How do you pronounce SLI

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I've never even considered calling it anything but S-L-I. If brent (who talks to nvidia reps) calls it S-L-I that's good enough for me. I guess I would laugh if I ever heard any one say "SLY"
pronoucing it sly is easier for me opposed to saying s.l.i. as long as people can recognize what i'm referring to its enough for me.
My friend's dad works at nvidia. He pronounces it S L I

He was impressed that I knew about turbocache, features of the geforce 6 series, nforce 4, etc. He's not an engineer or a pr person or anything. He's in charge of yields(and no I didn't ask him any questions about that)
I must say, I don not pronounce C.I.A as "seeya".

By the way, "Slye" is not a word, "sly", is.

I could see why you would pronounce S.L.I as "sly", but to be honest, that makes it sound like you have no idea what you're talking about. Like when announcers pronounce things wrong on the TV or radio.
I'm pretty sure most people pronounce it S. L. I. but there are always those nonconformists calling it "sly" and what not. :)
Warrior said:
some people pronounce .gif and like gift or jiff i personaly this jiff is for crackheads..and if you havnt thought of it..there is a war on how linux is pronounce..and the acualy way its pronounce is the retarded way of saying it ..( linus (from peanuts) NUX ( as is ducks) LinuX)...take it from me..this war will go on forever about how to pronounce the simplest things...

I've always said it like you say linen, and I think that's the commonly accepted pronunciation.
Actually an abbreviation is when you shorten a single word (e.g. etcetera = etc.)

That concludes today's advanced English lesson :D
Um, "et cetera" is actually two words meaning, literally, "and the rest."

And according to, an abbreviation is:
A shortened form of a word or phrase used chiefly in writing to represent the complete form
Their example is "Mass." for Massachusetts
By contrast, an acronym:
A word formed from the initial letters of a name... or by combining initial letters or parts of a series of words (Radar for RAdio Detecting And Ranging)
Gillette said:
You know that radar wasn't a word before it was turned into an acronym right :rolleyes:
I'd seconded that thinking abt *LASER* too.

Then I looked up the M-W dic. Here is the def. :

Main Entry: ac·ro·nym
Pronunciation: 'a-kr&-"nim
Function: noun
Etymology: acr- + -onym
: a word (as NATO, radar, or snafu) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term; also : an abbreviation (as FBI) formed from initial letters : INITIALISM

Well, spine may be right after all.....
Warrior said:
got SLI in your dictionary? :D
LOL...a good question! :D
Guys, you know language is an ever-changing thing and very flexible with pronunciations and grammar. As in Taxas, ppl tend to call the Internet *Internets*. Bush said it during one of his debates with John Kerry. So SLI really could go both ways depending on personal preference. This dicussion is very educating as well as entertaining. However, I doubt its going anywhere meaning reaching a definitive agreement on how SLI should be pronounced.

Im taking Computer Linguistics and found something amusing in ambiguities of our beloved English language:

ex1 - Ban on Nude Dancing on Governor's Desk
ex2 - Teacher Strikes Idle kids
ex3 - Stolen Painting Found by Tree
ex4 - Obesity Study Looks for Larger Test Group
ex5 - Hospitals Are Sued by 7 foot Doctors

:D ;)
there are some acronyms that are actually not spoken by individual letters.
Like scsi , noone.. (atleast the people i know) says S-C-S-I. it's just scuzzy.
But SLI, is just S-L-I..

It is a bit funny if you try to phrase those wordings to an actual word.
Like when you try to say usa. (ooo-saah) :D

Don't mind me, it's late and I've been working crazy hours w/o sleep.
And the caffeine pills i've been popping like skittles don't help either.
shoes said:
I could see why you would pronounce S.L.I as "sly", but to be honest, that makes it sound like you have no idea what you're talking about.

DING, DING, DING!! Give that man a cigar! You're exactly right.

It IS pronounced "ess ell eye" and "sly" or "slee" is simply wrong. Of course, people can pronounce it wrong if they want to. People are wrong all the time. Mispronunciations are easy when you get everything from books or the Web. Verbal interaction with other humans can make the whole thing problematic, though. :D
Gillette said:
You know that radar wasn't a word before it was turned into an acronym right :rolleyes:
spine said:
An acronym is when an abbreviation forms a new word which you say as such e.g. RADAR. When you just pronounce each individual letter (as with S.L.I.) then it's simply an abbreviation
(added emphasis).

On the other hand, "scuzzy" never sounded right to me.
i remember talking to someone about sql server and he proudly corrected me.

'man, people in the industry dont say S Q L, we say sequal(or more like sequel) server' i have no idea why we pronounce them as 'scuzzi' but..i guess scuzzi it is..
This thread is turning into exactly what I thought it would. Some people judge intelligence by pronunciation and that is the most Retarded thing ever. Much more retarded than saying Sly instead of S.L.I
DizzySHK said:
i remember talking to someone about sql server and he proudly corrected me.

'man, people in the industry dont say S Q L, we say sequal(or more like sequel) server' i have no idea why we pronounce them as 'scuzzi' but..i guess scuzzi it is..
Debatable. I know a senior DBA working for Gillette and I've heard him saying both S Q L and sequal in different contexts...*sequal* has nothing to do with a *Structured Query Language* aftr all. Know what? We could only find out by asking Dr. Codd who came up with this wonderful relational DB idea and is now 6 feet under or 60,000 feet above ...whichever.
i don't consider it a word rofl

I usually just spell out acronyms
Most 3 letter abbreviations tend to become initialisms and are pronounced as such. When you have 4 or more letters you then tend to get acronyms.

This isn't a rule as such, just the way things work out usually. I can't think of a counter example right now though. Except for "etc" which isn't actually an initialism just an abbreviation.

So it pobably IS S.L.I. and not 'sly'. If I remember rightly, 3dfx coined the term as "S.L.I." and even though nvidia's thing is actually something else, I think they're obviously going for the same term for nastalgia/fan appeal.

Anyone saying "sly" probably doesn't own an S.L.I. setup :p
spine said:
...This isn't a rule as such, just the way things work out usually. I can't think of a counter example right now though. Except for "etc" which isn't actually an initialism just an abbreviation...
Enough? Took me about ten seconds. (Not being rude, just pointing out that there are plenty of TLAs that are spelled rather than pronounced.)
mavalpha said:
Enough? Took me about ten seconds. (Not being rude, just pointing out that there are plenty of TLAs that are spelled rather than pronounced.)

I think that you are trying to prove the exact point that he was making.
Brent_Justice said:
here is one that will freak you out :p


No problem. That's CD-ROM. The hyphen goes between the "see-dee" and "rahm" to make the distinction.
dariob said:
I think that you are trying to prove the exact point that he was making.
Good point, sorry. Got mixed up again.
SOL (regional)
V-TEC (Like CD-ROM?)

Weird one: GTO
rcolbert said:
No problem. That's CD-ROM. The hyphen goes between the "see-dee" and "rahm" to make the distinction.

i know, but just the fact you have a seperate spelling AND a word in the same thing :D
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