GK104 = GTX 680 (confirmed), paper launching soon [SA]

Fair enough, thanks for the response. I thought I had read somewhere the 670 being clocked in the sub GHz range while the 680 would break that barrier. Plus I guess I should consider the fact that those slides could be fake anyways haha


Source: http://www.techpowerup.com/
Yes, the chart scaling is stupid, but anyone here with half a brain could figure it out.
Yes, the chart scaling is stupid, but anyone here with half a brain could figure it out.

Of course we can, but that still doesn't excuse it. You'd think they would expect that the people actually paying $500+ for a video card would see through their propaganda, and so market it more realistically. But then again, "no one ever went broke from underestimating the average person's intelligence", or whatever that saying is.
You know for all the complaining in this topic, which I do somewhat agree with, I'd still much rather have a 680 that should have been a 670 which slightly outperforms a 7970 some of the time for the same price as a 7970 than a 7970. Why? Because Nvidia makes better drivers. Sure, the 7970 will drop in price and be cheaper than the 680, but the difference isn't likely to be large, and you know you can rely on Nvidia for consistent and timely driver improvements. If that makes me a fanboi so be it. I don't like the pricing on these cards any better than anyone else but in the end it's what they can get away with, so it's what they're going to charge. I'll probably buy a 680 on release because I'm upgrading my computer for the first time in 4 years and want to get a card that's going to last me a while. I'll probably pick up a second one in a year when it's cheap, but right now I want to get my system built, and as far as single card options go, the alternatives just aren't appealing to me.
You know for all the complaining in this topic, which I do somewhat agree with, I'd still much rather have a 680 that should have been a 670 which slightly outperforms a 7970 some of the time for the same price as a 7970 than a 7970. Why? Because Nvidia makes better drivers. Sure, the 7970 will drop in price and be cheaper than the 680, but the difference isn't likely to be large, and you know you can rely on Nvidia for consistent and timely driver improvements. If that makes me a fanboi so be it. I don't like the pricing on these cards any better than anyone else but in the end it's what they can get away with, so it's what they're going to charge. I'll probably buy a 680 on release because I'm upgrading my computer for the first time in 4 years and want to get a card that's going to last me a while. I'll probably pick up a second one in a year when it's cheap, but right now I want to get my system built, and as far as single card options go, the alternatives just aren't appealing to me.

To most people it means you learn from mistakes. To amd fans it means you're a fanboy. Your reasons are the same as mine basically, only doubly so thanks to wanting sli.
I don't see Vakharn posting in this thread 50+ times, crapping AMD threads and saying "I told you so, glad I switched" in the AMD subforum, and getting giddy over leaked benchmarks and rumors about Kepler. That is the difference between him and you.
I don't see Vakharn posting in this thread 50+ times, crapping AMD threads and saying "I told you so, glad I switched" in the AMD subforum, and getting giddy over leaked benchmarks and rumors about Kepler. That is the difference between him and you.

And you are different, how...?

It's like for every post GT makes, you have to make one calling him out about something or another. Do you really feel you are any less annoying?
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I don't see Vakharn posting in this thread 50+ times, crapping AMD threads and saying "I told you so, glad I switched" in the AMD subforum, and getting giddy over leaked benchmarks and rumors about Kepler. That is the difference between him and you.

I rarely post in the amd subforum and this is an nvidia thread. Your point?
Thats the same (probably fake) card. Look at any time nvidia has used the geforce wording, it's always written GEFORCE:


It was rumored that along with the Kepler series they would be unveiling a new GeForce logo and lettering, so that's all still in line with what we've been hearing.
Interesting Stuff. Cant wait to see official reviews though = ) I'd like to see clock for clock scores on GPU/memory though (even though that would not be an accurate comparison).
You guys need to lay off the personal attacks...You guys can debate, even argue the facts all you want. But, when it turns personal people will be infracted or banned as required to make the point. That is completely in your control.
So when is the NDA up on this bad boy? I want to see some numbers...
What rumor?

That the GK104 is aimed at the mid-range market, and the GK110 which will be released in the fall is for the "real" flagship high-end market.

Is it ok to think of the GK104 as the 560/570 series and the GK110 as the 480/580 series?
Never thought we would see the day when Nvidia fans refer to S/A for good information.
They always say its a source that cannot be trusted.
How the times change..
That the GK104 is aimed at the mid-range market, and the GK110 which will be released in the fall is for the "real" flagship high-end market.

Is it ok to think of the GK104 as the 560/570 series and the GK110 as the 480/580 series?

That's the assumption, but no one knows 100%. But for whatever reason, Nvidia appears to have decided to market GK104 as the high-end, at least for now.
what a let down, it was about mobile kepler.....

really... i mean really..... we get laptop kepler info before the good stuff

Lol I thought the same thing. I went in there hoping for Kepler and when I saw mobile Kepler....Noooooooo!!!! :mad:
Damn 2gb, I was hoping for more... :(

So was I, but I don't suppose it will make that much of difference if not doing eyefinity/surround. Could be an issue for future proofing though if you keep the cards a long time like I do.
Interesting Stuff. Cant wait to see official reviews though = ) I'd like to see clock for clock scores on GPU/memory though (even though that would not be an accurate comparison).

No this isn't very interesting. This only shows that someone hasn't any clue about 680 performance.
I game at 2560x1600, and I fear 2GB won't be enough for upcoming games at max...

I very highly doubt 2gb won't be enough at 2560x1600 even in the most texture-heavy upcoming games. Multi-monitor, maybe. Also, Skyrim with a shit-ton of texture mods might be an issue.