Diablo 3 Discussion Thread

Just spent like 7 mil on crafting bracers and shoulders, and not one was close as an upgrade. I should've just spent that money on higher level gems.

I think I'm gonna work on all star gems first, then see if I'm ready for ubers
I got owned so hard by RMAH. Sold a few things for 1.25 each. After fees, I'm left with 25 cents per item. I totally forgot RMAH takes a buck off every transaction.

I have a few cents under a buck so I can't even buy anything on there. My intention was to get more radiants so I can make all my marquis gems. :p

Lesson learned.
I got owned so hard by RMAH. Sold a few things for 1.25 each. After fees, I'm left with 25 cents per item. I totally forgot RMAH takes a buck off every transaction.

I have a few cents under a buck so I can't even buy anything on there. My intention was to get more radiants so I can make all my marquis gems. :p

Lesson learned.

I love the RMAH, you can list something for 10 million gold(worth about $.25 at the moment) on the AH and it won't sell, but put it up on RMAH for $1.50-1.75 and it sells. I love the dumb people that play this game.
I love the RMAH, you can list something for 10 million gold(worth about $.25 at the moment) on the AH and it won't sell, but put it up on RMAH for $1.50-1.75 and it sells. I love the dumb people that play this game.

I noticed that as well....however I make quite a bit of real life money so the time it takes to pop something on the RMAH just to get a dollar just isn't worth it too me so I rarely do.

HardCore is a different story I sell everything because I can't spend 25 cents and bang out 10 million gold......HC is all about finding that 1 items that turns you from poor to rich in the bink of a sale.

I was lucky and found my first High dollar item before I was even in Inferno, A dex, vit, socket Scrimshaw which sold for something ridiculous like 5 million......had I not found that 1 item I'd of been stuck in the dark ages for days before making enough to get geared.
So I was finally able to score a copy off ebay late last night for a decent price and I cant wait till it gets here. So the question is do you guys have any tips for someone just starting out? Websites with build guides or anything like that would be very helpful. Thanks in advance.
So I was finally able to score a copy off ebay late last night for a decent price and I cant wait till it gets here. So the question is do you guys have any tips for someone just starting out? Websites with build guides or anything like that would be very helpful. Thanks in advance.

The game is crazy simple I'd recommend just playing it.

You can take a look at this

Which give a break down of the popular skills...You can pretty much avoid anything below 1%. Some skill like Tempest Rush are at like 4% despite it being one of the greatest abilities in the game.

I say try everything out though and find you you find to be the most fun to play. For me it's wave of light and Tempest rush. I have high level gear on all 5 classes and no matter how I try to work it Wave of Light is just so much better than every single skill in the game...in terms of raw damage and fun factor.
The game is crazy simple I'd recommend just playing it.

You can take a look at this

Which give a break down of the popular skills...You can pretty much avoid anything below 1%. Some skill like Tempest Rush are at like 4% despite it being one of the greatest abilities in the game.

I say try everything out though and find you you find to be the most fun to play. For me it's wave of light and Tempest rush. I have high level gear on all 5 classes and no matter how I try to work it Wave of Light is just so much better than every single skill in the game...in terms of raw damage and fun factor.

OK so they must have made it much simpler than D2. I remember back in my D2 days if you didn't allocate your stats and skills just right you would get owned when playing the higher difficulties.
I noticed that as well....however I make quite a bit of real life money so the time it takes to pop something on the RMAH just to get a dollar just isn't worth it too me so I rarely do.

HardCore is a different story I sell everything because I can't spend 25 cents and bang out 10 million gold......HC is all about finding that 1 items that turns you from poor to rich in the bink of a sale.

I was lucky and found my first High dollar item before I was even in Inferno, A dex, vit, socket Scrimshaw which sold for something ridiculous like 5 million......had I not found that 1 item I'd of been stuck in the dark ages for days before making enough to get geared.

I sell everything on HC because I haven't found a big ticket item yet. I haven't sold anything on HC AH over 1 million. Most gold I've had was about 5 million and that was from farming/selling a bunch of cheap stuff/selling tombs. I've gotten pretty lucky on some bids and 1d12h auction buyouts for my barb (http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/purebooyah-1946/hero/33880931). Want to upgrade my weapon next, 916 dps is a little sad. I have a 997dps EF sitting in my stash for when I get comfortable enough to DW though. I'd like to use the EF now but it doesn't have enough crit damage (about 60%) to be as effective.
OK so they must have made it much simpler than D2. I remember back in my D2 days if you didn't allocate your stats and skills just right you would get owned when playing the higher difficulties.

