
Wot I Think: Hitman Episode One.
Wot I Think: Hitman Episode One

I am like the author. After stacking bodies in a game for 15 minutes, I'm less likely to experiment with trying new things. Saving and starting over is cheating in my opinion. With that said...

Let the bodies hit the floor!
Wot I Think: Hitman Episode One.
Wot I Think: Hitman Episode One

I am like the author. After stacking bodies in a game for 15 minutes, I'm less likely to experiment with trying new things. Saving and starting over is cheating in my opinion. With that said...

Let the bodies hit the floor!

The review sounds pretty good. If the reviewer spent approx 12 hours on the first episode alone then multiply that by 6(?) episodes, we are probably looking at approx 70 hours of dev content + player content which of pretty good deal for $45 at GMG for the complete game IMO.

With the scale and sizeable crowds I can see why AMD is using Async a lot! ;)
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Check your order history, you probably pre-ordered the Intro Pack, which is the $14.99 version.

This is the same page as the one I linked when the price was $14.99. Note the prices, I am saving $45.
hitman-2016-Amazon Order screenshot.jpg
It's getting real. Just received my Steam key from GMG for Full Experience...preloading on Steam now. :)
It's probably just the first episode, unless Amazon messed up on it's pricing.
I click on the link in my order details and it goes to the $59.99 version, which is the only version they sell for the PC Download. The Intro Pack is only available for the Xbox One and PS4 via Amazon.

That Amazon page only had it for $14.99 for 1 day, then it went back to $59.99. I think it was the same day they announced the $14.99 intro pack.
Thinking about picking it up from cdkeys.com....~$42 there. I HOPE this is a return to the older games because the disguise system in Absolution was garbage.
The Chuckle Brothers Play Real Life Hitman

Before watching this make sure that all beverages are safely secured.
I played for 10 minutes. Apparently you aren't supposed to kill everyone you see.
Looks like reviews are coming in around 7/10 which is not bad, but not as good as I'd hoped...is this a lot more like Blood Money or are we looking at another Absolution situation?
Just got it installed. So this is the first DX12 title? Anyone using DX12 and see any difference? Am about to try it with my rig...Hope it doesn't burn up my video cards :cry:
can't even log online into the servers....Settings weren't saved that I put to ultra prior to launching game.....Man..I hope this wasn't a waste of money..
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On DX11 getting approx 52 FPS on average at 1080 at Ultra settings + everything at highest.

Getting approx 45 FPS on average at 1080 at Ultra settings + everything at highest on DX12. Having some texture popping.

This is on only 1x 280x card. I can't get Crossfire working even if the drivers say it should be working unfortunately...

Guess I'm playing in DX11, better overall smoothness.
can't even log online into the servers....Settings weren't saved that I put to ultra prior to launching game.....Man..I hope this wasn't a waste of money..

It worked for me this afternoon. Same problem now. First day on the new game means they are probably getting slammed and just weren't ready for the hit. Hopefully it's a short lived issue.
Some of the Steam reviews are not very promising...apparently it's always online and if you lose connection it boots you from the game without saving?
Well I finally connected online and got to play for 2 minutes with DX12 running. As soon as I boarded the yacht.....My game froze and I had to control/alt/delete...lame

Relaunched using DX11 and at least the Afterburner OSD works now. Pretty shitty FPS with my rig. I know I'm at 4k, but with everything maxed, I can barely stay in the 40's. Also, there is some weird memory leak issue where my FPS tanked into the low 20's and I was in this tiny bathroom disposing of a body..... Wasn't like I was outside in the massive open world with a lot of rendering goin on.....Also my scaling on SLI is only hitting in the 80's with the main card....Seems like the same old shit....Maybe have to put the game away till they throw some patches our way...
I love it. It feels so much like Blood Money and what Absolution should have been. I could see myself playing through the maps we have so far several times over before I even get started on the contracts system, there's so many ways to acheive the kills.
That disconnect thing is stupid as all hell. Just make it so you can't do achievements and challenges if not connected or something. Booting me right after I wacked the guy and was looking for the exit...omgwtfbbq
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the always online drm is a joke and so many negative reviews about that if u play and sudden network error it kicks u off, no saving no nothing so fuck that aint gonna buy it.
I love it. It feels so much like Blood Money and what Absolution should have been. I could see myself playing through the maps we have so far several times over before I even get started on the contracts system, there's so many ways to acheive the kills.

