Doom Eternal

Hmmm...looks like the RTX Eternal is still a few days out....

The game looked so good already, adding RT didn't make a huge difference but it is clearly better.
I picked this up on sale and installed today. RTX implementation is phenomenal performance wise and reflections are razor sharp in puddles, nicely mottled on rough surfaces, and quite believable through and through. 1440p ultra nightmare settings and 100+fps consistently on a 3080Ti (DLSS off).

I'm running down a stability issue with it which may be driver related. Nvidia kernel error in the event viewer. Possibly the RivaTuner Statistics Server.
I picked this up on sale and installed today. RTX implementation is phenomenal performance wise and reflections are razor sharp in puddles, nicely mottled on rough surfaces, and quite believable through and through. 1440p ultra nightmare settings and 100+fps consistently on a 3080Ti (DLSS off).

I'm running down a stability issue with it which may be driver related. Nvidia kernel error in the event viewer. Possibly the RivaTuner Statistics Server.
Even a 2080 TI gets well over 100 FPS without dlss at 1440p. A 3080 TI with nvidia's piss poor overhead on ampere is not even very capable of stretching its legs at 1440p. I used the 3080 TI at 1440p for one day and it was just laughably limited at that resolution in most games.
That doesn't make sense. Are you saying a 3080 Ti is slower than a 2080 Ti (in general, or in this game)?

I run 3440x1440 and I can get over 200 fps (no ray tracing) with ultra settings, on a 6800XT (IIRC the 2080 Ti was not far behind that).
I picked this up on sale and installed today. RTX implementation is phenomenal performance wise and reflections are razor sharp in puddles, nicely mottled on rough surfaces, and quite believable through and through. 1440p ultra nightmare settings and 100+fps consistently on a 3080Ti (DLSS off).

I'm running down a stability issue with it which may be driver related. Nvidia kernel error in the event viewer. Possibly the RivaTuner Statistics Server.
Stability issue seems to have been RivaTuner Statistics Server related. Turned it off and it's been smooth sailing since then. I'll keep tabs on it but good to know for now.
Even a 2080 TI gets well over 100 FPS without dlss at 1440p. A 3080 TI with nvidia's piss poor overhead on ampere is not even very capable of stretching its legs at 1440p. I used the 3080 TI at 1440p for one day and it was just laughably limited at that resolution in most games.
Cranking 200+fps with RT and everything maxed. Great to see id put out such a high quality implementation whereas, say, Ghostrunner ran terribly with RT on and DLSS made zero difference whatsoever.
That doesn't make sense. Are you saying a 3080 Ti is slower than a 2080 Ti (in general, or in this game)?

I run 3440x1440 and I can get over 200 fps (no ray tracing) with ultra settings, on a 6800XT (IIRC the 2080 Ti was not far behind that).
No of course I'm not saying that. I clearly said that the 3080 TI can't really stretch its legs at 1440p in most games and that is the consensus for most in-depth reviews. Ampere has way too much overhead so even with the best CPU out there you're not even going to get the full potential of that card at 1440p. Even with a 9900k I was sometimes only seeing 60 or 70% GPU usage in several games running uncapped with a 3080 TI at that resolution.
Ghostrunner was an awesome game, but the RT tanked performance to below 60 fps, and the graphics didn't even look any better.

I tried several scenes A/B testing and really there was no difference in the graphics, the RT implementation was horrible.
No of course I'm not saying that. I clearly said that the 3080 TI can't really stretch its legs at 1440p in most games and that is the consensus for most in-depth reviews. Ampere has way too much overhead so even with the best CPU out there you're not even going to get the full potential of that card at 1440p. Even with a 9900k I was sometimes only seeing 60 or 70% GPU usage in several games running uncapped with a 3080 TI at that resolution.
I see what you are saying now, but that wasn't my experience. At least at 3440x1440 ultrawide, the 2080 Ti could easily be maxed out in a lot of games. There were only a couple with CPU bottlenecks, Far Cry 5 being a big one, in general it was all GPU limited.
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Stability issue seems to have been RivaTuner Statistics Server related. Turned it off and it's been smooth sailing since then. I'll keep tabs on it but good to know for now.

Cranking 200+fps with RT and everything maxed. Great to see id put out such a high quality implementation whereas, say, Ghostrunner ran terribly with RT on and DLSS made zero difference whatsoever.
Nvidia themselves are showing over 170 FPS at 1440p with no dlss for a 3080 TI and only about 107 for the 2080 TI so yeah after looking at this game closer it is clearly GPU limited and scaling very very well. In fact I think that's one of the biggest gaps I've ever seen between a 3080 TI and 2080 TI and even more remarkably so at just 1440p.
I see what you are saying now, but that wasn't my experience. At least at 3440x1440 ultrawide, the 2080 Ti could easily be maxed out in a lot of games. There were only a couple with CPU bottlenecks, Far Cary 5 being a big one, in general it was all GPU limited.
Well your resolution is about 33% higher than normal 1440p so that kind of makes a difference. But yes it can vary quite a bit from game to game and even at just different parts of a game. I've seen a few cases where you can be looking in One direction and be fully GPU limited and turn the other way and frames and GPU usage plummet. Anyway at 1440p I just wouldn't bother with anything more than a plain 3080 but then again you have to get whatever you can get at this point.
Well I am at 3440x1440 @ 160Hz, so that may make a difference. Yes, larger than 1440p and also high refresh is very demanding on the system.

