Got My 3007!! its huge ..PIcs




Pics taken with Nikon 5600 in sunset mode, flash enabled, redeye enabled, angle shot to offset flash , Warnerbrothers shot same settings but 20 degress offset to perpendicular (just cleared the flash you can see it at bottom of screen)
what are you doing tomorrow? If you don't have to work theres a chance I could bring over my FX-60/7800GTX 512mb SLI/4GB OCZ rig and we could check out fear maxxed out at that res...On the stress test of fear with soft shadows ON and 4xAA/16xAF @ 1600x1200 I got 0% below 25FPS and 94% above 40FPS...this machine is insanley powerful...Seeing as it's in a HTPC case its highly portable, just have to ask the ruling powers if u catch my drift....

T2 looks amazing on that monitor.
Those are some good money shots of movie goodness! Now to get some videos/clips that actuall fill the whole screen!
computerpro3 said:
what are you doing tomorrow? If you don't have to work theres a chance I could bring over my FX-60/7800GTX 512mb SLI/4GB OCZ rig and we could check out fear maxxed out at that res...On the stress test of fear with soft shadows ON and 4xAA/16xAF @ 1600x1200 I got 0% below 25FPS and 94% above 40FPS...this machine is insanley powerful...Seeing as it's in a HTPC case its highly portable, just have to ask the ruling powers if u catch my drift....

T2 looks amazing on that monitor.

Maybe if we put our rigs together we can control the world.

He mentioned something about asking the "ruling powers" though so I'm thinking you guys wouldn't be the real ones in control. ;)
After a long week i've disided to go for the 3007 for gaming only. So i ordered it Wednesday in the netherlands ( where i live ) and it has just arrived. It's really really amazing how sharp the images are.. I can't run it at the highest resolution yet since i'm on a 6600GT AGP ( new computer on it's way :) ) but i'm loving it allready..

Yet i have a little "problem" i allready knew before buy'ing this screen.. There's only one input and i want a XBOX and PC connected to it.. What would be the best solution without loosing quality ?

And sorry for my bad english.. But doing my best tho ;)
Flash2k6 said:
Having been involved in the "cable" industry for nearly 8 years and having an EE background, I'll tell you, it is indeed a scam. There are traits that would be noticable in an analog environment, due to distance and loss associated with that, and thickness of cable

But what does all these means in comparison vs. a cheap cable? By their way of saying it, they imply a cheap cable doesn't have some or all of the following features.

The guide line that people use is if your main investment is $1800 or so, it is reasonable to invest in a one time $100 for accessories such as cable.

# Provides optimum bandwidth for true HDTV resolution using dual-link construction
# Maintains signal integrity and low loss using precision-formulated, polyethylene dielectric
# Creates virtually precise contact and enhanced durability with corrosion-resistant, 24k gold connectors and ground indents
# Provides high isolation from electromagnetic and radio frequency interference with triple-layer shielding
# Reduces cross talk with impedance-matched, twisted-pair construction
# Protects against interference with ferrite bead
# Prevents wire damage with molded-strain relief
computerpro3 said:
what are you doing tomorrow? If you don't have to work theres a chance I could bring over my FX-60/7800GTX 512mb SLI/4GB OCZ rig and we could check out fear maxxed out at that res...On the stress test of fear with soft shadows ON and 4xAA/16xAF @ 1600x1200 I got 0% below 25FPS and 94% above 40FPS...this machine is insanley powerful...Seeing as it's in a HTPC case its highly portable, just have to ask the ruling powers if u catch my drift....

T2 looks amazing on that monitor.

Got to work dude. I am remodeling my store. I did not realize you had it all together already . Chit man. I would love to hook it up to the 3007 to let her stretch her legs. Maybe next weekend?

