Got My 3007!! its huge ..PIcs

boomheadshot45 said:
can you run it at like the one with like 1024x by something or whatever thats what i run my desktp at.
I can run mine at 1280x960 in OS X using a Geforce 6600 256MB.
el rolio said:
uhm, im sorry, but to go slightly OT, when you say you "RMA'd" your 7800 gtx, does that actually mean you called in a rma? or yu just mean you returned it to wherever you bought it in order to replace your order for the 79?

I just told newegg I didn't want it anymore, and I wanted a 7900 :)

newegg rox0rz so they waved my restocking fee (80 bucks) told me to send the 7800 back when I get the 7900...and sent me a free gift! (liscence plate holder said something like I'd rather be pimping my pc)

NEWEGG FTW! :cool:
ok cool beans, i mean i know that folks out there rampantly abuse the RMA system, but im happy to hear this wasnt a case of that. i appreciate you answerin.

yea what i love about GOOD e-tailers, is when you can be like "hey this newer version came out, lemme go a quick trade-back/in" and they actually work with you.
Well, I went for it and pulled the trigger. The 3007 is on the way.

Will post pics when I get my new rig all set up.

Does the 3007 have on screen display?

Also, for those of you that have ordered through the ebay resellers, did you get an order number from dell? If there is a problem with the monitor do you deal with the reseller or dell during the 21 day return policy that dell has?
Mine just showed up today. I got mine from "seasidetech" off of ebay. No backlight issues, no messed up pixels, absolutely perfect! I won the auction on 3/16, and the monitor showed up 3/21. I can't complain with that ship time. I have to wonder how this guy gets Dell to ship the LCD's so fast.
you can "buy it now" from seasidetech. i believe it's roughly $1,769.98 delivered. that's NOT TOO BAD @ALL!
JediFonger said:
you can "buy it now" from seasidetech. i believe it's roughly $1,769.98 delivered. that's NOT TOO BAD @ALL!

Yes, that is what I did. It was shipped and on its way from Dell within 24 hours.
i only worry that it'll be cheaper than that when new products come out. obsolence is a way of life =(.

i still remember paying about $803 for 2001fp and not it's about $550 or so delivered. yeah, i know, way of hte samurai, etc. but still. it's NICE to have, but i don't NEED to have it.
I just got mine yesterday, and WOW, what a monitor! Yes, it most certainly is huge: that's everyone's first reaction on seeing it. I don't see any dead pixels, and I don't notice any backlight bleeding or variation in brightness. It looks great to me! Better yet, it ran Oblivion smooth as silk on the highest detail settings -- with only a single ATI X1900XTX 512M, Athlon 4800+, 4G RAM. Ditto with D&D Online. In Oblivion, it felt like everything was life-sized. My arms are as big as they'd be in RL. When the emperor talk to me, his head looks as big as a real head. And of course the detail on other characters is stunning. I can see tiny decorations on their armor and belts; wrinkles in their foreheads; I mean, yum!

My fears that I'd have to run out and buy SLI right away have been allayed. I don't play shooters all that often, and in any case I also tested running this thing in non-native resolutions -- and again it looked great!

Desktop use is amazing too. It may take me a while to get used to all this screen real estate for surfing, but already I can see that I'll be able to open up Word, a browser, and Excel at the same time -- comfortably. I did have to increase the acceleration on my mouse to make traversing the screen less like an expedition.

I bought direct from Dell; I'm not an eBay guy. Glad I didn't let them talk me into the needless optional cable or extended warranty.

All in all, my first impression is: WOW!
StalkerZER0 said:
If you bought it through the is it that its being shipped from dell? :confused:

On the Dell invoice, it had the resellers name as the buyer and my name and address as the ship to address.
My 3007 arrived yesterday, bought from "seasidetech" on ebay. As others have said, after he receives your order, he places an order to Dell for you. Dell ships directly to you. Awesome monitor.
That kind of an arm would be sweet... The standard stand that comes with the monitor is very good however.
jacuzz1 said:
Dude, Link please............and how much was it ?
Before anyone goes out and buys the arm, let me tell you that it is not perfect. I had the armor on my 2405FP which it worked perfect for, however the 3007 is too heavy for it to function pefectly. But it looks great, you say... I know, but I found a workaround that worked for me.

