Fallout 4

Anyone know of a mod to disable the slow-mo kill sequences? It's literally getting my melee crit build guy killed on a regular basis.

I go charging up to a group of three baddies with three crits saved up thinking, "This is gonna be a slaughter!" Enter VATS and queue up one hit each, activate, and pop a crit on the first attack. Game goes into slow-mo kill cam mode and my dude slices the first guy in twain, then just stands there like a goddamn idiot watching the two halves of his body roll on down the road. Meanwhile, dude's buddies aren't quite so enamored with the whole situation and decide to unload their combat shotguns on me, slow-mo blowing my ass to smithereens.
ive never found i really take any damage in slow motion in vats with only 1 endurance, on survival.

but there would need to be a mod to reduce it, there were mods for it in skyrim to adjust the frequency so i would check nexus and see if anything like that has popped up.
I have encountered an exceedingly weird situation.

I have SLI enabled, with 2 970's and game setting to the default ultra setting, at 1440p.

On my Swift, it looks like this:


Absolutely no problems.

Change it to my BenQ 4k monitor, suddenly my main character pulls a Mike Jackson bleaching.


anyone know what the origin of this texture issue is? This is the first time I have had game behaving differently between monitors when everything else, literally, is the same, barring which GPU the monitor is plugged in...
I've probably found the stupidest side quest in the game. It's when you need to "escort" the scribe to a military checkpoint. The target area is across the bay from the airport where you need to collect the scribe, and you can't use fast travel because the scribe won't come with you then. And as it turns out you can't use a vertabird either because the stupid scribe won't get on-board. So I wasted a flare for no reason. I had to walk all the way around the bay, over areas I mostly explored already, but still I couldn't explore buildings that I didn't before because the stupid scribe wanted to pick a fight with everyone.

I was able to fast travel and have the scribe be there when the game loaded.
Still haven't seen any comments.....

Is there any mod out there to allow you to go between a controller and keyboard/mouse?

I really....really.... hate that I can't set my controller down and use my k+m during firefights.

What controller do you have? I was able to pick up the Steam controller and use it for a bit and then go back to KB+Mouse with no config fiddling either way.
Whew. Last night I thought I lost my dog. I sent him to the Red Rocket, but for some reason he wasn't there. I tried using bells and building dog houses to no avail. I was about to give up and start using console commands, but I eventually found him chilling in a dog house at the way, way far back of Sanctuary.
I've probably found the stupidest side quest in the game. It's when you need to "escort" the scribe to a military checkpoint. The target area is across the bay from the airport where you need to collect the scribe, and you can't use fast travel because the scribe won't come with you then. And as it turns out you can't use a vertabird either because the stupid scribe won't get on-board. So I wasted a flare for no reason. I had to walk all the way around the bay, over areas I mostly explored already, but still I couldn't explore buildings that I didn't before because the stupid scribe wanted to pick a fight with everyone.

I just did that quest and fast travel worked just fine for me. Fast traveled there and then back and he followed both times. Only had dogmeat with me though, I didn't have another companion.
That article hit the nail on the head. No skills?!? No tags? Anybody wanting a more "old school fallout" feel, try Wasteland 2. It has everything that FO4 is missing.

I don't see how skills = rp and perks = not rp. I find the perk system to be both deeper and more meaningful than the skill system (when it isn't being essentially identical to the skill system, as with lockpicking and hacking), and I've been playing Fallout since Wasteland (1).

It also isn't as simple as "the dialogue sucks." Your character's dialogue sucks. The dialogue wheel sucks. The lack of meaningful choices you can make sucks. But the NPCs portion of the dialogue is quite good, imo. I think Codsworth and Valentine are my favorite NPCs in any FO ever, and they have some great dialogue with your character.

He's wrong about there not being any dialogue ways out of combat, I've had at least one or two, plus other things like getting that BoS guy to rejoin. But there definitely needs to be more of them.

I'm willing to cut them some slack on PC dialogue just because I think the NPC dialogue is good, plus I understand their desire to cater to the crowd that wants everything VOd and doesn't want to read 5 paragraphs of text every time they need to make a dialogue choice.

What I don't really understand is the lack of other SPECIAL checks. I don't see why they did away with all the INT/STR/PER/AGI/etc checks that could be used occasionally to avoid combat or accomplish other things. And I don't see why CHA is mostly limited to getting extra caps out of people for doing a quest for them.
I'm wondering if this is a glitch or something I'm missing:

In settling...I can plant a bunch of food and it's like it doesn't count. Anyone else ever seen that?
I'm wondering if this is a glitch or something I'm missing:

In settling...I can plant a bunch of food and it's like it doesn't count. Anyone else ever seen that?

Are you assigning a settler to harvest it ?
I'm wondering if this is a glitch or something I'm missing:

In settling...I can plant a bunch of food and it's like it doesn't count. Anyone else ever seen that?
You have to assign someone to tend it for it to count.
I was able to fast travel and have the scribe be there when the game loaded.

I fast travelled there cleared the entire area of enemies the scribe didn't show up for the entire duration. Then I fast travelled back, ordered an airlift, to take me to the area, the scribe didn't show up then either. So I fast travelled back to the airport, and walked 20 minutes around half of boston to get there, to finally be able to finish the quest.
I'm wondering if this is a glitch or something I'm missing:

In settling...I can plant a bunch of food and it's like it doesn't count. Anyone else ever seen that?

I had a similar issue with the placement of artillery. You hold V to get into the build "mode" and then go highlight a person walking around and then you can assign them. Took me forever to figure that part out, and that is how it works for most things in new settlements.
Almost sure, the two shots are taken at the exact same spot.

