Fallout 4

I'm a dumbass...

Decided to make Starlight Drive-in my permanent home with only a simple two-story shack to live in. At least until CK is released and mods are available.

I'm getting objects set-up, making things comfy as can be, set the Bobblehead Display so it can be seen from the ground and arranging lighting. I'm experimenting with various types of lights and didn't like the placement of one of the lights so I go to scrap it. Yeah, bad time to have a hand spasm...


nvidia saied that tomorrow will release a driver that will include the SLI profile for Fallout 4.
Hope all well.
I apparently hit the point where the enemies have all scaled up and are now kicking my ass. Lots of power armored foes, supermutants packing chain guns, and missile launchers.
I got a distress call from one of my settlements and it teleports me into a ring of super mutants that nearly insta-kill me.
I forgot all about Bethesda's scaling system in these games :p
I'm a dumbass...

Decided to make Starlight Drive-in my permanent home with only a simple two-story shack to live in. At least until CK is released and mods are available.

I'm getting objects set-up, making things comfy as can be, set the Bobblehead Display so it can be seen from the ground and arranging lighting. I'm experimenting with various types of lights and didn't like the placement of one of the lights so I go to scrap it. Yeah, bad time to have a hand spasm...



That's why I dont work with prefabs, one mistake and everything is fucked.
did you change the setting for depthoffield in the INI or add a mod that did it?

I'd say leave it.. you get to see all the nice touches they aded under the water.

Yeah, I wish there was a way to tone-down the underwater effect without removing it entirely -- they really overdid it, can't see shit most times.
did you change the setting for depthoffield in the INI or add a mod that did it?

I'd say leave it.. you get to see all the nice touches they aded under the water.

Not to my knowledge... Only mods I am using are textures and one that makes the Pip-Boy light brighter and cast shadows.

But yeah, I'm not that worried about it... kind of nice to actually see something underwater.
The underwater effect feels almost like a bug. Either that or it must have been some kind of major performance problem.
So I can't seem to get this game to run for more than 20-30 minutes without crashing directly to the desktop? Anyone know if I have any chance of getting a refund? I purchased on steam and have 4.5 hours of intermittent gameplay plagued by bugs due to poor 21:9 support and general buggy shittiness of the game. Is there a way to go directly to Bethesda for a refund?
So I can't seem to get this game to run for more than 20-30 minutes without crashing directly to the desktop? Anyone know if I have any chance of getting a refund? I purchased on steam and have 4.5 hours of intermittent gameplay plagued by bugs due to poor 21:9 support and general buggy shittiness of the game. Is there a way to go directly to Bethesda for a refund?

Lemme guess...you're running the AMD Crimson drivers...aren't you?
So I can't seem to get this game to run for more than 20-30 minutes without crashing directly to the desktop? Anyone know if I have any chance of getting a refund? I purchased on steam and have 4.5 hours of intermittent gameplay plagued by bugs due to poor 21:9 support and general buggy shittiness of the game. Is there a way to go directly to Bethesda for a refund?
You can try to get a refund from Steam anyway if you explain your issues. They used to be pretty lax with the rules if you could thoughtfully explain your situation. I don't know if they have gotten more strict since first implementing the policy, though. In my opinion, you probably just need more RAM. The Gamebryo/Creation engine doesn't have very good memory management, and it's made worse with all the persistent objects in the world.The game topped out around 11GB for me after around 5 hours of continuous playing with 32GB of RAM.
Lemme guess...you're running the AMD Crimson drivers...aren't you?
Also another possibility. I've read about people having issues with FO4 and these drivers that a rollback fixed.
You can try to get a refund from Steam anyway if you explain your issues. They used to be pretty lax with the rules if you could thoughtfully explain your situation. I don't know if they have gotten more strict since first implementing the policy, though. In my opinion, you probably just need more RAM. The Gamebryo/Creation engine doesn't have very good memory management, and it's made worse with all the persistent objects in the world.The game topped out around 11GB for me after around 5 hours of continuous playing with 32GB of RAM.
Also another possibility. I've read about people having issues with FO4 and these drivers that a rollback fixed.

Crimson AMD drivers are not game specific. They bug your fan RPM speed and lock it at 20%....and your GPU cooks under heat load. And unsurprisingly the game crashes as your computer detects the overheat and tried to save your GPU from melting.
can you confirm that SLI now works on with fallout 4 right out the box without driver tweak?

It's working for me with just an install of 359.06 (and an update of Geforce Experience for good measure).

Took me from ~42 fps at 3440 x 1440 to 60 fps with each card showing equal utilization (according to MSI Afterburner).

I haven't had a chance to test it for bugs, but from just fast traveling around the map really quickly before I had to leave this morning I didn't encounter any anomalies. You still get the odd hitching, but I believe that is related to the game more so than a drop in frame rate.
Lemme guess...you're running the AMD Crimson drivers...aren't you?

