Diablo 3 Discussion Thread

so did they update the icons and looks of the gear, perhaps specific to certain character? or maybe bonus drops for your class?

Everything i've found is for witch doctors (the class i'm playing) and even looks like what you'd think a witch doctor would look like..

No way i'm that lucky lol
so did they update the icons and looks of the gear, perhaps specific to certain character? or maybe bonus drops for your class?

Everything i've found is for witch doctors (the class i'm playing) and even looks like what you'd think a witch doctor would look like..

No way i'm that lucky lol

I Know the look and icons have always been that way.

And I'm pretty sure specific bosses drop you Items good for your class. I know every time I have killed skeleton king the first time he has drop class specific items.....and I have killed him at least 10 times with 10 different characters.

Anyone playing? I'm farming HC Act 1 MP1 for some DE

I'm level 53 act 2 hell. I'll be ready in a few days....wizard takes a bit longer for me.
Decided to play my SC Monk (79) a bit because I didn't want to pay attention and risk dieing, got 3 legendaries in the Festering Woods at MP5. Makes me sad, because I've only had 2 Legendary total leveling through 16 paragon on my HC WD
I'd say the gem in your weapon and your oculus ring.....however both come at a hefty cost which would be better spent on a LS skorn. Then after that you could craft some gloves.

.....or you can somehow resurrect my monk. and take my skorn and gem.

Yeah I'm looking at at least star gems for weapon and helmet. My bracers are my next target. Any suggestions to replace the oculus ring?

I got my IK gloves, EHP pushing 500k now
It has always been like this.
For example... a set a shoulders you found, will look different depending on what class has them equipped

I Know the look and icons have always been that way.

And I'm pretty sure specific bosses drop you Items good for your class. I know every time I have killed skeleton king the first time he has drop class specific items.....and I have killed him at least 10 times with 10 different characters.

That's funny--i've just never noticed until the WD because the other gear was "regular" looking enough to not question it. When everything that i put on looks like tribal wear, it was a lot more noticeable lol

And yes--i got a WD specific dagger and offhand both from the skeleton king, so i guess he helps outfit new characters with some starter gear.

Anyway, playing with new moves you unlock in HC means death i found out... Poor Alia, only made it to lvl 12 :( http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/DukeLeto-1627/hero/34467226
Yeah I'm looking at at least star gems for weapon and helmet. My bracers are my next target. Any suggestions to replace the oculus ring?

I got my IK gloves, EHP pushing 500k now

Well the dream is Nat's ring with Nat's boots.....but you have a pair with IK boots and Gloves and the Nat ring add's attack speed which drains Spirit faster on TR.

For a ring I would just try to find a 4.5+ crit and a combination of Dex, Vit, Allres, or Damage.....It'll cost you.

Those bracers are actually pretty good....they offset not having Vit on your Shoulders. I have been crafting for days and getting vit,dex,crit above 5 is pretty hard.....adding allres to that combo makes for a crazy rare roll.

You'd probably have a better chance getting good crafted shoulders than better crafted Bracers....though I think the crafting cost is higher on the shoulders.
Well the dream is Nat's ring with Nat's boots.....but you have a pair with IK boots and Gloves and the Nat ring add's attack speed which drains Spirit faster on TR.

For a ring I would just try to find a 4.5+ crit and a combination of Dex, Vit, Allres, or Damage.....It'll cost you.

Those bracers are actually pretty good....they offset not having Vit on your Shoulders. I have been crafting for days and getting vit,dex,crit above 5 is pretty hard.....adding allres to that combo makes for a crazy rare roll.

You'd probably have a better chance getting good crafted shoulders than better crafted Bracers....though I think the crafting cost is higher on the shoulders.

Yeah, I skipped the Nats set for now cause what killed me was reflect, so I'm boosting my survival more than last time. And yeah that IAS will push me out of eternal TR realm.

I'm torn on shoulders, I really like my vile ward with light resist. According to d3up, my current build gives me more EHP per all res point than vit. A vit shoulder would offset it it Ithink, but I'd need good dex and some defensive stats. Its probably still easier than rolling good crit and dex on vit bracers though.

