Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

Got my SE from Costco last week.

Absolutely flawless, no sub pixel defects, screen is bright and uniform with no streaking, etc.

It does appear brighter on the edges sometimes, but thats due to how close I am sitting when I'm leaning on my desk and the viewing angle difference between the center and the edges being different. If I sit back about a foot further it evens out.

The only issue I have is the auto detection of W4207 and 1080i, took some playing around and repeating things to get it to go to 1080p.

Another also minor issue is legacy text modes show up like they are stretched to 16:9 but only the 4:3 portion shows, resulting in several columns of text cut off on both sides. This affects BIOS, POST, XP logo, full screen command prompt, etc. This only occurs with the DVI and HDMI port, VGA shows up correctly as 4:3 with no stretching or clipping. Before the SE I had a non-SE that I had to return due to an entire row of bad pixels. I used the left hand side solo DVI port and text modes scaled correctly without clipping while the port next to the HDMI on the non-SE did the same thing. So I'm sure it's the display.

Can anyone else confirm if this is an issue with the display or the video card? I'd rather it be the video card as I usually upgrade that twice a year, but I plan to keep this display for a long time. It's not a big deal, as I can fall back to VGA if I need to run anything fullscreen in text mode but it's still something that bugs me as being only 99.9999% perfect heh.

It's definately not a matter of viewing angle on my SE's They are brighter on the right hand side (facing me) on both screens. it's mostly noticable on a white background. I thoguht it was viewangle at first untill I had the image spanned across both screens. It's most noticable where the image is divided by the boarders, like when I have a window centered and it is divided (transfering from right side of westy one to left side of westy 2). I thought it just needed adjustment at first but then I noticed if I drag the box around it gets darkers on both screens as I move it towards the left side.

It's not too noticable if at all if you span the image across the entire screen, the change is too suttle left to right, you could notice this much of a shift due to viewing angles, however they both have much better contrast over all on the right hand side of the screens no matter where I am sitting...

Maybe I'm expecting too much from these? My second westy developed a stuck pixle I touched it and it seemed to have fixed it but it has come back one time already....I guess at least it's not dead pixel like the other screen but it's more annoying because it is right in the middle.
Ladies and Gents:

Ok, for those of you with the LVM-37w3se from Costco, make sure you have the LATEST nvidia drivers ........ I don't know how to help those with ATI cards. I think you guys are actually getting your monitors recognized by your cards. Well, lucky you :)

You want 1080p? I can help!

1. Go into Nvidia Control Panel
2. Select "Manage Custom Resolutions"
3. Check out this image:
4. Apply all settings on the image

Ladies and Gents:

Ok, for those of you with the LVM-37w3se from Costco, make sure you have the LATEST nvidia drivers ........ I don't know how to help those with ATI cards. I think you guys are actually getting your monitors recognized by your cards. Well, lucky you :)

You want 1080p? I can help!

1. Go into Nvidia Control Panel
2. Select "Manage Custom Resolutions"
3. Check out this image:
4. Apply all settings on the image


yea making the changes from that screen DOES NOT WORK FOR ME. I had to change back to the old menu System first in which case it looks different. When I make the changes from the screen above (Through the Nvidia controll panel) the card goes into 1080p but the monitor does not, it sticks in interlaced mode which causes me to have to pan around on the screen. (up and down)
I have the latest drivers but they are the latest but I have a 7800 GT. If it was that simple I would have been done lickity split. (Actualy it worked once from that screen after many tries but quickly got screwed up again when i went to play a game and exited) it only seems to stick if I use the old style menu and disable the Nvidia Junk. In fact when i called westinghouse they told me not using the regular Display -> Settings -. Advanced -> Nvidia Tab system could easly be why it will not work. Althugh i tend to disagree, Nvidia seems to still have some bugs in their seperate menu System.

But basicaly it's the same deal fromt eh old menu system onl you don't actualy have to define a custom display setting as the correct one is listed under a dropdown. Trouble is after i got the Second Westy the trick did not work (On the second monitor), not even from the old menu. I would make sure interlaced would not be selected hit apply, screen changes, then I select keep change, and Bam Interlaced automaticaly becomes checked. I tried screwing with it for a few hours. Finaly I decided to get the get the frist monitor into progressive mode and leave it on, then power down the monitor that was in interlaced mode (that the card kelp defaulting back), then unplug the cable from the jack on the video card and swap them, the Monitor that was in progressive and left on was still detected as the 4207 but finaly unchecking the interlaced box stuck. The other monitor changed to 1080p when powered on.

