Got My 3007!! its huge ..PIcs

Flash2k6 said:
Just got my 3007FPW, I ordered it from an E-Bay seller named: seasidetech, and it came straight from Dell, exactly as described, in my name, with the warranty no problems at all. Was a very smooth transaction, and he was great to deal with.

My company spends nearly $1,000,000 a month on Dell equipment, and ironically the E-Bay guy got the damn thing cheaper than my company could with our buying power, which in of itself pisses me off but that's a whole different story which I'm taking up with my rep and their management.

Anyways first impressions are DAMN .. this thing dwarfs the 2405, the colors are crisp, the display is sharp, and I have no dead pixels and no brightness/light bleeding issues, in a nutshell its perfect.

I've done some base FPS tests, and the native res is a more noticable hit on the frame rates, but the 7800GTX and 7800GTX SLI setup hold up pretty strong regardless. I've got 2 7900 GTX's sitting here in boxes that I will be swapping the 7800's for in the next couple days if I can find some free time, I'll post some SLI numbers for folks when I can.

Summary: The 3007FPW is insane.... couldn't be happier.

The Guy is most likely a Dell Reseller. I would be really inerested in the sli numbers. I will be doing single 7900gtx superclock numbers and will base my second card purchase decision on your sli results
jacuzz1, do you have the 7900 already?

That's CoD2 at 2560x1600, DX9, all maxed out, ingame 2x AA and ingame AF. HQ mode in the control panel. It runs in MP S&D with 30-50 FPS. Its smooth but I cannot game at this setting :( The mouse is very laggy, unable to frag^^
But it looks incredible.
Who is the manufacturer of the LCD module and are there any lag/ghost/blur issues at native res.
slaWter said:
jacuzz1, do you have the 7900 already?

That's CoD2 at 2560x1600, DX9, all maxed out, ingame 2x AA and ingame AF. HQ mode in the control panel. It runs in MP S&D with 30-50 FPS. Its smooth but I cannot game at this setting :( The mouse is very laggy, unable to frag^^
But it looks incredible.

IT just arrived she goes in tonight I cannot wait. I am going to make a duplicate Fear run , you remeber 13fps to see how much better the 7900 is than my KO I get the feeling i will be buying a second one.
kleox64 said:
Who is the manufacturer of the LCD module and are there any lag/ghost/blur issues at native res.

Some say LG some Samy, All i can say is no ghosting that I can see, no backlight issues, mine is perfect

dang laptop keybaords are a bitch to type on
jacuzz1 said:
IT just arrived she goes in tonight I cannot wait. I am going to make a duplicate Fear run , you remeber 13fps to see how much better the 7900 is than my KO I get the feeling i will be buying a second one.

Yeah I remember... a comparison in CoD2 and FEAR would be nice - 7800GTX vs 7900GTX.
To bad my FEAR installation is broken, but no motivation to reinstall :p

Looking forward to same feedback from you. Have fun while testing!

But a second 7900 would be hot for the 3007.
So far the only complaint I have about my 3007FPW is that I have to keep upping my mouse acceleration because the screen and resolution is so damn high that it takes a lot to move the mouse across it :)

But still in heaven ;)

I should be picking both of mine up from UPS tonight!!!! The delivery was attempted this morning, but nobody was there so they're on will call. Now I just need to upgrade my video cards.
Flash2k6 said:
So far the only complaint I have about my 3007FPW is that I have to keep upping my mouse acceleration because the screen and resolution is so damn high that it takes a lot to move the mouse across it :)

But still in heaven ;)


LOL,I am left and right handed so i run dual mice, it great for being gunner on a chopper and its also good for your issue lol :D
I've ordered one off eBay for $1600. Does this one have as many dead pixels and backlighting issues as the 2005FPW? I hope I don't get any.
Fear 16xaf , every thing up max, no soft shadows butshadow on, fsaa off.
I cannot get the full 2560 x 1600 since i loaded the beta driver no mater what i do so its 25xxx15xx

These pics are downsized, origianl bmp were 9 megers

Up 47fpsin this frame
I was in the mid 20's dont know why fraps did not show, lost it in the compression ?





I dunno about the rest of these guys, but I could salivate on these screenshots all day! :cool:

Thanks for all the hard work in this thread, are making my 2405 versus 3007 choice that much harder!!!
Anybody who wants it just grab it

I call it "it sucks to be me"



This card is power ful , i was in the 40's here and better
wow. So I went ahead and RMA'd my 7800GTX (i just bought the parts for this new rig) and got the 7900GTX. Still battling on whether I should upgrade to the 3007. Anyone know if dell will be offering a trade up kind of deal? I love my 2405...but I may want to just upgrade to the 2407, or the 3007. Maybe I should just keep it and get the 3007 anyway. :confused:

Quick question about your superclocked version 7900 you got. Does it get crazy hot? I looked at all of the cards and decided that it's the exact same hardware, it's just eVGA overclocked the superclocked more than everyone else overclocked their hardware. I figure I could do it myself if it was indeed an issue. I really hate a hot computer, and I figured that I could probably cook breakfast off of that superclocked one. Also I plan on getting two of them anyway, so that would be crazy heat.

I did hear that these 7900's ran a lot cooler than the 7800's though...but what do you think?

Had a little fun with my two 2405's and my new 3007fpw...

1 machine... 3 screens... yah, nutty.

You, sir...are a god.