Edit: holy crap just looked at EHP stats on diablo progress. Highest EHP unbuffed is 13million.
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Yeah, I skipped the Nats set for now cause what killed me was reflect, so I'm boosting my survival more than last time. And yeah that IAS will push me out of eternal TR realm.

I'm torn on shoulders, I really like my vile ward with light resist. According to d3up, my current build gives me more EHP per all res point than vit. A vit shoulder would offset it it Ithink, but I'd need good dex and some defensive stats. Its probably still easier than rolling good crit and dex on vit bracers though.

Edit: holy crap just looked at EHP stats on diablo progress. Highest EHP unbuffed is 13million.

Didn't even realize you were using One With All....I just assume everyone plays like I do and avoids that and uses Seize the intuitive instead. Since you are using one with all going for bracers over shoulders is a better move because you have a chance to roll 2 extra stats All res + LITres where the shoulders are only missing Vit.

Still a tough call though because both your shoulders and bracers and plenty good but neither are great.
i was playing D3 last night, and my new room mate comes into my room.

"PATH OF THE EXILES!!!" he declared in a death-metal growl

"Nope, some good 'ol D3" i replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

He watched me for a minute before telling me: "hit them with your big-ass sword!!"

"My character doesn't hit people with her sword, just carries it around."

then he made a :wtf: face, and walked away lol

He doesn't play video games, but managed to notice the basic convention Blizz broke when making D3 =P

(not trying to start any nonsense, just sharing a story i found amusing)
i was playing D3 last night, and my new room mate comes into my room.

"PATH OF THE EXILES!!!" he declared in a death-metal growl

"Nope, some good 'ol D3" i replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

He watched me for a minute before telling me: "hit them with your big-ass sword!!"

"My character doesn't hit people with her sword, just carries it around."

then he made a :wtf: face, and walked away lol

He doesn't play video games, but managed to notice the basic convention Blizz broke when making D3 =P

(not trying to start any nonsense, just sharing a story i found amusing)

...None of your characters have a sword. Doesn't change the point of your story but it does make it suspect.
...None of your characters have a sword. Doesn't change the point of your story but it does make it suspect.

I had a 2-handed sword equipped at the time. Replaced it with the drops from the Skeleton King =P

The funny thing is she carried it around like she was going to hit people with it, then whenever she cast it would appear on her back, then appear back in her hands as she started running around again.
Cleared through most of Act 2 tonight, no close calls, butt I start getting nervous when my hp drops below 80%.

For reference if anyone needs to know, zultan has about 1.7mil hp and belilal 4.2mil hp on MP0. My monk should make short work of both of them.
made it to inferno with my HC wizard.....going to do a tank wizard with life gain...at 4000 life per second right now.
made it to inferno with my HC wizard.....going to do a tank wizard with life gain...at 4000 life per second right now.

Nice, man; I just finished Hell with my HC Wiz yesterday too (didn't die with two exp bars to go this time). 4000 regen is insane!

I'm hoping that my build will be tanky enough, but I'm using a lifesteal Schaefer's Hammer (by design) and running a Sleet Storm build: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Aix-1131/hero/34374713. I haven't stepped into Inferno yet (after work tonight), so I'm still unsure about my Ice Armor - Crystallize and Magic Weapon - Electrify skill choices. I like the potential for 60% increased armor, particularly because I expect to take hits, and the freeze/chill mechanic works to my advantage. Magic Weapon could really be anything else from Slow Time to Hydra to Blizzard, but I'll see how it goes.

I still need rings/ammy with crit damage because that's how the Schaefer's Hammer works (crit damage multi significantly boosts the lighting shield proc damage), but I may try out a Stone of Jordan since they seem to range from hilariously cheap to ungodly expensive. The AH is truly all over the place depending on time of day and whether you're willing to shave a couple of points off a stat here and there - and that's fine with me. Getting crit chance and crit multi with anything else seems to be crazy expensive though.
Likely going to be a slow ride into god mode for me this time around....sitting at 50k gold with like 4 upgrades needed.

