Hit a Folding (Stanford) milestone? Post it here:

Thanks rph for catchin that. I haven't been around much lately.

w00t! I'm a f@hmillionaire!

Stanford says I've broken 1,000,000 ... So I finally got my red [H] !!!!! Does this mean I'm a points whore ? (See Nathaniel Hawthorne or Demi Moore movie for literary refs :eek: )


And thanks, I just spent a few googling Demi Moore picutres... she still does it for me... strange I know.
10,639 PpD ......... :D
Its probably a one off and I drop less to day but it my first 5 figure day.

Luck ........... :D
10,639 PpD ......... :D
Its probably a one off and I drop less to day but it my first 5 figure day.

Luck ........... :D

Congrats big guy! I have had my first 2 10K+ days in the past 2 weeks.. followed by 4K point days.......

Well, I just hit what I consider a pretty big milestone, 500k points. I've been waiting for this for a long time.

Now, on to 1 million. At my current pace, that will take me 252 more days. In other words, it will take me 252 days to equal the points I've gotten in the last four years.

Recent acheivments:
Best day ever: 9180 points on 2/28/07
Best week ever: 2/18-2/24/07 (34,953 points)
Best month ever: Feb. 2007 (134,450 points)

Last but not least, one of the hardest things to do in folding..........................
Active processors (within 50 days) 5
Active processors (within 7 days) 5
They actually freakin' match. :cool:

TWO MEEEEELLLLIOOOOONNN points :) now almost halfway to my ultimate goal of more points than Midnight Freak who I realize doesn't fold any more but was the top guy when I started folding.

[BRO]Alaskan;1030745549 said:
Congrats to the newest member of the Millionaire club ND40oz

Oooh, I missed this, thanks [Bro], looks like you'll be here soon an you're in my increased readiness section, I need to watch my back. :eek:
Should hit 300K in a day or three...Its been a LONG road for my measly systems..:)

Cheers for being 17690 of 615633 :cool:

and no my 50 and 7 day don't match either. dont think they have yet...
What the hell? Over 350k by quite a bit, without noticing... I never check my stats.

100,008 points for the [H]orde! (103,903 counting my dark days) Too bad the last update didn't catch the current numbers. Stanford's site seems to go into maintenance right as the horde system updates :(

Woot !! The new quad core Xeon has started moving me much faster. Finally hit 100,000. :D

excellent work all. its good to see the 100k's popping up more often :)

I just started, so my milestone is a week of folding. I had a couple of boxes that failed to complete, but hopefully this week I'll do a bit better. I don't know why it took me so long to start doing this.
