Got my Westinghouse LVM-37W3 37" 1080p display today!

pics please~~~ :D
No camera; what a bummer cuz I have a huge 1920x1080p screenshot of jet fighter lifting off carrier, released by developer of upcoming game 'Crysis'. Another 'Crysis' pic shows artillery exploding at night in city street (poor city) the whole night-scene is flaming red explosions. wow, looks like it'll be awesome looking game at1080P on our huge Westy screens.

Wallpaper please
I'm minutes from pulling the trigger on the SE (my parents have Costco). I need some quick answers and by morning I think I will go for it. First of all any idea how long this sale price is supposed to go on for?

Is the consensus that the SE model is the equivalent of the 37w3?
Is the firmware equivalent with the latest & best of the 37w3?
Does it have the problems that the 37w3 had with the PS3 blinking?

What's the difference w/ the RMT-005 remote compared to the 37w3's RMT-001?

Has anyone found the 1200:1 as opposed to 1000:1 to make any difference?

Has anyone actually seen the 2 side by side?

Also, are these se model's generally available in Costco stores or online only?

One other question I do have is: let's say I watch a letterboxed program, like a standard DVD or something broadcast with letterboxing. How do you get it to fill in to the TV & eliminate the letterboxing? Is this something the 37w3 does automatically when it detects 16:9 content? I suppose letterbox DVD's would trigger this, but something broadcast on TV in letterbox probably would not, correct?

Also, I heard a limitation it has is just the "fill" and "standard" modes. Does "standard" mean you watch SDTV with 2 black bars on left and right? And fill stretches it to fill the screen?

The deal is online only. I'd love to buy this monitor from the local Costco that's barely 5 minutes away, but it's not meant to be =(
Can't answer a lot of those questions, but the "fill" option zooms the standard a bit so it reaches the sides of the screen more (and cuts of the tops of the source as a consequence). There is no stretching involved in the two options, just zooming.

The last 20 pages or so will have you know that the SE is only really different by the one less DVI and increased contrast. I didn't need the 2 DVI's so I'm pleased with my SE.
actually fill functions differently depending on the source, I think. For 16:9 sources it just overscans (zooms). For 4:3 sources (e.g. PC 1024x768 or SDTV) it stretches them horizontally to fill the screen.
The PS3 handshake issue is a past issue seemingly fixed by the 1.81 PS3 firmware update. I can attest to this as I just hooked mine up via hdmi to my w3(non SE) As for the SE I'm not sure if the issue remains or not.

For those interested, a friend asked me to measure my Westy's power draw. Here are the results as reported by my APC XS1000 UPS power monitoring software.

Backlight set to zero (minimum): 80 watts
one: 90 watts
two: 115 watts
three: 130 watts
four: 150 watts
Backlight set to five (maximum): 170 watts
What is one of the first things to do once you get a 1080p HDTV...

..Play 1080p content!!

HD 1080p video trailers are a blast to add to the "wow-factor" especially to impress friends. has HD trailers on their website but to be honest, I find downloading the trailers, and using QuickTime Pro that some of the videos produce slightly choppy/laggy scences.


Anyway, you can download the .divx file from the multiple selections available and play them back with the latest divx player on their website or use the VLC media player (love this player for HD content and video playback)

On a note: these files are rather large ranging from 80MB to 300MB (more in the 100~MB range)

I'd recommend:

Frank Miller's 300

Bourne Ultimatum

Harry Potter & Order of Phoenix

Live Free or Die Hard

and of course Transformers

Lots more at that original URL.. hope some of you enjoy it!
#4786 Today, 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Zak
...... Also, running Westy's screen black: Coal Black. Why? So the White text and Yellow text and Green text that I'm using, stands out sharp, clear, readable.
I can now cruise Web for hours on end with no eye-fatigue-----cuz WinXP has turned all the glaring-White web pages to Black. wow, so nice.
I HATE white Web pages, they make my eyes squint and get tired.
How'd I do it? I set WinXP to "ignore colors specified on web pages". (if anyone wants more details, holler).
That sounds interesting, can you give more details on how you do that?
Thanks :)
Yes, please elaborate. I would like to know how to do it as well....Thanks

OK, I'll tell in detail what I did and you decide wether you want to try it for your Westys.
1st I chose one of WinXPs "customized" Black screens.
2nd I told WinXP don't let websites override Westys' screen colors.

