Dell U2711

Why did you move from two 27 inch monitors to one 30 inch? That setup, in those photos, looks like the bees knees - really nice.
Thanks, it was a lot of work to get it mounted just the way I wanted.

I wanted the extra workspace for my VMware sessions. This way when I work on a project that is 1200x1024 or 1600x1200 or the like, I can open it and have my tools on screen and still see the entire Job desktop. I just felt like two 30s would be too much. I use the 27 for PDFs and email and WebPages for reference while working on the 30. It really works out well when I want something portrait or landscape I’ve got the best of both. The dpi on the 30 is closer to the 2707s and I sometimes think two 30s would have been better but this way the total weight came out to almost exactly the same as the two 2707s (within like two ounces) and I was worried that two 30s would be too heavy. I still would have been under the listed max for the Ergotron HD arm but you never know.
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Yes, really. Like so really I can’t help but lie about it! No but really, what is that you are expecting? Long gone are the days of getting a larger field of view. Like when everyone was playing some RTS at 1024x768 and you had a fancy 1600x1200 display, a fast enough PC to run it and would see more of the playing field at once.

I have to agree, going from a 1080p monitor to 2560x1600 won't be a massive upgrade. As you say, it's nowhere near 800x600 to 1600x1200 massive. On paper it is, but in real-world gaming, it hits the point of diminishing returns. I primarily bought a 30" for work purposes, gaming is secondary. I will say though, certain genres like RTS are more enjoyable on the 30", especially StarCraft II. But $1000 more enjoyable? Well, if you have the cash to spend, why not.

Would I recommending buying one JUST for gaming? Yes, if you have the budget to spare. Although in recent times 2560x1600 has gotten much more budget friendly, in the past SLI and Crossfire were a necessity at this res. Not the case anymore obviously. As far as pushing hardware goes, PC gaming is a standstill right now, apart of a couple titles like Metro and Crysis.

Also, with the emergence of Eyefinity setups it becomes harder to justify a single 30" solely for gaming purposes. 3x24" will increase the immersion factor, although personally the bezels bug the heck out of me. Many people have no problem with them though. Of course the ultimate is 3x30" :p
But wouldn't moving from a pretty horrible 24 inch TN based monitor at 1920x1080, to the U2711, be a fairly big deal?

People here, and at the Dell website, are saying that once you've seen this monitor, you would never go back to a TN panel. My present monitor is nothing to write home about. It's this, here.;get-selector

Wouldn't the better colors, the slightly larger size, and the bump up in resolution make for a much more immersive gaming experience?
But wouldn't moving from a pretty horrible 24 inch TN based monitor at 1920x1080, to the U2711, be a fairly big deal?

People here, and at the Dell website, are saying that once you've seen this monitor, you would never go back to a TN panel. My present monitor is nothing to write home about. It's this, here.;get-selector

Wouldn't the better colors, the slightly larger size, and the bump up in resolution make for a much more immersive gaming experience?

Marginally, but it would NOT be worth it IMO unless you have the super vision to use it at native resolution for your desktop. The poster we were discussing this with, indicated that he would run non-native for desktop, native only for games.

I can sometimes tolerate a non native blur in games, but form my desktop, no thanks and I would recommend people avoid that.

I personally won't get this monitor because the pitch is simply too small for me, for desktop use.

I would love this monitor if it was about 31"-32" to give a pixel pitch similar to my 16:10 24" screen.
Thanks, it was a lot of work to get it mounted just the way I wanted.

The dpi on the 30 is closer to the 2707s and I sometimes think two 30s would have been better but this way the total weight came out to almost exactly the same as the two 2707s (within like two ounces) and I was worried that two 30s would be too heavy. I still would have been under the listed max for the Ergotron HD arm but you never know.

Hey Tanquen,
You say you are using Ergotron HD Arm to support those 30"+27"
are using one arm to hold both monitors ? What's total weight of both displays , and what's the maximum for the arm ?
I am asking because I am planning of buying a 30" to add to my 24" and was wondering how to support them. Right now the 24" is on a LX Arm by Ergotron
I was beginning to feel quite comfortable about getting one of these but all the opposition I think is convincing me not to. If you guys don't think it's particularly awesome for gaming purposes then there really isn't any point in getting this for me since I know I can't run it at full resolution for work purposes.

