Doom III: Project Mars City (Comments Thread)

man, this thread went from 30+ pages down to 17. Someone must have edited out all the BS. Whoever did it. THANKS!!!
jimowens said:
man, this thread went from 30+ pages down to 17. Someone must have edited out all the BS. Whoever did it. THANKS!!!

You post per page view is high, as is mine. Its controled in your control panel.


(I see 17)
About time for another full case shot with all the projects in one fine pic. Pleaasssee! ;)

The chainsaw is looking hella good. Maybe gnaw up the grill around it a bit to look like the chainsaw did a bit of damage there? Blood splatters and all.
Impact9...if you read a couple of posts back CS said "I'll hack off the gunsight befor mounting" so I will assume that you won't be seening any of the other support what would be cool is having 2 chainsaws crossed :D
I was thinking more on the safety side but if you are going to mesh it then it should be fine :D
gigglebyte said:
Impact9...if you read a couple of posts back CS said "I'll hack off the gunsight befor mounting" so I will assume that you won't be seening any of the other support what would be cool is having 2 chainsaws crossed :D

Heh whoops in my speed reading fury I must of missed that part.
Darth_Fluffy said:
And what's Doom³, but an updated engine for the tested&tried game? Besides, it's wicked.

Yeah, it's wicked... But.. it IS Doom II.. ;)
No you don't understand. Doom³ is DoomII

I'll take a different approach.
..The pentagram that's being used for the window is also from DoomII. Now die.
To Crimson: Great job so far!

To the other artists helping out: *wow* Your work is just... :drool:

I know you're all set with that "sound" board to playback Doom3 sounds but I had an idea I just had to share. What if you pull the PDA concept right from the game. You could use even a cheap PocketPC to control servos/actuators(usb/serial interface to a wide selection of eTTL/step controller boards), play sounds, that and a sizable display to do whatever your little modder's heart desires. Easily programmed, capable of multimedia output of various sorts, very inexpensive(look for Casio E-125's on ebay), and I know you'd expound upon the whole idea to make it that much more amazing.

By the way, you're sculpting skills, case designs, painting skills, etc all humble me on a daily basis. Keep up the most impressive work.

cyberheavencrew said:

I know you're all set with that "sound" board to playback Doom3 sounds but I had an idea I just had to share. What if you pull the PDA concept right from the game. You could use even a cheap PocketPC to control servos/actuators(usb/serial interface to a wide selection of eTTL/step controller boards), play sounds, that and a sizable display to do whatever your little modder's heart desires. Easily programmed, capable of multimedia output of various sorts, very inexpensive(look for Casio E-125's on ebay), and I know you'd expound upon the whole idea to make it that much more amazing.

By the way, you're sculpting skills, case designs, painting skills, etc all humble me on a daily basis. Keep up the most impressive work.


That is a REALLY good idea actually. damn. I may have to do it.
good god, your painting skills are amazing. How you get such a perfect coat on something that small i will never understand
the yellow was airbrushed first. Then the gunmetal for the engine and blade. next was a drybrush of aluminum color to show wear and tear all around. The bloody spatters was applied with a torn up sponge dipped in red and black paint. took about 30 minutes tops.
CrimsonSky said:
the yellow was airbrushed first. Then the gunmetal for the engine and blade. next was a drybrush of aluminum color to show wear and tear all around. The bloody spatters was applied with a torn up sponge dipped in red and black paint. took about 30 minutes tops.

Not to bad at all man.....if it wasn't so project specific you could TOTALLY sell those for cash, nice work.
cornelious0_0 said:
Not to bad at all man.....if it wasn't so project specific you could TOTALLY sell those for cash, nice work.
He probably still could... to id
My god.... Awsome work. I've been watching for a looong time. I luv every aspect of the mod.

Where is the bowing smiley when you need it. :eek:
holy rusted metal batman, that chainsaw is the shiznittlebambizzlerizzledrizzletizzle.

time for a clean pair of shorts. can't wait to see what it looks like all mounted up in that bitch. nice work Crim
I think it's plainly obvious you're better at this than me. Keep up the good work. :D
Hey CrimsonSky... I checked out your kickass website.. Very very cool.. Are any of your cases for sale? I've got you CPU Modders edition article on the village case.. Awsome work..
The chainsaw rules! After the chainsaw which part of the case will you be working on next crimson?
PhyberOptik said:


dude i have to say again.... THIS IS FREAKING AMAZING!!!!!!
CrimsonSky said:
cyberheavencrew said:

I know you're all set with that "sound" board to playback Doom3 sounds but I had an idea I just had to share. What if you pull the PDA concept right from the game. You could use even a cheap PocketPC to control servos/actuators(usb/serial interface to a wide selection of eTTL/step controller boards), play sounds, that and a sizable display to do whatever your little modder's heart desires. Easily programmed, capable of multimedia output of various sorts, very inexpensive(look for Casio E-125's on ebay), and I know you'd expound upon the whole idea to make it that much more amazing.

By the way, you're sculpting skills, case designs, painting skills, etc all humble me on a daily basis. Keep up the most impressive work.

That is a REALLY good idea actually. damn. I may have to do it.

I was thinking the same thing. Very good idea man. :)
This all reminds me of my Warhammer days :) That chainsaw is brilliant, but it needs a dark wash to fill in the cracks and give it a used and "dirty" look.