The settings have kept for several days now.

So if you have dual screens you might still have to play a bit with the new SE's and Nvidia card.

Anyone on the SE able to see the difference in brightness fromt eh left to the right of the screen yet? I don't think it's enoguh to take them back.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH damnit, i just talked with the CSR and it looks like my westy 37SE is in fact defective... i cannot change the backlight and it's so freaking bright and burning my retinas.. this is the SECOND westy that i'm returning. So i will be returning it and getting my THIRD westy. DAMNIT! How many people have had to buy this POS multiple times? Thank god for Costco's generous return policy.
Anyone else having burn in issues with this thing? Out of nowhere, mine started burning in like crazy, even though nothing has been left open even remotely long enough to cause burn in. I don't get it...
Anyone else having burn in issues with this thing? Out of nowhere, mine started burning in like crazy, even though nothing has been left open even remotely long enough to cause burn in. I don't get it...

what the... I thought you were banned! :D.

I thought LCD's couldn't burn in. Only plasmas/crts
what the... I thought you were banned! :D.

I thought LCD's couldn't burn in. Only plasmas/crts

I was. Miss me? :D

And.. so did I, and thats what westinghouse told me too... but its definitely burning in something. I have green bars in the middle of my screen, and firefox tabs stuck at the top :mad:. I have a screen saver that kicks on after 10 minutes.... thats a problem.
> Anyone on the SE able to see the difference in brightness fromt eh left to the right of the >screen yet? I don't think it's enoguh to take them back.

Well, I guess I kinda can. But it is very subtle and I don't really look at empty word docs very much. That being said, I might be returning mine. It is, honestly, prestine and beautiful, but just a little too big for me. Hurts my eyes even at 0 backlight, and I have to look up to see my URL's. Maybe if I had a shorter desk, but I think I might return it and get a 2707 or 2407. I'll try to get the replacement before returning the Westy so I can compare them.

It's a shame - I think this panel is perfect. No dead pixels, everything works fine, etc... Perhaps someone in MN would like to take it off my hands at cost? Might see if my parents want to buy it - they went and bought a crappy Sony LCD without consulting me. :rolleyes:
Anyone on the SE able to see the difference in brightness from the left to the right of the screen yet? I don't think it's enough to take them back.

Yeah, but its not that bad, sometimes I'm just chillin and I notice it. I never really notice it unless I'm spacing out.

edit: I think it could be to the fact that this thing is so big, the angle is different on the edges.
Yeah, but its not that bad, sometimes I'm just chillin and I notice it. I never really notice it unless I'm spacing out.

edit: I think it could be to the fact that this thing is so big, the angle is different on the edges.

Well I noticed mostly because of the second one. I don't think its because the angle is different but I'm no LCD expert, this is my first one! errr possibly 2 now I still have not decided if I want to keep the one with the dead pixle that I never even notice.

it's much more noticable when you have to and you have something spanning horizontaly. It's much darker than you would think on the left side, when you have an image on the right hand side an inch away from it. Kind of like that optical illusing where the dark square is the same shade as the light one (if anyone knows what I'm talking about) it's much more obvious when they are right next to each other.

Still Hard to beat this setup, I do have to look up to see the url unless I sit back in my chair. But gaming on a big screen is awesome :) And the text is easy on my eyes it is the perfect resolution for reading text. Having 2 of these is insaine! I was thinking I should have got a 24" liek my boss has at work. The Dell 24's he has look damn clear, but the text was tiny. I hate writing code when the text is Super small. Increasing fonts in windows and IE only works so well, and then you lose some of the benefit of having a large screen resolution and fitting more text on it.
Now that I have looked at it for a while, you are definitely right about the brighter side. Not a big deal, but I can tell. Odd...
Thanks everyone for recommending this LCD. I love it. Found it sitting on the front porch last week, few minor holes in the box, no damage thankfully. Hooked it up with a dual link DVI cable from No bum pixels. I pulled my hair out in XP trying to get 1080p until I found the registry hack for the classic Nvidia panel, Vista was a alot easier. Been playing Far Cry, the old computer just couldn't run it very well, now it's all turned up and a sight to behold. I'm having a blast.

