Diablo 3 Discussion Thread

Still playing Diablo 3 over the past weeks. No exciting drops, but still a few alright ones that earned a few million total. Slowly leveling up my Monk (MP8 Level 72) and Witch Doctor (MP5 Level 22) Both Softcore.

Still having lots of fun with this game, especially because I can switch between both characters. I noticed I especially like playing Act 2/3 with a Monk, while playing Act 1 with a WD (Zombiebears)

Other than that, nothing new to report.

Looking very nice. Congrats on passing 100k.

I don't have much experience but I noticed a few things.

Main Hand weapon eventually needs a socket to increase CD damage and when you feel its needed also LS.

Critical Hit chance eventually needs to get reliably to at least 45-50% which you're already very close to.

Your Signet Demise ring eventually needs to be replaced. For example with Unity. (Average Damage/Strength/CH bonus and Elite bonus) Or perhaps a Wailing Host.

Perhaps replace pants with a different one which offers a higher amount of Strength and has 2 sockets.

Gems eventually need to be replaced with better ones as well. At this point every bit of Strength gives a good improvement.

Preferably helmet needs CH bonus as well, but those get very expensive.

CD eventually needs at least 250%. Your DPS wil skyrocket with high Critical Damage.

Boots need 12% movement speed. Preferably you need 24% total. You can get those on boots, legendary pants, chest armor and bracers.

Shoulders/chest armor/belt/pants/boots/bracers and shield should especially get high defensive stats. (strength/vitality/AR/sockets and when allowed for example CH) This is not set in stone though and depends on your build and strategy.

Rings/Gloves and Amulet are especially good to boost your DPS by huge amounts. However, if you can get good defensive stats included (like AR on Rings, and it won't sacrifice your DPS, take it)

Main weapon needs at least 1000 DPS, high minimum damage, high strength, good CD, at least 2.4 LS, and a socket.

Health is good. Armor is good. AR is good. CH needs around 50% (Scoundrel can give another 3%. He's also a funny guy) CD eventually needed with socket on main weapon. Shield needs 10% CH eventually and higher stats. Eventually more than 2,9 % LS will be needed. If you feel safe about it, you could get in the end CH/CD/Strength/Vitality/average damage or elemental damage and AS (optional) on your amulet.

Wow, thanks for the very detailed post, appreciate that. He has changed a bit, though... I'm sporting a 2h axe now.
Then there's the new crafting recipes where on my second try last night I got this:
Just lost my lvl 60 HC witch doctor to belial on inferno. I was trying to rush to Act 3 but couldn't find anyone that stayed long enough for the belial fight. Guess I know why! Oh wells.
I hate being locked into certain pieces of gear...

I figured I'd try a Witching Hour so I bought one (190st/80vit/9as/45chd) to replace the immortal king's belt, it gave me like 26k damage but the problem is I lose 3 life steal and 136 all resist (76 on the belt and 60 for the 2 set) and its difficult to survive on MP8/10 but with the belt its zero problem, I never die

My bracers have low AR but after hundreds of crafts its not happening, chest has none but crafting a 223str/270vit with 3 sockets and AR which it lacks isn't gonna happen

I'm sure I could make it work with a LS weapon, some AR on the chest and more on the bracers but its endless crafting
People still play this ? How much money have you given to Blizzard buying gold? LOL. Pathetic.

I always assumed when I saw this thread being bumped it was by people that used a BOT like I did. I can't believe people are still spending time on this game LMFAO.

Wow, that's something you almost never see. Nice roll.

Makes me wonder if I should start crafting again as well. Chances are low, I know. But my amulet, bracers and gloves have enough room for upgrades.
People still play this ? How much money have you given to Blizzard buying gold? LOL. Pathetic.

I always assumed when I saw this thread being bumped it was by people that used a BOT like I did. I can't believe people are still spending time on this game LMFAO.

The game is still a mediocre piece of shit but some of us stay to remind the developers that they can't get away with giving us a shitty game. And to demand improvements until our standards have been met.

Besides, the game is easier to stomach playing it with friends drunk (Oh how I remember drunk D2 marathons). As far as real money shitzzard has gotten $0 out of me, anyone buying gold deserves a future filled with more mediocre games like this.
People still play this ? How much money have you given to Blizzard buying gold? LOL. Pathetic.

I always assumed when I saw this thread being bumped it was by people that used a BOT like I did. I can't believe people are still spending time on this game LMFAO.

That was by far the worst troll attempt I've seen in this thread, you should be ashamed at how pathetic that was.

Had fun rolling a new HC barb through normal last night
I'm saving up for a LS skorn on HC, I can start skimping some survival for dps with a LS skorn. It's somewhere in a 20-30mil range, and I'm about a quarter of the way there. Slow and steady, no crafting until I get it.