The goal is 60k life, 5000. Life per second 6000 armor 600 allres 70k Dps.

At 60k life, 600 Allres, 6000 armor. 4000lps, 27k dps now.

.....come on int,crit,vit, lps, ias, and crit damage gloves...
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haha for HardCore wizards I'm already in 22nd for most Life Per Second

22 Akon wizard 2,548

I'll probably be #1 for wizards life per second by the time I'm done.
haha that was a quick death for my wizard even with 4000 life per second. Frozen + arcane + watching TV = death.

But enough messing around with a wizard time to play a real class again...Going to try a barb for the shits and giggles.
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Heh, guess I overdid it with preparing for Act 2 and beyond.

Blew from Zultan though Diablo in inferno tonight, not many issues. I got scared when I belled before I popped serenity on a reflect pack, but it definately didnt hurt as bad as the first time I got killed. It knocked off some life, but nothing to get too worried.

Trying to get some money for a possible ring snipe, we'll see how that goes. after that, up to MP1 farming Act 1.

Finished with this setup (preserved on D3up)
I feel like some sort of sick inside joke is being played on me right now....

For the last two days I've been farming for demonic essences so I can craft, and haven't found a single one, but instead i'm finding shitty legendaries left and right.

tehslippery can attest, I played for over an hour with him last night and found two legendaries, zero DE. Before I played with him I playe dfor a couple hours earlier in the day, found 3 legendaries in about 2 hours of gameplay, zero DE.

Tonight i found another legendary after playing for about an hour, ZERO de.

what the fucking fuck

they all suck btw
I feel like some sort of sick inside joke is being played on me right now....

For the last two days I've been farming for demonic essences so I can craft, and haven't found a single one, but instead i'm finding shitty legendaries left and right.

tehslippery can attest, I played for over an hour with him last night and found two legendaries, zero DE. Before I played with him I playe dfor a couple hours earlier in the day, found 3 legendaries in about 2 hours of gameplay, zero DE.

Tonight i found another legendary after playing for about an hour, ZERO de.

what the fucking fuck

they all suck btw

I played about 4 hours yesterday, ended up with 5 legendary (worth 3.5m total) and probably like 18ish Essences lol. WTB a good set item to sell for lots of gold
well that was about another couple hours of gameplay, Inferno HC MP3, still have not found a demonic essence in almost 3 days, this is getting a bit absurd at this point.
I so want to play this game but in typical blizzard fashion it never goes on sale. I would probably be willing to give it a try for $30 but not much more than that.
I so want to play this game but in typical blizzard fashion it never goes on sale. I would probably be willing to give it a try for $30 but not much more than that.
a copy is currently for sale on ebay for $30 BIN.
well that was about another couple hours of gameplay, Inferno HC MP3, still have not found a demonic essence in almost 3 days, this is getting a bit absurd at this point.

Back when I was running MP0 Act 1, I was getting it fairly often. For DE's, i'd favor pack kill speed over MP.

Festering woods at least 3 packs
Cemetery of the Forsaken at least 3
Fields of misery, keywarden + 2 packs + any extra locations with resplendent chests.

Back then I was farming for tomes and selling them for profit, so I stashed up almost 200 DEs. Even now when I'm crafting shoulders and bracers, my DE drop rate is higher than I can keep up with tomes

Did you get the help you need? I'll be on for a bit and if I see a reply I'll hop and and help.

Shantarr #1309

Ooh! Sorry dudes. I forgot to respond. I ended up drinking all night, haha.

Yeah got through Inferno in SC. I just needed to upgrade my bow and I was fine.

I took the plunge and started a HC Monk. This will be my first Monk I've played. Got to lvl 10 and I'm seeing the sun start to rise so I think its time to sleep :D
well that was about another couple hours of gameplay, Inferno HC MP3, still have not found a demonic essence in almost 3 days, this is getting a bit absurd at this point.