Oh and next time your order an fx60 get me one lol
Riptide_NVN said:

He mentioned something about asking the "ruling powers" though so I'm thinking you guys wouldn't be the real ones in control. ;)

That depends on whether i need to get laid or not. ;)

PS: My appologies to the ladies in the forum it was siad with tounge planted firmly in cheek.
Happy Hopping said:
But what does all these means in comparison vs. a cheap cable? By their way of saying it, they imply a cheap cable doesn't have some or all of the following features.

The guide line that people use is if your main investment is $1800 or so, it is reasonable to invest in a one time $100 for accessories such as cable.

I went with the 20 dollar cable that is rebadged and sold for 100. I will let you know if I notice a difference.
VoBoy said:
Those are some good money shots of movie goodness! Now to get some videos/clips that actuall fill the whole screen!

I need a link to high def clips boys...................
jacuzz1 said:
I need a link to high def clips boys...................

With Forceware 83.90 and 84.12 I got image problems with such videos in fullscreen mode. Older drivers like 81.85 or 81.98 are working fine. But as soon as I lower de desktop resolution to 1920x1200 the problem is gone.

What drivers are you using jacuzz1?

And hf with the HD trailers :p
slaWter said:

With Forceware 83.90 and 84.12 I got image problems with such videos in fullscreen mode. Older drivers like 81.85 or 81.98 are working fine. But as soon as I lower de desktop resolution to 1920x1200 the problem is gone.

What drivers are you using jacuzz1?

And hf with the HD trailers :p

In Driver 83.90 there are problems with Overlay video and VMR7 modes, it seems when you resize the video past around 2050+ pixels wide it Smudges the last pixel before the limit to the side of the screen.[Sample Picture]

With Driver version 84.12 they eliminated this problem for videos with a horizontal resolution lower than 1280(approx) pixels. However for videos 1280pix wide or greater using video overlays, when you resize the video past around 2050 pixels+ it causes the additional area to have fuxored colors. [Sample Picture]

VMR9 mode works fine with all drivers (except some pre 81.98 versions which exhibited the color problem across the whole screen with 1280+ video), but this isn't possible with all players and also doesn't provide as good vertical sync/smooth playback as Overlay mode (tearing will occur).

Almost EVERY nvidia driver seems to have some sort of video problem in one mode or the other, they are almost always related to either a high display resolution such as 2560x1600 or a high video resolution such as 1280x720p.
Also, before i forget.

This is the only shot you need from World of Warcraft (its also the only decent one i got :) ) since you'll be seeing this alot. :D


I had a pic where i was >900 in the queue, but that didn't turn out very well.
slaWter said:

With Forceware 83.90 and 84.12 I got image problems with such videos in fullscreen mode. Older drivers like 81.85 or 81.98 are working fine. But as soon as I lower de desktop resolution to 1920x1200 the problem is gone.

What drivers are you using jacuzz1?

And hf with the HD trailers :p

I intend to stay at the 81.98's till 7900 arrives

I will be posting star wars later this evening per request
Hey guys and gals, i am at work so i cannont check , i hit one of the links you provided and I noticed it refers to Windows Media eddtion. I am running XP pro, any plugins i will need to run the clips when i get home?
squeezee said:
Also, before i forget.

This is the only shot you need from World of Warcraft (its also the only decent one i got :) ) since you'll be seeing this alot. :D


I had a pic where i was >900 in the queue, but that didn't turn out very well.

A friend of mine brought WoW today to test it on the 3007. I took some pics. I'll post that later on.

Thanks for the reply to the video problem. I got the same picture errors. But as long as dvds and HD playback at 1920x1200 (desktop) works it's fine for me for the moment.
what flash said =).

as for movie pix, THANK YOU jacuz!!! that made jiz.... :eek: :cool: .

re: hd clips on quicktime. make suure you don't use quicktime to playback the HD media. why not qt player for windows sux. use MPC and rename the .mov extension to .hdmov or somn. install the following:

-coreaac latest binary
-haali media splitter

and you *should* be able to playbsck any hidef media 1080p or otherwise. if audio's a bitch use ffdshow.
JediFonger said:
what flash said =).

as for movie pix, THANK YOU jacuz!!! that made jiz.... :eek: :cool: .

re: hd clips on quicktime. make suure you don't use quicktime to playback the HD media. why not qt player for windows sux. use MPC and rename the .mov extension to .hdmov or somn. install the following:

-coreaac latest binary
-haali media splitter

and you *should* be able to playbsck any hidef media 1080p or otherwise. if audio's a bitch use ffdshow.
You are making me work, lol OK tonight some time Audio should be ok with my ZS no?
How would I get one of these with no job and $220 a fortnight from youth allowance (Australian Goverment pay)?

I really like this, tryed Ebay but only a 2405 for $1200AUD.
slaWter said:
A friend of mine brought WoW today to test it on the 3007. I took some pics. I'll post that later on.

Thanks for the reply to the video problem. I got the same picture errors. But as long as dvds and HD playback at 1920x1200 (desktop) works it's fine for me for the moment.

Yar, is that a test server? I'm on Gorefiend...never have to wait. I look forward to seeing some more wow glory. Can you guys not get wow to run fullscreen, or do you like it that way? Seeing the start bar would aggrevate the shit out of me while playing. WHen I get home from this deployment, it looks like I will have to buy the 3007. Im going to look like a big dork with a 2405, and a 3007 sitting on my desk. :eek:
Atti2d said:
Yar, is that a test server? I'm on Gorefiend...never have to wait. I look forward to seeing some more wow glory. Can you guys not get wow to run fullscreen, or do you like it that way? Seeing the start bar would aggrevate the shit out of me while playing. WHen I get home from this deployment, it looks like I will have to buy the 3007. Im going to look like a big dork with a 2405, and a 3007 sitting on my desk. :eek:

Its simply preference, running in windowed mode makes it easier to look things up or run things like ventrillo, as well since i'm running SLI there can be problems alt-tabbing. I also like to watch movies or TV episodes while i'm playing through instances. :)

Thats just the normal 5pm-12pm queue for Kel'Thuzad, usually from 200-600 people. The biggest queue i've seen was over 6000 on the 1.10 test server.
stratos said:
PFft more like a G0D among men....

lolz I am 24 and I have nothing to spend my money on but toys...

So can anyone tell me if WOW can indeed run at 25??x16??. Whatever the native res is on that 3007? At what point are LCD's going to be "too big" (that may be blasphemy) :eek:

<3 teh 3007
Atti2d said:
lolz I am 24 and I have nothing to spend my money on but toys...

So can anyone tell me if WOW can indeed run at 25??x16??. Whatever the native res is on that 3007? At what point are LCD's going to be "too big" (that may be blasphemy) :eek:

<3 teh 3007


WoW runs just fine at that res, 'too big' is relative to how much space you have and how far away you can sit.
I ordered my 3007 from ebay last week for what was a pleasing price. It arrived last friday completely DOA. Wouldn't power on for anything. It was a really long week with pre-spring break exams and I got through it thinking about the 30 inches of goodness that would be there at the end of the week. What a buzzkill haha. Another 3007 will be here this friday as a replacement, so I hope this one works. Can't wait to play some BF2 at high rez!!!!
wondermoose said:
I ordered my 3007 from ebay last week for what was a pleasing price. It arrived last friday completely DOA. Wouldn't power on for anything. It was a really long week with pre-spring break exams and I got through it thinking about the 30 inches of goodness that would be there at the end of the week. What a buzzkill haha. Another 3007 will be here this friday as a replacement, so I hope this one works. Can't wait to play some BF2 at high rez!!!!

Holy Shit i never ckecked stats on bf2 before, i got to keep my kid from using my nic
Is $1600 a good price for the 3007? There's an auction on ebay and I'm ready to pull the trigger!

Ebay Link
As an eBay Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
Rex. Read my post above thats what I did. It is definately a great price, and even though the item I received was DOA, they have been really helpful in getting it taken care of quickly. If you buy it now on ebay, then get it from Cooltechstuff4U. They have them in stock and ship promptly. As far as the BF2 stats go, is pretty neat to. was the best in my opinion but it is down for now.

EDIT: Jacuzz you have the helicopter service ribbon, and I need that haha. Maybe I can play with you and ride around in your chopper and shoot some folks from the gunner.
wondermoose said:
Rex. Read my post above thats what I did. It is definately a great price, and even though the item I received was DOA, they have been really helpful in getting it taken care of quickly. If you buy it now on ebay, then get it from Cooltechstuff4U. They have them in stock and ship promptly. As far as the BF2 stats go, is pretty neat to. was the best in my opinion but it is down for now.

EDIT: Jacuzz you have the helicopter service ribbon, and I need that haha. Maybe I can play with you and ride around in your chopper and shoot some folks from the gunner.

LOL. works for me, i must warn you ,i fly drunk
weemies said:
@jacuzz1: How about taking that plastic cover off the dell logo?

Plastic cover? I did not even notice. Now I cannot wait to get home and see what your talking about

PS : regarding the high def movie pics i promised., I have been really busy so i have not been on my rig long enough to fuck around with it. Just been doing the coma surfing cuase i have been dead tired.

I will get to it after my 7900gtx arrives. I will feed off the newness factor for motivation
wondermoose said:
Rex. Read my post above thats what I did. It is definately a great price, and even though the item I received was DOA, they have been really helpful in getting it taken care of quickly. If you buy it now on ebay, then get it from Cooltechstuff4U. They have them in stock and ship promptly. As far as the BF2 stats go, is pretty neat to. was the best in my opinion but it is down for now.

EDIT: Jacuzz you have the helicopter service ribbon, and I need that haha. Maybe I can play with you and ride around in your chopper and shoot some folks from the gunner.
Is it worth it to buy it from Cooltechstuff4U when it's ~$80 more?
weemies said:
@jacuzz1: How about taking that plastic cover off the dell logo?

HAHAHAAHa , I did not notice it till you pointed it out. Thanks man. Its like I just got another new monitor. RoFLMo
Got my premium cable and of course, no difference but it is beautiful and worth the 20 dollars just to see thel gold kiss the inputs. All kidding aside i will ebay the Dell one for 10 bucks so no big deal/

Coming on Monday update.....oops Wed i wont have my card till Tuesday, UPS would not give up the goods a day early even though my card is state

EVGA 7900GTX Superclocked benchees on the 30 at naitive res maximum eye candy
jacuzz1 said:
HAHAHAAHa , I did not notice it till you pointed it out. Thanks man. Its like I just got another new monitor. RoFLMo
Heh, no problem. I noticed the cover on mine right away. :)
Just got my 3007FPW, I ordered it from an E-Bay seller named: seasidetech, and it came straight from Dell, exactly as described, in my name, with the warranty no problems at all. Was a very smooth transaction, and he was great to deal with.

My company spends nearly $1,000,000 a month on Dell equipment, and ironically the E-Bay guy got the damn thing cheaper than my company could with our buying power, which in of itself pisses me off but that's a whole different story which I'm taking up with my rep and their management.

Anyways first impressions are DAMN .. this thing dwarfs the 2405, the colors are crisp, the display is sharp, and I have no dead pixels and no brightness/light bleeding issues, in a nutshell its perfect.

I've done some base FPS tests, and the native res is a more noticable hit on the frame rates, but the 7800GTX and 7800GTX SLI setup hold up pretty strong regardless. I've got 2 7900 GTX's sitting here in boxes that I will be swapping the 7800's for in the next couple days if I can find some free time, I'll post some SLI numbers for folks when I can.

Summary: The 3007FPW is insane.... couldn't be happier.
