Help a girl out, will ya? :D


Jul 18, 2007
Hey folks!!

I'm new here & I need your help! :D (how original, right?) - Actually, I dunno if I posted this in the correct section, so, please be kind & don't chastise me too much if I didn't. Just tell me where I should have posted this & I the next time I need to post something like this, I'll put it in the correct section, I promise. :D ;)

Okies.. Here's the skinny.

My current computer is about to crap out on me & I need to build a new one ASAP. ASAP meaning... Um... Immediately. lol

My max budget is 500 bucks. (I know.. :( I'm a broke ass :( )

What I use computers for: Video editing/very light gaming/graphic/web design/*burning tons of DVDs* (legally, spank you very much)

What I'm looking for:

The ability to upgrade in the future.


Would like a core 2 duo compy, unless I can get one of better value that's an AMD or P4. - Don't care which, really, as long as it's A.) faster than my current hunk of junk & B.) a something I can upgrade to a C2D er something later, when I have more $$

What I was thinking (correct me if you know of anything better, please):

Case - 54.99 [currently undecided]

Ultra 600 W PSU - 49.97

ASUS P5LD2 R2.0 LGA 775 Intel 945P ATX Intel Motherboard - Retail - 84.99
[Update: Am trying to purchase better mobo through these forums]

SUPER TALENT 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 667 (PC2 5400) Dual Channel Kit Desktop Memory - Retail - 73.99
[Update: If I get a better mobo for a good price, I want to upgrade Ram to G.SKILL 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (PC2 6400) Dual Channel Kit for 129.99:

Samsung DVD +- burner 33.99
[Update: Will try to salvage current one, if can't be done, will look for a less expensive Lite-On one]

Duo E4400 139.00
[Update: will purchase better PSU after the 22nd]
Grand total (minus shipping):

517.92 or 527.92 (assuming I didn't skip anything on accident?)

Would eventually like to purchase:

Video Card:

If you have a better suggestion, please let me know. :)

I have a sound card, but I need to upgrade it. I was thinking:

Okies, that's all! :D

This is the compy that I *really* want: *tears*




Video Card:

DVD Burner:


Hard Drive:



*sigh* :(

If I had time to save up money, I'd get the compy above, but I don't have time. My computer will die very soon. :(


Thank you in advance!! :D

All the Best,
~ Candy/HakuDoku
Since your a chick you'll prolly get a pass... but unless your selling/buying or trading the thread needs to end up somewhere else like General Hardware.... :)
:eek: Girls get free passes for this kinda stuff?.. *bats her lashes* :p

lol.. j/k.. :D Well... Where should this thread go? I'll happily post it there. :) Sorry guys! :(

~ HakuDoku
newegg has a lot of sweet deals and most things you can find there are the cheapest price and they are reliable. But since your alreayd in the sale/trade forum, I would recommend looking around for the items you listed in the here. A lot of people sell some quality stuff for way cheaper than retail and you could probably upgrade a few of the items you want if you get them from here.
You're going to want at least a 965P motherboard for C2D. P35 is another option. Try a Gigabyte GA-965p-S3 or so. Get an Enhance PSU (from eWiz). 400W will be plenty as long as you're not going to get an 8800 Ultra (or worse, 2900XT(X)) later.

What do you use for a sound setup? Onboard audio is just fine with S/PDIF. My Realtek ALC889A does really well. The analog output is pretty noisy, though, and I would indeed get a sound card if I were using it.

On a budget, I'd say grab a cheapass case from

P.S. wrong section. Don't repost, it will get moved by a mod. Just don't do it again.
While this should probably be in the general hardware area, (may want to ask a mod to move it for ya), here's my picks:

The case you picked is *ok*, but I think this one is better (and 15 bucks cheaper)

This proc is MUCH better:

Other than that, I think you have a fairly good build. If you can save money by buying locally or from folks on the forum, that might cut costs a bit.

newegg has a lot of sweet deals and most things you can find there are the cheapest price and they are reliable. But since your alreayd in the sale/trade forum, I would recommend looking around for the items you listed in the here. A lot of people sell some quality stuff for way cheaper than retail and you could probably upgrade a few of the items you want if you get them from here.

I have been looking around here :D Lots of goodies out there! :D Unfortunately, I dunno what that heat thing is. I guess I'll have to invest some time into looking into that. :D

I appreciate your response, though! Thank you! :D
While this should probably be in the general hardware area, (may want to ask a mod to move it for ya), here's my picks:

The case you picked is *ok*, but I think this one is better (and 15 bucks cheaper)

This proc is MUCH better:

Other than that, I think you have a fairly good build. If you can save money by buying locally or from folks on the forum, that might cut costs a bit.


Thank you! :D Will have a peek at those & see what I can do. :)

I was reading some stuff about the 6420 vs the 6400.. The review I read said that that 6400 had slightly better performance when it came to video editing & stuff like that, while the 6420 had faster load times... I know the 6420 has 4mb cache.. What do you guys think? I do a lot more video editing & stuff than gaming.

Take care! :D

~ HakuDoku
I'm way out of the loop as far as building machines goes, so I can't really help you there, sorry.

I can say that this should go here though :p
You're going to want at least a 965P motherboard for C2D. P35 is another option. Try a Gigabyte GA-965p-S3 or so. Get an Enhance PSU (from eWiz). 400W will be plenty as long as you're not going to get an 8800 Ultra (or worse, 2900XT(X)) later.

What do you use for a sound setup? Onboard audio is just fine with S/PDIF. My Realtek ALC889A does really well. The analog output is pretty noisy, though, and I would indeed get a sound card if I were using it.

On a budget, I'd say grab a cheapass case from

P.S. wrong section. Don't repost, it will get moved by a mod. Just don't do it again.

OOps, I didn't see your post.

Thanks for the tips! :D And don't worry, I won't do it again. :( I guess I just skimmed over that section it was supposed to go under. :(

I have surround sound speakers, so on board usually doesn't work, unless it's at least 5.1..

Nopers! No 8800's here! :D lol
Okie dokie boardsportsrule :D That's only a couple days away, so I'm sure my compy can hold out til then. :D Any idea how much the prices will decrease? And how the heck do you guys know when prices will drop? I want to be in the loop, yo. lol :D

dandragonrage, oh. :D silly me! can't tell I'm a n00b can you? :eek: lol - I'm not *that* bad, though.. lol :D ;)

Thank you guys!

~ HakuDoku
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: has some wicked cheap cases!!! *faints* lol

Thank you, dandragonrage!~ :D:D:D:D:D:D:D You made me very happy today! lol

~ HakuDoku
E6420 will drop to around 140 while the Q6600 will drop to 266. Anyway, your PSU Is a good choice, dont listen to Robo.
Well the Q6600 and e6850 will drop to $266, no price drop for the e4300 tho. :(
Don't touch Q6600. Runs too hot. Wait for 45nm for quad-core. And besides, even if the price is dropping a lot, why would you even consider so much as considering recommending it for a ~$500 build? Come on.
I'd probably go with a different mobo, as the 945 chipset really isn't gonna cut it with a C2D. The P5B Dlx you had up there is definitely a good choice, and there's a guy on the forums who is selling one used at around the price of the mobo you picked out, so you might wanna try to search for that.
Don't touch Q6600. Runs too hot. Wait for 45nm for quad-core. And besides, even if the price is dropping a lot, why would you even consider so much as considering recommending it for a ~$500 build? Come on.

I didn't reccomend it.
You would definitely go for 4MB cache for video editing, Therefore, i recommend you to buy your parts at the end of this month.
E6420 will drop to around 140 while the Q6600 will drop to 266. Anyway, your PSU Is a good choice, dont listen to Robo.

:eek: LOL. How funny. :D :D Thanks for the info on the e6420! :) I wonder why it's price is dropping, but the e6400's isn't? How much do you think the e6600 will drop, if at all? :) That's the one I really wanted.. But :rolleyes: 500 bucks only goes so far! :mad: :mad:

Well the Q6600 and e6850 will drop to $266, no price drop for the e4300 tho. :(

Awww! Well that stinks. :( Thank you for the info, though, RoBo! :D

--- Oh, what do you guys think about the ASRock ConRoeXFire?? Yay/Nay?
I'd probably go with a different mobo, as the 945 chipset really isn't gonna cut it with a C2D. The P5B Dlx you had up there is definitely a good choice, and there's a guy on the forums who is selling one used at around the price of the mobo you picked out, so you might wanna try to search for that.

Oh! That's really handy info! Thank you :D And um.. If the guy he's talking about happens to read this before I find him... :D Feel free to drop me a line :D

bail_w said:
You would definitely go for 4MB cache for video editing, Therefore, i recommend you to buy your parts at the end of this month.

Okie dokie. :D Will do (for sure) :) Thanks a bunch! ;)
:eek: LOL. How funny. :D :D Thanks for the info on the e6420! :) I wonder why it's price is dropping, but the e6400's isn't? How much do you think the e6600 will drop, if at all? :) That's the one I really wanted.. But :rolleyes: 500 bucks only goes so far! :mad: :mad:

Awww! Well that stinks. :( Thank you for the info, though, RoBo! :D

--- Oh, what do you guys think about the ASRock ConRoeXFire?? Yay/Nay?

The E6600 is pretty much going to be obsolete after the E6550 comes out, so either they will drop in price drastically to get rid of them, or you won't be able to find them. You may be able to get a used one real cheap if somebody is upgrading to Quad core, but I doubt you'll see many of them in retail with the E6550 being better at a lower price.
The E6600 is pretty much going to be obsolete after the E6550 comes out, so either they will drop in price drastically to get rid of them, or you won't be able to find them. You may be able to get a used one real cheap if somebody is upgrading to Quad core, but I doubt you'll see many of them in retail with the E6550 being better at a lower price.

Oh. Well. :( Way to make me sad. :p lol j/k That's pretty cool, though! :D Will have to see if I have enough $ for the e6550! :)

It's nothing against you. It's just pathetic that a female on the internet (let alone a computer oriented board) brings out the men like flies on shit.

They can sense my hotness. - LOL I'm j/k.. Just giving you a hard time. :) I'm sure they're nice folks (that means you, too). :) I really appreciate everyone's help & am sincerely grateful that they even responded to me, because on most forums, no one replies to my messages. I'm really happy to have found a place like this, where people are responsive & know what they're talking about. It makes me want to stay around & contribute :D - So, thank you fellas for helping me. :D

He was making fun of us, not you :( (except that a good number of us respond to these kind of threads even when the poster is of unknown gender)

Awww. Well, that's good. :) I know you guys respond to people's threads. I've looked at tons of them with like 20 + pages & was like :eek: lol :D I just really appreciate everyone's help & that you guys responded at all. Like I said above, most people on these types of forums don't bother responding to me, so they make me all anxious, waiting for days & days.. It's nice to actually get a reply. :D I really appreciate it.
I couldn't have thought of a worse place to put this thread. :p

Are you planning on OC'ing this Rig?

What are you trying to say, RoBo? LOL ;) :cool: j/k :D

And to answer your question... I'd like to try to OC it. :D It'd be a fun project (watch me fry it :( lol)

moved to General Hardware because this has nothing to do with FS/T

Thanks Vertigo Acid! :D I appreciate that you moved this for me! I will be more attentive next time, I promise. :D
How exactly is your current computer dying. If we can help you figure out what's wrong with it we can help you fix it probably far cheaper than building a new one. That way you can save you money up a bit longer and buy the system you really want.

Other than that.. I didn't see a video card above in the specs you're building now, just one you like to get in the future. And didn't I see you saying you already have one you're going to use.

Ninja edit: What OS are you planning on using. You said you already have one, but if it's Windows and came with the computer you're using now then you legally can't use it on the new system.
How exactly is your current computer dying. If we can help you figure out what's wrong with it we can help you fix it probably far cheaper than building a new one. That way you can save you money up a bit longer and buy the system you really want.

Other than that.. I didn't see a video card above in the specs you're building now, just one you like to get in the future. And didn't I see you saying you already have one you're going to use.

Ninja edit: What OS are you planning on using. You said you already have one, but if it's Windows and came with the computer you're using now then you legally can't use it on the new system.

My computer is just a hunk-o-junk 2004 cheapy emachines, that I bought on ebay for like 300 bucks. lol See my siggy:

Current Compy: Had this thing since 2004... Broken case, POS_CrAP_911 Mobo, Sucktacular -8800 Video Card, NO1Sucky 5.1 sound card, 40gb HD, p4 celeron 1.8ghz of blazing crippled, crawling pedestrian speed, a broken DVD burner (300+ burned DVD's + 200+ burned CD's- Not too bad!), Old surround sound with stickers on my subwoofer (I made it um.. pretty.... -_-) and 1 whole GB of supersonically challenged PC 2100 DDR ram.. Did I mention the loud ass fans & that my (un)giant HD gets so hot, I could fry eggs on it?... Uh, now I did. >.<


I really would just like to get a new one. This one.. I don't even think I could give it away. :( Would be happy to trade it er something for say.. A video card or sound card. lol XD

I don't have a video card, I was just going to use the on-board video for the moment. I will get paid soon & will be able to buy the one I wanted. :) So far these fellas have helped me shave some money off on some stuff, so, maybe I'll get one. :D

As for the OS; I bought a windows xp disk a while back. :D I'm frugal, not illegal. ;)
Ninja edit: What OS are you planning on using. You said you already have one, but if it's Windows and came with the computer you're using now then you legally can't use it on the new system.

She sure can, as long as it's not on both at once.
My computer is just a hunk-o-junk 2004 cheapy emachines, that I bought on ebay for like 300 bucks. lol See my siggy:

Current Compy: Had this thing since 2004... Broken case, POS_CrAP_911 Mobo, Sucktacular -8800 Video Card, NO1Sucky 5.1 sound card, 40gb HD, p4 celeron 1.8ghz of blazing crippled, crawling pedestrian speed, a broken DVD burner (300+ burned DVD's + 200+ burned CD's- Not too bad!), Old surround sound with stickers on my subwoofer (I made it um.. pretty.... -_-) and 1 whole GB of supersonically challenged PC 2100 DDR ram.. Did I mention the loud ass fans & that my (un)giant HD gets so hot, I could fry eggs on it?... Uh, now I did. >.<


I really would just like to get a new one. This one.. I don't even think I could give it away. :( Would be happy to trade it er something for say.. A video card or sound card. lol XD

I don't have a video card, I was just going to use the on-board video for the moment. I will get paid soon & will be able to buy the one I wanted. :) So far these fellas have helped me shave some money off on some stuff, so, maybe I'll get one. :D

As for the OS; I bought a windows xp disk a while back. :D I'm frugal, not illegal. ;)

Ok, was just checking. The motherboard suggestions I've read thus far (get a P965 or P35 motherboard) won't work for you as P965 and P35 aren't chipsets that have onboard video. You'll have to get a G965, G33, or G33 to get onboard video.

This is one I am planning on getting for an SFF build I want to do..
Gigabyte G965-GM-S2
$106.32 shipped
It's micro-atx, but will fit in a standard ATX motherbaord.

Here's a list of others with G965 or G33