Note in the first three pictures that the monitor is slightly pressed up against the Ergotron base. This is what it needs or else it will tip down. The arm part of the Ergotron is strong enough to support the monitor in constant force, but the neck is not. Why one is strong enough while one part isn't... I don't know.

Now, if I pull the arm away, it will tilt:

However, the monitor works perfect for my needs as my bed is up against the desk on the other side. I can flip it around for some late night viewing with the lady :)
RexPokinghorn said:
However, the monitor works perfect for my needs as my bed is up against the desk on the other side. I can flip it around for some late night viewing with the lady :)

Or other things when the lady isn't around... or maybe when she is? ;)
Did anyone go from a 2405 to a 3007 and find out that they liked the 2405 better?

It just seems that 30 inches might be to big. Good thing about deal, I can buy it and if I don't like it I can return for full refund.
bandit390 said:
Did anyone go from a 2405 to a 3007 and find out that they liked the 2405 better?

It just seems that 30 inches might be to big. Good thing about deal, I can buy it and if I don't like it I can return for full refund.

OP did...apparently he likes it that's why this thread is very well alive no doubt ;)
bandit390 said:
Did anyone go from a 2405 to a 3007 and find out that they liked the 2405 better?

It just seems that 30 inches might be to big. Good thing about deal, I can buy it and if I don't like it I can return for full refund.
I did.

At first it was overwhelming and I preferred my 2405. Now that I'm used to it... I couldn't go back. I have 2 2405FP's in the other room and I still prefer the wingle 3007... I might go dual 3007s.... :eek:
It's THREADS like this that make me feel...inadequate.

I have a headache now...I need some excedrin. :)
bandit390 said:
Did anyone go from a 2405 to a 3007 and find out that they liked the 2405 better?

It just seems that 30 inches might be to big. Good thing about deal, I can buy it and if I don't like it I can return for full refund.

I did, went from dual 2405's to dual 3007's. My disk isn't big enough for both yet but I like them much better.
Yes I did and while the 2405 was nice and even more versatile, the 3007 is in a league of its own for my purposes. The fit and finish are the best for Dell yet and she performs quite well at any resolution. I was playing fear last night. ( I saved the majority of the game for when i got my Dell and 7900 gtx) and dam near shit my pants during the scenes when the girl is released and your having visions. THose scenes at 2560x1600 have to be seen to be believed. Talk about emersion factor. 30 inches of it baby
deleted post, i in fact did do a run with COD and forgot i did lol
Just wonder if you scale the resolution down on this bad boy (1920 or to 1080P) do you still get black bars on top and bottom of the display during movies. I have read that the screen does a good job of down scaling which is nice, im just trying to get a glimse of what this screen would be like with blue ray, thanks for the pictures so far and thanks ahead of time for the help.
I would be really wary about mounting a 3007 on a monitor arm. Even the 2005 is pretty heavy for an ergotron. One of the back panels that houses the inputs on one of my 2005s was bent because of vertical orientation on the arm. I have a 3007 now, and I cant imagine that it woudl be great for the monitor to be housed like that. Just giving a heads up. This thing is a beast haha.
I am thinking seriously about mounting her on the wall using hte ergo tron plasma mounts
Has anyone an opinion on which is a better buy; the Neo-Flex or LX arm? The price difference is about $40 CND. It seems more sturdy for some reason.
i think that the only problem with the 3007 is its huge resolution, too high to me, imo.
stopmenow said:
i think that the only problem with the 3007 is its huge resolution, too high to me, imo.
yeah, and also think that me and many other pc gamers sit less than 1ft away from their monitor................
jacuzz1 said:
I am thinking seriously about mounting her on the wall using hte ergo tron plasma mounts

Are you people sure Ergo can support the weight of a 30" LCD? What's your net wt. of the Dell 30 anyway?
Happy Hopping said:
Are you people sure Ergo can support the weight of a 30" LCD? What's your net wt. of the Dell 30 anyway?

Well if theri flush mounts can handle a 42 inch plasma , i am sure it can handle a 30 inch monitor