Doom Eternal is one of the few games I can run at ultra settings and still get above 160 fps without any tweaking. So yeah, amazing developers that know what they are doing.
Well I am at 3440x1440 @ 160Hz, so that may make a difference. Yes, larger than 1440p and also high refresh is very demanding on the system.

Doom Eternal is one of the few games I can run at ultra settings and still get above 160 fps without any tweaking. So yeah, amazing developers that know what they are doing.
I'm running at 144Hz and being able to maintain frames above that makes for an incredibly smooth experience. Enjoying this card quite a bit!
I just bought a 240 HZ g-sync compatible monitor today so looking forward to trying that out when I get home tonight.
Yeah, Doom Eternal is one of the smoothest recent games out there, great demo content for high refresh.
Just got done trying out the new RT mode and it's very impressive. At 4K with a 3090 FE without DLSS I was averaging a little over 100fps. Setting DLSS to quality mode got me to 120fps easy. No need to mess around with the lower settings. Since Doom Eternal makes use of lots of metallic surfaces with varying roughness in its indoor environments the RT reflections work really well with it. Many areas are completely transformed and seeing your own reflection and selected armor is a nice touch. There are some limits to the reflections though. I've noticed that certain effects such as fire are only rendered in reflections while they are in screen space. Same thing with the skybox when you are outside. Not a big deal and it's nice to see that id took the time to make optimizations to the RT reflections.

I also like how the reflectiveness of your weapons varies depending on which weapon skin you choose. You even get a highly reflective chrome like skin for the Ballista after enabling RT. Thought this was neat.

I too have run into some stability issues with the game since the patch. I was getting constant crashes in the first level where you go into the subway and encounter the tentacles for the first time. I tried closing MSI Afterburner, Chrome, then finally the Windows 10 email app and after that I stopped getting crashes there. Not sure if what I closed fixed it or if I just got lucky.
Routinely over 200fps at 1440p, RT, Max settings w/o motion blur, no DLSS. I don't think I saw it less than 170fps, 3090. I have Rebar on, CPU usage virtually uses all the 3960x cores which I never seen anything like that for a game (wild). Steam would not take any ingame images. This has to be the smoothest game I've ever played, over 3 hours and I can't remember one hitch ever in the game play, FLAWLESS! RT adds even more to the beauty of the game and it is not in your face type RT, done right in other words. Did they dumb down the game some? I am having zero problems going through it on Ultra Violence mode so far, I suck at this game prior and had to plow through it. So far no stability issues.
No of course I'm not saying that. I clearly said that the 3080 TI can't really stretch its legs at 1440p in most games and that is the consensus for most in-depth reviews. Ampere has way too much overhead so even with the best CPU out there you're not even going to get the full potential of that card at 1440p. Even with a 9900k I was sometimes only seeing 60 or 70% GPU usage in several games running uncapped with a 3080 TI at that resolution.
Ampere is too much GPU for most CPU to keep up with these, so 2560x1440 and lower are very much CPU limited in a lot of games especially with a 3080 Ti or 3090. I would be using DSR to downscale from at least 4K if I were using a 2560x1440 or 1920x1080 monitor with such a card. 5K (5120x2880) is a nice integer multiplier from 2560x1440 if you want to avoid blurriness in DSR.
The last big patch nerfed certain things to make it easier so that might be what you're experiencing.
Ancient Gods in particular addressed the criticism that the new enemy variants were bullet sponges.
The game is smooth because there is no foliage on mars to render. Or in hell.

Corridor games always run well.
Runs pretty well on my PC everything maxed out at 4K, with Raytraciing enabled though I don't really notice too much of a difference with it on, still getting 120 FPS constantly at most times, usually Raytracing takes a huge performance hit on AMD cards.
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Is any sense to play on rtx 3090 on doom eternal with raytracing?I have 10850K with stock and 1440P monitor
what did they nerf with the previous patch?...I thought it was only 1 of the Slayer Gates in the first DLC?...has the overall difficulty been nerfed for both DLC as well as the base game?
what did they nerf with the previous patch?...I thought it was only 1 of the Slayer Gates in the first DLC?...has the overall difficulty been nerfed for both DLC as well as the base game?
Well it definitely seems easier to me, maybe Serious Sam 4 10x times the enemies brought my skill level up for the rather limited number of combatants in Eternal, :D
what did they nerf with the previous patch?...I thought it was only 1 of the Slayer Gates in the first DLC?...has the overall difficulty been nerfed for both DLC as well as the base game?
One of the main things is that they nerfed the arachnotron turret by making it fire slower and less accurately. Before their turret was much more lethal which meant that arachnotrons basically controlled the arena until you dealt with them. They also removed enemies from UAC Atlantica such as the Baron of Hell in the beginning and others as well. The eye turrets also stay out longer giving you more time to damage them. Blood Makyrs leave their shield down longer as well.

In the newest update they restored UAC Atlantica back to how it was before but made some other balancing changes as shown in the video below:

One of the main things is that they nerfed the arachnotron turret by making it fire slower and less accurately. Before their turret was much more lethal which meant that arachnotrons basically controlled the arena until you dealt with them. They also removed enemies from UAC Atlantica such as the Baron of Hell in the beginning and others as well. The eye turrets also stay out longer giving you more time to damage them. Blood Makyrs leave their shield down longer as well.

In the newest update they restored UAC Atlantica back to how it was before but made some other balancing changes as shown in the video below:

so it only affects the DLC and not the base game?
Could be good changes. The DLC was near impossible for me. I had to put it on easy and, even then, it was hard as hell.
This was posted on the official Twitter, but taken down for some reason. In French, but the important part is the fourth paragraph:

"As many of you know, we were planning on releasing a free update for Invasion mode; however, the unforeseeable consequences of the pandemic and of remote working have impacted the development progress of this addition. During this time, we have also seen and heard how much you appreciate the gameplay and combat offered by expansions and master levels. This is why we have decided to redirect our time and effort previously allocated to Invasion mode towards the creation of a brand new single player Horde mode. We are convinced that this Horde mode will give you all the variety and difficulty you are looking for in the game. In addition, the team continues to work on a general refresh of the BATTLEMODE to include a more competitive ranking structure, various gameplay and balance updates as well as a new map. We think we can share more information on this subject during QuakeCon which will take place in August."


So because people have been playing the expansions, it's reason enough to abandon Invasion mode for a different single player mode? I guess we should just give up on ever seeing Invasion mode in this game...

It's up on Slayer's Club now:
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So because people have been playing the expansions, it's reason enough to abandon Invasion mode for a different single player mode? I guess we should just give up on ever seeing Invasion mode in this game...

that's a shame...I was really looking forward to invading other players
I need to remember to buy the Season Pass before the Steam Summer sale ends...
I'm closing in on the later part of the game and have gotten more used to the updated mechanics. It's a decent shift from the prior game in that you're in charge of your own ongoing resource generation as the primary source instead of working the arena over for supplies. Enemies seem generally more aggressive on Ultra-Violence than I remember in 2016 and projectiles seem harder to dodge (or I'm slowing down which is inevitable). It took me a while to adjust and now that I have I'm enjoying the game quite a bit most of the time. Feels good when you turn a fight around from 10hp with some well timed movement and generation of resources. Another big help, with the way the armor works in this game, was getting the super shotgun mastery done so you can either keep your armor topped or put on that little bit extra health as a buffer without waiting on a bigger cooldown from the flamethrower. Feels real bad, though, when you get caught unexpectedly in a corner or at melee distance and you have one or two lives zapped away before you can even reorient and move on. I lost a life because I pulled out the sword and expected it to drop a super heavy enemy and ended up flailing at the screen while they evaporated my health pool. Not cool. I find the combat less smooth flowing and more hectic.

As far as the combat arenas themselves. I feel like* the Doom 2016 did a better job of allowing an overview or familiarization with an arena before throwing lots of enemies at you. In Eternal - it's go go go without time to get the lay of the land or plan out routes before large enemies are pressuring you. I just walked into an arena where the first thing I saw was a Tyrant, for example.

*it's been a while since I've played

I also need to figure out some better keybinds. Remapped chaingun and ballista to mouse buttons but still feel like I need to get super shotgun and maybe BFG to where I don't need to move my hands.
A follow up - having completed the main game and starting The Ancient Gods.

Wow, the arena design is far and away better in TAG. I usually have some time to look at the arena and get an idea of routes before I enter it. There's a lot more jump pads to send you cross arena which were a staple in 2016 and replaced largely by the clunkier parkour elements (which got me killed more than once trying rush and blood punch an enemy below it). The combat arenas also seem to take longer with better ramping which also aids familiarity. They're throwing a crap ton of enemies in the arena but I don't have the lost sense or feeling of being bushwhacked so much. I'm absolutely digging the combat in the expansion whereas I found myself not thrilled about the juggling in the main campaign. We'll see if the design holds up. Even fighting the Marauders (2x at once) in the Underwater Facility section was manageable without dying on the first try (and the second because it bugged out and would never end after 20 minutes of fighting).