother side of her family.
Heh I was an uncle at 9. My 17 yr old brother had a baby. 22 here, 23 in 33 days.

Heh, I'm 16. Just turned 16 exactly one day less than a month ago. So tomorrow, I will be 16 and a month. I feel young. :p
Will be 33 in two weeks. I feel older than I look. BillR, what's it going to be like when I hit 90? ;)
unhappy_mage said:
What, no 8 year olds yet?

I'm 19. I enjoy long walks on the beach, candle lit dinners and

Whoops, wrong forum. :eek:


Oh wait, this is the wrong forum. Just ignore it. :p

KodiakStar said:

that would be marty. :)

quarter of a century here...

The first freaking post you start this crap...ohh wait I just posted about crap... man theirs alot of crap around here all thanks to KodiakStar, or me or.... my head hurts.

29, I think
39 and have decided no more birthdays!

I just started folding for [H] a while back (under Black_Cat) and am almost to 5k. My Ex came and stole my second box, so it isn't too much, but every little bit helps. I wish I could move my old points from Suhdian :D
haroldmeyer said:
I'm probably one of the oldest [H] rs on the planet at 56.

And I'll do my part to move the centerpoint of the graph. 49 years next month, ya whippersnappers! :D

Old enough to know better,
still too young to care,
tired enough not to give a damn either way... :p

pageian said:

Oh wait, this is the wrong forum. Just ignore it. :p

lol, and CONGRATS ON THE 2 million!!!!!!!

It's so weird to think that ppl as old as my dad are on here, but It's kinda cool. It's good to have cool old ppl, like this 40 year old guy at walmart that bought me Unreal Tourniment 2004, since I was under 18 :p (I paid for it tho). Man the internet is great for bringing ppl together ~tear~

35 here. I only feel old when I notice how old my kids are getting. :)

jebo_4jc said:
Heh I was an uncle at 9. My 17 yr old brother had a baby. 22 here, 23 in 33 days.

Got that beat. My brother-in-law was an uncle the day he was born to my three year old daughter.

17 right now. I'll be turning 18 in October.
I'm 22. I just got back from Hawaii too. It was fun.

Hopefully I'll get this job I'm looking at. Otherwise I don't know what I'm gonna do for 2 months.

Just turned 20 a couple of weeks back. Now everyone pitch in and sing. Oh, and buy me some boxen as gifts. :D
KodiakStar said:
OMG u R s0 funn3h!!!11!!!1!!!
ATI r0x0rz!!!
You said it!

19 years young here, although I probably act older then most of the 30+ year olds.
Man, I really have to get this 19 year old college stereo type out of my mind when I talk on IRC :eek:

Viper87227 said:
will be 18 in two weeks....can't wait.

This one fooled me the most.

I feel older than I am........but I still slide into that 21-30 for a little while :eek:
Hey Viper...don't hurry'll come, faster and faster. Then you'll look up and see you are old. Enjoy the few weeks you have left until you are 100% liable for everything!!
OhSoCheesy said:
Hey Viper...don't hurry'll come, faster and faster. Then you'll look up and see you are old. Enjoy the few weeks you have left until you are 100% liable for everything!!
yet we still can't buy alcohol at 18 :(. it makes no sense, we can join the army, we can vote, we are held responsible for all our actions, but we can't buy alcohol...
compslckr said:
yet we still can't buy alcohol at 18 :(. it makes no sense, we can join the army, we can vote, we are held responsible for all our actions, but we can't buy alcohol...

Only in America, which is why I had my 18th birthday a few weeks ago out of the country. =] I've also discovered that 7-11 type places, in SoCal at least, can't check the validity of a passport. Time to bust out the magic markers and ink pens!
Shadowchild said:
Only in America, which is why I had my 18th birthday a few weeks ago out of the country. =] I've also discovered that 7-11 type places, in SoCal at least, can't check the validity of a passport. Time to bust out the magic markers and ink pens!

Military ID was the best. People would never flip them over :rolleyes:
Leon2ky said:
I'm 18 :D. Been building PC's since I was 10 :D
I started programming (qbasic :p) when I was around 8. Didn't get into hardware till a lil l8r. I remember my first computer...486DX2 mhz... ahhh the good ole days...

Hey compslckr,
I turned 18 in Feb and was able to drink. They changed the law that year so that by September I was no longer able to drink (they changed it to 19). Go figure. Ok today, not ok tomorrow. BTW, I'm a liquor salesman so this is something I deal with every day. Write your congressman...they do listen most of the time!
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