Hit a Folding (Stanford) milestone? Post it here:

You blew by me, and didn't even bother to wave.... :(

Late wave :p Since I used Ubuntu64 natively with Linux SMP, i've been racking points so fast. I added a C2D laptop yesterday and it will give me the first result tonight for another boost.

EDIT : I also broke the 2500 ppd barrier o_O
Finally made it into the top 25 of the Horde today :) Working on top 20 in the next month. Trying [H]ard to catch Tigerbiten :)
Nice job man... at my pace, I'll never hit a million:(

Thanks, I think you'll be surprised at how it adds up over time, it's like what they tell you if you're trying to lose weight, don't look at the scale daily ;)

Although, you get addicted so you end up checking it every three hours...
I just broke the 100,000 barrier, hopefully the points will start adding up faster once I get my second machine online. Athlon 4800+ should add a good bit to the bottom line running the SMP client.
Hit the 350,000 points mark :eek: only 10 days after I hit the 300,000 mark...

Woot - 150,000 over the weekend. This new dual, dual core xeon with the SMP client is really boosted my PPD. The one box is producing more by itself PPD then 9 older P4 boxes. :eek:

Now broke the 6000 ppd mark (largely) and now in the top 10 in the PPD list... It's a big milestone for me and I'm not sure I can sustain this forever.

Now broke the 6000 ppd mark (largely) and now in the top 10 in the PPD list... It's a big milestone for me and I'm not sure I can sustain this forever.

Great job, I'm going to have to ramp up and fend you off in the PPD race.
Xilikon is kicking some ass! His PPD output is huge! Nice job!

I'm about to pass the 400,000 mark. Probably by this weekend.

I made it into the top 200 on our team; currently ranked # 196

and I now have more than 400,000 points!


I made it into the top 200 on our team; currently ranked # 196

and I now have more than 400,000 points!


Congratulations. It is a goal for myself to reach the first page (top 200) and reach 400,000 points and I will reach it within 1-2 weeks depending how my SMP boxes behave (I had to fix 4 box who are crunching too slowly or stalled WU waiting to be sent).

Congratulations. It is a goal for myself to reach the first page (top 200) and reach 400,000 points and I will reach it within 1-2 weeks depending how my SMP boxes behave (I had to fix 4 box who are crunching too slowly or stalled WU waiting to be sent).

I too am aiming for the 1st page. Will go quicker if I can ever get around to ordering some C2Ds
Front page was my goal also and I reached it only to find out I lost 11 of my borgs. My goal now is to get 400k.
points 96518 work logs completed 571

though i seem to be stuck on getting a new work packet....
Broke the 7000 PPD barrier o_O

I'm now at the 400,000's and first page door :D Will cross it by bedtime.

400,000 and still on the 2nd page. I got as high as #186 13 months ago. My how times and scoring systems have changed.

Broke the 400,000 points mark and got in the first page :)

SpoogeMonkey, as ppl advance, the barrier to 1st page is now over 400,000 points so you need to produce a bit more to come back into 1st page ;)