When it comes to wave of light, its, multiple hits, right? DR with a 800% single-hit that crits might be too painful for damage reflect before LS kicks in. If it hits like 4 times for a total of 800%, then any LS should be sufficient.

want any help leveling back up? I'm bored....

Haha, I appreciate the offer but I'm okay. I usually only play for 15-30mins before I get bored and play something else. I'm still not sure what the end-game is for me yet. Felt like I was just gearing up to farm content that I've already cleared but faster which seems kinda silly. I didn't like the WD skillset much anyways so time for a new character.
Life steal skorn should do the trick. It'll cost you and drop your dps but worth it.

ChocolatRain is kicking some ass already at 39. Got to love sprint.

Still dying against elite angels in act 4 on mp6. Just wasted a lot of gold. I'm going for a whirlwind build and 1 or all of these could be the reasons why I'm dying.

1. I'm doing something wrong.
2. The mp is too high for me.
3. I suck and should try a different barb build (but wasted all of that $$$$)
4. I just plain suck and should move on to another game.
Still dying against elite angels in act 4 on mp6. Just wasted a lot of gold. I'm going for a whirlwind build and 1 or all of these could be the reasons why I'm dying.

1. I'm doing something wrong.
2. The mp is too high for me.
3. I suck and should try a different barb build (but wasted all of that $$$$)
4. I just plain suck and should move on to another game.

How often are you dying and how are you dying? If you are running out of fury drop one of those DPS abilities for a fury regen ability.

everyone dies every now and then. But the WW barb is probably the easiest to play....though it typically uses 2 weapons for the fast attack speed.
How often are you dying and how are you dying? If you are running out of fury drop one of those DPS abilities for a fury regen ability.

everyone dies every now and then. But the WW barb is probably the easiest to play....though it typically uses 2 weapons for the fast attack speed.

Died 3x against the elite angels. I run out of furry sometimes, but not often. I just get beat down and my health goes away pretty quick. I never died when I had a shield, but my dps output was garbage.
Still dying against elite angels in act 4 on mp6. Just wasted a lot of gold. I'm going for a whirlwind build and 1 or all of these could be the reasons why I'm dying.

1. I'm doing something wrong.
2. The mp is too high for me.
3. I suck and should try a different barb build (but wasted all of that $$$$)
4. I just plain suck and should move on to another game.

The Elite Fallen Angels are one of the most annoying enemies in the game though. They hit hard, they take reduced damage and are pretty mobile, affixes not even included. My Monk does alright in all Acts on MP8 except the second part of Act 4 with those Elite Angels/Hammer Demons (Starting with the Silver Spire)

You shouldn't judge the performance of your character based on the second half of Act 4. Its a different ballpark altogether with high spike damage as well. I did a full Act 3 run this evening following with Act 4 on MP8. I did well until entering the Silver Spire. But IMHO its not worth it to specifically gear for that.

How are the other acts going? Are you happy with your character there?
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The Elite Fallen Angels are one of the most annoying enemies in the game though. They hit hard, they take reduced damage and are pretty mobile, affixes not even included. My Monk does alright in all Acts on MP8 except the second part of Act 4 with those Elite Angels/Hammer Demons (Starting with the Silver Spire)

You shouldn't judge the performance of your character based on the second half of Act 4. Its a different ballpark altogether with high spike damage as well. I did a full Act 3 run this evening following with Act 4 on MP8. I did well until entering the Silver Spire. But IMHO its not worth it to specifically gear for that.

How are the other acts going? Are you happy with your character there?

Good point.

Other acts i murder, but at the same time... should I be dying 3-4 x against these damn angels? I went back to sporting a shield and sword for now. Going to look up other builds. I just recently found out a WW build is for farming, lol.
Good point.

Other acts i murder, but at the same time... should I be dying 3-4 x against these damn angels? I went back to sporting a shield and sword for now. Going to look up other builds. I just recently found out a WW build is for farming, lol.

Well, the amount of dying depends on the affixes they have. If they don't have any ground affixes like Molten/Plagued its doable. But (like in my case) if they have Molten, Plagued and Health Link combined and they move all over the place so you can't keep up Life Steal your health will melt away. I would have died several times as well if I hadn't quit after the first try. Just felt it wasn't worth it.

But yeah, its possible to die several times, nothing to feel bad/worried about. It feels as if you're suddenly placed 2 MP's higher. Reminded me a lot of pre-nerf Inferno around 1.01/1.02. Good for a challenge, but not suited for farming/leveling, unless you're ubergeared, and even then there better alternatives.