Watched a couple of widescreen DVDs with Vista Media Center and it looked nice. Reno 911 filled the whole screen while Ghost Rider had bars at the top and bottom, still working all of that out. Can't wait to pick up a copy of Oblivion, the new IL2, and a nice driving sim. And my eyes are feeling better after switching over from a 21" Trinitron.

I don't have any complaints and games on this thing with a 8800gtx are amazing.
my westy on vga on a 7600go laptop card, at 1080P:

it flickers when i turn the display on, clears up, then says "searching for vga signal" or "vga signal detected"

flickers and flashes for a second, then sharpens and its fine after that. is that normal?

i know some people said it flickers before it locks in when y ou change channels in HD. anyone? :confused:
my westy on vga on a 7600go laptop card, at 1080P:

it flickers when i turn the display on, clears up, then says "searching for vga signal" or "vga signal detected"

flickers and flashes for a second, then sharpens and its fine after that. is that normal?

i know some people said it flickers before it locks in when y ou change channels in HD. anyone? :confused:

Mine does that with my 360.
my westy on vga on a 7600go laptop card, at 1080P:

it flickers when i turn the display on, clears up, then says "searching for vga signal" or "vga signal detected"

flickers and flashes for a second, then sharpens and its fine after that. is that normal?

i know some people said it flickers before it locks in when y ou change channels in HD. anyone? :confused:

It's like the auto-configure on most LCDs when they have multiple inputs. Some do it by default, others have a setting in the menu...or both. If the Westinghouse is being turned on, having it's signals changed, or has it's settings changed. It does that. Now, it happens really fast on mine when I turn it on, so I normally dont even notice it happening.

I just turned it on and watched. Took maybe 5 seconds at most. Screen darkened slightly, flashed once. Was a little blurry, then got real clear. That's just what it does to size the input to the display and what not....probably wouldn't be able to read anything on it if it didnt.
It's like the auto-configure on most LCDs when they have multiple inputs. Some do it by default, others have a setting in the menu...or both. If the Westinghouse is being turned on, having it's signals changed, or has it's settings changed. It does that. Now, it happens really fast on mine when I turn it on, so I normally dont even notice it happening.

I just turned it on and watched. Took maybe 5 seconds at most. Screen darkened slightly, flashed once. Was a little blurry, then got real clear. That's just what it does to size the input to the display and what not....probably wouldn't be able to read anything on it if it didnt.

ah well thats good to know :). my box was pretty damaged by ups, screen seems fine, couldn't find any dead pixels with DPB, just making sure that thing it was doing was normal :D. my sceptre 19 inch lcd, with vga, dvi, svideo and rca doesn't do that, or it does it so fast i can't tell ;)
And Im just gonna make one more attempt at this since my other post was deleted in the rollback or whatever happened on the forums.

I have the Westinghouse 37 SE edition. And I want to hook up two computers to it.. with a third and maybe fourth item. Something like Computer A, Computer B, TV Tuner, Laptop/DVD/Whatever.

Now I want to go DVI on it, but the DVI switches Ive seen cost an arm and a 200+ versus the HDMI switch on Monoprice for like 50 bucks for a 4 port.

So, what Im thinking is for right now order items:

1) HDMI Switch
2) Wall mount bracket (wide probably)
3) 2x DVI to HDMI Cables (10 foot probably)
4) Hdmi-HDMI for link from switch to Westinghouse
Future) TV input (HDMI-HDMI), and maybe another dvi-hdmi for a laptop/whatever.

Now I currently dont have cables for the audio to run it into the TV and it's not a BIG deal, but if it's not too complicated/expensive......I'd like to get audio playing through the tv.

So looking at the back of the Westinghouse I see little groups of inputs with their audio pair. HDMI has no audio in pair, since I guess it's assumed it will always carry the audio signal in. But in my setup it won't, and I see no way of making it do that in any setup minus the TV tuner (assuming the TV tuner I buy has HDMI).

So Im guessing how most people deal with this is just let the computer speakers do audio, or run their audio through some sort of entertainment center that handles all the audio stuff.