The meat and potatoes on this game: I totally agree. The game itself is awesome. I'm very happy with it.

But then we have these kinds of issues that are unecessary impediments:

That disconnect thing is stupid as all hell. Just make it so you can't do achievements and challenges if not connected or something. Booting me right after I wacked the guy and was looking for the exit...omgwtfbbq


the always online drm is a joke and so many negative reviews about that if u play and sudden network error it kicks u off, no saving no nothing so fuck that aint gonna buy it.

^^ These issues are getting in the way of a very good game.

What's strange is: The game creates two types of saves. "Online" saves and "offline" saves depending on that situation. It isn't "no saves" entirely but it's a bad setup that they just shouldn't have done. I don't know if they can fix it or adjust it now but if they can? They really should. Ideally they need to shitcan that outright.

I just don't get this DRM thing. If you put a game out on Steam or some other setup that really should be enough.

The other quibble I have is the auto save feature. Sometimes it kicks in and creates a few seconds of some absurd hitching. I think it may have even CTD'd me one time.

As for the game itself I am happy with it. It's better than Absolution...it's tilting back in the direction of Blood Money broadly speaking.

I wasn't playing a game that looked this good back in 2008 and I've played it a lot longer than 10 minutes ;) ... there are some occasional physics issues still on dragging bodies in certain situations but it's better than the beta...

I think if this game had come out instead of Absolution there would have been better all around sentiment and I would see a Hitman thread now that would be a lot bigger and more active than this.

My hunch is that this episodic release concept might bite them in the ass and they would have been better off just bringing out the full game either into the summer or part of the Holiday 2016 release cycle. We'll see.

Full game or episodic setup is irrelevant in regards to the above annoyances that I've cited. They need to fix it pronto.

As communicative as IO was during the alpha and beta phase I have to say I'm mystified they implemented this kind of setup for this. There were seas of complaints coming off of Absolution about the DRM and "don't marry us to the Internet." The complaints happening now are exactly what people didn't want and dreaded.

Get on it, IO.
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Managed to snag an AMD code and get this for a decent price.

First impressions are not great. I ran both benchmarks and DX11 vs DX12 was zero difference. I tried to run the game in DX12 mode and it CTDs immediately when it's trying to load the main menu. DX11 seems to work okay.

Not using "exclusive fullscreen" causes unplayable framerates. Even with exclusive fullscreen, the framerates are okay until you get near a mirror, in which case it becomes utterly unplayable (like sub-15 FPS). No idea what is going on there.

Supposedly my GPUs are both at ~95% utilization but I'm just not seeing it given the performance. Seems to be some major issues with this one...hopefully they can get them fixed soon because the gameplay seems good so far.
Managed to snag an AMD code and get this for a decent price.

First impressions are not great. I ran both benchmarks and DX11 vs DX12 was zero difference. I tried to run the game in DX12 mode and it CTDs immediately when it's trying to load the main menu. DX11 seems to work okay.

Not using "exclusive fullscreen" causes unplayable framerates. Even with exclusive fullscreen, the framerates are okay until you get near a mirror, in which case it becomes utterly unplayable (like sub-15 FPS). No idea what is going on there.

Supposedly my GPUs are both at ~95% utilization but I'm just not seeing it given the performance. Seems to be some major issues with this one...hopefully they can get them fixed soon because the gameplay seems good so far.

Full screen is basically borderless mode and exclusive is full screen. I always get shit performance on borderless mode so I keep it at true full screen which is exclusive fs in this game...

And how do you think I feel? My 980 Ti's at 4k are getting shit performance at only about 45-55 FPS. My main card only hits like 85% usage....