Will this board be any cheaper any time soon like next year?

$135 + tax is a bit steep for my cheap build right now. I'm planning to overclock a E2160.
Will this board be any cheaper any time soon like next year?

$135 + tax is a bit steep for my cheap build right now. I'm planning to overclock a E2160.

I don't see it being any cheaper anytime soon. Your best bet to get a cheaper board is hope that Nvidia or AMD/ATI come out with a budget OCing mATX board. The P5K-VM is a little cheaper isn't it?
im getting this board for xmas, gonna hook it up with the q6600 i just ordered and a evga 8800gt that was sold out within 12 hours from newegg, gonna see the performance and if i want do you think i should be fine getting it to a 1333fsb which would make it 3ghz with a zalman 9500?
im getting this board for xmas, gonna hook it up with the q6600 i just ordered and a evga 8800gt that was sold out within 12 hours from newegg, gonna see the performance and if i want do you think i should be fine getting it to a 1333fsb which would make it 3ghz with a zalman 9500?

Yeah, that's what I was running. 333x9 with a Q6600 B3. That's about all that CPU would do.
ok well my parents already bought me the board for xmas so the price isnt the deal, im hoping that i get the g0 core at least buying it this late
Anyone having issues with this board and a (wlan) pci card? XP hangs on bootup when I enable my wlan pci card. When the card is disabled, the system boots perfectly and enabling the wlan card then gives no problems at all. But at next boot up, the system hangs again and only a hard reset is possible. I have to disable the card in save mode then. I've tried many different drivers, reinstalled xp, disabled network, ide, serial & parallel port in bios and tried a lot more the past 6 hours but nothing seems to work. The card works perfect in three other PC's. :(
My WLAN card has no issues with my DS2R. Its a Trendnet card, if you're wondering.

Now my speakers on the other hand...
I've found that wireless cards (and pretty much any network card for that matter) is pretty finicky. When I buy them, I buy 3 different brands and hope that one of them will work. I usually have pretty good luck with stuff based on the Realtek chipsets (and they are pretty cheap). I always have a heck of a time trying to get Netgear stuff to work.

I used a USB wireless adapter with my DS2R and had no problems.
I've found that wireless cards (and pretty much any network card for that matter) is pretty finicky. When I buy them, I buy 3 different brands and hope that one of them will work. I usually have pretty good luck with stuff based on the Realtek chipsets (and they are pretty cheap). I always have a heck of a time trying to get Netgear stuff to work.

I used a USB wireless adapter with my DS2R and had no problems.

Why not get one of those Intel Pro cards?
I have a problem - cannot go beyond 3.2GHz. I have e6700, tried to oc a little and max I got is 3200MHz - 320MHzx10. When I put 330 bios goes fine but Windows resets when loading screen appears...
What should I do to get higher clock? I'd to get 3.6GHz on this cpu.. I'm sure it is possible..
Help me! :D
Why not get one of those Intel Pro cards?

Price. I've never actually seen one in PCI, but then again, I usually just search over at Newegg, so if they aren't there I probably wouldn't have seen them to look for a better price elsewhere. For $10 a 802.11g card with a Realtek chipset is hard to turn down.
I have a problem - cannot go beyond 3.2GHz. I have e6700, tried to oc a little and max I got is 3200MHz - 320MHzx10. When I put 330 bios goes fine but Windows resets when loading screen appears...
What should I do to get higher clock? I'd to get 3.6GHz on this cpu.. I'm sure it is possible..
Help me! :D

have you tried uppin the cpu voltage at all?
Now my speakers on the other hand...

I was having sound issues (clicking sounds mostly) till I removed the front panel connection. I don't know if it was an issue with the internal cable to my Antec 3400 case or an issue with my mb but it solved it for me.

I have this board set up now and working great - except after I flashed the F7 bios it no longer booted with 4 GB of memory. I have 4x1 GB sticks of A-Data Vitesta DDR2-800. Not a terrible problem since a 32-bit OS can't use it all anyway, but still annoying. I thought I had bricked it when it didn't post... until the thought of removing a stick occurred. The memory (and other) voltages were stock 1.8 V. Any ideas? Could it just be that the board no longer likes these sticks?

I don't recall what the original bios version was, but it just now occurred to me that maybe it was trying to run the memories at some odd speed/divider after the flashing since I have an E6600, and adding the stick back now just might work. I guess I'll get back to you on that...

