Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

sweet dual westy's man :D. i would if i had enough money at the time to buy a second one :)
I found a lvm-42w2 for 1169 shipped...should I save up another 200 and go for the extra 5"? I willl be sitting about 5-6ft away.
I'm not having any luck with 1080p on DVI!!!

I tried what worked for everyone else and it doesn't work the same for me! I've got an Nvidia 8500GT with Gigabytes latest drivers (158.27- later than what is on Nvidia's site!) I've converted to classic-view and when I go to advanced timing and choose the 1920x1080P option the monitor blinks but DOESN'T really go to progressive. I can check that with the (i) button on the remote. It just REFUSES to do it. It's like someone/something THINKS it knows better than to really try. I'm ripping my hair out. I called Westinghouse and they said I need to disable EDID(?). Anyway PLEASE help me got this sucker in 1080P!!!

PS- I tired VGA and got 1080P but, it was not centered and not clean.
Justintoxicated, have you decided if you prefer one over the other? Sounds like you slightly favor the original over the SE? Can you tell me what firmware's you have on each? Also, what are the differences between the 2 remote controls?

Try this:

Open the classic control panel, goto Screen Resolutions & Refresh Rates, Check Show standard HDTV modes, go to nView display settings, select the Westinghouse monitor, click Device Settings, go to select TV format. 1080p should now be visible from the list, choose it. It should ask next how to deal with overscan, check Native and click OK. Works for me on all the driver versions I have tried EXCEPT Dell's official drivers for my XPS notebook, in which case I don't have the Screen Resolutions & Refresh Rates section. If that doesn't work I think you may have to use standard NVIDIA drivers as opposed to OEM versions to get 1080p running right.
Justintoxicated, have you decided if you prefer one over the other? Sounds like you slightly favor the original over the SE? Can you tell me what firmware's you have on each? Also, what are the differences between the 2 remote controls?


I have both SE's but they are different, one has brighter/higher contrast than the other. I found if I turn the backlight to 20% on the darker one (right side) it balances out well. Set like this I do not notice the diffence in white levels dragging, say, a MS word document from one screen to the other. The 20% backlight right hand side monitor, is a bit brighter than the other towards the far right hand side with this setting, but it's not as noticable as having the difference in the center (where the 2 screens meet)
people will tell you that you've lost your mind when they see your setup, but they WILL drool!

i used to three dell widescreens setup... a 24" ultrasharp monitor in middle, and two 20" monitors on each side... people told me I was losing my mind and it was true... so I ended up selling one of the 20" and now I do 24" + 20"... but I've got an extra 20" again, so I may have to go back to how it was b4 lol

Yep gp with 3 screens :) 24 in center and 20 on each side!

I'm not having any luck with 1080p on DVI!!!

I tried what worked for everyone else and it doesn't work the same for me! I've got an Nvidia 8500GT with Gigabytes latest drivers (158.27- later than what is on Nvidia's site!) I've converted to classic-view and when I go to advanced timing and choose the 1920x1080P option the monitor blinks but DOESN'T really go to progressive. I can check that with the (i) button on the remote. It just REFUSES to do it. It's like someone/something THINKS it knows better than to really try. I'm ripping my hair out. I called Westinghouse and they said I need to disable EDID(?). Anyway PLEASE help me got this sucker in 1080P!!!

PS- I tired VGA and got 1080P but, it was not centered and not clean.

your going to have to play unfortunately, I had a hard time at first too. There are some screenshots in this thread somewhere (unless they were removed when the forum lost a days worth of posts). With a little playing around I got mine working though. Is your westy detected as a 4207? What mode IS the screen going into 1080i?
... Is your westy detected as a 4207? What mode IS the screen going into 1080i?

Yes, it's detected as W4207.
It always stays in 1080i mode. It's odd, when I choose the 1080p option and click "APPLY" it flickers (like you'd expect when changing modes) and does the 15 second countdown about accepting the changes...If I say YES, no flicker, but still 1080i...if I say NO, flickers "back" to whatever it was and still 1080i. But whether I say YES or NO, the end result is still a 1080i display!
Yes, it's detected as W4207.
It always stays in 1080i mode. It's odd, when I choose the 1080p option and click "APPLY" it flickers (like you'd expect when changing modes) and does the 15 second countdown about accepting the changes...If I say YES, no flicker, but still 1080i...if I say NO, flickers "back" to whatever it was and still 1080i. But whether I say YES or NO, the end result is still a 1080i display!

yea I had this problem as well. I kept screwing with it untill it stuck. changed DVI ports back and fourth etc. Eventualy it stuck. it's definately a driver issue at least to some extent. You might try things like powering it off once it flickers and plugging it back in, etc. Don't give up. I am going to play some more tonight with my westy that detects as 4207, vs the one that detects properly. see if I can come up with more valuable info.
just got this email from

Refurb Westy for 674.99!