I've also noticed that the response and input lag times don't seem to be as favorable on this monitor as it would be on some lower res monitors whichr further makes me less excited about it. Money isn't an issue and I'd be happy to spend the money if it was worth it, but it's not sounding like it is now.

I suppose it's off-topic now but are there any good 1920x1200 monitors near the size of the this that are particularly good for gaming? Most of the other 27" monitors are 1920x1080 and I definitely want the extra pixels. There don't seem to be many even in 26" that have particularly glowing reviews. Perhaps dropping to a 24" isn't that big a deal?
I was beginning to feel quite comfortable about getting one of these but all the opposition I think is convincing me not to. If you guys don't think it's particularly awesome for gaming purposes then there really isn't any point in getting this for me since I know I can't run it at full resolution for work purposes.

I've also noticed that the response and input lag times don't seem to be as favorable on this monitor as it would be on some lower res monitors whichr further makes me less excited about it. Money isn't an issue and I'd be happy to spend the money if it was worth it, but it's not sounding like it is now.

I suppose it's off-topic now but are there any good 1920x1200 monitors near the size of the this that are particularly good for gaming? Most of the other 27" monitors are 1920x1080 and I definitely want the extra pixels. There don't seem to be many even in 26" that have particularly glowing reviews. Perhaps dropping to a 24" isn't that big a deal?

Don't worry yourself about what people say about stuff. The majority of people who left comments don't even own the monitor.
I've had various monitors and my playing style hasn't changed. Nothing noticeably that would alter gameplay or have an negative impact on your experience.
There's isn't a person I know locally or online that returned the monitor because of input lag.
The few people that have high OCD tend to spam the forums the most.

I've own Dell's 3007-HC, U2211H, U2410 and U2711. The U2711 is the best of the four. The only monitor I would consider buying over this one is the U3011.
Gaming, movies(without black bars), connectivity and the extra pixels for desktop space makes a big difference if you're into word processing or multimedia.
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I was beginning to feel quite comfortable about getting one of these but all the opposition I think is convincing me not to. If you guys don't think it's particularly awesome for gaming purposes then there really isn't any point in getting this for me since I know I can't run it at full resolution for work purposes.

I've also noticed that the response and input lag times don't seem to be as favorable on this monitor as it would be on some lower res monitors whichr further makes me less excited about it. Money isn't an issue and I'd be happy to spend the money if it was worth it, but it's not sounding like it is now.

I suppose it's off-topic now but are there any good 1920x1200 monitors near the size of the this that are particularly good for gaming? Most of the other 27" monitors are 1920x1080 and I definitely want the extra pixels. There don't seem to be many even in 26" that have particularly glowing reviews. Perhaps dropping to a 24" isn't that big a deal?

It’s getting harder to find 16:10 displays. If you like to watch HD TV and moves then a 16:9 display is not that bad. The U2711 is also 16:9 and my old 2707s were 16:10 but I watch all my TV and moves over HDMI to the 60” Kuro and that looks way better that any of the LCD displays that I’ve ever had.

I’m just giving my suggestion for some one that just want to watch movies and play games. I’d go for a 27” for sure but I’d not worry if it was greater than (for games and movies) 1920x1080 or not. You need to do you is best for you.

And don’t listen to that last guy. He has OCD and don’t even own a computer, he’s at the library right now. :)
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Hey Tanquen,
You say you are using Ergotron HD Arm to support those 30"+27"
are using one arm to hold both monitors ? What's total weight of both displays , and what's the maximum for the arm ?
I am asking because I am planning of buying a 30" to add to my 24" and was wondering how to support them. Right now the 24" is on a LX Arm by Ergotron

You can see the pictures a few posts back (#1243) and yes they are both on the one Ergotron HD arm. I don’t think they make that arm anymore though. They even had a kit to have three displays on it at once. I wish I had gotten that, sometimes.

U3011 is 20.4lbs at PP of 0.2505
U2711 is 17.02lbs at a PP of 0.233
2707 is 18.7lbs at a PP of 0.310

I liked the dot pitch on the 2707s much better but I like that extra desktop space a little more.