CAUTION: Guys, before doing what I did, cover yer butts. Like this:
Click on Start menu and go to Acccessories / System Tools / Windows Restore and click on "Add Restore point". WinXP will take a snapshot of your PC-setup and reboot the PC.
Now yer butt is covered. If u screw-up your Westy screens real bad, just go back to "Restore" and tell it to restore your PC back to where it was. (You can do this over n' over).
OK, here's the Walkthru.....

1)... Go to Control Panel / Display / Appearance and choose these 3 settings: Windows Classic Style and High Contrast#2 and Normal.
2)... Then click on "Apply".
3)... Then click on "Advanced" and a new screen opens.
4)... The upper-half is a pile of small windows n' boxes n' buttons n' menus. Their colors were selected, tested, debugged by software engineers for "High Contrast#2" scheme.
So DONT change those colors unless you are experienced Windows person.
if you change any Text colors, change only 1-at-a-time, and test it immediately in your docs, your emails, your surfing. If u don't, wierd things might happen in some places, like text might not be visible, or might be very hard to see. I've had good luck with yellow text and white text (in places where background is black).
Bottom line: if u leave the "High Contrast#2" colors alone-----you'll have nice visible Text on Black screen, cuz everything was designed / debugged by software engineers.
5)... Pick the Font-styles and Font-sizes that u want (for the different menus, windows n boxes on this page) and make Fonts bold (if u want).
6)... When done, hit OK and window closes and u're back in first window. Hit "Apply" and you're all done here.
7)... Now fire up yer browser, and open Tools / Internet Options / Accsessibility. Put checkmark in box "Ignore colors specified on Web pages". Hit OK, and OK, yer all done.
Now go surfing with a Black screen with hi-vidibility Text (no more glare from White web pages that make u squint) .... the Web is now very restful-on-eyes, you can surf it for hours n' hours.

Caveat: You're Westy will run into some white Web pages, white Advertisements, and white Docs, that ignore your XP settings and stay white. :eek: :eek: But hey, our super-Westys can't win 'em all, right? ;) :cool:
What is one of the first things to do once you get a 1080p HDTV...

..Play 1080p content!!

HD 1080p video trailers are a blast to add to the "wow-factor" especially to impress friends. has HD trailers on their website but to be honest, I find downloading the trailers, and using QuickTime Pro that some of the videos produce slightly choppy/laggy scences.


Anyway, you can download the .divx file from the multiple selections available and play them back with the latest divx player on their website or use the VLC media player (love this player for HD content and video playback)

On a note: these files are rather large ranging from 80MB to 300MB (more in the 100~MB range)

I'd recommend:

Frank Miller's 300

Bourne Ultimatum

Harry Potter & Order of Phoenix

Live Free or Die Hard

and of course Transformers

Lots more at that original URL.. hope some of you enjoy it!

Very nice! I'll check those out in the A.M.
So what's the deal with the return policy? I have some sort of odd pixel smack dead in the center of my screen. I thought it was a dead/stuck pixel, but it doesn't appear to be at the same layer as the pixels. It's more of a gray smudge on one of the layers right above the glass substrate it seems.

I've tried every single pixel revivication trick and it's at the point where it's bugging the piss out of me.

Can I just take the monitor to a local Costco and hope they can replace it on the spot? Or do I have to go through RMA via Costco-online?
Those of you with SE models (or any of you, for that matter) - could you check for more brightness on the right side than the left? Easiest way is to just drag a window from the left to the right and see if there is any brightness/color shift. Mine is subtle, but it is definitely there. Never notice it when gaming, but it is noticeable when using it for browsing/anything else. I'm starting to like this "feature" - you can drag a window to the left for less eye fatigue, or to the right for a touch more "pop!". :D

