F.E.A.R SP Demo

I though it was pretty good, even challenging in some areas under moderate difficulty. Nothing caused any "fear" in the demo though, as the title seems to suggest.

On a second note I already found a glitch in the game (and the demo says 'retail' version nonetheless ;) ). You can see the whole map and all the areas, even the sections past where the demo ends.


To do it go into the first room after the you see the girl when you went down the ladder, past the guy who walks towards you. Shatter the windows in the room and jump through (remember their is no way out once you jump through so quicksave before you jump). There will be a sewage system and a door at the end of the hall that leads to an empty room . Drop into the left entrance and through the darkness. Now you can see the whole map and watch your system chug. Great job bug-fixing the game Monolith. ;)


As has been said before the AI is really smart. For example I set a proximity grenade trap after backing away from four enemies that engaged me and waited for almost a minute before I heard it go off. The thing is only one of the four enemies was sent out to investigate, the other three ambushed me in the dark when I went to find them. Pretty impressive stuff.

The guns for the most part were pretty powerful. The ones in the beginning of the demo are really weak compared to some of the one-shot kill weapons you find later.

The graphics were not totally impressive compared to some of the coming "next-gen" games (Gears of War for example), but the textures were very realistic, even up close (something HL2 couldn't do). The effects are very nice and the blue tint on the screen when you activate slow-motion is really cool.

I couldn't find the demo scary and had flashbacks to the first Max Payne with the bloody hallucinations. The cannibal I have to say is pretty creepy, but the girl not so much. I read last year in Computer Gaming World that the girl has special powers. That sounds interesting, but the demo didn't really play on it.

On a sidenote, like others here have mentioned, it sucks that 1280 x 1024 isn't supported by the game.
I'm about 50% done....that yahoo link only got me 70kb/s :( I'm using another one...lucky to get 120kbs...
Circuitbreaker8 said:
I'm about 50% done....that yahoo link only got me 70kb/s :( I'm using another one...lucky to get 120kbs...

whats your connection?
NitrouseXpress60 said:
2 screen shots for those that requested

simple, basic screen shots showing the lighting effects and what not

Dude, you uploaded those as .bmp files! Use some compression! (Thanks for the shots though nevertheless)
Ooh, outdoor Doom3.
(No idea if that's a fair description, but that's certainly what the second shot looks like.)
Ive decided im gonna be stupid and make a small vid here quick so you can see the Boom a grenade makes (its pretty sweet)
Yeah, thats why I posted that image...I'm not sure why you guys are getting such low speeds 'cause thats one of the fastest sustained transfers I've ever had for such a huge file.
Well, this video is about the worst thing ive ever made. Still, it shows the nice little boom effect if anyone is interested. The reason its running so badly is because...this game is a strain on my comp. I usually get ~35fps but when recording it gets much worse.

Wow that is one short demo. I played it for about 20 mins and I beat the demo.

My impressions is basically WOW, this game is going to be extremely successful. The slow mode effects is amazing and adds a great deal to the game play. The AI is extremely smart, and know how to defend thereselfs and take cover when necessary. Environment is extrememly nice. And yes that girl that runs around, is freaky. Full version is going to rock. Cant wait, just hope its more optimized. It was choppy, but still playable.
That feller with the heavy armor is pissing me off. Got him with 2 proximity mines and a grenade and he's still going strong.
Game runs fine for being a DEMO, ALL in game settings at Maxium, 1600X1200, 4XAA and 16XAnis also Multisampling Turned on, One thing is i love the movements and particle effects, they need to polish up the graphics a bit and smmoth out some of the AI movements, Also there were some improper shadows, either that oe i think they need a little work. All in al i think its very promising.
it seems to be running kind of crappy for me I think it might be the textures are too high? game has high frames but then studders or freezes for a second


2 X 512mb 3200ddr
bfg 7800gtx
3200+ venice
msi neo4 plat/sli
sata 160g harddrive
Well...this game just keeps freezing on me...Performance isn't bad...it just keeps stuttering...and then it freezes.
This game isnt that great. The weapons totally bring the game down. The weapon models/skins are terrible, and not to mention it feels like your shooting a BB gun when you click the left mouse button. Dissapointment.
Is there supposed to be dialogue in this game? I can see the peoples mouths moving but I cant hear shit. Other than that its fuckin awesome so far, best AI I've ever seen.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Well...this game just keeps freezing on me...Performance isn't bad...it just keeps stuttering...and then it freezes.