You can try to get a refund from Steam anyway if you explain your issues. They used to be pretty lax with the rules if you could thoughtfully explain your situation. I don't know if they have gotten more strict since first implementing the policy, though. In my opinion, you probably just need more RAM. The Gamebryo/Creation engine doesn't have very good memory management, and it's made worse with all the persistent objects in the world.The game topped out around 11GB for me after around 5 hours of continuous playing with 32GB of RAM.
Also another possibility. I've read about people having issues with FO4 and these drivers that a rollback fixed.

GTX 780 SLI, on latest Nvidia drivers.

I have 32 GB RAM.

Sorry my sig is very out of date lol. I guess I will try asking for a refund from Steam explaining the many problems I have running the game. I think it is extremely clear that Bethesda no longer gives a shit about PC gaming. They are only here for the consoles now.
It's working for me with just an install of 359.06 (and an update of Geforce Experience for good measure).

Took me from ~42 fps at 3440 x 1440 to 60 fps with each card showing equal utilization (according to MSI Afterburner).

I haven't had a chance to test it for bugs, but from just fast traveling around the map really quickly before I had to leave this morning I didn't encounter any anomalies. You still get the odd hitching, but I believe that is related to the game more so than a drop in frame rate.
Might be worth trying out that texture mod that has been highly publicized recently. The game's textures are all uncompressed from what I understand, so VRAM might be an issue, and this mod compresses the textures while improving their look. I see 3.7GB of VRAM usage on my Titan X at 2560x1440, just to give you an idea since I know it's going to be different between video cards (Ultra preset with Medium God Rays and High Object Detail Fade), and I experience no stuttering or hitching.
I'm so happy SLI is finally working in 359.06! About time! :D

can you confirm that SLI now works on with fallout 4 right out the box without driver tweak?

I have no Fallout 4 mods installed currently and the new GeForce Game Ready Driver v359.06 has over doubled my sub-30fps framerates in all parts of the maps where I saw lower frames previously. I am also running the Beta patch update through Steam.
Might be worth trying out that texture mod that has been highly publicized recently. The game's textures are all uncompressed from what I understand, so VRAM might be an issue, and this mod compresses the textures while improving their look. I see 3.7GB of VRAM usage on my Titan X at 2560x1440, just to give you an idea since I know it's going to be different between video cards (Ultra preset with Medium God Rays and High Object Detail Fade), and I experience no stuttering or hitching.

Which texture mod exactly?
I fully recommend Vivid Landscapes Texture mod. I'm running Fallout 4 with my rig-in-sig at the current settings:

3840 x 2160
AF = 16 Samples
Textures = Ultra
Shadows = Ultra
Shadow Distance = High
Decal = High
Lighting = High
Godrays = Medium
Depth of Field = Bokeh
Ambient Occlusion = SSAO
Screen Space Reflections, Wetness, Rain Occlusion, Motion Blur and Lens Flare boxes checked.
Object Fade, Actor Fade, Grass Fade and Item Fade at roughly 85% on the slider bars.
Distant Object Detail = High
Object Detail Fade = High

After installing Vivid Landscapes not only does Fallout 4 look better but it also performs much better especially in areas where I was experiencing FPS drops to the high 40s. Now I experience mid to high 50s in dense areas and a solid 60fps everywhere else.

Sorry, I had to go digging with archives since I can't get to gaming sites at work. This is the one:
Thank you bought for the feedback. I appreciate it.

Have you tried it on a 120hz monitor to see if it uses GPUs at 100% and push framerate over 60fps?

Even if it did, I'd expect you'd be right back into the mess of game breaking/problematic bugs that others have posted about for a while now when going over 60 FPS.
Anyone playing on the new 369.06 driver experiencing the random crashes that 359.00 introduced? Was the most frustrating thing ever, I thought that my overclock on my 980ti was unstable, so I kept giving it slightly more voltage, then after a few hours of that, I remembered I updated the driver, looked it up, and sure enough other people were having crashes after updating. Rolled back to 358.91, put the voltage back where it was, and smooth sailing. Hesitant to try the new one, though I would like it for Just Cause 3.
Installed the game last night and I will be firing up this evening for the first time.

Would anyone be willing to summarize the "must change" settings based on general consensus? I intend on reading through most of this thread in time, but it's a daunting task.

Thank you!
Installed the game last night and I will be firing up this evening for the first time.

Would anyone be willing to summarize the "must change" settings based on general consensus? I intend on reading through most of this thread in time, but it's a daunting task.

Thank you!
PCGamingWiki is always a good start.

Things I would do is decrease Object Detail Fade to at least High, as this will stabilize framerates in dense areas like the downtown Boston area. God Rays is also a framerate killer. If you can, High looks nice, but is still too much of a drain on performance and not a good tradeoff, in my opinion. I would turn them down to Medium.

If you're going to be changing .ini settings, I would do what the PCGamingWiki says and create a separate Fallout4Custom.ini file instead of overwriting things in the 3 main files. This way, if you mess things up you can just delete the settings in your custom file. This is what I do and all my custom settings stick. You do not need to change the main, Prefs, and default .ini files and set them to read-only, despite what a lot of people say.