I am getting used to the size of this badboy, and it is really nice not having any dead pixels or other anomalies. Still torn on whether or not to keep it or return it and get a Dell 2707 for about the same price (I can get a deal thru a friend's work).
Those of you with SE models (or any of you, for that matter) - could you check for more brightness on the right side than the left? Easiest way is to just drag a window from the left to the right and see if there is any brightness/color shift. Mine is subtle, but it is definitely there. Never notice it when gaming, but it is noticeable when using it for browsing/anything else. I'm starting to like this "feature" - you can drag a window to the left for less eye fatigue, or to the right for a touch more "pop!". :D

I am getting used to the size of this badboy, and it is really nice not having any dead pixels or other anomalies. Still torn on whether or not to keep it or return it and get a Dell 2707 for about the same price (I can get a deal thru a friend's work).

Keep the Westy dude. I had the 2405 and I wouldn't even think about touching that monitor now that I've gotten used to the 37.
I believe you can just take it in, they give you your money back, and then you order it again...

Call costco and ask, that's proably the best to find out.
Don't know... does everyone who is having it detected as the w4207 have Vista? I have Windows XP Pro and it detects as the SE.... Shows up in the ATI control panel as LVM37W3se and as soon as I hooked it up over DVI, it immediately set it to 1920x1080, 60Hz.

I wouldn't lose hope guys, but Just, I understand your frustration man. I don't know what is going on with yours but I'd consider trying to order another one and returning that one. Especially considering your 10 minutes away. If the new one has problems, then you know it's just your setup somehow.

As for UPS and package handling. Mine came from Ontario, CA all the way to FL with hardly a scratch. It had one slight crush on the top end and a dent on the side that didn't even break through. The TV is in mint condition. It seems like they made a special trip to deliver it????? UPS Ground always comes to my office at like 1-2 PM and my TV showed up at like 9:50 AM. It was a nice surprise. :p

Again though, are the people with these weird problems running Vista or something?

Just wondering if you would be willing to post where your Westy SE was made? How about production date or any other information.

The one I got is detected as the W4207 and I FINALLY managed to get it to be setup as 1080p without problems with nVidia Control Panel. But why are SOME being detected as W4207 and others, correctly, as a LVM-37w3se?
Hello all

I am new here, after reading from most of this post in this topic I orderd my LVM-37W3

It will be 2 weeks before I get it

can someone please answer these questions for me, which is concerning me

I want to use this for both PC gaming (I am racing sim, e.g GTR2, rfactor) and also for watching F1 races on weekend, its on speed Vision, and of course DVD movies, etc, etc

I know from reading here, its a great PC monitor
I have directTV HD receiver, will the regular TV look O.K (Speed Vision is what I watch) and yes I can sit 8 feet back on my bed when watching TV. Also since this is a monitor not a TV, and I will be running the directtv HD receiver, will the HD channel also look good

I looked into the Sharp gaming model but that is very expensive, I also saw on Westinghouse site yesterday that this monitor got a 90 for big screen gaming..

I appreciate all your help, just nervious that this will be o.k for gaming on PC, also watching HD tv and regular TV

One more question for all you hardcore guys, I know there is no HDMI in, but how can I record a race from speedvision viewing from this tv to a dvd recorder, what I am trying to ask is how do you connect a dvd recorder inbetween this monitor and directtv HD receiver to record regular tv
Keep the Westy dude. I had the 2405 and I wouldn't even think about touching that monitor now that I've gotten used to the 37.

I've got the 2405fpw, and debating on picking up this 37" westy at costco for $920 ground shipped after taxes when i use my gf's costco #... otherwise, it's $962 shipped. :(

so i may use her accnt, but really not sure if i wanna go that big on my desk...
Hey guys, I just ordered the 37w3se :D . Any idea how long for delivery to northeast PA?
Dude, check in the Costco website. They give you a delivery estimate there. Just check where it says "Tracking". It normally arrives 99% of the time in the day they state there.

So what's the deal with the return policy? I have some sort of odd pixel smack dead in the center of my screen. I thought it was a dead/stuck pixel, but it doesn't appear to be at the same layer as the pixels. It's more of a gray smudge on one of the layers right above the glass substrate it seems.

I've tried every single pixel revivication trick and it's at the point where it's bugging the piss out of me.

