Doom III: Project Mars City (Comments Thread)

Ok, once again i appoligize for the bad shots, but i have never done a case mod, and dont have all the right gear for it.

This was taken in my darkroom, using a converted "neon" 3" light for a car cigerette adaptor. Since this looks to be more of a "balcklight" than anything else, the output is a little low.


This is the first engrave that was done. I think that there is a large agreement that I need to work on the autocad a little more.
DeathLok30040 said:
Ok, once again i appoligize for the bad shots, but i have never done a case mod, and dont have all the right gear for it.

This was taken in my darkroom, using a converted "neon" 3" light for a car cigerette adaptor. Since this looks to be more of a "balcklight" than anything else, the output is a little low.


This is the first engrave that was done. I think that there is a large agreement that I need to work on the autocad a little more.

can you host the autocad file anywhere?
I'd like to take a look, if you don't mind.
DeathLok30040 said:
Ok, once again i appoligize for the bad shots, but i have never done a case mod, and dont have all the right gear for it.

This was taken in my darkroom, using a converted "neon" 3" light for a car cigerette adaptor. Since this looks to be more of a "balcklight" than anything else, the output is a little low. This is the first engrave that was done. I think that there is a large agreement that I need to work on the autocad a little more.

That is kick ass--just to see the glow--wow!
Woot , Looking Very Good Crimson! :D

i have been following this closely , Very Nice laser work indeed .
very cool... in fact probably the the first etch is the best in my book.. As my Art teacher always told me that you should always fill in all blank spaces and imperfect is perfect.
Crimson what components are you going to install in this case? Just wondering.. Will it be a doom 3 playing mad house of a machine like mine is?
The ACAD image I made for this had intentially thin lines to start with. My thoughts here are that once we get some fairly high intensity lighting on it, the light refracted from the cuts would give the lines a bit more depth. I was a bit afraid that going too thick might cause a degree of washout. Once DeatchLoc plays around with a bit more lighting, we'll see if any lineweight adjustment is needed. Oh and Zombie, check your PMs.
I have made some line adjustments to the ACAD file, and made another run.


How is that?

Next going for a dark shot of this one. Also, my friends think that the star field in the lower left and the stry marks on the lower right should be killed... Coments on this?
Glad to see my "light it up" suggestion actually made sense to more than just myself ;)

I really like the looks of that, though it isn't a very complete photo. We definately should see what the Acad example looks like with some lighting. Also, as a suggestion, once you have something completed that everyone who matters (read: CrimsonSky) is happy with, I think you should send him all 3 or 4 examples so he can see in person what they look like, and make a choice based on his own personal artistic judgement. It is, afterall, his baby :D

great work guys. It sure is fun to see a group come together and provide so much usefull (and some less usefull [snicker]) input. I'm sure this case will turn out to be a real masterpiece!
Perhaps, to compensate for the shading, you could replace it with depth, such that (on the black pentagram-on white background pic) anyway, such that the darker areas are etched deeper into the plexiglass. That way, when there's light; the deeper areas will catch the light coming at a narrower angle (closer to 90°); and therefore appear brighter than the not-very-deep areas. That's because the CCFLs are round.. otherwise the effect may not be possible; but it's worth a try either way, no??
I think that etch is amazing---just amazing and I wouldnt change a thing--Let me know when it's ready and I'll pm you my FedEx account # wow---my window was just pathetic compared to this..
mashie said:
If there are any Nvidia representatives around, this would be a suitable case to to show off some 6800 Ultra SLI love in ;)
You'd have to voice your wishes to the good people who are designing nForcfe 4 atm. Untill that no SLi.
keep that new etch just the way it is... very very cool. The lines are perfect.. just the right size.. keep the stars as well. It looks great... Maybe you should sign your piece before sending it to Crimson.. LOL Great work.. How much would you be selling those for?

Have gone thru a lot of small changes, and I am happy with where this is at.

The only problem, is on the REAL close shot, you can see the loss of the curves, prob from the conversion process. I have a frind with ACAD and we are going to try a few more things.

Crimson - Do you mind if there is a sig for cgrant and me?


This is a full size shot based on Crimson's specs. The margins are a bit off, so I need to realign my lasers home position. But since the final will be on acrilic, that wont be a problem.


This is a REAL close shot. You can make out the 4 different sized lines, Hairline, .5, 1, and 2 points.

If I get all the curves converted, this will scale to just about any size
DeathLok30040 said:

Have gone thru a lot of small changes, and I am happy with where this is at.

The only problem, is on the REAL close shot, you can see the loss of the curves, prob from the conversion process. I have a frind with ACAD and we are going to try a few more things.

Crimson - Do you mind if there is a sig for cgrant and me?

This is a full size shot based on Crimson's specs. The margins are a bit off, so I need to realign my lasers home position. But since the final will be on acrilic, that wont be a problem.
This is a REAL close shot. You can make out the 4 different sized lines, Hairline, .5, 1, and 2 points.

If I get all the curves converted, this will scale to just about any size

Not at guys have to sign the artwork ;)
Now that you have found a really good etcher you almost have to have dual or tripple layers of plexi with sligtly diffrent patterns/alignments to get that pulsing, throbbing, eery, feeling! :eek:
By illuminating the diffrent layers with diffrent pulsating colors it would probably look very much like the "real" thing. The top layer with a very bright yellow and thin line with a layer beneath with wide faded lines and orange glow perhaps.
The pulsating is maybe another thing to ask ID how it really should appear (or if someone could take a video of how the pentagram pulsates)..?
tinhead said:
Now that you have found a really good etcher you almost have to have dual or tripple layers of plexi with sligtly diffrent patterns/alignments to get that pulsing, throbbing, eery, feeling! :eek:
By illuminating the diffrent layers with diffrent pulsating colors it would probably look very much like the "real" thing. The top layer with a very bright yellow and thin line with a layer beneath with wide faded lines and orange glow perhaps.
The pulsating is maybe another thing to ask ID how it really should appear (or if someone could take a video of how the pentagram pulsates)..?

I think we've pretty much made a masterpiece out of this small window, thanks to our two artistas---Time to move on to other parts!
<2001>My god!!! It's full of stars!!!</2001>

That looks absolutely incredible. I wish I could draw a straight line let alone create a work like this, alas though I'm all thumbs so I'll have to live vicariously through CrimsonSky.
Ok, well after eating dinner with a bunch of people that had not seen this before, the consensus has been that it still needs to be cleaned up more. I will be spending the weekend working on getting the curves back from the ACAD -> Corel conversion.

As far as the size goes, it is currently being designed as a vector image, so it will scale to about any size you want. The only limit, is my engraver can only do 24"x18" at a time.

We are looking to break up the PAK files, and see if we cannot locate a cleaner image for replication.

As soon as I have a much better version, I will post it again.

My company can do this design or just about any others, at reasonable prices.
mashie said:
Nforce 4 will be the killer choice but not the only option for SLI.
Indeed. For AMD we will also have VIA, which will no doubt yet make another chipset that can't lock the PCI bus. And then SiS, but I doubt anyone cares for their chipsets; they are definetly the worst of the crowd. Then there's Intel with their relentlessly shitty new chipsets with FSB detection that doesn't let you overclock shit. So; me thinks nForce 4 will be the one people will look forward to most. Of course; we do not know what they will really call it. Maybe it will be nForce 3 350Ultra mega pro extreme and a half?
i've never played doom3, but if ur up for it, on the top of the case i think there should be a cutout design of the monster on the cover of doom3... just a thot...
As to getting the circle conversion to be smooth...
have you tried running "viewres" (autocad variable) up to about 5000 or more?

How about messing with the display rezolution settings on the display tab in options?

I know this affects things like creating .WMF files.

Seems liike there were a couple of other settings as well but i can't recall em at the moment.
How about not etching in the design, but etching in the blank areas of the design. Then a red light inside the case could highlight the design and really make it glow.

Try making a negative of what your doing now.
DeathLok30040 said:
Ok, well after eating dinner with a bunch of people that had not seen this before, the consensus has been that it still needs to be cleaned up more. I will be spending the weekend working on getting the curves back from the ACAD -> Corel conversion.

can you etch from any program..?

Corel usually screws up other vector art.. If you can, use illustrator.. I handles vector art VERY well..
The thing I noticed is all the etching is the exact same depth. Is there any way to depth-program it? Or maybe make it go several times over the areas that are supposed to be deeper engraved?
Ok, guys, its time to stop worring about the window and the design. I have it covered, and will have Crimson post some pics of the final once it is in his hands. If you want more info on case windows, then PM me. I might deside to start a thread if there is really enough interest.

Thanks for all the good words, coments, and help.
cgrant26 said:
OK Crim, whats up next? (*read: we can move past the window now guys*) ;)

How about some sort of small plaque with game credits? a nice demonic font.... I can imbed it on the Martian terrain on the right side and light it up with a few LEDs. ;)
How about a martian buddy cabinet?

Anyone that has played doom 3 knows that the sounds really add to the game, and to me, are crucial to playing it. Maybe you could give us a hint about the sounds your case is going to be making. For the device you were talking about earlier that will play certain sounds..i have a copy of the theme for the menu area if you would like it. kinda sounds like dark rock style of music.

if you want other cool sounds google for "siberian dig to hell" old urban legend about some scientists who dug to hell...i thought it would be very fitting for a DOOM project.

since theres alot of steam/fire in the corridors of the there any way to incorporate this to the case? maybe used compressed air upside down like an air leak in the building? you can just attach thin hose then all youd have to conquer is some kind of servo or actuator to set it off. some kind of fire accelerant? seems a tad risky around such a beautiful case though.

also if you need parts..i cant get you a 6800 GT from bfg for about 310 + shipping which shouldnt be much i can get you a 6800 oc for about 230 + shipping *work discounts rule*
Kaos said:
also if you need parts..i cant get you a 6800 GT from bfg for about 310 + shipping which shouldnt be much i can get you a 6800 oc for about 230 + shipping *work discounts rule*
Wow, that's a nice discount. :cool:

I would advise against a steam/fire generator. As cool is it may be, the risks are just too great.
hey, i just had to chime in here, been following ever since this thread was linked to on forums and I just had to join [H] just so I could post here. I think this really transcends case 'modding' into the realm of art. As an amateur modder myself I am proud to be part of a group that includes individuals with such talent and skill as CrimsonSky. This kind of stuff is what I love to see people doing. It shows the rest of the world that case modding isn't just some 'geeky' hobby, but rather just a new form of functional art.

Anywho, as to the steam/fire generator.....if you've been following along then you should know that back on page 7 CrimsonSky mentioned a 'smoke generator' that he would be using to produce steam coming from a pipe. I don't know if this is still being incorporated into the project but this has definatley already been talked about. Just lettin ya know, not tryin to be mean about it. :)
Heh, looks like I missed the milestone by a bit but.......'grats on hitting the 300k view marker already dude. ;) :D