If you're not in it for farming, do you want to level up instead?

When I played a Barb last year, I was especially fond of a two swords build. Cleave with the rune that explodes enemies, Sprint to move through levels fast and escape affixes, Stomp to attract monsters, Rend for extra damage, Frenzy and Berserker for tough Elites. I had a lot of fun with that. But eventually I settled down for a Monk and had to sell my Barb gear to gain enough funds.
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So my buddy just got back from overseas and he wants to play the shit out of this game. I think this game is a dumpsterfire but I am willing to play arpound with it. I sold some gear a while back so I have about 8 billion gold. I have full legacy Nat's set so I don't need any defensive stats ( i can pop Gloom/ Smoke screen at any time) what should I upgrade?

So my buddy just got back from overseas and he wants to play the shit out of this game. I think this game is a dumpsterfire but I am willing to play arpound with it. I sold some gear a while back so I have about 8 billion gold. I have full legacy Nat's set so I don't need any defensive stats ( i can pop Gloom/ Smoke screen at any time) what should I upgrade?


I think this game is a dumpster fire.... has 300+ hours logged

I think this game is a dumpster fire.... has 300+ hours logged


Heh, my monk which has spent a large amount of time speed elite killing on normal has 8.3k elite kills after 57 hours. Even if his DH killed at the same rate as my monk, thats 300hours logged to compare the amount of elite kills he's done, then factor in that is only about half the play time of that account, so we're looking at 600+ hours.

Never understand how people can call a game a piece of shit or a "dumpsterfire" then log 600+ hours into it. The "hoping it would get better" argument doesnt work with a Paragon level 89 character either.
Maybe dumpsterfire is a good thing. I know I always had a great time throwing shit into a dumpster fire.

I had probably the best run to level 60 that I have ever had. Started out with 2 empty inventory slots now I have 2 full slots of sellable gear.

I found a socketed staff with life steal and spirt regen on level 16 and high dex&vit all over the place.....not a single legendary but low level ledgendarys is one of the many problems with this game so who cares.

It took me about 10 hours to get to level 60....and I was playing multi player with non monks half the time.....spent another 2 hours on the AH gearing up and selling the many items I have. Went with blackthorns boots and armor for much cheaper than I was expecting...

Already had 2 close calls hopefully I get fully geared up before I die.
People still play this ? How much money have you given to Blizzard buying gold? LOL. Pathetic.

I always assumed when I saw this thread being bumped it was by people that used a BOT like I did. I can't believe people are still spending time on this game LMFAO.

So my buddy just got back from overseas and he wants to play the shit out of this game. I think this game is a dumpsterfire but I am willing to play arpound with it. I sold some gear a while back so I have about 8 billion gold. I have full legacy Nat's set so I don't need any defensive stats ( i can pop Gloom/ Smoke screen at any time) what should I upgrade?


So you bash the game and (for some reason) the players here at [H] who still play it, then 12 hours later you want gear advice? Bravo.
So you bash the game and (for some reason) the players here at [H] who still play it, then 12 hours later you want gear advice? Bravo.

For some reason to some people its much cooler to hate something than to like something. So even if they actually like something they pretend to hate it so they can be cool... It happens with pretty much all area's of life but D3 has be exceptional in this regard.

But I do like his gear. In terms of upgrades I'd throw in 1 more new inna's and 2 new Nat's.

So I'd drop your old Nat's Boots for the new ones. Then remove your other ring and add in the New Nat's ring.

Then I'd drop the old Nat's Armor and add in Inna's Armor

That will give you 7 crit for old Nats, 7 Crit for new Nat's. 100 Dex for Inna's. On top of that extra damage from Inna's Armor and new Nat's boots.......it should put you above 60% crit chance.

You mentioned you bot so gold shouldn't be an issue go all out and part party with this dumpster fire. The trick with a dumpster fire is to build in 2 doors at the bottom of the dumpster 1 to let out ash and another for for an air tank to blow oxygen directly into the fire so you can watch the flames burst out.....you can get crazy and use acetylene instead of oxygen but then your might have too much fun with the dumpster fire.
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For some reason to some people its much cooler to hate something than to like something. So even if they actually like something they pretend to hate it so they can be cool... It happens with pretty much all area's of life but D3 has be exceptional in this regard.

But I do like his gear. In terms of upgrades I'd throw in 1 more new inna's and 2 new Nat's.

So I'd drop your old Nat's Boots for the new ones. Then remove your other ring and add in the New Nat's ring.

Then I'd drop the old Nat's Armor and add in Inna's Armor

That will give you 7 crit for old Nats, 7 Crit for new Nat's. 100 Dex for Inna's. On top of that extra damage from Inna's Armor and new Nat's boots.......it should put you above 60% crit chance.