Here is another angle on the BenQ monitor., you can clearly see that there is a discontinuity in the skin shading half way around the neck:


Doesn't exist on the Swift:


If you find the answer for this I realllllly want to know. I am having this same problem with my setup of 780 SLI on a 1440 21:9 screen. I have no clue what causes it, it was fine in the initial starting sequence, then when I made a few changes to get it to run fullscreen my character looked like shit, very similar if not identical to yours. It is only my character that looks like shit too, all other NPC's look fine. I resorted to wearing a gas mask....
Too many of the things (like building settlements and "assigning" people) aren't explained at all. I'm not saying they need to hold our hands, but these are VERY non-intuitive things. If I need to Google the fundamentals of a game UI, you're doing it wrong. The game is still amazing, but they really do need some better cues/menus.
Almost sure, the two shots are taken at the exact same spot.

Here is another angle on the BenQ monitor., you can clearly see that there is a discontinuity in the skin shading half way around the neck:


Doesn't exist on the Swift:

Could be related to the shadow bug on some high resolution displays.

Have you tried the beta patch?
Too many of the things (like building settlements and "assigning" people) aren't explained at all. I'm not saying they need to hold our hands, but these are VERY non-intuitive things. If I need to Google the fundamentals of a game UI, you're doing it wrong. The game is still amazing, but they really do need some better cues/menus.
The whole settlement system seems half-assed to begin with. Needing to build things from first-person perspective is one of the worst foul-ups that could have happened here, in my opinion.
So I had never played a FO game previously and I decidedly do NOT like RPG's due to being really too dumb to understand most of them.


I'm freaking addicted to FO4. If I'm the customer they were going after - mission accomplished.
The worst thing about settlements IMO is that you can't easily tell who the fuck is assigned to what.
Not ot mention, when assigning someone to foods, they are assigned to randomly 5/6 plants. So There is some in there that might not be assigned.
Looks like they might have done another beta patch?

Fired up Steam just now and FO4 downloaded 213MB.

Couldn't find any updated notes on it though and it still says [Beta] next to the game (as expected until the patch is official).
It sometimes auto-assigns people to plants, sometimes. You also have to assign people to other things like the salvage station. You CAN tell what a person is assigned to if you highlight them in build mode, the item they are assigned to will highlight as well. This has driven me to move most of my non-plant items into one place near a bell so I can tell who is assigned to what and who is free.

They really need a better UI for this. Also any named NPCs don't seem to stick to their jobs well. Tempted to let some of those freeloaders die if I play though again.
So I had never played a FO game previously and I decidedly do NOT like RPG's due to being really too dumb to understand most of them.


I'm freaking addicted to FO4. If I'm the customer they were going after - mission accomplished.

It's because F4 really isn't an RPG. It's an action game with perks. Just cause 3 a mindless action game has a better story (so far) and a deeper skill tree than F4.
It's because F4 really isn't an RPG. It's an action game with perks. Just cause 3 a mindless action game has a better story (so far) and a deeper skill tree than F4.

I agree. It is a great game and I already finished the main story. Not interested in much else TBH. I find the settlement feature boring. I was only attacked once. It lasted 5 seconds because of my turret placements. I figure when DLC is launched I will give it another go.
The worst thing about settlements IMO is that you can't easily tell who the fuck is assigned to what.

Christ yeah. That is the most annoying part. It's easy to tell supply line people since they are labeled provisioner, but other then that you get nothing.
Unless it's just after quittin' time and everybody wants to go to the bar to have a drink.

No, it's "because they're at the part where they hold their dicks, and say Oh my god! That's the funky shit!"

or something...

when you have a crowd standing around holding their dicks, they are all unassigned :)

Not necessarily...sometimes they will just gather for no apparent reason.

Agreed. And sometimes when I would command someone to food or water, it would never tell me that they were assigned to it.

I don't think you have to assign people to water, it just kind of happens. But I'd love to be able to see at a glance who is assigned to what, and be able to assign them from some sort of GUI. The fucking Fallout Shelter mobile game had functionality like this...why not a AAA multi-platform title?
So I had never played a FO game previously and I decidedly do NOT like RPG's due to being really too dumb to understand most of them.


I'm freaking addicted to FO4. If I'm the customer they were going after - mission accomplished.

Breath of fresh air to read a comment like this every once in a while. Tip of the hat, sir.

They really need a better UI for this.

Aye, that. For all the wonderful things Bethesda has done, they seemingly remain clueless on UI. Even Skyrim was awkward. It's like they want to change the UI cause.....well, just cause. Do I really need two separate action buttons to take out and then put away my map? Geez Louise.

Finally, I'm really hoping somewhere down the road that bunkers will be added as part of settlement building. Thought that would be a no-brainer.
Weird that they such at UI, it's not like they don't have better UIs for them to look at and study. I man SkyUI is directly in their game if they want to import it. No extra work to see how it's done.

One thing I love about the UI in FO4 though, is that the buying transaction is done with a confirmation. It could be loads better, but that is such a nice ting that virtually all games should do.
Looks like they might have done another beta patch?

Fired up Steam just now and FO4 downloaded 213MB.

Couldn't find any updated notes on it though and it still says [Beta] next to the game (as expected until the patch is official).

Beta Update 1.2.37

New Features
◾General memory and stability improvements.
◾Performance improvements inside the Corvega Assembly Plant.
◾Fixed issue with player becoming stuck in terminals
I think the last Bethesda game that shipped with a passable UI was Morrowind. It was ugly but it worked.

Oblivion's default font was Xbox huge. FO 3 suffered similar issues. Skyrim's just felt really awkward with the way skill binding and the map functioned. From what I've seen FO 4's isn't much better.