F.E.A.R SP Demo

Stiler said:
You don't know wtf you're talking about.

There is no "law" that they need to verify someone is of age, and "selecting" your birthday is HARDLY verifiying jack and shit.

There is no law indeed. And there is no absolute necessity for them to make you assert your age like this since it could simply be part of the ESRB and disclaimer.

HOWEVER, every legal buffer between them and the Anti-Game drones helps protect them, and solidifies their case, shortening any legal process, and saving money.
It's a voluntary action for someone to assert their age like this, and that is why this helps protect them. Apparently people are too damned stupid to realize that buying a game that's outside of the ESRB recommendation is ALSO a voluntary action. (Like the grandma who sued GTA because she bought a "Mature" game for a 14 year old kid, and was shocked that the 14 yr old could have potentially tried to download and patch the game to show dry sex which would require an AO rating capped at 18 instead of 17. She could argue that she felt her kid was mature enough for 17yr old games of killing cops, but not mature enough for 18 yr old games including dry sex).
FEAR kick ass game...the demo...well needs to be more lol...can't wait to get the full game

Reminds me of Doom3 but i think doom3 is a little more scarey than FEAR...but overall KICK ASS game...can't wait :D :D :D
The more I play the more I realise this game is horribly optimized. Run fraps, then hit control to enter slo-mo then fire an automatic weapon. With my system I go down to TEN FPS.(1600x1200 2xAA soft shadows off)

I decided to run autodetect settings which set my resolution at 1024x768 no AA, and did the same thing and my framerate went down to about 22fps.

Shogo and NOLF both ran like ass even on the best of computers when they came out and looked nice but not better than some of the other titles of the time... looks like the same thing is repeating. Hire some better people to optimize your games monolith...
Bop said:
The more I play the more I realise this game is horribly optimized. Run fraps, then hit control to enter slo-mo then fire an automatic weapon. With my system I go down to TEN FPS.(1600x1200 2xAA soft shadows off)

I decided to run autodetect settings which set my resolution at 1024x768 no AA, and did the same thing and my framerate went down to about 22fps.

Shogo and NOLF both ran like ass even on the best of computers when they came out and looked nice but not better than some of the other titles of the time... looks like the same thing is repeating. Hire some better people to optimize your games monolith...

Cry about it...

Runs flawless for me at 1280x960 minus the stuttering for two seconds after i turn some corners. Max settings, minus shadows. 4xAA 8xAF... Never dropped below 50 fps.
I get between 20 and 30 fps with all video on max, except no softshadows and no AA and computer on medium at 1680 X 1050

that seems rediculously low to me

I have to agree that they did a horrible job optimising

could this be some issue with 7800gtx's?
I am dissapointed by this demo. The feel of the game feels 'bloated', definitely too much like Riddick, which felt more like a console FPS than a PC one. It just doesn't have the silky smoothness that HL2 has :(
JohnleMVP said:
My video card couln't handle 1280x960, it was too jerky. 1024x768 ran fine though.

Game was alright, good AI, good scare factor, okay graphic, levels/graphics were very boxy.

Thats your cards fault. :rolleyes:
fallguy said:
Drop the rolleyes, and attitude.

Its not about whats the correct aspect. Its the fact that 1280x1024 is a very used resolution for LCD's. Running a LCD out of its native res, usually doesnt look good. 99% of other games have it, its laziness by for them not having it. If its not in the retail game.

it's 64 PIXELS....someone is going to protest buying a game over 64 PIXELS. Give me a freakin break...give me a break...break me off a piece of that kit kat bar how silly that is! I'm work a lot with digital images and know how increasing an image doesn't work as sharp as with working with a larger image an shrinking it. But that's not a lot to complain about, and if an lcd cant handle a 64 pixel difference where your image quality looks like poot....buy another lcd...because you got robbed.

AND ON TOP OF EVERYTHING....you can custom config it anyway ...so what's the problem (as with pretty much any game out there) :rolleyes:
man, i miss my 6600GT already, look at this piece of crap x300 try to play it :eek:

and you guys complain about your performance, howa bout i trade u a x300 for ur sli systems *scoffs*

HHunt said:
Well, you come up with a way to stretch 960 vertical to 1024 vertical and make it look good.

I'd be content if they (Eizo/Ati/Monolith) added a mode that letterboxed it, but to be honest, it's not like it's hard to support 1280x1024 well. As said above, it's a common native resolution for LCDs, and many games do support it.

