Dell U2711

Im using my U2711 with my macbook pro 13" which have the 9400M and i don't have any problems, and its a crappy GPU. I suppose i don't need to say anything more. :)

but it does support the native resolution of the monitor? because not only is the max for my gpu 1920x1080, but its now giving me problems and only showing up as 1680x1050 as the max. i dont understand whats wrong...
Yes it supports 2560x1440 but only connected with mini display port to display port, HDMI does not support this resolution. In which way you have connected the monitor;
right now i am dual monitoring a U2711 with a Duallink DVI and a 2007WFP with a DVI, both to the same crappy GPU i posted earlier. at first i could go up to 1920x1080, but now after messing around with it too much, it maxes out at 1680x1050.
and i just tested to see if it was the second monitor that was holding the resolution back, and after disabling the 2007WFP, the U2711 still will only get a max of 1680
so if the monitor will allow 1920, and the input methods will both allow 1920, then it must either be the GPU or the drivers for it, correct?

and the GPU first allowed me to do 1920, but after messing around with the drivers, its reverted to 1680, and 1920 was gone. so its not the hardware, it must be the software (driver)
Shayes, of course that video card should support 2560x1440.

There must be something weird going on with your graphics/monitor drivers. Try uninstalling and cleaning all ATI drivers, then reinstalling the latest version.
so if the monitor will allow 1920, and the input methods will both allow 1920, then it must either be the GPU or the drivers for it, correct?

and the GPU first allowed me to do 1920, but after messing around with the drivers, its reverted to 1680, and 1920 was gone. so its not the hardware, it must be the software (driver)

You aren't using your favorite DVI cable instead of the one that came with the monitor? Did by some fluke did you not get a Dual link cable?

Single Link:


Dual Link:

My two bits on the U2711:
I bought this monitor and received it a little over a week ago. I know little to nothing about color ranges and gamuts and the like. I haven't changed any of the monitor's settings, since it came with a sheet that had a lot of complicated technical specs explaining how it had already been configured. I am upgrading from a 24 inch TN panel monitor (Samsung 2443bw).

On plain white, like the Google homepage, it looks like it has a slight texture to it. That's the best way I can describe it - it's still white, but if I look at it I can see a texture. Having said that, it doesn't bother me. I can't notice it at all when playing games, and I don't actually 'see' it when I'm using the monitor normally.

For example, I was looking at a website that had black text with a white background and everything looked normal. When I stopped and thought about it, then looked back at the site, I could suddenly see it. I guess I just tuned it out when I wasn't thinking about it.

So basically, in my experience:
- I can see the AG coating. Every time I turn on my computer and pop open a web browser that goes to Google's all white homepage, I do notice the texture.
- I don't see the AG coating in regular usage, even on screens that should emphasize its effect. Out of mind, out of sight.

Aside of that, I do really like the monitor. The color shifts that I'm used to from TN panels are non existent. The larger size and higher resolution is very nice. No buyer's remorse so far - I'm still happy with it.
Does anyone know the difference between firmware revisions????

A00 - What are the issues???
A01 - What was changed?
A03 - What was changed?
ok so i now have both monitors hooked up to a dual link dvi-d cable to my HD4870 and they are both working at the max resolution, but now the 2007WFP monitor has a strong green tint to it. i went into the monitor settings and defaulted to the factory settings but it doesnt change much. i looked for drivers on dell support, but i guess these older monitors dont have or need drivers.

edit: there is a driver that is slightly newer, but i doubt it will change much. brb gonna try to switch the cables also
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so i swtiched cables and this is what happened:

cable 1 was originally hooked up to u2711 and working fine at 2560
cable 2 hooked up to 2007wfp and working at 1680 but with green tint

switched cables

cable 1 working with 2007wfp and no tint
cable 2 working with u2711 and no tint, but now it wont let me have a resolution higher than 1920

any ideas?'

edit: they are both dual link dvi-d. cable 1 came with u2711. cable 2 from monoprice
edit: cable 1 is 24awg, cable 2 is 28awg
so i checked my garage, and i found a VGA cable with a dual link DVI adapter, and i hooked it up to the 2007wfp, while using cable 1 with u2711, and nothing has changed. im assuming because i am not connecting the VGA to the 2007wfp via dual link, but rather through VGA.