Yep no synergies or anything. My level 60 character will be 100% identical to yours. Gear and skill of combat are the only differences to be had.

Skill seems like a silly word to use when talking about this game but it is about the only thing that separates players. A skilled player can do more with a 80k DPS character than a dork with can 120k.......though it doesn't take much to become skilled its nothing like BF3, StarCraft, or teken but its still present.

I sell everything on HC because I haven't found a big ticket item yet. I haven't sold anything on HC AH over 1 million. Most gold I've had was about 5 million and that was from farming/selling a bunch of cheap stuff/selling tombs. I've gotten pretty lucky on some bids and 1d12h auction buyouts for my barb (http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/purebooyah-1946/hero/33880931). Want to upgrade my weapon next, 916 dps is a little sad. I have a 997dps EF sitting in my stash for when I get comfortable enough to DW though. I'd like to use the EF now but it doesn't have enough crit damage (about 60%) to be as effective.

Nice barb. I have sold quite a few weapons better than that I'll see if I have anymore left in my stash that I haven't sold yet.......I just sold a pretty sweet Str + Socket butcher's sickle last night. Probably about the same amount of damage but with life steal.
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Nice barb. I have sold quite a few weapons better than that I'll see if I have anymore left in my stash that I haven't sold yet.......I just sold a pretty sweet Str + Socket butcher's sickle last night. Probably about the same amount of damage but with life steal.

Haha, I just got a butcher's sickle drop a couple days ago, had all the right stats...strength, socket, crit damage, life steal BUT 650dps. :mad:
dead due to game disconnect.

had 7 machines.

Done with HC for a while....likely forever.
dead due to game disconnect.

had 7 machines.

Done with HC for a while....likely forever.

Wow that sucks. I am not sure why anyone plays HC in this game. I have commercial level internet from my provider and sometime I get these random lag spikes then slow downs, then everything kinda catches up with the game and I am dead. This happened to my friends when they used to play as well.

I would never play HC. I would rage so hard throw my damn PC off the balcony.
dead due to game disconnect.

had 7 machines.

Done with HC for a while....likely forever.

well there are 2 different kinds of deaths in HC.

A bad ass manly death Like TacoBell had fighting 2 elites and a key warden and then a death where you disconnect from the game and log back in to find yourself dead. The first one leaves you with a sense of pride and accomplishment the second rage and resentment.

I'll be back in it after a patch....I'll setup a second computer to watch TV shows on because that might be part of the problem Hulu+ D3 + wireless connect likely not the best combo for HC.
@ Stevedave

I'm sorry to hear that, man. :(


Reached Paragon 80 earlier today. Things are moving slowly, but steady.

No interesting drops between PL 70-80, although a few that sold earned around 50-60 million total.
I'm playing self found right now and am having a blast. Don't have the stones for HC so I chose a Demon Hunter to make it more challenging. Some parts you have to farm a little but generally you can progress fairly steadily. Just about to enter Hell mode after I kick Diablo's jewels back to the nether world...
After 1200 hours into the game, I had my very first Mempo of Twilight drop! Unfortunately, it happened in my hardcore game.

Is there a market for unidentified Mempo of Twilight in hardcore? I know in softcore people are advertising them for anywhere from 55 to 65 million gold.

How much do they sell in hardcore, if even at all? Or should I just ID it?
After 1200 hours into the game, I had my very first Mempo of Twilight drop! Unfortunately, it happened in my hardcore game.

Is there a market for unidentified Mempo of Twilight in hardcore? I know in softcore people are advertising them for anywhere from 55 to 65 million gold.

How much do they sell in hardcore, if even at all? Or should I just ID it?

Well looking at the AH, the INT-based Mempos are the cheapest, going from 5-10M. If you get a STR or DEX Mempo you should be in the money, as they're anywhere from 15M to 50M+ depending on what your random stat roll is.
I just started playing Diablo 3 today and I really like it so far. Its a little boring maybe only because I am just starting off so hopefully it picks up.

So far for a free game its awesome. i got it free for signing up for the WoW Annual pass awhile back.
I just started playing Diablo 3 today and I really like it so far. Its a little boring maybe only because I am just starting off so hopefully it picks up.

So far for a free game its awesome. i got it free for signing up for the WoW Annual pass awhile back.