Anyway, it undervolts nicely. Initial test of FSB & (G)MCH undervolted one notch dropped system idle&load temps about 5 degrees. Not that it varies much with an HR-05 on the NB though (never even tried the stock heatsink). 1.1500 vcore dropped CPU load temps 10 degrees, by the way.
You could also try to up the voltage for the ram sticks. I've heard of others who had to up the volts a bit when running with 4 sticks. Undervolting of the north bridge could also cause the problem. I would start with running the north bridge at the defaults and the ram at 1.9-2.0. If you still have issues you could even try to up the juice for the nb a bit above the defaults. Why it worked before flashing is strange but worth trying anyway. Hope it helps.
just put 1.325V ones.. how high can I go w/o any damage?
My ram is Geil Ultra Low Lat. 2GB 800MHz 4-4-4-12, set to 1:1 (so they running 640MHz...).
You can raise it to 1.55v safely, but you won't need that. The board also undervolts by about .04v.
Has anybody had any issues with F7?

My processor is fine at 2.8GHz 12 hour dual prime (1.35v, load 58'C), and my RAM is well within limits (as high as 1064MHz DDR). However, from time to time, whenever I start up my computer, it does the turn on/shut off thing GA boards do when they reset the BIOS. I end up losing my overclock (350x8 --> 200x8). Weird.

Also happened when I loaded my 2.66GHz settings.
my 800FSB cpu clocks a little better with F7rather than F4a and F6. But my memories clocks best with F4a, but I dont have issues like yours with oc reset and reboot or whatsoever:confused:
is it possible to run two graphic card on this mobo? like crossfire or sli. One in the PCI-E 16X and the other in the PC-E 4X
I have this board set up now and working great - except after I flashed the F7 bios it no longer booted with 4 GB of memory. I have 4x1 GB sticks of A-Data Vitesta DDR2-800. Not a terrible problem since a 32-bit OS can't use it all anyway, but still annoying. I thought I had bricked it when it didn't post... until the thought of removing a stick occurred. The memory (and other) voltages were stock 1.8 V. Any ideas? Could it just be that the board no longer likes these sticks?
Strange enough, here I have the same MB, a E2180 CPU and 4x1GB DDR2 800 A-Data (value RAM, not Vitesta) and everything is running ok.
I have this board set up now and working great - except after I flashed the F7 bios it no longer booted with 4 GB of memory. I have 4x1 GB sticks of A-Data Vitesta DDR2-800. Not a terrible problem since a 32-bit OS can't use it all anyway, but still annoying. I thought I had bricked it when it didn't post... until the thought of removing a stick occurred. The memory (and other) voltages were stock 1.8 V. Any ideas? Could it just be that the board no longer likes these sticks?

I don't recall what the original bios version was, but it just now occurred to me that maybe it was trying to run the memories at some odd speed/divider after the flashing since I have an E6600, and adding the stick back now just might work. I guess I'll get back to you on that...

Anyway, it undervolts nicely. Initial test of FSB & (G)MCH undervolted one notch dropped system idle&load temps about 5 degrees. Not that it varies much with an HR-05 on the NB though (never even tried the stock heatsink). 1.1500 vcore dropped CPU load temps 10 degrees, by the way.

Same thing happened to me. And I figured out why. When I had 2x1GB sticks installed I had them running at 4-4-4-12 timings. I then proceeded to upgrade the BIOS to F7. installed 2 more 1GB sticks and boom the mobo wouldnt POST at all. So I removed the 2 sticks installed back to 2gigs went into the BIOS change back to the default timings 5-5-5-18, installed all 4 gigs and my mobo booted. I tried all the mem voltages from 1.8-2.1 no success. I dont think this mobo can handle 4gigs at 4-4-4-12 timings. I'm pretty sure you're having the same issue. Put the mem timings back to default as well as your mem voltages and the mobo should POST and boot into windows fine. I jus wish there was some way to get 4gigs running at the memory manufacturers 4-4-4-12 specifications but then again its the mobo's fault.
FYI, before F7 I couldn't run 4x1GB overclocked ( 1000Mhz CAS5 ) without adding +0.1 GMCH. Now board runs flawlessly without any added voltage at least from BIOS. The board might be auto-detecting, raising the GMCH itself.
Guys, the GA-G31MX-S2 costs half the price. I'm on a budget.
Do you you think I can overclock my E2140 til the same level than the older sister?
A reviewer on newegg says it has a new memory multiplier with new F4 bios.