looks like ill be contacting monoprice unless someone has an idea
update: after playing around with it, i got it to work, but the 2007wfp is still a little imperfect on the color contrast and brightness. ill mess around more tonight, but this works.

basically, i shut down, disconnected cable 2 from GPU, while connected to 2007wfp. connected cable 1 to GPU and u2711 (because that was the only set up that gave me 2560 res.) then i boot up, connected cable 2 to GPU, and the u2711 instantly changed back to 1920, but i went into screen resolution, and i was actually able to manually change it to 2560 (for the first time ever). so now i got both at max res, and no major color problems. im afraid to touch anything now though.

this is definitely just the beginning...
Just received my U2711, loving it so far! No dead pixels.. AG coating is fine by me, also there is no white glow as long as you sit a normal distance about 3 ft away.
Promote/comment on this! Even if you disagree with me on some parts (which I would understand, I didn't spend much time gathering facts, proofreading), it would help getting the stuff you agree with implemented (especially a less aggressive ag coating)!

Hopefully Dell eventually makes some of these changes. The input lag is really the only thing holding me back from buying the U2711, but the other things I talked about would be nice improvements too IMO.
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Could anyone who owns the u2711 tell me what fps gaming is like?

I currently have an old viewsonic 22" and Im not used to very low input lag, amazing refresh rates, brilliant picture quality. I am a casual gamer and want to know if all the hype over input lags etc will bother me.
The way I see it is anything would be an upgrade from what i have now (vx2233wm) in terms of picture quality and the added size would trump the suggested greater input lag. I may be wrong, though I read occasionally that people find gaming on the 2711 fine.
I am not concern with little details over image quality like color accuracy etc, just want to enjoy an large screen with good image quality and run games well (not amazing like 120hz 24").

Would anyone like to share their fps gaming experiences with their 2711? Greatly appreciated.
There is absolutely no input lag that I notice with my U2711 and I've been gaming in twitch shooters since the beginning of time. Now, if you put a CRT next to it I might notice slight input lag. I came from a Samsung 226BW which has nearly 0 input lag and didn't notice a thing. You should be fine and people who consider the U2711 as having severe input lag are either EXTREMELY sensitive to very low input lag ~30ms, if you can constantly do those reaction tests and score lower than 30ms, then this monitor is not for you. I for one do not notice it and I used to competitively play FPS/RTS etc.

I don't notice any input lag in CS/UT etc or even MW.

My question to you "gamers" out there, do you notice 30ms of lag ALL the time? If you wern't placing a CRT beside it to play a game would you notice it? I for one have not noticed it and I'd say I'm VERY sensitive to input lag.

Hell, my reaction tests were fast but I wouldn't consistently hit lower than 30ms.
There is absolutely no input lag that I notice with my U2711 and I've been gaming in twitch shooters since the beginning of time. Now, if you put a CRT next to it I might notice slight input lag. I came from a Samsung 226BW which has nearly 0 input lag and didn't notice a thing. You should be fine and people who consider the U2711 as having severe input lag are either EXTREMELY sensitive to very low input lag ~30ms, if you can constantly do those reaction tests and score lower than 30ms, then this monitor is not for you. I for one do not notice it and I used to competitively play FPS/RTS etc.

I don't notice any input lag in CS/UT etc or even MW.

My question to you "gamers" out there, do you notice 30ms of lag ALL the time? If you wern't placing a CRT beside it to play a game would you notice it? I for one have not noticed it and I'd say I'm VERY sensitive to input lag.

Hell, my reaction tests were fast but I wouldn't consistently hit lower than 30ms.

I agree. A lot of people get paralysis by analysis and miss out on good products. I've played numerous FPS games and have been among the top and bottom of the results after a match. I'm sure some of those people have lower input lag than me but it comes down to skill level in the end. Games today are much slower paced than the CSS and Quake days. I can't blame my monitor for getting owned in games nor should anyone else. If input lag is beyond 40ms, then it's casue for concern.
There is absolutely no input lag that I notice with my U2711 and I've been gaming in twitch shooters since the beginning of time. Now, if you put a CRT next to it I might notice slight input lag. I came from a Samsung 226BW which has nearly 0 input lag and didn't notice a thing. You should be fine and people who consider the U2711 as having severe input lag are either EXTREMELY sensitive to very low input lag ~30ms, if you can constantly do those reaction tests and score lower than 30ms, then this monitor is not for you. I for one do not notice it and I used to competitively play FPS/RTS etc.