/me pulls out his credit card

:eek: how many icons do you need?!?!! :eek:
Atti2d said:
wow. So I went ahead and RMA'd my 7800GTX (i just bought the parts for this new rig) and got the 7900GTX. Still battling on whether I should upgrade to the 3007. Anyone know if dell will be offering a trade up kind of deal? I love my 2405...but I may want to just upgrade to the 2407, or the 3007. Maybe I should just keep it and get the 3007 anyway. :confused:

uhm, im sorry, but to go slightly OT, when you say you "RMA'd" your 7800 gtx, does that actually mean you called in a rma? or yu just mean you returned it to wherever you bought it in order to replace your order for the 79?
Atti2d said:
wow. So I went ahead and RMA'd my 7800GTX (i just bought the parts for this new rig) and got the 7900GTX. Still battling on whether I should upgrade to the 3007. Anyone know if dell will be offering a trade up kind of deal? I love my 2405...but I may want to just upgrade to the 2407, or the 3007. Maybe I should just keep it and get the 3007 anyway. :confused:

Quick question about your superclocked version 7900 you got. Does it get crazy hot? I looked at all of the cards and decided that it's the exact same hardware, it's just eVGA overclocked the superclocked more than everyone else overclocked their hardware. I figure I could do it myself if it was indeed an issue. I really hate a hot computer, and I figured that I could probably cook breakfast off of that superclocked one. Also I plan on getting two of them anyway, so that would be crazy heat.

I did hear that these 7900's ran a lot cooler than the 7800's though...but what do you think?

She idles at 42-44c
Hour straight of BF2 and by the time i got down to the desk top.......53c, then right to 45c within a mnute. My best guess is 60 load?

PS: they are speed binning to get the superclocks and cannot even keep up with demand. You chances of buying two lower clocked cards and reaching 690 on the core may be slimmer than you think. I do have a Zalman blowing across the top of mine that is still in my rig from my sli KO days and since my case "breaths" and I am in my rec room @65F , she purrs along. Your results may vary. I am going to break her in for a few days and then do a coolbits auto oc to see what comes up.
Atti2d said:
You, sir...are a god.

/me pulls out his credit card

:eek: how many icons do you need?!?!! :eek:

I am a lazy bastard with ton of memory and alot of desktop

Update, shit I thougth I was the god. lol :eek: I missed the tri- screen post , now that is alot of icons....
Flash2K6, nice setup!

PIF wallpaper please? That's about all I can afford from that setup :p
How well have you folks fared, that bought yours from one of the Ebay resellers? Any problems with delivery, or warranty registration? I noticed that they've raised their price by about $200 sometime in the last couple of days.
I got mine from a seller on EBAY. Got the monitor in 3 days straight from Dell brand new.

Paid $1640 shipped so its not a bad deal. Glad I got it before the prices went up.
TechHead said:
Flash2K6, nice setup!

PIF wallpaper please? That's about all I can afford from that setup :p

Uber cool setup for sure, i did not see that post till just now!
Picked both of mine up last night and god are they awsome. This is the only pic I can take right now, but you can see one of my dual 2405's on the right side there.
Just moved, the camera is packed away somewhere. I'll find it sometime and get some pictures up.
All these pictures make me extremely jealous.

Where do you's live so I can um look :D .

I want my 2 X1900 in Crossfire or 7900GTX SLi with the Dell 3007fpw :mad: .
I got mine off e-bay, as I stated in my previous post from a seller named "seasidetech". Came straight from Dell, had my name on it, warranty is in my name, address is in my name.

I would have bought it direct, but sadly the E-bay guy beat my corporate pricing, even with a million+ dollars a month spent with Dell.. truely sad if you ask me.

It was a smooth transaction, and like the others I paid $1599 + shipping which was about 60 bux.

Flash2k6 said:
I got mine off e-bay, as I stated in my previous post from a seller named "seasidetech". Came straight from Dell, had my name on it, warranty is in my name, address is in my name.

I would have bought it direct, but sadly the E-bay guy beat my corporate pricing, even with a million+ dollars a month spent with Dell.. truely sad if you ask me.

It was a smooth transaction, and like the others I paid $1599 + shipping which was about 60 bux.


:D, j/k but would really like it!
Flash2k6 said:
I got mine off e-bay, as I stated in my previous post from a seller named "seasidetech". Came straight from Dell, had my name on it, warranty is in my name, address is in my name.

I would have bought it direct, but sadly the E-bay guy beat my corporate pricing, even with a million+ dollars a month spent with Dell.. truely sad if you ask me.

It was a smooth transaction, and like the others I paid $1599 + shipping which was about 60 bux.


It appears that he doesn't have any auctions going now for the display, but I e-mailed him and he said there should be a new one going up in a few days for around the same price.

Assuming you actually got the display and all is in working order, I'll be ordering as soon as his auction goes up.
the gamer said:
All these pictures make me extremely jealous.

Where do you's live so I can um look :D .

I want my 2 X1900 in Crossfire or 7900GTX SLi with the Dell 3007fpw :mad: .
So do I. :mad:

/me looks at my pathetic 6600GT and small 2405FPW... :eek:

, j/k but would really like it!

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are asking for, PIF Wallpaper.

Are you saying you want to know where I got my background image for my desktop?

I just placed my order with "seasidetech" on Ebay. He's a Dell reseller, and the unit will be shipped directly from Dell.

Price this weekend from him is $1625. There are a few other 3007 resellers listed there, with higher prices.
Just got my 3007 from ebay also, smooth transaction and was shipped directly from dell. Man, this thing is huge... I love it.
I got mine from MrKashmere-Books and it's really good. I doubt he's selling anymore because it looks like he regularly sells books.