So the two 2707s were 37.4lbs and the U3011 and U2711 are 37.42lbs by their spec sheets anyway. It can get complicated though as the depth of the display can increase the downward force on the arm. The HD specs list a rage of weight it can support and I think with the shallowest displays it maxed out at 45lbs or something. So I felt that two U3011s at 40.8lbs would be too close. It should work but…
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But wouldn't moving from a pretty horrible 24 inch TN based monitor at 1920x1080, to the U2711, be a fairly big deal?

People here, and at the Dell website, are saying that once you've seen this monitor, you would never go back to a TN panel. My present monitor is nothing to write home about. It's this, here.;get-selector

Wouldn't the better colors, the slightly larger size, and the bump up in resolution make for a much more immersive gaming experience?

Of course, once you get something better, it's hard to go back to anything less. I'd never go back to a TN panel either. The jump from a TN to IPS is definitely worth it. But say, for example, going from a high quality 24" IPS to a 27" or 30" is a little harder to justify just for gaming, though I'd still say go for it IF you have the cash.

As far as input lag goes I've never noticed perceptible ghosting effects on my 3008WFP, which according to reviews, is one of the worst offenders. I also play plenty of twitch heavy FPS games. I think any opinions on input lag are moot unless you see the monitor in action. Everyone's eyes are different.
The HD specs list a rage of weight it can support and I think with the shallowest displays it maxed out at 45lbs or something.

Thanks for the info,
it sure sounds like the HD arm they are selling now is different, because it's rated way below 45lbs.
my lx arm is around 20lbs if I remember correctly so yours is like double.

thanks again
I was beginning to feel quite comfortable about getting one of these but all the opposition I think is convincing me not to. If you guys don't think it's particularly awesome for gaming purposes then there really isn't any point in getting this for me since I know I can't run it at full resolution for work purposes.

get a 24" + Ergotron LX arm, then you can move the display as close to you as you want when you game and a bit further back when you work.
That's what I do and it works like charm ! :D
It will save you money from the 27" or 30" display and the video card needed to support that HiRes gaming.

here's a little calculation I did for you

If you have a 30" display @ 75 cm from your eyes ( I would say this is avarege although I keep mine at around 50cm)
is equal as a 24" display @ 60 cm
or equal as a 20" display @ 50 cm

there's another little bit different calculation
if you have 24" display @ 35 cm ( that's around how close I get mine as I game)
it's equal to 52" display @ 75 cm :cool: not bad

by equal I mean ONLY the angle that it covers in your field of view

I personally have Dell 2407, but the model they sell now is 2410 and has very strong AG coating compared to mine so I can not recommend you the 2410 model just for this reason. But maybe the AG won't bother you as much as me, you have to give it a try maybe.
One of my friends told me that the U2711 is not fixed to 60Hz. (My current U2410 is unfortunately locked to 60Hz internally.)
It would open a way to set either 48 or even 72Hz and watch Blu-Ray videos without judder (and 72Hz would be also good for PC games) as this is possible with the U2311H and some other fresh e/H-IPS dislays. (Too bad that I bought this U2410 just before this capability of other displays were revealed...)

Can anybody confirm this?
Could somebody please test if it works at 72 or 48Hz with DP connection and native resolution?
What does dynamic contrast in the menu do - mine is grayed out. Why?

Dynamic contrast off is better. I know that for some people it can be annoying.
Don't know what it does exactly but it could make the screen look much brighter than it should or create a back light bleed effect.
I wonder why mine is grayed out?

Also, has anybody here played Mirror's Edge? A weird thing is happening. The text, at 2560x1440 is really really fuzzy, as though the image is being scaled. Has anybody seen this before?
I wonder why mine is grayed out?

Also, has anybody here played Mirror's Edge? A weird thing is happening. The text, at 2560x1440 is really really fuzzy, as though the image is being scaled. Has anybody seen this before?
I wonder why mine is grayed out?

Also, has anybody here played Mirror's Edge? A weird thing is happening. The text, at 2560x1440 is really really fuzzy, as though the image is being scaled. Has anybody seen this before?

