How do you pronounce SLI

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rcolbert said:
I think the more important ( :rolleyes: ) question is how do you pronounce SATA?

I think "saytah" drives sound as retarded as "sly" graphics.
Yeah, once I heard Kyle say that at Quakecon 2003, I went with that, and man was it nice to think of and say "saytah" rather than "S - A.T.A."
hell i dont even say serial ATA..i just say serial ( seeing how the original serial port no one uses) when i say a HDD on serial...everyone knows what im talking about
I actually say SATA as in

"I just broke my fuggin' SAT-AH connector on my WD Raptor!!! WTF do I do?"
(true story about last night)

SATA is bad design.
Cabn12 said:
I dont want to start another thread but then how is ASUS supposed to be pronounced? is it AY-sus or AH-sus

HAY-sus sounds pretty good so why dont we go with that. :D
Who the hell doesn't say "sayta"?

But if you pronounce SLI "sly", you might as well fucking say "owl" for AOL.

EDIT: OMFG, I just saw "assus" up there. :mad: Worst thread evar.
I dont get the SATA is "sayta"

Its Serial A-T-A

If you really wanted to say SATA as a word then do it right... its either SayTay or SahTah

You have 2 A's so pronounce them the same.... because they are in the same part of the word.
The "s" has its own meaning - Serial
The ATA is one part too - its the Interface
Well since SATA is an acronym, then if people are going to agree on a nickname for it, it can be anything the people decide on. Hence, why choose something as gay as "sah-tah" or "say-tay"? Jesus.

Plus, if you remember from elementary school, the first A is hard because there's only one T, and the last A is soft since it's just alone there at the end of the word. So "sayta" is actually the correct pronunciation, whether you like it or not.

And the reason for using a nick is because "Serial ATA" is 6 goddamn syllables, so why not cut out two thirds of the work and just say "SATA"?

P.S. "Gay" used as a popular euphemism, not to offend homosexuals.
mavalpha said:
Good point, sorry. Got mixed up again.
SOL (regional)
V-TEC (Like CD-ROM?)

Weird one: GTO

I think I got it!! We say RAM and ROM as "ramm" and "romm" because it has a consonant, a vowel and another consonant. anyone think of any exceptions?
serbiaNem said:
How about nvidia? is it n vidia or nvidia(short n)? and JPG, Jaypeg or J-P-G? Sayta is how i pronounce is. Scuba.. PNG is is ping? How about prt, is it part? EXE is eeks? And for the record, sly maybe wrong, but it sounds pretty damn cool.

eeks???? hahahahahha..... ROFFLE!
zeplar said:
I can't get used to saying URL, ACL, or VoIP as words. TANSTAAFL is always fun to say though. I often hear the X in Office X and Mac OS X as a number as well as a letter. Or even Mac OS ex ten point three.

When i first saw VoIP I jokingly called it "vwopp" :D but seriously I think i would say V O I P or "voice over IP"
Cabn12 said:
I dont want to start another thread but then how is ASUS supposed to be pronounced? is it AY-sus or AH-sus

Now this is a good one. I always say AY-suss (like bus) but i downloaded a video of a presentation or something and the guy said uh-SOOS (like juice) but I still call it AY-suss and so do all my friends.
wow we have an 9 page thread on pronunciation.... oh well
sku-zi :cool:
Hehe, this thread rocks. I once got into an argument with someone over the chipset manufacturer SIS. Is it S-I-S or just sis (Like sis-ter)?

Well no matter how you pronounce it.

It's pretty "Sly" how Nvidia reintroduced a way to make a lot of HW freaks buy 2 video cards instead of 1.

Warrior said:
its what they call a Acronym.. like MSN..or AOL now i havnt heard anyone pronounce thoes as :p

A lot of acronyms in the computer world arent said letter-by-letter, take GUI for example-- pronounced "gooey". Or GNU (which is actually a reverse acronym that stands for GNUs Not Unix) which is pronounced "GAH-NOO".
inotocracy said:
A lot of acronyms in the computer world arent said letter-by-letter, take GUI for example-- pronounced "gooey". Or GNU (which is actually a reverse acronym that stands for GNUs Not Unix) which is pronounced "GAH-NOO".
i said that like a week ago..i was answering his question..... dont got to show off...
Narayan said:
What about TCP/IP? Some technicians here have a nasty habit of calling it "tsipi" :rolleyes:

In 20 years of IT I've never heard a tech say it that way, you've got to be kidding me :)

Maybe a tech wannabe, but certainly not someone I'd hire to work in my organization.
mach1nehead said:
I think I got it!! We say RAM and ROM as "ramm" and "romm" because it has a consonant, a vowel and another consonant. anyone think of any exceptions?