You mentioned you bot so gold shouldn't be an issue go all out and part party with this dumpster fire. The trick with a dumpster fire is to build in 2 doors at the bottom of the dumpster 1 to let out ash and another for for an air tank to blow oxygen directly into the fire so you can watch the flames burst out.....you can get crazy and use acetylene instead of oxygen but then your might have too much fun with the dumpster fire.

Thanks, sounds good. I did run a bot a couple months but I sold most of the gold to third-party sites but I have enough to buy anything. Sold a Skorn (i think that's what it was) about 5 or 6 months ago maybe for 2billion and a full Monk set to a guy on the forum for even more so I still have that gold.

I just wish this damn game was more like Path of Exile, which I can't get anyone to play more than a couple hours because they either a) hate the movement, b) hate the combat (big one here), c) hate everything. Oh well. And yes I do think this game is a dumpster fire and no where near as good as D2 or PoE...hell Marvel Heroes is better.
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Thanks, sounds good. I did run a bot a couple months but I sold most of the gold to third-party sites but I have enough to buy anything. Sold a Skorn (i think that's what it was) about 5 or 6 months ago maybe for 2billion and a full Monk set to a guy on the forum for even more so I still have that gold.

I just wish this damn game was more like Path of Exile, which I can't get anyone to play more than a couple hours because they either a) hate the movement, b) hate the combat (big one here), c) hate everything. Oh well. And yes I do think this game is a dumpster fire and no where near as good as D2 or PoE...hell Marvel Heroes is better.

I need to know what the hell you mean by dumpster fire and how it is a bad thing.....and D2 and PoE are no where near as good as Dark Souls that doesn't make them shitty.

I'd like every game to be more like Dark Souls but just because they aren't as good as one of the greatest games of all time doesn't make them a tire fire or a chemical fire or even a regular campfire......
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Damn it! I missed a great oppurtunity last night. I saw an amazing skorn go on sale for 11 mil, about equal to my current skorn, but included 5.8% lifesteal. Those normally go for 50 mil plus. I didnt have enough money to get it cause I bought something else on the AH just minutes before.

I was trying to firesale items to get some money back, but alas it was gone within the first 5 minutes of me finding it :(

On the plus side, my money income is steady, already at 20 mil, so getting a decent LS skorn wont be too bad.
You just doing gold find runs or getting decent items?

All my gold has been going into crafting gems/gloves/amulets lately ><

Edit: 6 hour downtimes really suck
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Yeah, fastest steady gold for me is act 1 mp0. Kill speed is fast and I sell tomes for 8-9k a pop.

Festering woods
Leorics manor to the entrance
Fields of misery for key warden and all the random locations

Resplendent chests are great for tomes;hence, clearing all of fields of misery and its extra locations past keywarden.

I can do MP1, but my kill speed drops dramatically. It's nice for higher drop ranges, but more rng.
What are the stats on the skorn? I'm trying to not lose too much dps upgrading because dps is my next focus.

And yes 9k per tome. It's gone as high as 15k when stevedave was buying in bulk:)
What are the stats on the skorn? I'm trying to not lose too much dps upgrading because dps is my next focus.

And yes 9k per tome. It's gone as high as 15k when stevedave was buying in bulk:)

Awe the good ole TacoBell days. Made it to level 60 with a wizard and barb....both died respectably.

Now I have another hard hitting bad ass monk at level 60...but about 300 tomes stocked as demonic essences is my bottleneck at the moment. But I still need to craft gloves and bracers so you'll be seeing more of my gold soon.

I wish I could look at the auction house outside the game. I made some major steals this time around....including a stone of Jordan with 5 cold damage, 30 elite damage, 2ish spirit regen for less than 5 million don't know the exact number....I had 5 million gold and saw a stone of Jordan with 2 minutes left and dropped everything I had into it and won with at least a million to spare.

I'm building my entire monk around killing that bastard 4th key warden on mp4. Then key ubers on mp4....once I get some gloves, bracers, and amulet I'm ready to party.

Damn it! I missed a great oppurtunity last night. I saw an amazing skorn go on sale for 11 mil, about equal to my current skorn, but included 5.8% lifesteal. Those normally go for 50 mil plus. I didnt have enough money to get it cause I bought something else on the AH just minutes before.

I was trying to firesale items to get some money back, but alas it was gone within the first 5 minutes of me finding it :(

On the plus side, my money income is steady, already at 20 mil, so getting a decent LS skorn wont be too bad.

I really hated playing the AH.

I'd see a sweet item after pouring over a spreadsheet for 10 minutes, then go to buy it and have it already gone :(