Yes, I have just recently played Mirror's Edge (really awesome game btw) on my U2711 and the texts are indeed really fuzzy. I don't recall this being the case on my 3007WFP at 2560x1600 but I can't be sure, it was a couple of years ago. I don't think it ruins the game though, it's not really a big deal. Menus and subtitles (if turned on at all) are still completely readable.

As for 2410, I have a question for those who use this screen with (mini) DisplayPort to DisplayPort connection.
Once plugged and audio sent through DisplayPort, is it possible to adjust volume settings on the source (a Mac for instance) ?

I know that if you connect a screen using DisplayPort to HDMI connection, volume control will be unavailable from the source.

Thank you for your help !

Just got my U2711 last week and I'm loving it!
I got it at a steal too: $544 (used, off eBay :D).

It's a March 2010 Rev A00. Checked the Service menu too, it's got 720 + hours on the timer (not sure how the timer works, and if that's a good value or not, perhaps someone can enlighten me?)
Pretty good value I must say. I was actually going to buy a U2410 for around ~$300, but this offer came up and I couldn't resist :p.

Are there key differences between the Revisions like with the U2410? Just curious, as I'm not quite as familiar with the U2711 as I am on the U2410 (I heavily researched before *attempting* to buy one).

The only downer is the lack of PiP I guess, but I don't think that was a feature that I was going to use often anyway, considering how limited it was in the first place (on the U2410).

Also, despite being a gamer, I haven't really been bothered by any input lag, really. I'm sure it's subtly there, but I'm not a professional who needs 0ms in tourney conditions, so I'm cool with it. Watching movies on it is a real treat too ;).

I just received my 2711 as well.... and can confirm that it does have Picture in Picture. They actually call it PbP (Picture by Picture) and it is accessible through the OSD menu. If you need more help, let me know.

I can't believe I almost let the negative comments talk me out of this monitor. It is absolutely gorgeous.

Do have a question, though. How can I get audio from the PC to the monitor using displayport? I can't figure out how to set that up.

I just received my 2711 as well.... and can confirm that it does have Picture in Picture. They actually call it PbP (Picture by Picture) and it is accessible through the OSD menu. If you need more help, let me know.

I can't believe I almost let the negative comments talk me out of this monitor. It is absolutely gorgeous.

Do have a question, though. How can I get audio from the PC to the monitor using displayport? I can't figure out how to set that up.

I just tried it with some headphones and it worked. I just had to set the AMD DP Output device set as default.

Look at this thread:
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Thank you Tanquen.

Seems like it's something with the Nvidia drivers then. I'll keep messing around with updating drivers, etc. to see if I can figure it out. Thanks alot!
Here is a screen shot of my available audio options. I don't see Nvidia DP Output or anything similar. I'm really lost on what to do.

I've uninstalled all Nvidia drivers and downloaded the newest ones from their website and installed those.

Don't know much about Nvidia, found this though:

Using HDMI/DisplayPort Audio with Displays that have a
High Native Resolution

To use HDMI/DisplayPort audio with some displays that have a native resolution higher than
1920x1080, you must set the display to a lower HD resolution.
Some HDMI TVʹs have a native resolution that exceeds the maximum supported HD
mode. For example, TVs with a native resolution of 1920x1200 exceed the maximum
supported HD mode of 1920x1080.
Applying this native mode results in display overscan which cannot be resized using the
NVIDIA Control Panel since the mode is not an HD mode.
To avoid this situation and provide a better user experience, the driver treats certain
TVs– such as the Viewsonic VX2835wm and the Westinghouse LVM‐ 37w3–as a DVI
monitor when applying the native mode. Because the driver does not treat the TV as an
HDMI in this case, the HDMI audio is not used.

Using HDMI/DisplayPort Displays that do not Support Audio
Some HDMI/DisplayPort displays do not support audio, or have issues with current NVIDIA
graphics cards.
In the "Sound Properties" based on what you have shown me, Tanquen.... I assume there should be an option for something like Nvidia DP Audio" like there is with ATI..... but, for whatever reason I don't get that. Im puzzled.

I went through tech support on Nvidia and it was a painful process. They weren't much help.