Trying to think of some way to make it so the audio signal will change along with the video, but ain't lookin to spend a ton just to make it happen. So......hopefully that's clear enough and maybe someone will have some suggestions this time around.
ah well thats good to know :). my box was pretty damaged by ups, screen seems fine, couldn't find any dead pixels with DPB, just making sure that thing it was doing was normal :D. my sceptre 19 inch lcd, with vga, dvi, svideo and rca doesn't do that, or it does it so fast i can't tell ;)

I know my Dell monitor, if I hook it up to another machine with same resolution but different video card...a lot of the time the screen unreadable until I force it to do an auto-adjust in the menus. I think the westinghouse just does it every time it's turned on.
I know my Dell monitor, if I hook it up to another machine with same resolution but different video card...a lot of the time the screen unreadable until I force it to do an auto-adjust in the menus. I think the westinghouse just does it every time it's turned on.

anyway to turn it off? its going to be hooked up to one pc via dvi and thats it :). for now :D
anyway to turn it off? its going to be hooked up to one pc via dvi and thats it :). for now :D

Tried turning off auto-source and some other stuff. Didn't stop it idea. Just leave it on all the time, then it wont do it. heh.
I'm using powerstrip and forcing the monitor to output @ 72 Hz.

Is this bad for the monitor because it seems to be hanging in there just fine. I also notice in a "side-by-side" comparison test by switching refresh rates that mouse movement seems more fluid. I just don't want to shorten the life of my monitor because of an increased measlely 12 Hz refresh rate.

If anyone has heard any thing about this I would appreciate them chiming in...I value this expensive investment :)
After one week using my new super-duper 37" Westy LVM37-SE.... It's Flawless.
I'm running at 1920x1080x60Hz (which is true "1080P").
Video card: Evga GeForce 7900GT (256mb) on WinXP-Home Edition using Nvidia's "Classic" control panel (NOT the "new" control panel that Nvidia wants u to use).
Backlight is set way down (from factory default 80) to 20. Screen colors are brilliant, Text is sharp as razor (I've set Text to 125% of Normal size cuz I don't like tiny Text).

I'm running Westy's screen black: Coal Black. Why? So the White text and Yellow text and Green text that I'm using, stands out sharp, clear, readable.
I can now cruise Web for hours on end with no eye-fatigue-----cuz WinXP has turned all the glaring-White web pages to Black. wow, so nice.
I HATE white Web pages, they make my eyes squint and get tired.
How'd I do it? I set WinXP to "ignore colors specified on web pages". (if anyone wants more details, holler).

Playing NWN2 at 1080P on 37" Westy screen is fun, fun, fun.
You can see so much of the battleground-----it's "totally immersive"... you really, really, get right into the action.
My advice: don't Game on this sukka at any rez except 1080P-----it's so sharp, so clear, so totally-awesome.
(Why o why, did I hesitate so long before dumping my smaller Dell 30" and getting 37" Westy? I'm now so glad I did).
OK troops that's it------now back to my 37" Battleground......
After one week using my new super-duper

Also, running Westy's screen black: Coal Black. Why? So the White text and Yellow text and Green text that I'm using, stands out sharp, clear, readable.
I can now cruise Web for hours on end with no eye-fatigue-----cuz WinXP has turned all the glaring-White web pages to Black. wow, so nice.
I HATE white Web pages, they make my eyes squint and get tired.
How'd I do it? I set WinXP to "ignore colors specified on web pages". (if anyone wants more details, holler).


That sounds interesting, can you give more details on how you do that? Thanks :)
I was. Miss me? :D

And.. so did I, and thats what westinghouse told me too... but its definitely burning in something. I have green bars in the middle of my screen, and firefox tabs stuck at the top :mad:. I have a screen saver that kicks on after 10 minutes.... thats a problem.

My previous one that I RMAed for having a whole row of dead pixels had some kind of faint burn in from the factory. Visible mostly with the whole screen solid white or grey, the screen just looked streaked and dirty, and I could have sworn I saw the title of a OSD menu or something and faintly made out the word 'CUSTOM'

Not sure how that is possible with LCD...

No problems with my current SE after about two weeks now, I still run dead pixel buddy when I first boot and when I first shut down, and check white and gray and its flat and uniform as can be.
I've been thinking about pulling the trigger on this monitor, 1 question though. I'm a programmer which means there will be times I'll be staring at 12 point font for 10+ hours at a time... will this monitor strain my eyes and give me bad headaches? or is it pretty clear without enlarging the DPI? (or do people just normally always enlarge the DPI since 37'' is just so big?)
As long as I have it at the right height so my neck is the proper angle, I can personally use it for hours. Haven't changed DPI. Distance is 3-4 feet. YMMV. :)
Thanks for everyone that contributed to this thread. Lots of good information here.

