It also means that the 16x PCIe slot is only 4x in actuality due to the lanes being used for the onboard HD outputs. I believe that the GigE chip is riding the PCI slow bus on that model, too.
The GigE chip can be placed on the PCI bus just for "pennies" (meaning PCI NICs are still cheaper than PCI-E ones, probably offsetting the extra price the HDMI port brings to the board), there are still unused PCI-E lanes on the southbridge for that...

But the bad thing is the PEG slot only being 4x... My guess is that, because the G33 northbridge doesn't support native HDMI output, some of the PCI-E lanes have to be rerouted to HDMI, which sucks, btw... It would have been much better to do as ASRock does, and put the HDMI port on an ADD2+ card, which the G33 northbridge accepts, and that would only reduce the PEG slot speed when the card was installed. I mean, the HDMI slot disables itself when a PEG card is used, right?


Hi all
I overclocked my e2160 but the problem is I do not know why I can not exceed 2.7Ghz (300 fsb ) .Whent I exeed 2.7 Ghz (>300 fsb) My pc shut down few secondes and my cpu Return to 1.8 ghz (original). Where is the problem plz?
I think I have a very stupid question. :) Is it correct that this board doesn't support a Celeron D 336?
Sorry but id ont understand (3:5) divider

The reason you cannot get higher is because of the lack of memory dividers. It depends how high your RAM can go. Run the memory divider at 3.33, drop the CPU multi for testing and see how far your RAM can go. That will be your limit.

Same thing happened to me and my E2140.

I think I have a very stupid question. :) Is it correct that this board doesn't support a Celeron D 336?

No Celeron's are supported.
First of all i would like to greet everyone on this forum. I have great message for you (and i hope it will be good). I modded bios for G33M-S2 and G33M-DS2R with modbin and save it with right size (1024kb). My friend has G33M-S2 mobo and for a long time i was trying to figure out how to mod bios to unlock all dividers. Permanently modbin was saving bios with wrong size (1025 instead of 1024kb). And today I make it. Becouse this is my friends mobo i will got access to it not before tomorrow.


There are 3 links of bioses with unlocked dividers:

G33M-S2 moded F4 beta bios

G33M-S2 moded F6 bios

G33M-DS2R moded F6 bios


Warning! I accent that those bioses may not work at all and do not flash your bios if you wouldn't be able to return your old bios.

So i cross my fingers and i hope it will work.

p.s. Sorry for my english:p
No Celeron's are supported.
That's not entirely correct, sorry.

The correct answer would be "no 3xx Celerons are supported", because 4xx Celerons are supported by the 3x series chipsets. Of course 4xx Celerons are anything but Celerons... hehehe Their performance is great, they beat the c*** out of just about any single core CPU ever made before them... before being OCed... :D

Now for the long answer: 3x serires chipsets do not have the 533MHz strap (which is why you have so many divider problems with G33 boards...), which results in every 533MHz FSB CPU being left out of the equation for these chipsets. Meaning no 3xx Celerons, no Pentium D 805 and no 541 (I think is this one) Netburst-based CPUs are even recognized by these chipsets.

Well, oficially there is no support for ANY Netburst-based CPU on 3x series chipsets, so you see why manufacturers don't even want to try enabling 533MHz FSB support...

Good news, though. The Celeron 420 can be bought for about €35, which means you can upgrade your Celly at the same time you upgrade your board, and not have to declare bankrupt.


Sorry I meant the Celeron D's :p
I know. Most people don't even remember the 4xx series are Cellys, they consider them single-core Conroes (which they are, but you know what I mean). I was just in the mood :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Now if only the E1000 Cellys (for those of you who don't know, they are basically E2xxx with half the cache... :D and half the price! :eek::eek:) came out already... That would be very nice, indeed.


Thank you both! Now I know why the board doesn't want to boot with a Celeron D 336 ;) I hope I didn’t ruin anything?
Thank you both! Now I know why the board doesn't want to boot with a Celeron D 336 ;) I hope I didn’t ruin anything?
I don't think that's likely. The Celly is electrically compatible with the socket on the DS2R, so that should be only a BIOS problem: CPUs not recognized (or, in this case, which request a strap not available on the memory controller) result in a no boot situation, pure and simple.

The good news is, if you can find a buyer for that Celly, you will probably be able to buy a new one almost for free, and get MUCH more performance out of your rig.


