Dell U3011 coming soon.

Guys, I have to say something. The quality control of this panel is remarkably inconsistent. I have one out of the 14 I've seen that is brighter and clearer than the rest. The coating is amazingly transparent. The worst I've seen is a lot less vibrant.

If this is true, it could very well explain why some people bother so much with the coating while others not. The coating is the only panel defect that we cannot demonstrate to the others through photos, so up to know we where assuming that some people are less sensitive, etc. Very interesting!

Though, with that said, I see that the right side of the screen is brighter than the left. I see this on all of the samples. Could someone please check their panel for me?

Your findings are in line with this review. Check the color uniformity graph. Is this so noticeable? Does this bother you if for example you process an image in Photoshop?
Estimated Delivery Date:11/30/2010

I haven't bought from Dell in awhile, I forgot how slow they are. :-/
Estimated Delivery Date:11/30/2010

I haven't bought from Dell in awhile, I forgot how slow they are. :-/

When I bought my 3008 from the dell outlet the estimated delivery date was about a month later and it showed up in a week. So dont get your hopes up yet.
My 3007 is dying - swapped it out for a 2407 while I do some shopping. Question on the 4:3 mode. how does this work? Black bars or does it stretch the screen? Every once in a while I'll have an older game that needs 4:3 resolutions.

(Quick edit - also see it has a VGA port. How does 1920x1200 look on a VGA cable? Got a thinkpad with only VGA out as an option)
Got my U3011 today. The colors are gorgeous, specifically Adobe RGB or sRGB presets. This is my first IPS, so I have only TN colors to compare by. Been programming for a couple hours already, loving the real estate and ability to tile upwards of 6 documents in Textpad with little need to horizontal scroll. Likewise Photoshop.

I see zero difference between this AG coating and my last two matte LCDs (Syncmaster 226cw and Asus VW246). I program with white backgrounds and see no annoyances (shimmering, etc.). Haven't tried gaming yet, but so far happy. :D (no dead pixels either woo)
I have the same experience with this display.. couldnt be happier, especially with Adobe RGB
I was exporting a film for distribution the other day, so I was sanity checking things with this monitor with the SMPTE color bars I flip the monitor to custom color mode, set the gain for R/G/B to 0/0/100 respectively to get blue only, and the center bars and strips all match up with the same blue levels. Then the monitor goes into power saving mode and when it turns back on, the main center two bars' blue levels no longer match the castellation blue levels! If I then switch the monitor to a different preset mode and then back to custom mode, the blue levels then once again match up!

I thought the driver or application must somehow be screwing up, so I tested different applications, all 3 major desktop OSes: (OSX, linux, windows), and even different video cards and interfaces (displayport and dvi). In all cases, the same result - after the display wakes up from energy saving mode, the colors in custom mode are off!

I know what you're thinking, maybe the CCFL tube cooled off, but no, this happens even when energy saving mode is entered just long enough for the power light to flash brown.

Some DDC/CI bug with this monitor?

I've also noticed that custom mode sometimes wacks out completely (for lack of a better term :) after waking up from power saving mode. In this case the colors seem to somewhat invert. For example if I leave custom mode with RGB levels set to 0/0/100, switch to a different preset mode, let the monitor enter power saving mode and then back on, then switch back to custom mode, I may see all red colors instead of blue. Yet the gain settings for custom mode are still at 0/0/100. When the monitor is in such an inconsistent state the gain controls don't have the expected effect either. In the above case, adjusting red had no visible effect, lowering blue actually reduced the brightness of the red.
Had this confusing problem with my first u3011 as well.
I have just purchased a Dell U3011 as well. Just like you, when my monitor goes to sleep, the custom RGB mode results in a corrupted display. More specifically:

1. If I use the monitor and disable "monitor sleep" in Windows, Custom RGB works fine.
2. For example, if I set my monitor to "Standard", and if I let the monitor go to sleep, when it wakes up, the picture is displayed with no issues. However, if I switch to Custom RGB at that point, the picture is corrupted: sometimes it will display only green colors on the screen (no other colors!! crazy!!), sometimes it's just black, or sometimes blue. My settings are 100/90/90 for RGB. If I switch to another mode, it's fine. If I switch back to Custom RGB, it is still corrupted. ** At that point, disconnecting the DVI cable and reconnecting does nothing, but **removing power to the monitor** solves the long as the monitor does not go back to sleep after that. (Note: I have to physically disconnect power. Using the "on/off" button on the front does not solve it)
3. I've tested on another PC with another OS, and it's the same issue.

Clearly there's a problem. I don't use Custom RGB, because I found that the colors were more saturated than in Standard/Adobe RGB modes...what about you?? Anyway, the monitor goes crazy after going to sleep and if you try using Custom RGB. Anyone with that issue? Could anyone else try?

Thank you!