I just received my 2711 as well.... and can confirm that it does have Picture in Picture. They actually call it PbP (Picture by Picture) and it is accessible through the OSD menu. If you need more help, let me know.

I can't believe I almost let the negative comments talk me out of this monitor. It is absolutely gorgeous.

Do have a question, though. How can I get audio from the PC to the monitor using displayport? I can't figure out how to set that up.

I already know that the U2711 has PbP. I was referring specifically to PiP (which it does not have).

I bought AX510 speakers separately for them and it's very convenient having audio when switching between DisplayPort + HDMI (PC + PS3 in my case).

I too have speakers hooked up directly to the monitor. They work fantastic for the PS3 over HDMI input.

For some reason, I am unable to get any audio through the displayport connection to my PC. It's driving me crazy. It seems like it should be rather simple.
That's's working intuitively on my setup.
I have some screen flickering/sound loss every once in a while, but that just might be a loose connection or faulty cable that I'm using.
Good luck fixing your setup, though.

It's a beautiful monitor, isn't it?

There is a lot of negative posts from people. They don't do the display the justice that it deserves. The colors are absolutely unlike any display I have seen. Maybe I am not as picky as some others, but I still am bowled over by it. Plus it only cost me $600 on craigslist, that might help :)
Someone pick this up ASAP. If I had the funds, I would in a jiffy!!!

of course YMMV though, depending if legit etc etc. If it is, awesome deal

edit: I guess that guy wasn't legit, either that or he was annoyed by people calling him since he was smart enough to post his phone number :rolleyes:
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Hello all, since this is an epic u2711 thread I thought i'd post here first and try to get some help.

I just got my u2711 maybe a week ago. Everything looked really good out of the box. A few days ago, I changed my background to a mostly white background, and I noticed most of my panel displays a weird yellowish white.

Example: If I have 2 MSN windows side by side (white), they look different. I made sure it's not the angle I view them from, by moving my head side to side. Some videos on youtube show the monitor having a tint on exactly half the monitor, but on mine it seems like it's a blotch with no distinct shape.

I only notice this problem when the monitor is displaying white. When I watch videos/play ps3, I cannot see a difference.

I also tried changing the brightness from 20-80, and played with the presets. No change.

Has this problem ever been reported?
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Hello all, since this is an epic u2711 thread I thought i'd post here first and try to get some help.

I just got my u2711 maybe a week ago. Everything looked really good out of the box. A few days ago, I changed my background to a mostly white background, and I noticed most of my panel displays a weird yellowish white.

Example: If I have 2 MSN windows side by side (white), they look different. I made sure it's not the angle I view them from, by moving my head side to side. Some videos on youtube show the monitor having a tint on exactly half the monitor, but on mine it seems like it's a blotch with no distinct shape.

I only notice this problem when the monitor is displaying white. When I watch videos/play ps3, I cannot see a difference.

I also tried changing the brightness from 20-80, and played with the presets. No change.

Has this problem ever been reported?

I have the same issue, with a blotchy-ness on a portion of the monitor. I've had it for some time but generally I'm not bugged enough by it to send in for a replacement. Once I get back into photography though, I'm definitely getting it RMA'd.
I have the same issue, with a blotchy-ness on a portion of the monitor. I've had it for some time but generally I'm not bugged enough by it to send in for a replacement. Once I get back into photography though, I'm definitely getting it RMA'd.

Do you know have any idea about the nature of this problem? I feel the same way.. it's not very distracting but I feel like RMA'ing it just because I paid so much for the monitor. What should I tell the rep? Blotchyness? :rolleyes:
I'm going to guess simple panel variation. Doesn't seem to be a completely widespread problem though even if it was, complaints about it would probably be drowned out by the vocal minority that despise the antiglare coating ;) Yeah, I would probably simply tell the rep that one portion of the panel has a yellow color bias. Dell reps aren't too terribly picky from my experience, as long as it's a valid concern (at least when dealing with Ultrasharp panels, I haven't had any experience with their normal line)
Just don't complain about it using the term "tinted" because I believe they may refuse to replace a monitor for tinting issues.

Tell them what you said to us, there is a splotchy yellow area on the screen that is awful distracting.