I don't notice any input lag in CS/UT etc or even MW.

My question to you "gamers" out there, do you notice 30ms of lag ALL the time? If you wern't placing a CRT beside it to play a game would you notice it? I for one have not noticed it and I'd say I'm VERY sensitive to input lag.

Hell, my reaction tests were fast but I wouldn't consistently hit lower than 30ms.

I agree. A lot of people get paralysis by analysis and miss out on good products. I've played numerous FPS games and have been among the top and bottom of the results after a match. I'm sure some of those people have lower input lag than me but it comes down to skill level in the end. Games today are much slower paced than the CSS and Quake days. I can't blame my monitor for getting owned in games nor should anyone else. If input lag is beyond 40ms, then it's cause for concern.

Thank you very much guys. Looks like you put the last nail in the coffin for me. Ill be buying the 2711 hopefully tomorrow then. Can't wait! Just in time for Black Ops =]
can't notice any input lag, only the traditional tft image blurring during fast images movement, also its impossible to have less than 30 ms of reaction time..

in that the best I got was 195ms~ of reaction time and average of 230.. tried the test on my 2ms samsung tn model and the results were similar ..

Yeah I was just trying to make a point ;). That's why I believe its a non-issue. I was glad I bought the monitor after doing some research I was afraid of the so called input lag issue but I took a leap of faith and I notice ZERO input lag.
I just tried your link Kaori and under 200 looks impossible. Guess it's a no brainer then.

I was dialed in that round, but most of my results were around 230-240.
This gives us an idea of how quick 30ms really is. Cameras and video have to be used in order to catch the delay but it's unnoticeable to the human eye.
That's why I say don't get hung up on little things, input lag and AG coating is not a good way to evaulate a monitor. If don't you like it, move on, there's no need to cry about it.
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I was dialed in that round, but most of my results were around 230-240.
This gives us an idea of how quick 30ms really is. Cameras and video have to be used in order to catch the delay but it's unnoticeable to the human eye.
That's why I say don't get hung up on little things, input lag and AG coating is not a good way to evaulate a monitor. If don't like it, move on, there's no need to cry about it.

Well said. Thanks for your help.

I was dialed in that round, but most of my results were around 230-240.
This gives us an idea of how quick 30ms really is. Cameras and video have to be used in order to catch the delay but it's unnoticeable to the human eye.
That's why I say don't get hung up on little things, input lag and AG coating is not a good way to evaulate a monitor. If don't you like it, move on, there's no need to cry about it.

Not sure why you are being so rude about it :( .. I'm not "crying" about it, I just feel that a less aggressive ag coating and less input lag would make the monitor even better than it already is. You're absolutely right about 30ms being quick--245ms was as fast as I got on that test. But that test also takes into account the time it takes to send the signal to your finger which has to move down to click, which takes only a minuscule amount of time, right? See where I'm going with this?

I notice the (software) input lag difference between Windows 7 and OS X SL when I switch between my MBP and my PC (which has also had SL on it so it's not just my laptop, AND I've disabled mouse acceleration on both). But you probably wouldn't notice the difference, so you don't understand what I'm talking about. You should watch this and this video too. That monitor (2408WFP??) definitely has less than 230ms of input lag, but I'll bet you at least notice the difference in slow motion. Before you respond and say "it can only be seen it in slow motion", I want to preemptively correct you: only You can see it in slow motion. I can see the lag throughout the video and it is enough to bother me. I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm whining or whatever, but given the choice, I would prefer a monitor with less input lag and a less aggressive ag coating. I don't want to sacrifice an IPS panel to get that (that's why i have an EA231WMi right now), but I'm just disappointed that the U2711, while nearly perfect, has a few small flaws for me. I'm still going to give the U2711 a chance and test it, and if I don't like it I can just return it.