I bought that Celly 336 just to have a CPU until the E8400 arrives. But it seems I didn't pay attention to the compatibility :p
I think I will get myself a E2140 for now.
The S2 and S2H are not good overclocking mobos. Th DS2R however is. The S2 & S2H are just budget boards for those not wanting to spend alot nor interested in overclocking. If you want overclocking goodness you are limited to the DS2R or the P5K-VM for now.

I'm seriously considering the -S2 and can't find any results to support (or contradict) what you are saying. I have no interest in RAID and would love to save the ~$20 difference. The -DS2R and -S2 both have the same number of VRMs (6) as opposed to perennial favorite P35-DS3L, which only has 4 AFAICS. They both have solid caps for the voltage regulation circuitry. I assume by the '2' that they both have the same OC BIOS options. What differences exist between them that lead you to say that?
I assume by the '2' that they both have the same OC BIOS options. What differences exist between them that lead you to say that?
Thats exactly it though, the -S2 and S2H don't have the same BIOS options that the DS2R has which is why they don't OC very well.
Concerning HSF, the Scythe Ninja is incompatible with this Board.

I just bought one of these and have a question. Similar issues were touched on in this thread but never definitivly answered.

Gigabyte G33 (says F4 bios at post, havent flashed anything yet)
e6400 (l630F)
OCZ DDR2 1066 SLI Edition
Janton 8800GTS 640MB
Corsair 520w
Scythe Mini Ninja
Nocture NB Cooler

There seems to be a conflict there. Does the ninja/mini ninja fit on the mATX boards?

Thats exactly it though, the -S2 and S2H don't have the same BIOS options that the DS2R has which is why they don't OC very well.

Thanks for your reply. Makes a lot of sense to put beautiful power regulation hardware on a board and then castrate it. :( :eek: :mad: What options do the -s2x boards lose?

Edit: The Vcore and FSB settings are still intact according to the SPCR forums. Those are obviously the most important ones. I really don't plan on overvolting the RAM and don't expect more than 3 GHz out of a Q6600, so that might be all I need, anyway. Same posts also confirm that a ninja fits. I guess "Q-racy" is aptly named.
At this time S2 is a better choice if you want to put 800Mhz fsb processor on it. On DS2R you will get only 3.33 and 4.00 dividers. The newest official bios for S2 has 2.66 divider.

Originally Posted by Skott
"The S2 and S2H are not good overclocking mobos. Th DS2R however is. The S2 & S2H are just budget boards for those not wanting to spend alot nor interested in overclocking. If you want overclocking goodness you are limited to the DS2R or the P5K-VM for now."

Originally Posted by CrimandEvil
"Thats exactly it though, the -S2 and S2H don't have the same BIOS options that the DS2R has which is why they don't OC very well"

You are both wrong - S2 isnt budget mobo (maybe S2H). S2 overckolock better on 800Mhz fsb processors than DS2R and with other processors performance is at leas the same (sometimes is better - I hear about person who have both mobos, S2 and DS2R, and his q6600 overcklock higher on S2 - xinoxide on
You are both wrong - S2 isnt budget mobo (maybe S2H). S2 overckolock better on 800Mhz fsb processors than DS2R and with other processors performance is at leas the same (sometimes is better - I hear about person who have both mobos, S2 and DS2R, and his q6600 overcklock higher on S2 - xinoxide on

Well, i just pulled the trigger on an OEM Q6600, mini ninja and GA-G33M-S2 board from the egg, so I'll report more details here on that board for anyone who wants to save ~$25. It will replace my dually Pentium Tualatin S system that i put together from used parts over five years ago. :D

Wish me luck. :)
This is the first I have heard of the S2 being a good overclocker. If so then thats a good thing. I cant find a review anywhere supporting that is though. I'd like to read some if you know where they are posted. I see over on the NE review section for this mobo that a Xinoxide posted that it will only boot up with a cpu 9 multiplier chip. So if I understand his post this mobo will only overclock and boot up overclocked when using a 9 multiplier cpu. Nice if you are planning to use a 9 multiplier cpu but not good if you are wanting to overclock a different multiplier type cpu. Or did I misread that?