FAQ I commonly hear both ways. SAP and SOL I spell out.

Regarding TCP/IP, can't say I've heard anyone try to say it as a word. I've heard general users rhyme IP with sip, and spell out MAC, though.
HAHA! This thread cracks me up.

sly? hahaha.
say-ta? hahaha. Do you say pay-ta for Parallel ATA or just eh-ta for ATA?

Seriously, unless it's otherwise noted, you always say the abbreviation. Very rarely do new terms become words. Converting abbreviations into words was an old 80's nerd thing to do for humor, like "scuzzy". Like "these new drives are so scuzzy" - play on words.

Acronyms we say as words: FUBAR, NASA, ROM, SCSI...

I think "S L I" when I see it.

As for PATA and SATA, when I see them in print, I think pattah and sattah, but when using the concepts in speech, I say "E I D E and serial A T A"
zeplar said:
FAQ I commonly hear both ways. SAP and SOL I spell out.

Regarding TCP/IP, can't say I've heard anyone try to say it as a word. I've heard general users rhyme IP with sip, and spell out MAC, though.

I agree about FAQ SAP and SOL especially. It's also much more likely to be spelled out if it is a real word, too. (SAP, RAM, MAC, FAT) and VIA, not sure if that's actually an acronym or not.
Alright, I've had enough of this shit. This crap about being a noobie or under 14 years old if you pronounce it as sly. Give me a break. :mad:
SLI was introduced about 7 years ago and then with AGP it gradually went away. The fact of the matter is I had two voodoo 2's in SLI when they came out. I got in the habit of calling it sly and that's what stuck with me. It doesn't make me a noobie or unknowledgeable about computers. The truth is I have been in the IT field for over 4 years and have built several computers for around 8 years. The rebirth of SLI has begun because of PCI Express which got me thinking how to properly pronounce SLI. I thought it would be interesting to start a topic about SLI because I knew other tech acronyms are pronounced as words. Like RAM, ROM, DOS, NIC, GUI, and SCSI. So why not SLI? Yes, I know, 3DFX and NVIDIA pronounce it as S.L.I. I now know how to properly pronounce SLI thanks to a bunch of dick heads. Cut me some slack! This post has brought up some very interesting views and opinions. I think most of us have learned something from this post. Alright, I'm done with my spiel.
Warrior said:
i said that like a week ago..i was answering his question..... dont got to show off...

Sorry, didn't feel like reading through the entire thread-- I started in when it was already 9 pages deep. Didn't meen to steal your e-penis :rolleyes:
Hey Trex, try not to let it get to you. As pointless as some people have found this thread, I actually find it interesting. People talk differently. What's pop to one person is a soda to me. I say S.L.I. and serial-ATA by the way. Don't see why they can't be pronounced as words though. If I heard them pronounced as words regularly, I probably would too. I just like to go with the flow.
postalcop said:
Hey Trex, try not to let it get to you. As pointless as some people have found this thread, I actually find it interesting. People talk differently. What's pop to one person is a soda to me. I say S.L.I. and serial-ATA by the way. Don't see why they can't be pronounced as words though. If I heard them pronounced as words regularly, I probably would too. I just like to go with the flow.

Hey TRex, I'd fire you if you worked for me and you said Sly and satay. If people are such fookin' ignorant arseholes who don't know how to pronounce stuff, I'd fire their useless arses for being stupid.

Satay and Sly. Hahah to you rookies who don't know the difference. Go back to school. Kids these days, disgusting.

MrDigital said:
Hey TRex, I'd fire you if you worked for me and you said Sly and satay. If people are such fookin' ignorant arseholes who don't know how to pronounce stuff, I'd fire their useless arses for being stupid.

Satay and Sly. Hahah to you rookies who don't know the difference. Go back to school. Kids these days, disgusting.


Originally Posted by MrDigital
Hey TRex, I'd fire you if you worked for me and you said Sly and satay. If people are such fookin' ignorant arseholes who don't know how to pronounce stuff, I'd fire their useless arses for being stupid.

Satay and Sly. Hahah to you rookies who don't know the difference. Go back to school. Kids these days, disgusting.


Here we go again. :rolleyes:
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