F.E.A.R SP Demo

Jason711 said:
sorry, FEAR > HL2

i judge a game by me wanting to finish it... i wanna finish fear.

It's pretty hard to make a judgement in this case, especially off of a demo that sounds like it has it's bugs.

So to me Hl2 > Doom 3 > MAYBE F.E.A.R.
to me as well

hl2>doom3>maybe FEAR

I think i like the graphics of HL2 especially the frame rates i get at 1650x1080. The faces on the people in FEAR look too much like doom whcih is too CG for my taste. The realism of HL2 still shines over the character detail here IMO.
I DLed and installed, and I get an error everytime i attempt to launch.

Runs fine for me unless i use fraps...which results in fraps needing to close and then fear needing to close. Any1 have a similar issue?
logan1 said:
holycow...........you have a 7800GTX SLi and are still having problems, thats just not right. well atleast my 9700 pro does not freeze up. :p

Yeah... and the game doesn't run too well @ 1600x1200 2xAA in the big firefights. 30,900 pts in 3dMark2003 means like 25fps in this game :( Monolith was never good at optimizing games to run well since Shogo. I had a top of the line system at the time and the game ran like crap. Do some better optimizing for once Monolith!
the game looks good and AI is great, as everyone said. however, i beat the demo on normal in 14 minutes without dying. jesus man it took me more than 14 to download the stupid game. 640MB for 14 minutes? judging by that, the game should be on 27 DVD's, unless there is only one level.

i'll buy it though.

also - i have fraps (newest version) and the game ran fine.
Demo ran fine for me most of the time with almost everything maxed @ 1280x960 on my SLI 6800GT's. The only time I had performance issues was when I encountered water. The water doesn't even look impressive and it makes my system drop to like sub 30's.
Well anyone have any suggestions why my game freezes? (Check profile for system specs)
The demo was good fun. But after a 600+meg download i was expecting a longer demo.

VERY impressed with the gfx. First game where i've noticed heavy use of parallax mapping. Half Life 2 has it but not with my gfx card (9800 pro). But FEAR has it in bucket loads. All the bullet holes, grates, brick walls etc are parallax mapped. Very cool seeing it run on my crappy card.

Demo has a bunch of bugs though. The worst one is about half way through, the framerate drops to around 5 fps, so you have to change resolutions, then back again to sort out the problem.

Oh and i didnt find the demo particularly scary. Perhaps its because most of the scares consisted of things jumping out at you suddenly or loud noises. But who knows what will happen in the final build.

Maybe i've just been spoilt with all the eastern horror i watch, or the silent hill games.

Still, this game is second on my 'to buy' list (elder scrolls IV: Oblivion being the first). Just hope ATI releases Crossfire and the new cards by then. Cant upgrade till i see what performance they have. AHHHH the agony of choice.
elder scrolls IV: Oblivion

MMm when does that come out?

Well i played the demo. And man it ran like ass.... Lag lag lag.. Anyone get this peice of shit to run smooth?
Meh, the highest res I can select on my Dell 2005FPW is 1280x960 which makes the game look like crap even with every setting on max. It's a demo, I know, but I'm not buying this unless it supports widescreen. Very annoying. Sems like a fun game though and I think I might enjoy it a lot more than Doom3.
Netrat33 said:
That's a crappy LCD that can't handle a 64 pixel difference. going to 'protest' a game over 64 pixel...come on.

Drop the rolleyes, and attitude.

Its not about whats the correct aspect. Its the fact that 1280x1024 is a very used resolution for LCD's. Running a LCD out of its native res, usually doesnt look good. 99% of other games have it, its laziness by for them not having it. If its not in the retail game.
Z(+)DIAC said:
Well anyone have any suggestions why my game freezes? (Check profile for system specs)

man, your system should blow this game away compared to mine. i have same gpu 1gb ram and a p4 3ghz. is mine the only one that runs without problems? 1024x768, all medium settings, 40+ fps.
Netrat33 said:
That's a crappy LCD that can't handle a 64 pixel difference. going to 'protest' a game over 64 pixel...come on.

Well, you come up with a way to stretch 960 vertical to 1024 vertical and make it look good.

I'd be content if they (Eizo/Ati/Monolith) added a mode that letterboxed it, but to be honest, it's not like it's hard to support 1280x1024 well. As said above, it's a common native resolution for LCDs, and many games do support it.
Maybe this game is more dependent on ram then most, cause I ran it at 12x9 max everything and it auto detected my machine to max settings. Runs great, no noticable slowdown yet. 3500+, 2GB Ram, GF6800GT OC'd. WinXP x64.
i think having 2 gigs of ram might be the thing here removing stutters from the game. its a similar phenomenon in bf2, even a high end system was getting a stutter ever so often, but kick it up to 2 gigs of ram and its butter

EDIT: ^^^ you beat me to it ^^^
you people with your fast DL speeds annoy me... i'm stuck w/ 90kb/s being max. bah... i'll have to get it tomorrow.

looks interesting, and i hope it runs...

btw, i run 2560x1024 on CRTs. (17"s) i like the extra 64 pixel tall bar.
bah, the game keeps freezing on me... though i can get back to the desktop.
denaps said:
the game looks good and AI is great, as everyone said. however, i beat the demo on normal in 14 minutes without dying. jesus man it took me more than 14 to download the stupid game. 640MB for 14 minutes? judging by that, the game should be on 27 DVD's, unless there is only one level.

i'll buy it though.

also - i have fraps (newest version) and the game ran fine.