Here's his NE post:

"Pros: supports full range intel FSB (800/1066/1333). includes gigabytes full range of voltage and timing changes. simple layout, maybe not in the case i have, but my case is inverted mATX (CoolerMaster 541)

Cons: limited multipliers between memory clock and fsb. so you really need to shop carefully depending on what kind of performance you hope to achieve.

Other Thoughts: im running a dual-core 2160 at 2.98 ghz with 2 gigs of super talent DDR2 800 (4-4-3-8) at DDR2 1066 (5-4-4-10) on 2.1v. cpu clocked with stock voltage (1.350v) memory will only boot with cpu multi at 9, with mem clock at 1066 at any voltage. i plan on getting the xeon X3210 and an HD2900XT w/GDDR4 for this little lan beast. as well as another 2 gigs of the super talent mem."
This is the first I have heard of the S2 being a good overclocker. If so then thats a good thing. I cant find a review anywhere supporting that is though. I'd like to read some if you know where they are posted. I see over on the NE review section for this mobo that a Xinoxide posted that it will only boot up with a cpu 9 multiplier chip. So if I understand his post this mobo will only overclock and boot up overclocked when using a 9 multiplier cpu. Nice if you are planning to use a 9 multiplier cpu but not good if you are wanting to overclock a different multiplier type cpu. Or did I misread that?

Here's his NE post:

"Pros: supports full range intel FSB (800/1066/1333). includes gigabytes full range of voltage and timing changes. simple layout, maybe not in the case i have, but my case is inverted mATX (CoolerMaster 541)

Cons: limited multipliers between memory clock and fsb. so you really need to shop carefully depending on what kind of performance you hope to achieve.

Other Thoughts: im running a dual-core 2160 at 2.98 ghz with 2 gigs of super talent DDR2 800 (4-4-3-8) at DDR2 1066 (5-4-4-10) on 2.1v. cpu clocked with stock voltage (1.350v) memory will only boot with cpu multi at 9, with mem clock at 1066 at any voltage. i plan on getting the xeon X3210 and an HD2900XT w/GDDR4 for this little lan beast. as well as another 2 gigs of the super talent mem."

The 2160 is a 800 MHz FSB processor. What i get from that review is that he's got the system clocked to a point where it's a bit flaky (i.e. not stable at other multis). He is, after all, running the 800 MHz crapRAM at 1066 MHz with relatively tight timings and the 1.8 GHz processor at almost 3 GHz at stock voltage... :eek:

smilingcrow over on SilentPCReview forums has both the -S2 and the -S2H, and has shared some remarkable power and clocking information about them. He has used a Q6600 and also 800 MHz FSB processors, i believe. I wasn't able to find any other specific reviews of the mobo, which is why i think sharing my experiences here will be helpful.
ok im kinda pissed here

i just got my comp setup with the ds2r and the e2180 and after messing around with bios and going through this thread WTF gigabyte. no 1:1 divider for 800 chips?

i got 667MHz memory and E2180... i was all set for this board having a 1:1 divider for all supported cpus (isn't this a normal thing?) and then boom i get hit with the news that i only can get 3.33 and 4 divider for this chip and board. I MEAN WOWWOhowoweeeehowwaaa

My memory wont go past 667 barely! its corsair value. i thought i could get 1:1 divider and have a nice 300 or 333x10 overclock with the chip. baaaah
Well yeah, it isn't very good for 800 MHz chips, but a brief browse through this thread would have warned you about the 1:1 missing. When i first read through it a while back, reading that is what led me to go get up to speed on mem dividers and such.
you state it like you're not surprised it's not there. this basically means you can't overclock worth jack on intel e2140-e2180 with ddr2-667 and you'll need some damn good ddr2-800 or ddr2-1066 memory to reach a good o/c... is my life that unlucky?
No-one yet had the balls to try those modbinned BIOS files? :D :confused:

I'm still on the earlier beta BIOS which allows more dividers.
I see over on the NE review section for this mobo that a Xinoxide posted that it will only boot up with a cpu 9 multiplier chip. So if I understand his post this mobo will only overclock and boot up overclocked when using a 9 multiplier cpu."

With e4300 on S2 I was able to set any cpu multiplier from 6 to 9 and every works fine. Multi 6 I tested few hours with no errors.