My 37W3SE from Costco today VIA UPS. Box was in great shape. No dead/stuck pixels. At first it wasn't letting me display 1080p/60Hz, only 1080i/30Hz. I unchecked the "only show options my monitor can display" and selected 60Hz. It works perfectly!

It's a beautiful shell and displays some great IQ. Very happy with it so far. Pics below.
Camera is a bit old so be kind :p.



I've been thinking about pulling the trigger on this monitor, 1 question though. I'm a programmer which means there will be times I'll be staring at 12 point font for 10+ hours at a time... will this monitor strain my eyes and give me bad headaches? or is it pretty clear without enlarging the DPI? (or do people just normally always enlarge the DPI since 37'' is just so big?)
I personally haven't change the font size. Is perfect as it is. Also, if you are thinking to program on this thing, think about all the lines of come you can fit in here.:D So yeah, it would benefit you a lot. Also, if you lower the brightness, it still looks good, but it goes easier on you eyes. So that is the only little thing, since as far as sharpness goes, is SUPERB.
I use the same wallpaper. :p I have it set up with the Zune theme I got from the Microsoft website. It has gray and orange as the wallpaper, so it matches really good. But yeah, I don't think that is available for Vista.
Still, awesome wallpaper. And also, nice setup you got there. I like how you have everything organized, and those speakers look awesome next to your westy.:)
ordered mine on the 21st, shipped yesterday. scheduled for delivery on the 29th. the Westy watch is on!!!
I'll be staring at 12-point font for 10+ hours at a time.....
is Text pretty clear without enlarging the DPI?....

Nokkie, if I remember correctly, 9-point Text on a 15" screen is tiny, 9-point on a 17" is bigger and 9-point on a 22" is even bigger.
So, I'm guessing 12-pt on a 37" Westy will be HUGE and you'll prolly wind up setting it to lower dpi.
:D Anyway, welcome to Club Westy37------jump in the water's fine :D
Nokkie, if I remember correctly, 9-point Text on a 15" screen is tiny, 9-point on a 17" is bigger and 9-point on a 22" is even bigger.
So, I'm guessing 12-pt on a 37" Westy will be HUGE and you'll prolly wind up setting it to lower dpi.
:D Anyway, welcome to Club Westy37------jump in the water's fine :D

My 37W3SE from Costco today ....

It's a beautiful shell and displays great IQ....


Geeky, congrats.

You like the Westy's frame, eh?
So do I, and made mine even nicer by very-carefully painting the whole bezel with Premium High Gloss Black Latex paint using 2" foam brush.
Now the black finish shines like those expensive new Sonys and Sharps.
(No, the polished finish does not 'distract my attention' from my game or work).

Anyway, good luck with your new monitor.
I personally haven't change the font size. Is perfect as it is. Also, if you are thinking to program on this thing, think about all the lines of come you can fit in here.:D So yeah, it would benefit you a lot. Also, if you lower the brightness, it still looks good, but it goes easier on you eyes. So that is the only little thing, since as far as sharpness goes, is SUPERB.

I use the same wallpaper. :p I have it set up with the Zune theme I got from the Microsoft website. It has gray and orange as the wallpaper, so it matches really good. But yeah, I don't think that is available for Vista.
Still, awesome wallpaper. And also, nice setup you got there. I like how you have everything organized, and those speakers look awesome next to your westy.:)

Thanks! The background looks good on this monitor.
Geeky, congrats. You like the Westy's frame, eh?
So do I, and made mine even nicer by very-carefully painting the whole bezel with Premium High Gloss Black Latex paint using 2" foam brush.
Now the black finish shines like those expensive new Sonys and Sharps.
(No, the polished finish does not 'distract my attention' from my game or work).
Anyway, good luck with your new monitor.

Wish I had those kinds of skills with paint. I might be inclined to do the same :)
Geeky, congrats.

You like the Westy's frame, eh?
So do I, and made mine even nicer by very-carefully painting the whole bezel with Premium High Gloss Black Latex paint using 2" foam brush.
Now the black finish shines like those expensive new Sonys and Sharps.
(No, the polished finish does not 'distract my attention' from my game or work).

Anyway, good luck with your new monitor.

pics please~~~ :D