Once again...since I work with graphics every day. :rolleyes:

Do a side by side comparison with an image that is 1280x960 and then stretch it to 1280x1024.

How much of an image reduction is REALLY happening to the point where you hate it?

NOW on top of all that. imagine that *gasp* you are moving now so you can't really stop and 'smell the roses' because you are always in the heat of battle. It's 64 pixels. it's not THAT big of a difference. You can change the resolution anyway to 1280x1024, but you have to make one extra step. So yes...I still feel my rolling eyes is quite valid in "protesting" buying a game because it doesn't support an 'incorrect' aspect ratio is ok.
phobic said:
For those of use that have widescreens, I posted a thread on the official F.E.A.R forums and someone pointed out an article on what Vivendi said about F.E.A.R and widescreens.


Seriously, WTF? Widescreen support is currently NOT planned. :mad:

That's awesome.

hack it.

Not to get confused but I do understand not supporting a resolution and being annoyed by that, but protesting....... :rolleyes:
Bop said:
The more I play the more I realise this game is horribly optimized. Run fraps, then hit control to enter slo-mo then fire an automatic weapon. With my system I go down to TEN FPS.(1600x1200 2xAA soft shadows off)

I decided to run autodetect settings which set my resolution at 1024x768 no AA, and did the same thing and my framerate went down to about 22fps.

Shogo and NOLF both ran like ass even on the best of computers when they came out and looked nice but not better than some of the other titles of the time... looks like the same thing is repeating. Hire some better people to optimize your games monolith...

Cant be right. Im playing it at 1680*1050 (slightly lower res) with no aa and everything else maxxed and average 34fps throughout the demo, never going below 23 (and thats only in the water room).
To all those who go

"I can run (HL2, doom3, Farcray, whatever) at 1600x1200 max quality and run fine and F.E.A.R. I can't so it sucks"


one thing: It's a NEW ENGINE.
Two: IT'S NOT HL2, DOOM3 OR FAR CRY (no cry engine, Doom, or source) It will perform differently.
Three: It does some things more advanced than the engines you keep comparing too (Lots of parallex mapping, lighting, shadows, AI *cpu* and so on)

If you dont think it looks better than *name game here* then fine..it's your opinion..but what's not your opinion is it's NOT HL2, D3 or FC :) So yes it will perform diffferently.
I agree, its still just a demo. They still have 1 month to optimize it before release.
The main problems with the demo were the FPS drops. Not regular FPS drops...Theres 2 or 3 points in the game where your FPS will just drop for no reason. You have to change your res to fix it. Its weird.
other than a crappy installer (you MUST reinstall the same version of directx??), game bugs and performance issues i think this game is awesome. it froze my comp once and restarted it on game exit later...

AI is really awesome - one of the guys knocked a shelf down and used it as cover! i dislike the limited amount of ammo in the game... don't like switching weapons all the time. and the gun that nails ppl to the wall is fucking great! first time i used it i was like "omfg i shot him like 10 times and he is still standing up??"

got closer and saw the thing sticking through his head into the wall - awesome! also, i think i am in love with the shotgun. first time i picked up the shotgun (sound was up really loud) i walked around a corner and there was a guy hiding there, he got off a shot and i shot him point blank. the windows shuddered and the dude went flying backwards... i like the physics in this game :D

graphics are great... flame effects when you shoot barrels are neat. sound effects are ok
Karafias said:
other than a crappy installer (you MUST reinstall the same version of directx??), game bugs and performance issues i think this game is awesome. it froze my comp once and restarted it on game exit later...

AI is really awesome - one of the guys knocked a shelf down and used it as cover! i dislike the limited amount of ammo in the game... don't like switching weapons all the time. and the gun that nails ppl to the wall is fucking great! first time i used it i was like "omfg i shot him like 10 times and he is still standing up??"

got closer and saw the thing sticking through his head into the wall - awesome! also, i think i am in love with the shotgun. first time i picked up the shotgun (sound was up really loud) i walked around a corner and there was a guy hiding there, he got off a shot and i shot him point blank. the windows shuddered and the dude went flying backwards... i like the physics in this game :D

graphics are great... flame effects when you shoot barrels are neat. sound effects are ok