I was exporting a film for distribution the other day, so I was sanity checking things with this monitor with the SMPTE color bars I flip the monitor to custom color mode, set the gain for R/G/B to 0/0/100 respectively to get blue only, and the center bars and strips all match up with the same blue levels. Then the monitor goes into power saving mode and when it turns back on, the main center two bars' blue levels no longer match the castellation blue levels! If I then switch the monitor to a different preset mode and then back to custom mode, the blue levels then once again match up!

I thought the driver or application must somehow be screwing up, so I tested different applications, all 3 major desktop OSes: (OSX, linux, windows), and even different video cards and interfaces (displayport and dvi). In all cases, the same result - after the display wakes up from energy saving mode, the colors in custom mode are off!

I know what you're thinking, maybe the CCFL tube cooled off, but no, this happens even when energy saving mode is entered just long enough for the power light to flash brown.

Some DDC/CI bug with this monitor?

I've also noticed that custom mode sometimes wacks out completely (for lack of a better term :) after waking up from power saving mode. In this case the colors seem to somewhat invert. For example if I leave custom mode with RGB levels set to 0/0/100, switch to a different preset mode, let the monitor enter power saving mode and then back on, then switch back to custom mode, I may see all red colors instead of blue. Yet the gain settings for custom mode are still at 0/0/100. When the monitor is in such an inconsistent state the gain controls don't have the expected effect either. In the above case, adjusting red had no visible effect, lowering blue actually reduced the brightness of the red.
Had this confusing problem with my first u3011 as well.
I have to physically disconnect power. Using the "on/off" button on the front does not solve it)
The simplest fix I've found for the custom color mode setting problem is to use:
Menu->color settings->reset color settings
Menu->Other settings->factory reset->reset all settings works as well but that warps your brightness back to the factory "torch" mode.
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Clearly there's a problem. I don't use Custom RGB, because I found that the colors were more saturated than in Standard/Adobe RGB modes...what about you??
You will of course easily have that problem with any application that is not fully color management aware. (There is a separate thread for wide-gamut applications if you're interested in that, though the thread is a bit cluttered with thread-crap).
Yes, indeed - however, the colors appear specifically more over-saturated in the Custom RGB mode (and not in Standard, Warm, etc modes which are also wide gamut). I have one test picture with a bright orange cloth where some of the details are completely lost (way over saturated), and not in Standard mode (and also not in Adobe or sRGB of course).

Thanks for your tip on re-setting the monitor by the way, it worked. After 1 or 2 "sleep" modes, however the issue came back as usual. It seems so strange that Dell would release a new monitor, not knowing that the display (or at least some of them) is corrupted when it goes to sleep in Custom mode.

I was also checking the calibration results sheet that came with the monitor: the serial number on the top right hand corner does not fully match?! The first three characters ("CNO" in my case) do, but not the rest?! I bought directly from Dell last week, new. Does yours have the same discrepancy?

You will of course easily have that problem with any application that is not fully color management aware. (There is a separate thread for wide-gamut applications if you're interested in that, though the thread is a bit cluttered with thread-crap).
Thanks for the tip - I have reviewed the pictures in Photoshop, and with the proper monitor profile (Dell's U3011 wide-gamut standard profile), the colors are of course better than in an application that is not color-managed. But still, the colors appear more saturated in Custom RGB vs the other modes. I found a profile on TFT Central's website, made by calibrating the monitor they had on hand, and with the Custom RGB mode. And if I use it (vs. the generic wide-gamut profile from Dell), the colors now appear normal. So it's not just my monitor - good ;o) As I said, using the generic Dell profile for this monitor brings the color to more normal values since Photoshop is color managed, but the mode by default, uncalibrated, appears quite saturated. I expected it to be the same as Standard if R/G/B was at 100/100/100, but not at all! I find that strange.

Also, sRGB and AdobeRGB are way brighter in the shadows, just as if gamma was lower. I can see much more details in the shadows and some people face's look too light. Some people commented that the mode was good, but not in my monitor (unless it's calibrated). Again, I applied the Dell wide-gamut profile of the U3011, and it didn't change that. But after downloading the TFT Central profile that they made by calibrating their monitor, everything became normal.

So I feel better that there isn't a problem with my monitor. But clearly, it needs to be calibrated. I found that only the "Warm" preset was about OK for photo editing without calibrating the monitor.

You will of course easily have that problem with any application that is not fully color management aware. (There is a separate thread for wide-gamut applications if you're interested in that, though the thread is a bit cluttered with thread-crap).
Help! I checked again, and the serial number indicated on the top right corner of the calibration sheet that came with my U3011 does not fully match the serial number shown on the back of the monitor. The first few letters match, not the rest.

Could anyone check theirs and tell me if they completely match?? Thank you!

Help! I checked again, and the serial number indicated on the top right corner of the calibration sheet that came with my U3011 does not fully match the serial number shown on the back of the monitor. The first few letters match, not the rest.