Er... It's called the engine and so forth. :D If the game was in a ready state, all the real game would have is more level data.

Wondering about how my GTX would fair. Guy with SLI and 2 gigs scares me. Guy with high frames but long pauses not so much.... agree with the BF2 comparisons. That is not a characteristic of a graphics problem. Think of FPS as how fast your G card can "draw" the frame, a firefight etc would not kill it like that. More like choppiness from only drawing say 20 frames a particular second. Well I guess if you crank it so high you have to measure in spf instead (seconds per frame :D ), I don't see this being a GTX issue. When you're talking about something usually doing something 60 to 100 times a second, the drawing of the frames, well you can imagine how much you'd really have to turn the screws for it to even briefly appear stuck on one. Instead it's chop chop chop.

In all honesty it looks like more and more if a game can really stress a GTX, that game and it's textures and so forth ain't fitting in 1 gig. Besides a lot of games these days have some option that barely does shit except put the smack down on everything. Soft shadows and the like. It's cool, it sells SLI, but people definitely dive at the game makers throats for it. Gotta go to a party and then mess with this game tommorrow.
Game ran smooth for me, although I know the limits of my machine and don't demand max settings.

I'll admit, I was freaking out during the game. I would like to play this game when it comes out but I also like my underwear to stay clean. :( :D
It was a tad bit short but I liked what I saw. The little girl is awsomely freaky.

It also ran fine on mine at max. x800pro = 1024x768.
deathBOB said:
Hmm, a single game versus an industry wide standard? Who is at fault?

1280X1024 is a 5:4 resolution and thus your going to see it supported less and less natively..

just like BF2.

sure you can always "hack it" via a command line switch but as we move on more and more games are going to support Widescreen resolutions first and 4:3 resolutions second.. and very few will support that 5:4 resolution.

especially if said title is ever going to sniff a console version... then supporting a out of wack 5:4 ratio is out of the question.
Spy Assassin said:
Then it would'nt be as scary with a full view of the entire place.

its not that scary anyway. i have no idea y everyone is gettin for freaked. :confused:
On the size of the demo issue, they also seem to have included Dx9c. Now I didnt watch the whole installation but it did make me restart and all. Awesome! I only had DX8. I'd be having to DL DX9c with this party coming up but now, I don't have to! Rock! :rolleyes:
For those of use that have widescreens, I posted a thread on the official F.E.A.R forums and someone pointed out an article on what Vivendi said about F.E.A.R and widescreens.

By default, it runs at a resolution of 1024x768, with options to go as high as 1600x1200. (Sadly, Vivendi confirmed to us that not only aren't there any widescreen options present in the demo, but widescreen support is currently not planned for the full game, either.)

Seriously, WTF? Widescreen support is currently NOT planned. :mad:

That's awesome.
I just played through the demo, and was not impressed to say the least.

*Now waiting on STALKER to be a great game...
Im only getting 20 fps @ 1600X1200 everthing max, Could this be right? If so, this game suck's :mad:
lee63 said:
Im only getting 20 fps @ 1600X1200 everthing max, Could this be right? If so, this game suck's :mad:

Yup its right, turn off soft shadows and lower the AA to 2x and AF to 8x and see how that goes.

I just played BF2 for like 1 and a half hours straight without a stutter, I think my freezing problem is 100% confined to that game. Its the kind of freezing that requires a reset too... really annoying.
Just got done playing the demo, and i'm definitely intrigued enough to buy the full game. I liked the weapons, and a couple parts freaked me out. I wasn't scared, but i jumped a little. There were some wierd artifacts during the intro video, and i got the stutters during gameplay as well. But it was definitely a fun demo.
Looks and plays great for me, but I died and just wasn't interested enough to play again.

I will likely buy the retail version though and enjoy it over time (coming from a guy who hasn't beaten HL2 yet...) Too much time spent playing WoW...

That being said - they did a great job with the graphics, gameplay and controls. The story also looks like it could be interesting, but I just don't see the connection yet between the girl and the FEAR group. Do they give any more of the storyline in the demo?
Can i that 25 mins of my life back. The 15 mins to download.

the 9 mins to install

and the 1 min to uninstall it...


But the full game should be alot of fun. The demo is way way way to short
Ron1jed said:
Can i that 25 mins of my life back. The 15 mins to download.

the 9 mins to install

and the 1 min to uninstall it...


But the full game should be alot of fun. The demo is way way way to short

And unplayable for me at this point :(
Very smooth maxed out... But i didnt like it, it reminds me too much of resident evil. :rolleyes: