First official HD69xx review is up!

This is kind of sad. The 6970 is bouncing back and forth between 5870 and GTX580 performance, largely on par with or slightly exceeding a 570, sometimes approaching but not beating GTX580 performance, but most importantly of all it seems that in many games the 6970 straight up gets its shit shoved by all of the nvidia lineup. Too many games for me to feel comfortable with.

Hopefully these are driver issues or optimization issues, because they do not represent the appropriate overall performance across the board that should be had for the price. Nvidia cards are not suffering from this wild performance swing at this time.

This, especially on the minimum-framerate front :(. Unfortunate.
haha one review I want to buy it read another and I want to hold off. LOL
This, especially on the minimum-framerate front :(. Unfortunate.

The problem is most sites only give you a single min fps number, which is beyond useless. You need an FPS graph to determine which actually has better fps.
I bought the XFX 6950.
It should be ready for pickup in 2 days but it looks like the Accell mini display port adapter will take a week.
Thanks for your input.
You guys see the CFX scaling on the 6970 in Anandtech's review? It's pretty much crushing the GTX580 SLI in StalkerCoP and Metro2033, and in all other games it's more than holding up. Looks like they've finally gotten their scaling right.