It can't hurt to ask Dell to improve their monitors, at least in the ways I've suggested, can it?

P.S. I just want to put two quotes from you next to each other:

If input lag is beyond 40ms, then it's casue for concern.

but most of my results were around 230-240.
This gives us an idea of how quick 30ms really is. Cameras and video have to be used in order to catch the delay but it's unnoticeable to the human eye.

If input lag is beyond 40ms, which is unnoticable to the human eye, then why is it cause for concern? :D
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My average was about 225 on my old NEC 19" CRT and 261 on my Dell 20" 2005WFP, a difference of 36ms. So I figure you could say that the IPS based panel delayed my response about 16%. Important? Probably not, but then I'm not an eSport champ FPS guy. I imagine if you were such a person, 16% would be a big number, but there's probably very few of you out there...

PS Kaori thanks for that awesome link!
If input lag is beyond 40ms, which is unnoticable to the human eye, then why is it cause for concern? :D

Beyond 40ms the image starts to lag behind more than 4 frames. 50ms+ actually starts to interfere with some peoples reaction time. If you see the complaints of input lag, it's on the 2407/2408 monitors. I don't see the same complaints about the U2211/2311/2410/2711/3011 monitors. The new Dell monitors average around 33ms, which is a huge improvement over their 2407/2408 series. And yes people are still crying, page after page after page about the same thing. Turning people off a good product because something bothers them. Color reproduction, black levels, natural greys, brightness etc. is more important than making personal issues a general flaw about a product.
I'm definitely not saying the U2711 isn't good-- in my opinion it's the best 27" out there for the price. But all I said in my original post is that I thought it would be nice for Dell to make some changes to their future models.

Turning people off a good product because something bothers them.

Even if some people don't think that lower input lag/changing the ag coating will be beneficial to them (especially if it increases the retail price of the monitor), it would probably be in Dell's best interest to gain all of the potential customers turned off of the current U2711. And besides, it would make a lot of people happy.

I can understand that some people wouldn't be willing to pay something like an extra $200 for basically the same monitor but with less input lag. I, and probably plenty others, would be.

Beyond 40ms the image starts to lag behind more than 4 frames. 50ms+ actually starts to interfere with some peoples reaction time.

Well, 50ms lag adds 50ms to a reaction time test result. 30ms lag adds 30ms to the reaction time test result. I think we just have a different opinion on what's noticeable, and I would say around 30ms is when I can start to notice lag. It may not be much, but I'd rather avoid it. BF:BC2 has a little bit of input lag, and if I've been playing it for a while the first few rounds in CS:S are refreshing. Same with coming back to Windows after using my Mac for a while.
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Ok I'm back with an all new sexy 2711 out of the box raping the shit out of my two 22"s (in the good way;)

Ill have to give a more detailed review but to help everyone out that may be in the position I was in before (i.e. questioning whether input lag and refresh rate would be an issue) let me say this.


And for anyone looking for wallpapers...

Excellent range and great quality (if you know anywhere else please share)
Got this monitor a few days ago and while I love the upgrade from a TN panel, I'm a bit boggled by its black levels. It looks very good if the room is bright, but when it's completely dark I get something similar to the first picture seen in The scenario applies when watching movies or just showing a black background filling up the screen.

Just wondering if this is normal behaviour for this monitor (or IPS in general)?
Got this monitor a few days ago and while I love the upgrade from a TN panel, I'm a bit boggled by its black levels. It looks very good if the room is bright, but when it's completely dark I get something similar to the first picture seen in The scenario applies when watching movies or just showing a black background filling up the screen.

Just wondering if this is normal behaviour for this monitor (or IPS in general)?

That thread you posted said "Turn off dynamic contrast." You can try that and see if it works.
I have something that only outputs 720p. Will the monitor scale this to fit the entire screen? and if so how well does it do this?

Very helpful thread!

I'm considering a U2711 (when the price is right), and I'll be using it mainly for programming (visual studio), photography (photoshop), and office stuff.

How is text on the U2711?

Of note, the U2711 is on sale at (canadian) for $799, a savings of $450.... great deal!