Can I just take the monitor to a local Costco and hope they can replace it on the spot? Or do I have to go through RMA via Costco-online?
Take your westy to your local Costco, and they will give you your money back there immediatly. You'll be walking home with $900+ dollars with you, and once you get home, just place another order. That it!


For those interested, a friend asked me to measure my Westy's power draw. Here are the results as reported by my APC XS1000 UPS power monitoring software.

Backlight set to zero (minimum): 80 watts
one: 90 watts
two: 115 watts
three: 130 watts
four: 150 watts
Backlight set to five (maximum): 170 watts
Interesting. Besides burning your eyes at level 5, 170 watts been wasted is another reason why NOT to set it to 5.
Does costco charge as soon as you order? or do they charge after 2-3 weeks when they actually ship the thing?
Dude, check in the Costco website. They give you a delivery estimate there. Just check where it says "Tracking". It normally arrives 99% of the time in the day they state there.

I don't want to wait for them to post an estimate. :) I want to know when it will be here now. The confirmation email I received said 2-3 weeks, but it doesn't sound like it actually takes that long.
Does costco charge as soon as you order? or do they charge after 2-3 weeks when they actually ship the thing?

Looks like they charge right away. BTW (Odin75), I just double checked the website and it says tracking info not available. That's why I asked for people's experiences with it here.
I don't have a costco membership and I'm on the east coast. Anyone have any experiences in what would happen if I need to return the monitor? ( i think costco is all west coast?)
Just wondering if you would be willing to post where your Westy SE was made? How about production date or any other information.

The one I got is detected as the W4207 and I FINALLY managed to get it to be setup as 1080p without problems with nVidia Control Panel. But why are SOME being detected as W4207 and others, correctly, as a LVM-37w3se?

I believe it i just a driver issue but I'm not 100% certain. Once I got 1080p running the monitor changed form ebing detected as 4207 to the 37w3se. Then I got my second Westy...When the new one got picked up as the 37w3se, the old reverted back to W4207 lol and had a similar "defaulting back to 1080i automaticaly option". Although it was a bit different no panning jsut stuck in 1080i and the checkbox would automaticaly re-select for interlaced. THen I started swapping around the DVI cables at the card and finaly tricked it into getting them both to run 1080p. But one still says its a 4207, guess that makes it easier to tell them apart anyways.... seems I can not only have one detected as a 37W3se at a time. Nvidia drivers are really screwing me up. I think I either need to return one screen or buy an ATI card.

Having 2 is bad ass but it makes the Contrast issue (left to right) MUCH more noticable since when you have a window in the center of the 2 screens they are on opposite sides of each monitor. Maybe I should take a pic or if there was a way to flip one of the monitors upside down then flip the screen to display upside down that would love the issue lol.
I've got the 2405fpw, and debating on picking up this 37" westy at costco for $920 ground shipped after taxes when i use my gf's costco #... otherwise, it's $962 shipped. :(

so i may use her accnt, but really not sure if i wanna go that big on my desk...

or you can use the one you have now and order a replacement, then just return one when your replacement arrives. but be warned yo u might be left wanting 2 of them!
What is one of the first things to do once you get a 1080p HDTV...

..Play 1080p content!!

yippy kai yay motherfucker! the shrek 3 trailer was the one which really got me.. but this was a while back also.. Ive been enjoying 1080p HD goodness from my Xbox360 HD dvd drive also.. Planet Earth has some amazing footage.. whew. good stuff!
Ive had my westy for a week and a half, and i too have noticed that the right side is brighter than the left side. easiest way for me to see it is to put the mouse cuser half off the screen on either side, and u can tell. its not bad unless u have a white document completely open. i was considering returning it, but now that it seems to be a "feature" i guess ill keep it lol. i dont feel like waiting for like 3 more weeks for another one. can otehres with the 37SE confirm that yes the right side is SLIGHTLY brighter?

also, i seem to have physical damage on the screen in these small grey spots. i bought a monster cleaner kit to get them off and they dont. when i recieved it in the mail the plastice screeh protecter had completely fallen off :(. i can only see these spots if the sun's glare is completely shining on that spot. u guys think i should return it?

lastly, if anyone has a ps2 with component cables and god of war, could u load it up for me and check if, in light areas, the "bars" in the sword seem to bleed across the screen a slight violet? i have seen no other bleeding in anything else.

thanks for reading this jumble
The screen is not just a little brighter on the right hand side it is quite a significant amount brighter. I know this because of having dual Westys. (They both do this so exchanging them for this reason will probably not help at all.)