"Now the new version F4 BIOS has more choices for FSB/RAM ratio which is much better for overclocking. Flush it. Don't forget to set PCI-E to 100MHz. Make sure that default memory voltage is 1.8v.! Easily installed Arctic Cooler-7 on E2160 cpu and small fan on the NB. At the end I got 3GHz with 2x1GB Crusial DDR2-800 memory"

I alreay got DDR2 800MHz Kingston Value (1.8v).

Thank you and sorry for my bad English.
I've found that wireless cards (and pretty much any network card for that matter) is pretty finicky. When I buy them, I buy 3 different brands and hope that one of them will work. I usually have pretty good luck with stuff based on the Realtek chipsets (and they are pretty cheap). I always have a heck of a time trying to get Netgear stuff to work.

I used a USB wireless adapter with my DS2R and had no problems.
It's a card based on an Atheros chipset. Never had problems with it; this card worked perfectly in an Abit NF7-s, Asus A7V880, DFI nF4 Ultra-D, GigaByte GA-K8NMF-9 and Intel DG965OT! :) But with this board, the system hangs.

But I've found a workaround for the problem. Like I said, the system boots perfectly with the card disabled. So I made two batch files; one that disables the card on shutdown and one that enables the card on startup. And it works fine! So I will leave it this way for now.
Folks, I'm having a little difficulty with my G33M-DS2R:

I've swapped out the MB, and the RAM, but MemTest86+ is still failing.

I thought that it must have been a memory controler failure, but now I'm not sure.

I'm using a E6850 CPU, 8800GTS video card, Antec 550HE PSU, a 3Ware 9650 RAID controller, and Crucial PC8500 Balistix DD2 1GB DIMMS.

I've swapped the DIMMS out with OCZ PC8500 DIMMS, and I get the same failure.

I've swapped the video card with a Quadro PCIe card.

I've removed the RAID controller, just in case...

...and all of the BIOS settings are "normal" as opposed to any form of OC'ed.

I guess the CPU could be bad?!


Ok, so now I'm totally confused:

MemTest86+ fails, but Microsoft's "Windows Memory Diagnostic" seems to be working fine.

MSWMD, no, not Microsoft Weapons of Mass Destruction, seems to not be able to completely check the 4GB of memory... but it does seem to be checking at least 3GB.

Since the DIMMs are interleaved, the means it' basically checking everything.

Why am I getting a failure with MemTest86 and the G33 based system?!?!

This is really odd. Especially sicne other people have used MemTest86 without issues...


Just to post an update: I'm an idiot (not really, but I feel like one)...

MemTest86 v3.4 is the version for systems PRIOR to the x86_64 revolution.

MemTest86+ v1.70 is the one for x86_64 based systems (anything about 2 years old or newer)

Windows Memory Diagnostic will work on any system windows runs on, but can only see 3.5GB of RAM.

At this point, I'm successfully running MemTest86+ and the MS WMD [heh] memory tests without issue... so my problem is most likely a corrupt OS.

(I'm running Windows XP Pro SP2 32bit...)

MemTest86 (just plain MemTest86) does not seem to suppot the G33 series chipset or Core Dou based CPUs.

Has anybody had any issues with F7?

My processor is fine at 2.8GHz 12 hour dual prime (1.35v, load 58'C), and my RAM is well within limits (as high as 1064MHz DDR). However, from time to time, whenever I start up my computer, it does the turn on/shut off thing GA boards do when they reset the BIOS. I end up losing my overclock (350x8 --> 200x8). Weird.

Also happened when I loaded my 2.66GHz settings.

Seriously, has anybody had this happen to their boards?
yeah I sometimes has the same problem. No restarts when pc is on, but if I start it up, then is turns off and starts up with default cpu speed:(, but great I dont turn off my pc that often
Sounds like a cold boot problem, ie board might not apply enough voltage for some higher overclocked components at power on.
Meaning what? Is that a board problem? Or should I be boosting voltages?

*good god, I'd hate to think how hot 1.4v would get. And more poor Blue Storm...*
Yes, but isn't that harmful to my mobo? IS ti safe to use 24/7?
Did you mean raising V on nb with 0.1V?

im running +0.2v on FSB/NB/MCH since the second week I got this board, runnig 500fsb 24/7 no probs, this is a solid mb :D
I'm picking up one of these boards shortly just for the kids computer. It won't be overclocked and will have a E6550 in it. I will be using the onboard video, so it's a fairly light-weight system.

I was wondering for those who have investigated, how warm do the heatsinks get, both northbridge and southbridge? It will just be at stock speeds, so should the passive coolers included be fine for the job? If you had one of these laying idle would you go to the trouble of installing it on the northbridge?