I had a similar thing happen with my Barb, except I didn't really find any legendaries during my extended DE drought. :( You'd think, with the new Archon recipes, that the devs were learning that not everything should be completely random, but it seems that the drop rate of DE's is as subject to RNG as all the original crafting recipes. I bought a few Grand Exalted recipes the other day and decided to try a few, and not only are the costs expensive but the results are just horrendous 99% of the time, with the other 1% being in the vein of "eh, it could be worse I guess." I don't know why I thought the original recipes might have gotten better with time (also this).

Then there's the new crafting recipes where on my second try last night I got this:

Now that's what I'm talking about! Not the best ever but I'm sure as hell not complaining. I also rolled these for my first shoulders:


They weren't really good for my Wiz, but I sure as hell know what my WD will be wearing when I lvl him up! I didn't even realize you could roll reduced level requirement on this stuff.
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My internet crashed last night while playing. Still out right now. I have no clue if my new level 16 barb is alive or dead.

I don't remember what I ever did without Internet...drugs maybe.
My internet crashed last night while playing. Still out right now. I have no clue if my new level 16 barb is alive or dead.

I don't remember what I ever did without Internet...drugs maybe.

ChocolatRain lives! He's lvl 17 as well

It's funny, on the main page of your profile it reads as "ChocolatRain", but on the character page (the first one I read) it reads as "Chocolatrain", which sounds way funnier to me for some reason.

Still playing Diablo 3 over the past weeks. No exciting drops, but still a few alright ones that earned a few million total. Slowly leveling up my Monk (MP8 Level 72) and Witch Doctor (MP5 Level 22) Both Softcore.

Still having lots of fun with this game, especially because I can switch between both characters. I noticed I especially like playing Act 2/3 with a Monk, while playing Act 1 with a WD (Zombiebears)

Other than that, nothing new to report.

Finally got up to 100k for my barb. Can you guys take a look at my barb and let me know what I need to improve on and what to look for on certain items?


Looking very nice. Congrats on passing 100k.

I don't have much experience but I noticed a few things.

Main Hand weapon eventually needs a socket to increase CD damage and when you feel its needed also LS.

Critical Hit chance eventually needs to get reliably to at least 45-50% which you're already very close to.

Your Signet Demise ring eventually needs to be replaced. For example with Unity. (Average Damage/Strength/CH bonus and Elite bonus) Or perhaps a Wailing Host.

Perhaps replace pants with a different one which offers a higher amount of Strength and has 2 sockets.

Gems eventually need to be replaced with better ones as well. At this point every bit of Strength gives a good improvement.

Preferably helmet needs CH bonus as well, but those get very expensive.

CD eventually needs at least 250%. Your DPS wil skyrocket with high Critical Damage.

Boots need 12% movement speed. Preferably you need 24% total. You can get those on boots, legendary pants, chest armor and bracers.

Shoulders/chest armor/belt/pants/boots/bracers and shield should especially get high defensive stats. (strength/vitality/AR/sockets and when allowed for example CH) This is not set in stone though and depends on your build and strategy.

Rings/Gloves and Amulet are especially good to boost your DPS by huge amounts. However, if you can get good defensive stats included (like AR on Rings, and it won't sacrifice your DPS, take it)

Main weapon needs at least 1000 DPS, high minimum damage, high strength, good CD, at least 2.4 LS, and a socket.

Health is good. Armor is good. AR is good. CH needs around 50% (Scoundrel can give another 3%. He's also a funny guy) CD eventually needed with socket on main weapon. Shield needs 10% CH eventually and higher stats. Eventually more than 2,9 % LS will be needed. If you feel safe about it, you could get in the end CH/CD/Strength/Vitality/average damage or elemental damage and AS (optional) on your amulet.
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Hmm I've been looking on ebay but most of what i see is going for $40+ I guess I'll have to keep my eye out.
I have an extension called invisible hand that tells me where the least expensive thing I'm searching for is located. I PM'ed you two links.