Everything seems scripted though...I went through the demo twice ( tried stealth and rambo ) and they act the same ( knock over the same things etc.. )
did you guys see the FREAKING WATER!?!?! it kills HL2, it is physically interactive, like after you walk through it there will be real ripples behind you and they go and they look really cool/.....WOW
suprisingly i run at 1152x864x32 with eax hardware enabled and most of the settings from medium-max with almost no lag

a64 3000+ newcastle
msi k8t-neo fsr
1gb ocz el platinum rev2 (2x512)
leadtek 6600gt

not bad at all but for some reason, 1152x864x32 is my max res.
I get this error when trying to launch
It runs pretty smooth on my computer. im going to seriously think about getting this game

P4 2.4C northwood Oc'd 2.7ghz
Abit IC7-G max II
BFG 6800 GT 256mb
Kingston 2x512mb 1x256mb DDR pc2100
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Everything seems scripted though...I went through the demo twice ( tried stealth and rambo ) and they act the same ( knock over the same things etc.. )

I watched that 14 min tech demo and apparently not much is scripted. It's supposed to different every time you reload the game because the AI reacts to you. Some stuff is obviously scripted, just the enemies react different in certain situations.

SilverMK3 said:
Its totally Riddick meets the X-Files. Pretty fun, but I could see the single player getting old as quickly as Doom3 did.

The helicopter guys were easy to beat. Just chuck a grenade at them while they repel down the rope then use the shotgun to mop up any survivors.

its not that but its HL2 meets Elfinelead if you havent see it yet its an anime go check it id bet 5 bucks its were thay got the psyco girl with psyich limbs from
ludachaz said:
did you guys see the FREAKING WATER!?!?! it kills HL2, it is physically interactive, like after you walk through it there will be real ripples behind you and they go and they look really cool/.....WOW

Heh it reminded me of the water in postal2.
Boo hoo this, boo hoo that. Stop picking games apart for the flaws and focus on the goodness. The demo is awesome, I don't care who you are. Seems that if a game is stellar in one department, it goes unnoticed, but by god if something minute is wrong with it, people scream "but it's not like 'x' game, it sucks." Seems like a lot of people want all games to be created equal and look exactly the same, I say F that. :mad: Some of you must have not gotten your first gaming system until the mid to late 90's, otherwise I would expect you to have more appreciation on how far the gaming industry has evolved.
I loved the demo. 1024x768 4xaa 8 af - everything max except soft shadows off - mostly smooth (35-60 fps) w/occasional drops around corners

2600+xp/1gig ram/6800 gt

no errors or bugs that i encountered
ProwlerTech said:
Boo hoo this, boo hoo that. Stop picking games apart for the flaws and focus on the goodness. The demo is awesome, I don't care who you are. Seems that if a game is stellar in one department, it goes unnoticed, but by god if something minute is wrong with it, people scream "but it's not like 'x' game, it sucks." Seems like a lot of people want all games to be created equal and look exactly the same, I say F that. :mad: Some of you must have not gotten your first gaming system until the mid to late 90's, otherwise I would expect you to have more appreciation on how far the gaming industry has evolved.

You dont know what your talking about, since most people really liked it. Plus its a demo, your SUPPOSED to pick out the bugs. Dont act like such a little bitch, okay?
Did you guy's get better performance after you reinstalled directx ? I want to get this game when it come's out, but not if it wont run good on my system, only 20 fps @ 1600x1200 everthing max no soft shadow's. I think that a $600 video card should be able to handle this type of game , but I guess not :mad: look's like you need to spend $1200 " Fucking rip off :mad: :mad: :mad: "
lee63 said:
Did you guy's get better performance after you reinstalled directx ? I want to get this game when it come's out, but not if it wont run good on my system, only 20 fps @ 1600x1200 everthing max no soft shadow's. I think that a $600 video card should be able to handle this type of game , but I guess not :mad: look's like you need to spend $1200 " Fucking rip off :mad: :mad: :mad: "

Dont worry about it man... it runs almost the same with my 6800GT... I think its just the game, and should be fixed between now and october.
hmmmm... mine runs liquid smooth the whole time..... 1280x960 4x aa 16x af

too bad i cant say the same for BF2 :p

EDIT: I noticed i had the details settings on medium, even then it looks great.

The graphics in this game looks exactly like the graphics from the Chronicles or Riddick PC game, which is a good thing.
mine would only run at 1024x768 on my shuttle 17"lcd but all on high np with the fps. didn't even come close to dieing at the moderate level and it took about 10 mins to finish. going to be a fun fps hope they implement some fun multiplayer.