With that said, here are the .ini changes I've made. I disabled the intro videos, increased the FOV to 106, disabled mouse acceleration, and fixed the vertical mouse sensitivity. All of these settings can be found in the above link. I've also disabled the in-game V-Sync and used RTSS to limit FPS to 59 to avoid bugs associated with high framerates. In my experience you can run at 144 Hz with the in-game V-Sync enabled, but I was getting stuck while leaving computer terminals. I did not experience any physics bugs or speed ups during this time.
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Thank you Armenius!

I didn't see any reference on the PCGamingWiki page to creating a separate custom .ini file as you mentioned. I'd like to read up a little more on that.
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I think I will try this when I get home, give the game one last chance. Hopefully I can play for longer than 30 minutes without crashing. If I can't then I will push for a refund.

I've played FO4 more than a few hours on my HTPC running an i3 with 8GB on a single GTX780 and haven't had a single crash (no mods installed). Game runs very smooth, can't remember my settings right off, but I can say they are not maxxed out.

Not sure what's going on with your setup. Maybe it's something freaking out over having 2 gpus with the old drivers. I have had a couple crash to desktops on my gaming rig (see sig). Only 2 times that I can think of, so not very often. Also note I'm on Win10 on both boxes, and I've been using old drivers. 355.82
Thank you Armenius!

I didn't see any reference on the PCGamingWiki page to creating a separate custom .ini file as you mentioned. I'd like to read up a little more on that.
Yeah, it doesn't say to create it, but it references "Fallout4Custom.ini" several times. You just have to create it yourself in your documents folder where the other .ini files rest. In Explorer you can navigate to the folder, right-click, create text document, change the name to the above, and change the file extension from .txt to .ini.

*Edit* I'm sorry. It's "Fallout4Custom.ini", without the underscore.
Pretty good article on PCgamer about F4.

"But as a role-playing experience I’m finding it disappointingly weak—to the point where I wouldn’t even call it an RPG. An open-world action game with role-playing elements would be a more accurate description..... It's more like an FPS than an RPG: a series of rooms linked with corridors, filled with enemies waiting patiently for you to kill them."

I agree with the points in this piece. Most of the quests are pretty bad and repetitive and if it wasn't for the interesting exploration/gunplay and prospect of insane mods from the community I would have already uninstalled. This seems to be a Fallout game that is clearly designed for the COD generation.

F4 just feels so shallow as an rpg.

That article hit the nail on the head. No skills?!? No tags? Anybody wanting a more "old school fallout" feel, try Wasteland 2. It has everything that FO4 is missing.
Just a quick test with the "High" preset with the new drivers and I'm rock solid 60 everywhere I've run through for about 15 minutes now. Before it was more 40-50's.

Now to start tweaking with mods and settings to eke the most out of these drivers. :D
Just a quick test with the "High" preset with the new drivers and I'm rock solid 60 everywhere I've run through for about 15 minutes now. Before it was more 40-50's.

Now to start tweaking with mods and settings to eke the most out of these drivers. :D

Most people with moderate systems can get a locked 60+fps in most areas. Where performance takes a shit is the city/urban areas of the game. The creator of ENB stated that the engine gets overloaded by "draw calls" in these instances and is the cause of the issues and he wasn't optimistic of Bethesda being able to fix the problem. You can turn shadow distance to medium in these areas to fix part of the problem. Or use the mod on Nexus that changes the shadow distance dynamically in the problem areas.
Most people with moderate systems can get a locked 60+fps in most areas. Where performance takes a shit is the city/urban areas of the game. The creator of ENB stated that the engine gets overloaded by "draw calls" in these instances and is the cause of the issues and he wasn't optimistic of Bethesda being able to fix the problem. You can turn shadow distance to medium in these areas to fix part of the problem. Or use the mod on Nexus that changes the shadow distance dynamically in the problem areas.

Good to know.. thanks!

Going to install that texture mod linked a ways back and then run around in a few different areas while tweaking and see if I can find a nice balance. It will be a fun project to mess with this weekend most likely. :)
How is the SLI scaling?

Thinking of playing this on my spanking new BL3201PT instead of Swift if my SLI 970's scale well enough. The game seem pretty playable with godrays toned down on a single 970 @ 4k.
Still haven't seen any comments.....

Is there any mod out there to allow you to go between a controller and keyboard/mouse?

I really....really.... hate that I can't set my controller down and use my k+m during firefights.
I've probably found the stupidest side quest in the game. It's when you need to "escort" the scribe to a military checkpoint. The target area is across the bay from the airport where you need to collect the scribe, and you can't use fast travel because the scribe won't come with you then. And as it turns out you can't use a vertabird either because the stupid scribe won't get on-board. So I wasted a flare for no reason. I had to walk all the way around the bay, over areas I mostly explored already, but still I couldn't explore buildings that I didn't before because the stupid scribe wanted to pick a fight with everyone.
Still haven't seen any comments.....

Is there any mod out there to allow you to go between a controller and keyboard/mouse?

I really....really.... hate that I can't set my controller down and use my k+m during firefights.

Not aware of one myself.

Best advice I can give is to keep an eye on Nexus mods for one. Tons of mods there and its growing all the time.