It doesn't pick up. The start is the most fun portion of the game, it goes downhill from there.
I just started playing Diablo 3 today and I really like it so far. Its a little boring maybe only because I am just starting off so hopefully it picks up.

So far for a free game its awesome. i got it free for signing up for the WoW Annual pass awhile back.

1-20 goes really slow since you don't really have any of the abilities yet. Once you get to level 15 search the Auction House for a weapon with a socket (just the best one you can get cheap) and buy at least a flawless square ruby to put in it, that will speed things up a fair amount.
Some legendaries have sockets as low as lvl 10, I can't rember the names of them, but I got a few farming for leorics

Balance is one of them... I have 3 stashed away.

I was doing a speed run a couple of days ago and passing Normal took me 2 hours getting to the act 2 boss took me about 30 minutes .....I died on the act 2 boss though.

Next time I build up a monk I'm guessing I can do it in 5 ish hours.

2 hours Normal
1.5 hour nightmare
2 hours hell
I started playing this again and am having fun, but is there something I don't know? There is/was a ton of negativity about it; has everything been fixed now?
I started playing this again and am having fun, but is there something I don't know? There is/was a ton of negativity about it; has everything been fixed now?

Negativity <> Problem

the majority of the negativity was rather unfounded. This game not being fun was never a problem (at least for me and anyone else I know that actually played it).

Majority of the negativity was caused from the RMAH which is still here.
The biggest 'real' reason for negativity is the poor item and stat design which is still here.

the only fixes put into place were focused around fixing surface level item problems, difficulty, and a tiny amount of end game content...a few other non important bells and whistles.

So a in short no nothing major has changed since launch. Still is a fun and just like it was a launch. If you have friends to play with its hard to beat this game with any modern games at the moment.

The whole thing can be summed up like this \/

was D3 a let down....Yes
Is D3 a bad game....No
I started playing this again and am having fun, but is there something I don't know? There is/was a ton of negativity about it; has everything been fixed now?

No, its still a flaming pile of unimaginative dog turd. But for some reason people play it. You might even say its become the Call of Duty of the Hack n Slash RPG genre.
No, its still a flaming pile of unimaginative dog turd. But for some reason people play it. You might even say its become the Call of Duty of the Hack n Slash RPG genre.

Even if you want to look at it from the perspective that this game is utter trash It is still the best modern day Hack and Slash rpg out right now. That is why people still play it.

You have TL2, D3, and PoE in October....and that is it. Before these 3 games we had virtually nothing for like 10 years.

It would be exactly like Call Of Duty if the FPS world also didn't have anything better out. Like if all that was out was Call Of Duty, Halo, and Crisis.....COD wouldn't look so bad. But the FPS world has good games like BF3 where ARPG world hasn't had that for more than 10 years.

The 20 mil LS/dex skorn I bought resold on the AH for 65 mil insta buy. Not really sure what's causing LS skorns to go up so much, but I was able to grab a better one.

Pushing 90k dps and 400k EHP with 5% LS. Next step is to finish off star gems, then get some good defensive stats that beat my current shoulders and bracers.


I spent my weekend playing other games but thinking about this one in the back of my mind. HC is just so fun.

EDIT ~ there are only 12 dex skorns with life steal on the AH....which is why the price it through the roof.
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I spent my weekend playing other games but thinking about this one in the back of my mind. HC is just so fun.

EDIT ~ there are only 12 dex skorns with life steal on the AH....which is why the price it through the roof.

I knew you would!

I lost my first HC Monk on Saturday when I basically got perma-walled/-frozen on top of descecrator pools in the Cave of the Betrayer, so I've been looking at your builds and thinking that I didn't pay enough attention to regen. I'm not used to having all these healing and mitigation skills at my disposal so I think I put too much faith into life steal. Plus I started gearing up for a certain build and then kind of changed it half way, meaning my gear wasn't really optimized for anything I was doing, even if I was doing decent damage.

Powerleveled D'Brickashaw up to 47 yesterday though; Tempest Rush is just soo amazing with a RLR 2-hander! Once you have a little store of OP leveling gear getting back to 60 isn't so bad.
I knew you would!

I lost my first HC Monk on Saturday when I basically got perma-walled/-frozen on top of descecrator pools in the Cave of the Betrayer, so I've been looking at your builds and thinking that I didn't pay enough attention to regen. I'm not used to having all these healing and mitigation skills at my disposal so I think I put too much faith into life steal. Plus I started gearing up for a certain build and then kind of changed it half way, meaning my gear wasn't really optimized for anything I was doing, even if I was doing decent damage.