Nice deal, costco deal is back on as well. I think I'm goign to stick with costco, so my 2 screens match, plus I'm skeptical on the refurb, and like costco's return policy. But no tax on this it might be a better buy..Saves another $180 or so, VERY tempting to return both SE and grab two of these up. it looks like this is the older version with 2 DVI ports :)

Anyone ordered from eCost?
Try this:

Open the classic control panel, goto Screen Resolutions & Refresh Rates, Check Show standard HDTV modes, go to nView display settings, select the Westinghouse monitor, click Device Settings, go to ***select TV format***. 1080p should now be visible from the list, choose it. It should ask next how to deal with overscan, check Native and click OK. Works for me on all the driver versions I have tried EXCEPT Dell's official drivers for my XPS notebook, in which case I don't have the Screen Resolutions & Refresh Rates section. If that doesn't work I think you may have to use standard NVIDIA drivers as opposed to OEM versions to get 1080p running right.

I put *** above around what you suggested, I can't do it...everything on that "device settings" menu greyed out. And, YES, I've selected the wesy first, and YES I did check the "show standard HDTV modes" FIRST, like you suggested :confused:
I have both SE's but they are different, one has brighter/higher contrast than the other. I found if I turn the backlight to 20% on the darker one (right side) it balances out well. Set like this I do not notice the diffence in white levels dragging, say, a MS word document from one screen to the other. The 20% backlight right hand side monitor, is a bit brighter than the other towards the far right hand side with this setting, but it's not as noticable as having the difference in the center (where the 2 screens meet)

I didn't realize there were 2 se's? Did Costco randomly send out 2 different monitors? Or were they from 2 different sources, or ordered at different times? I recently ordered the se from Costco, and it should arrive on Thursday. Do you know which one I should expect?

I'm hoping that I do not have some of the issues reported lately: different contrast levels on right and left sides, problems scaling text through the DVI, HDMI handshake issues with the 360 elite, resolution changing when dropping to a DOS box, detecting as 4207, faint blue lines across the lower bottom, etc.
Ok, i'm going to pick up a 42" westy from my local BB. As a question, does anyone know where I can get a external tuner for the Westy? I don't have a cable box or anything.
I put *** above around what you suggested, I can't do it...everything on that "device settings" menu greyed out. And, YES, I've selected the wesy first, and YES I did check the "show standard HDTV modes" FIRST, like you suggested :confused:

Now it works!!!!!!!!!
Let me tell you what I did and maybe someone can figure what's going on with these things!
In desperation I had loaded Powerstrip. I was trying to use someone elses suggested settings,but I could never find the right place to do it! Anyway, for what ever reason in the first menu off the tray icon I selected >options>"enable multiple monitors" then everything Blahman suggested worked, it was no longer greyed out and it worked EXACTLY as what's this "enable multiple monitors" settings and do I still need Powerstrip in the tray for 1080P??? (I'm scared to find out!!)
Now it works!!!!!!!!!
Let me tell you what I did and maybe someone can figure what's going on with these things!
In desperation I had loaded Powerstrip. I was trying to use someone elses suggested settings,but I could never find the right place to do it! Anyway, for what ever reason in the first menu off the tray icon I selected >options>"enable multiple monitors" then everything Blahman suggested worked, it was no longer greyed out and it worked EXACTLY as what's this "enable multiple monitors" settings and do I still need Powerstrip in the tray for 1080P??? (I'm scared to find out!!)

Probably not, in fact having powerstip installed could have caused the issue. Glad you got it working. Is it still detected as 4207 after re-boot?

As for differnet versions of the SE, I'm not so sure how do I find the firmware version? I believe mine are both the same version one just has more contrast than the other, which is why I'm probably going to take this back asap and order another, or at least order another and take this one back when it gets here (Yea I said that before but I can't use all 3 because I only have one video card :p)
Now it works !!!!!!
Congratulations !---glad to hear it.
Request: please boot outta Windows, go into Bios and see if all of the Bios screen is 100% visible, or is some of its Text "cut-off" ? (I'm interested to know if u have my problem)
btw, what the heck is 'Powerstrip'?
Congratulations !---glad to hear it.
Request: please boot outta Windows, go into Bios and see if all of the Bios screen is 100% visible, or is some of its Text "cut-off" ? (I'm interested to know if u have my problem)
btw, what the heck is 'Powerstrip'?