Exactly, I can't even get past the introduction (roundtable speech) without my game freezing and having to restart my pc manually. Anyone else having similar issues? How long are the freezes lasting for some of you?
The game seems to be pretty good... but I get lots of stuttering, Maybe its due to my 'only' 1GB of ram. Who knows... I'll wait for some more reviews. I was running 1280X960 0AA 4XAF.. all ingame settings maxed.
Sunni_Phono said:
No 1280x1024 support = no buy for me. Plenty of games out there to help me forget about this little game.


Do people realize that 1280x960 is the proper aspect ratio?
fantastic. It runs fine with default settings on my box(2500+, 9800pro, 1gig), it's only at 800x600 but still looks good enough to me. Hopefully by the time this is out I will have upgraded.
The game is just freaking amazing though. I'm going to lose alot of sleep with the full game I think. I have a serious love/hate relationship with scary games ;)
Anyone else notice that Hard difficulty is ALOT easier than Medium?

ATW said:
That feller with the heavy armor is pissing me off. Got him with 2 proximity mines and a grenade and he's still going strong.

Spoiler Alert:

If im thinking of the same guy you are. What I did was, throw all my gernades at him, then go into slow mode, whipped out my shotgun, got behind him, and shot him up, to he died. He will go down pretty fast, if you get behind him, and shot him in the back many many times. Good luck.
Netrat33 said:

Do people realize that 1280x960 is the proper aspect ratio?
Do people realise that 1280x960 doesn't look very good on 1280x1024-native LCDs?
Awesome demo. Game ran fine for me (2500+, 1 gig, 9800 pro) but at 800*600. Way overdue upgrade is coming now. AI is one of the best if not the best I've played against. Any of you 7800gtx (single card) owners post how high you can run this thing. Freak'n cool.
the game is nice and the new AI is a refreshing change, also as mentioned above the GUNS need some improvement as to how they sound. over all i'd say its one of the few good titles on PC as of now.

my 9700 pro is barely able to play the game but hopefully i will recieve my X800XT PE (refurb) form ATI before the game is out. :D
The game is constantly freezing on me too, I set my OC to default and it still happens. I can run 3dmark in a loop for 2 hours straight OCed no problem but this game seems to freeze after 5-15 minutes.

I also tried different drivers and still no luck.
HHunt said:
Do people realise that 1280x960 doesn't look very good on 1280x1024-native LCDs?

That's a crappy LCD that can't handle a 64 pixel difference. going to 'protest' a game over 64 pixel...come on.
sorry, FEAR > HL2

i judge a game by me wanting to finish it... i wanna finish fear.
Well this game is very cool. My opinion has made a 180 since playing the multiplayer beta.
Runs decent enough at 800x600 mix of medium/high options although I can feel an upgrade coming. I wished you could fight whatever it is at the end that attacks you before the demo ends but a nice demo nonetheless. Only complaints I have are the previously mentioned weapons sound effects, not enough oomph. And something about the way they're displayed on the screen I don't like. They seem to be too long and skinny but I guess that's the choice of perspective. Hopefully the final retail has a very large variety of enemy types. The clones were ok, and that armored sentry was a bitch but I want to fight some supernatural ghosts and shit. :)
Bop said:
The game is constantly freezing on me too, I set my OC to default and it still happens. I can run 3dmark in a loop for 2 hours straight OCed no problem but this game seems to freeze after 5-15 minutes.

I also tried different drivers and still no luck.

holycow...........you have a 7800GTX SLi and are still having problems, thats just not right. well atleast my 9700 pro does not freeze up. :p
Netrat33 said:
That's a crappy LCD that can't handle a 64 pixel difference. going to 'protest' a game over 64 pixel...come on.

Hmm, a single game versus an industry wide standard? Who is at fault?