F.E.A.R SP Demo

I just upgraded to two gigs of RAM... and *poof* stuttering problem is gone! This game looks a lot better when the framerate doesn't nosedive from hard drive swapping.
i liked the graphics and all... my only problem is with the weapons, they don't feel that great... i hope this makes some sense :p
I'm playing flawlessly on a single GTX, 2 gigs of ram, and good settings. I left most of the game picks as is, before I editted anything much. So 1 GTX can swing 1920*1200 regardless of this 1024 manufacturer claim. I'm running shoft shadows off. Everything is set to maximum otherwise except some volumetric light density which is set to medium as the game suggests. 1920*1200, 2x AA/ 4x aniso.
Graphics are excellent. A few of those scenes freaked me out. Didn't bother me during the day with other people in the room while I was playing. However, playing at night with the lights off and sound turned up is completely different. Had to turn the demo off. Yes, I guess that makes me a wuss but I still refuse to try it again. :eek:
didn't really care for the game--felt as if i was playing something cheesy and ripped off. seems to me like a cheap ripoff of doom, and wtf is with the "slow-mo"...maybe i didn't play enough to see where this wouldn't basically be max payne+doom3?
Well I Thougally enjoyed the demo, just wished it was longer.

I had the game auto-detect my system specs and used no aa/af, everything ran smooth and the game looked pretty good, I don't really care about jaggies that much.

I have a AMD XP3200, 1GBram and a Geforce 6800GT.
Damn I can not stop playing this demo, everytime I play I try and use a different strategy to kill the guys. I find that the game is really easy just killing somone in slow mo. Hiding behind a wall, let he slow mo bar become full and rinse and repeat. Can't wait to play the full thing, the particle gun and the gun the mini boss guy drops are freaking sweet
This thread is so long, I apologize if this has been covered. I get all sorts of random lockups in this demo. It happens mostly when I go to pick something up??? anybody have any ideas. FX-57/7800GTX-sli/77.77 drivers/2GB HYPERX ram/ASUS A8n deluxe/temps are all fine/no OC
What forceware version are you running? I had the same thing happen with WOW (except it was a memory addressing error anytime I entered Iron Forge) when I was using 6.66. Went back to 6.53 and everything works fine.
Im using 77.77 (the one released last Friday) and upped it from the 77.76 Beta. I had some freezing with 77.76 but not this much at all. I may have to go down a notch. Thanks. I went to the FEAR site last night and they have a THREE page post of people with the same problem---freezing on pickups that requires hard restarts. Vivendi (hiss) says that they know about it, it seems to be a "hardware driver issue" and will be fixed in the full release. I sure hope so. I have a system that runs everything I throw at it like butter, So I would expect it in the Demo somewhere.
Already has, I thought. It was a beta demo that was for testing only, unless they plan on releasing it again.
Nevermind, if you read the latest PCGamer you will see they have a review of FEAR next month (means it is about finished) and a multiplayer demo will be on their cd. w00t, it's almost done guys!
I just played the Demo, and I gotta say its pretty good for what it is. Im more into BF2, DFBHD, and Rainbow6 series. Never was into Doom or even FarCry for that matter. But I will say this game had my heart pounding a couple times...lol. Id probably buy it when it comes out.
Man I just got my 1gig stick in from the egg, I love FEAR all over again.

I went from most stuff on medium with .5 gig and freezing around corners to everything on high except soft shadows and it runs amazing
I started to play this game again, and I'd have to say I'm very impressed. I'm surprised how much I want to buy this game. The weapons are awesome in my opinion. Looks like I am going to have to buy Ages and FEAR inspite of my recent purchase of BF2 :p


77.77 Drivers are a must.
Im still enjoying this demo greatly. I have to say, running this game on medium looks almost as good as maximum. Maybe its just me.
what do you think I'm retarded. I know fraps. I said in-game, as in built into the code which almost every game has, maybe not the demo, but it's there.
I fixed my freezing problem. I guess that my audio card drivers were one update behind. I updated my poor old Audigy 1 to the latest drivers and now the game is silk. I can run maxed out. very sweet. I use 77.76 (Beta) and have no problems.
Im looking forward to the retail release.
No one here is retarded. Some people are just challenged in their communication skills and make others feel retarded.(on a completely different note.)
Downloaded the demo last night. I absolutely love it. The controls definitely need to be customized, but the gameplay is awesome, the graphics and textures look great even close-up, and the AI is incredibly smart. I am able to run it maxed @ 1024x768 (using a direct view TV for a monitor) with a P4 2.8, 1GB DDR400 and a 6600GT.

Can't wait for the full version. ;)
I think Doom3 and Half Life2 run and look better on my system thatn FEAR but the demo seems fun so far...