Its a utility, usualy installed for overclocking video cards, I was thinking to install it if it allws you to boost the refresh to 70 htz on this screen.
Probably not, in fact having powerstip installed could have caused the issue. Glad you got it working. Is it still detected as 4207 after re-boot?

Powestrip wasn't installed originally. I JUST had installed it out of desperation. I'll check on the 4207 on re-boot, but I can't imagine why that would change...
costco deal is gone....

but they have a 42 inch magnavox 1080p for 1000$

I got a email notice with a promo code from Newegg for a 42 Westy for $799. I think it might just be for July 4th however. I was tempted but think I want the 30" Dell instead.
I got a email notice with a promo code from Newegg for a 42 Westy for $799. I think it might just be for July 4th however. I was tempted but think I want the 30" Dell instead.

It's the LTV series, not the LVM series.
I wondered why they were stopping the 37" line, but after seeing the entry price of the new 42" TX, I think that's why. I don't think they could have made an 37" TX that was lower enough in price to have most people buy that over the 42".

I'd like to know how SD and 720p looks on that monitor/tv. My wife still watches lots of SD and I have a big 720p collection.


I wondered why they were stopping the 37" line, but after seeing the entry price of the new 42" TX, I think that's why. I don't think they could have made an 37" TX that was lower enough in price to have most people buy that over the 42".

what's the price of the 42" TX?
Does anyone know the difference between these 2 monitors? I am trying to find the SE version but Costco isn't selling it right now and I am not sure if they will carry it anymore since Westinghouse doesn't produce this monitor anymore. Anyone know the differences? Also, does anyone know where to find the LVM-37W3? I found it on ebay for $999 but I am a little uneasy purchasing one from Ebay. Any information woudl be greatly appreciated.
Does anyone know the difference between these 2 monitors? I am trying to find the SE version but Costco isn't selling it right now and I am not sure if they will carry it anymore since Westinghouse doesn't produce this monitor anymore. Anyone know the differences? Also, does anyone know where to find the LVM-37W3? I found it on ebay for $999 but I am a little uneasy purchasing one from Ebay. Any information woudl be greatly appreciated.

SE = 1200 to 1 contrast, 1 DVI.
Old = 1000 to 1 contrast, 2 DVI.

Granted I have 2 Differnet SE's and the contrast is better on one than the other. However i don't have an older one to compare with.

As for the person getting the whining noise from the monitor I finaly heard something like that late last night. It was a certain website that created a slight whine. I tried it on the SE#2 and the noise was not there. SE#2 is the one detected as 4207. Not abig deal as it is the only website/image I have found that made this noise. Kinda strange hah but no big deal for me.
For some reason I can't get Half Life 2/Counter Strike Source to run in progressive mode. When I change the Frequency of the monitor to 30Hz interlaced, it works fine. When I change it to 60Hz, it won't even launch the game. Anyone have any problems with this? I'm using Vista so not using powerstrip
For some reason I can't get Half Life 2/Counter Strike Source to run in progressive mode. When I change the Frequency of the monitor to 30Hz interlaced, it works fine. When I change it to 60Hz, it won't even launch the game. Anyone have any problems with this? I'm using Vista so not using powerstrip

did you set it to the OLD Nvidia menu? if not I had issues like this using the "new" Nvidia control panel.
Thanks for writing back about the prices you have seen for the monitor. Can anybody refer a reputable place to order the monitor from? Any info would be helpful. Sam's Club has the LVM-37W1 but not the LVM-37W3. Thanks guys! Hope you are enjoying your monitors.
Thanks for writing back about the prices you have seen for the monitor. Can anybody refer a reputable place to order the monitor from? Any info would be helpful. Sam's Club has the LVM-37W1 but not the LVM-37W3. Thanks guys! Hope you are enjoying your monitors.

From what I've seen, only Ebay has it now.

Seems eCost has some recertified W1s and W3s. However, I wouldn't trust that place when looking at their reseller rating.
I'm having issues playing some 720p content, as well as with other videos. I'm getting really bad horizontal tearing, is there any way to fix this?