Could anyone check theirs and tell me if they completely match?? Thank you!


The prefixes don't match, but the last 12 digits do.
So I would not sweat it.
In the "calibration report" the prefix is CN0DYMWD
whereas the s/n on the back of the monitor's prefix is CN-OPH5NY

Interestingly, if you look at the monitor EDID information you get a match on just the last 7 digits, and the prefix is instead just PH5NY

So there you have it, 3 different representations of the serial #.
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Thanks so much! The last few digits indeed do match. Therefore, "Serial No." on the calibration sheet is actually a report serial number, which includes part of the monitor serial number. I just started to get suspicious after my Custom RGB mode started bugging, the "serial number" didn't match, and I also have a small defect embedded on the bottom left portion of the screen (not a dead pixel, and it's very small so I'm fine with it).
Turns out there was no reason to worry. Just that the QA guys at Dell need to be a little more thorough ;)

Thanks again for your input. BTW, I love the monitor. I had a 7-yr old 23" Sony PVA monitor, it was really time to retire it.

The prefixes don't match, but the last 12 digits do.
So I would not sweat it.
In the "calibration report" the prefix is CN0DYMWD
whereas the s/n on the back of the monitor's prefix is CN-OPH5NY

Interestingly, if you look at the monitor EDID information you get a match on just the last 7 digits, and the prefix is instead just PH5NY

So there you have it, 3 different representations of the serial #.
I just ordered the u3011 from dell(Singapore) yesterday.. it costs a bomb. And my 2 year old HD4870 512MB is going to choke to death..

Read the review on TFT central, it it says that a displayport connection is required to use the full 10-bits of the display?

Eagerly waiting on HD6990s...
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I still do not get why they removed the CF reader on it.. nearly all pro DSLRs use compactflash. :/

THANK YOU!!! I ordered as soon as I saw your post. Although, my confirmation letter says December 15th for delivery. Sheesh, do they have a group of oompa loompas making them per order?

ANyway I haven't owned anything but CRT monitors my whole life, so what kinds of things should I look for that might mean replacing the monitor? *(buzzing noise, 1 dead pixel, 3 dead pixels, weird tinged pixels, what exactly should I be concerned about and what's okay to accept and deal with)?
Orders should ship out pretty fast if you guys get in on the $1124 deal through Dell Small Business. I ordered a U3011 over the phone today and it's already shipped and should be delivered on Monday.
Anyone know about the input lag on this monitor? According to TFTCentral, it's 25ms. How does this compare to the HP ZR30w (which allegedly has low input lag) when it comes to FPS?
Anyone know about the input lag on this monitor? According to TFTCentral, it's 25ms. How does this compare to the HP ZR30w (which allegedly has low input lag) when it comes to FPS?

I will have mine tomorrow and will be throwing every game I own at it to see if I notice any ghosting or input lag. I will let you know asap.
I will have mine tomorrow and will be throwing every game I own at it to see if I notice any ghosting or input lag. I will let you know asap.

Thanks. Much appreciated. :) Mine should be here next week.
Anyone know about the input lag on this monitor? According to TFTCentral, it's 25ms. How does this compare to the HP ZR30w (which allegedly has low input lag) when it comes to FPS?

If I recall correctly the ZR30w has ~10ms input lag, so the U3011 would have 2.5x as much.
If I recall correctly the ZR30w has ~10ms input lag, so the U3011 would have 2.5x as much.

10ms is very low for an IPS panel. Would this yield a noticeable advantage in gaming to the average eye?
What is the "average eye"? Will your mother see the difference nor care about the input lag? No. Will a top competitive FPS player see and notice the difference? Yes. It's up to you to determine your acceptable threshold. Personally I am quite sensitive to input lag and it's always a key number I look at before I purchase a display.

Taken from
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I would have liked the lower input lag of the ZR30w as well, but I chose the u3011 (bought it yesterday... Thanks Ultra_Wide!) because it is impossible to play a game with correct color on the ZR30w. Games will have completely blown-out/oversaturated colors using the full gamut of the monitor because there is no color lookup table functionality in the monitor on the HP. With the ZR30w you can only see correct color on the Windows desktop since pretty much all games clear the GPU LUT on startup.
Can anyone else confirm or deny the Custom RGB settings being lost on sleep problem with the u3011?
THANK YOU!!! I ordered as soon as I saw your post. Although, my confirmation letter says December 15th for delivery. Sheesh, do they have a group of oompa loompas making them per order?

ANyway I haven't owned anything but CRT monitors my whole life, so what kinds of things should I look for that might mean replacing the monitor? *(buzzing noise, 1 dead pixel, 3 dead pixels, weird tinged pixels, what exactly should I be concerned about and what's okay to accept and deal with)?

This dude is gonna cum in his pants when he gets his U3011 lol