Powerleveled D'Brickashaw up to 47 yesterday though; Tempest Rush is just soo amazing with a RLR 2-hander! Once you have a little store of OP leveling gear getting back to 60 isn't so bad.

Yep my second monk got taken out like a boss fight 2 mobs and act4 key warden on mp4 due too rellying too hevely on life steal and not having enough spirit regen.

I dropped about 15k DPS for 2200 life per second on my third monk who died in the net crash of July 5th 2013. I honestly think I would of never lost him regularly 2000 life per second and 5.2 life steal and 71k life really tanked my dude up.

Still haven't really played much since just been selling and buying on the AH. Found some good deals but nothing magical.

I'm going to be skornless for a while on my next build as life steal skorns have shoot through the roof. Maybe I'll do a grandfather build can get a life steal one for about a million...15k less than a skorm though.
The biggest need for LS for me is damage reflect. Other than that I use speed to make up for the fact I'm running 0 or 1 monster power.

90k makes shot work of white mobs and a bell or two takes care of most packs.
I just started playing Diablo 3 today and I really like it so far.
It's got good, smooth gameplay. The production value feels very high--typical of Blizz games.
Its a little boring maybe only because I am just starting off so hopefully it picks up.
As mentioned before, it doesn't. The beginning is the most fun (imo), as you're actively unlocking new moves to incorporate into your build. For this short part of the game, it feels like there's progression.

I started playing this again and am having fun, but is there something I don't know? There is/was a ton of negativity about it; has everything been fixed now?

Majority of the negativity was caused from the RMAH which is still here.
The biggest 'real' reason for negativity is the poor item and stat design which is still here.

the only fixes put into place were focused around fixing surface level item problems, difficulty, and a tiny amount of end game content...a few other non important bells and whistles.

I never had a problem with the RMAH. I typically play self-found in these kinda games anyway.

The itemization--yes. That's been a problem since day one, and while they've taken some steps to help it out, they have a looooong way to go.

The real problem, IMO, is the removal of Talent Trees, the oversimplification of gems (only 4 kinds now) and crafting (no more cube), no charms.... basically all the things which made one character stand out from another--they removed.

Remember all those quests that gave you unique things in D2? A stat point, an item upgrade at the smithy, an extra socket quest, etc.. just gold rewards in D3 for all quests.

No, its still a flaming pile of unimaginative dog turd. But for some reason people play it. You might even say its become the Call of Duty of the Hack n Slash RPG genre.
...which is why i think the CoD of aRPG's is actually a good comparison. They stripped out most of the game's elements which have you sitting in town pondering builds, choosing items, gems, crafting (or cubing)... So that what you're left with is a more action-oriented aRPG... similar to how CoD is the most action-oriented FPS.
...which is why i think the CoD of aRPG's is actually a good comparison. They stripped out most of the game's elements which have you sitting in town pondering builds, choosing items, gems, crafting (or cubing)... So that what you're left with is a more action-oriented aRPG... similar to how CoD is the most action-oriented FPS.

I disagree, I spend more time experimenting with builds in D3 than I ever have in D2. D2 was very "look it up online" oriented, discovery in games can no longer be some type of obscure recipie like runewords or horadic cube combinations. By the time you're working on runewords and looking for uniques, you know almost exactly what you want.

Because of the lack of respec in d2 (up to near the end of d2's life - well after I stopped playing it), there were no respecs, you had to commit to a build early in a characters life to be effective end game. Most viable builds relied on put minimum points into filler skills, some into bread and butter skills, then max out synergies. There was no pondering of stat allocation, it was either optimal or not.

D3 is a different story with the rune system. I'm constantly trying out new combinations to balance HC safety and killing speed. Right now, two good crafts will cause me to regem and switch out skills for faster and safer killing speeds. This is much more noticeable in HC where the economy is much more normalized. Yes every one wants crit, crit damage, mainstay, average damage, etc., but in HC (and early days SC) you can't get all of them, you actually have to think and weigh the allocation of gear you can currently afford. This should also be evident in self found, you're unlikely to get ideal affix rolls, so you have to consider the offense/defense balance with what you find.

Having said that, although there are a lot of combinations, many runes are still uttery useless and many items are utterly useless, but that's no different from D2. Not every unique, skill, or runeword was useful. If d3 could ever fix its main issues with items and bad skills (rune system in general is fine) then the game could be in a much better state than it already is.