Not sure If it will force me to return them, I doubt it but the flaw is there none the less. It's very obvious when you can look at the extremes side by side vs moving a mouse or window from one side to the other. I will see if I can get a picture but my camera isn't good at those types of shots.
I don't have a costco membership and I'm on the east coast. Anyone have any experiences in what would happen if I need to return the monitor? ( i think costco is all west coast?)

theres 2 costco's here in the capital area alone...on another note i was supposed to receive my westy today but supposedly it was damaged in transit so I didn't even get a chance to refuse it:mad:

hmm maybe this is telling me to get the 42" tx instead...only 200 more for 5 more inches + tuners...its a bit big for my desk though..and the farthest away I can sit it is 29" lol
For me the brightness on the edges only seems apparent with dark shades of gray like the background of the posts here. But it's slightly brighter on BOTH ends, and if I move my head to the right, the right side darkens and the left side gets a little brighter still.

In my case its just viewing angles from being so close to a huge screen.

But other than that, no issues with the screen itself actually being brighter that I can perceive without a side by side comparison and I'm pretty damn picky.

Edit: This is on a SE btw. Any brightness shifting I get moving a window around can be duplicated by keeping the window centered and moving my head back and forth.
....... Planet Earth has some amazing footage.. whew. good stuff!

Planet You haven't seen HD till you've seen this. I just wish I could get my Fountain combo HD/DVD to work :( (stupid combo disks not working)
Quick question to you Westy 37" owners...
I have ZERO intention of using my monitor for anything other than computer work (no TV, no movies, very, very, very few games). I was going to upgrade my 19" to something bigger (tired of squinting and leaning forward) and stumbled on this Westy thing. I would be 2.5 to 3 feet from the Westy....

Would you still recommend it solely as a larger workstation monitor?
You might want to add the PS3 as a good upscaling DVD player with the 1.8 update (it beats out the Oppo 981HD by a bit). The 360 is actually a pretty terrible upscaling DVD player though.
Oh.. nice. Well the PS3 certainly has a lot of image processing horse power.. I was actually a little dissappointed with my Oppo 981.. well, or maybe it's just show off the flaws on some of, well, a lot of my disks.. only certain disks look nice on it.. very very hit and miss.. I guess it's decoder (edit: the Faroudja chip) sacrifices some crispness in image quality for smoother de-interlacing playback at the 1080p res.. ? not sure. At any rate, since I got my xbox360 HD drive the oppo has been in a powered off position. lol.
If you're doing professional image editing/design, no, the panel isn't accurate or consistent enough for that. But for just about everything else, including non-pro Photoshop stuff (where exact color reproduction isn't a big deal), yes, it rocks. Especially considering what you're coming from. Me, having come from a 1920x1200 17" notebook screen it was a bit like the same thing, just 3 times bigger. Being used to such a tiny dot pitch I almost wish I had a higher res panel like the 30" Dell, but my notebook only has single link output so that limits me to 1080p or WUXGA. All said though, this thing can't be beat for size/quality for this price, and actually beats out a lot of the big brand sets that cost a lot more, and with the wide assortment of inputs I can use it with more than just my computer. I've got a PC, 360, PS3, PS2, Wii and a Tivo box that I could have all hooked up at once if I wanted to.

360 - VGA
PS2 - Component 1
Wii - Component 2
Tivo - S-video
Well there are definitely plenty of COSTCOs in the east coast. There are at least 3 in Long Island alone.

It takes about 10 days from when you order it till it arrives at your door on the east coast. Then it takes another 10 days to get the replacement because UPS broke the original. Then it takes another 10 days to get the replacement for the replacement.

At least that has been my experience, your's may be different. My 3rd should arrive tomorrow. If it is broken then that's it! I give up.

I will let you all know how it goes.