@Methanoid - there is official new f7 bios.
which earlier BIOS are you using. Does it allow memory dividers different that 3,3 and 4 for 800mhz FSB CPU's (E4300).
By the way I'm also on S2 and have no trouble running a E4300 @ 3,25Ghz.
This new F7 BIOS works great for us 800 FSB CPU users as my previous limit was 300 FSB but now seems to be orthos stable (1Hr +) @ 355+ using 2.66x. Lots of headroom left in this 4300.
I assume the pinmod to make the E4300 boot as a 1066 cpu makes this limit meaningless?
Yeah, if you can make the pin mod work you're OK, but it is notorius for not working with the older Gigabyte boards - 965 chipset and back. I've given it a try with my S2 and ... well nothing. Nothing happened. Probably I was not doing it right.
From what I see no F7 BIOS for the S2 version of the board. Sick of changing my multiplier in Windows:rolleyes:
i8088 - I'm using 1,4125V to go to 3,25Ghz. and I'm going over 62C in Orthos small FFT's - What voltage are you at. How much more mhz can be hiding in there:D and what voltage can the C2 Duo's take do you think.
Okay, just to get this 1:1 divider issue clarified for all past and future readers the new DS2R F7 BIOS does allow 1:1 divider for 800 FSB CPUs? Can we get confirmation on this so the correct info can get out to everyone?
There's no 1:1 for 800 mhz FSB CPUs with F7 from what I observed. They only unlocked 2.66x but this should be plenty for 800 fsb cpu owners with PC6400.

I can now finally max out this E4300 to 375 FSB. It could post but not boot windows at 400 FSB, so I scaled back to 8x375 and atm (testing) this is orthos stable for 30 mins so far at 1.33v load // 1.36 Idle ( 1.40 in BIOS).
Thanks for that reply i8088. So there is still no 1:1 divider. A shame. :mad:
i8088 - I'm using 1,4125V to go to 3,25Ghz. and I'm going over 62C in Orthos small FFT's - What voltage are you at. How much more mhz can be hiding in there:D and what voltage can the C2 Duo's take do you think.

I need just under 1.47V in BIOS (windows reads.. 1.39 Load // 1.44 Idle) but yes temps are out of hand reaching 65-70 in orthos. While gaming tho, temps stay under 52C, ie COD4. Keep in mind I went back to the stock HSF as my XP90 was really warming up the PSU, but now I might go back as the stock HSF cant really handle these speeds/voltages.
I tried to update the bios from f4d to f7 with the @bios windows utility but when it got to 'erase flash memory', I got an error message:

erase error at BASE+0xFFF00000 Data=0x00010000

I have tried several times with the same result :(
Any ideas, guys?

I haven't tried to reboot since I don't really want a dead computer and I don't have a floppy around. Really annoying! I've been waiting for better dividers for 800 fsb cpus. Eventhough, Gigabyte still refuse to give us the 2:00 divider, the 2.66 divider made it worth it to update the bios. I haven't had problems with the windows utility before.

I really hope somebody can help....
I had the same problem. I finally figured out that I needed to use the previous version of @bios (v.1.20), which is what shipped with my motherboard.

The version currently available on Gigabyte's website (v.1.21) just didn't seem to play nice.

Hope that works for you.

I had the same problem. I finally figured out that I needed to use the previous version of @bios (v.1.20), which is what shipped with my motherboard.

The version currently available on Gigabyte's website (v.1.21) just didn't seem to play nice.

Hope that works for you.


Thanks! I used 1.21 first. I just tried the v.1.20 from the dvd - same error unfortunately :(
It attempts to erase the old bios, then comes the error message. The utility then tries to recover with the backed up bios and then one more error message:
'bios write protection!!!'
Is it because I made more than one attempt?
I still haven't tried to reboot but I'm quite reluctant to do so. Any other ideas?
Thanks! I used 1.21 first. I just tried the v.1.20 from the dvd - same error unfortunately :(
It attempts to erase the old bios, then comes the error message. The utility then tries to recover with the backed up bios and then one more error message:
'bios write protection!!!'
Is it because I made more than one attempt?
I still haven't tried to reboot but I'm quite reluctant to do so. Any other ideas?

Isn't there a jumper on the motherboard or a setting in bios to deny write access to the bios? Sounds like if you just move the jumper or change the setting the error message will go away.
The earlier DS2R BIOSes have a flash protection setting in bios. Make sure you dont have this enabled.