Day-One DLC Files Appear on Mass Effect 3 Discs

Mass Effect 1 and 2 were/are amazing and I cannot wait to buy ME3 for full retail on thursday when I get paid. DLC pretty much never shows up on my "radar". I have only purchased it a handful of times (including expansion packs on older games) but after reading this thread and knowing the DLC provides prothean back-story I will probably buy that shit too. I could give a fuck about the character unlocking or whatever. I'll consider that a bonus.

I think all said and done I will get over 500 hours between these 3 games and multiple play-throughs of each (especially far)

Even if I paid full price for the whole trilogy( I didnt), thats money well fucking spent if you ask me.
putting it mildly.
Uh, I'm a completionist and I play games on harder difficulty and I've never spent anywhere near 60 hours on either of the ME games. The 3rd is supposed to be shorter, as well. My friend beat it in 21 hours.
I did damn near every quest (had three left in my quest log that I couldn't turn in when I finished) and scouted almost all the systems. I finished the game with 31hrs, though I didn't do any MP at all.
Thanks. My mistake. They did state that all of the content was developed after the core game, though - clearly at least the character was not.

any part of the DLC on the disk says a lot. BioWare still has zero credibility.
Uh, I'm a completionist and I play games on harder difficulty and I've never spent anywhere near 60 hours on either of the ME games. The 3rd is supposed to be shorter, as well. My friend beat it in 21 hours.

oh wow, can I have your autograph? :rolleyes:
I did damn near every quest (had three left in my quest log that I couldn't turn in when I finished) and scouted almost all the systems. I finished the game with 31hrs, though I didn't do any MP at all.
Scouting system has always been a "do this repetitive task that doesn't add anything so we can extend your playtime" feature in all of the Mass Effects. The real question is whether it was a great, good, or OK experience overall playing the game.
hmm, i have been upgrading stuff for my crew/ship with all the scouting resources. I thought that was the point of it....
oh wow, can I have your autograph? :rolleyes:
Yes, paypal $5, I can even write on your Steam Profile wall for a little extra.

But seriously that wasn't an epeen post - just saying these aren't really long games, unless you do multiple playthroughs. I don't think I missed any upgrades or sidequests in ME2 and it was <40 hours.
Scouting system has always been a "do this repetitive task that doesn't add anything so we can extend your playtime" feature in all of the Mass Effects. The real question is whether it was a great, good, or OK experience overall playing the game.

At least this time around they made the scouting mostly painless. It was a good experience overall playing the game, as long as you basically ignore the ending.
I find content DLC especially Day 1 to be threatening. If a creator says "look I have more skins for your guns or characters" I feel comfortable in that I can make an informed buying decision. Killing Floor's DLC is an excellent example of something I can see, I know what I'm getting and I don't feel like my game is getting held hostage if I decide not to buy. This sort of vague character and storyline line presented as available on Day 1(this is before theres even reviews) just makes me feel like I'm gambling. Like my enjoyment of the game could possibly be on the line. I don't know and they might to try console me and say "you don't have to buy it to enjoy the game" but like a series of periods on the tail of a sentence they'll still let that doubt linger.

You can defend it by saying "oh you can go look on youtube", but I can't because that would ruin it for me and there's no reviews, it's Day 1.

You can compare this to DHR: Missing Link. DHRML is a DLC expansion to the original. If you bought the game on Day 1 you've beaten it by now or you haven't and can comfortably make a decision on DHRML. Did I like DHR? Do I want more? There's no threat. It's like having a cup of coffee, returning to the shop and having the proprietor suggest more maybe different coffee or the same coffee with cinnamon which represents small DLC like skins, guns.

Large Day 1 DLC content like this isn't an addition to the game, but if you don't get it you missed part of the the game, because it's not after the story. It's not more stuff to do. It's stuff you didn't do or see in the original game.

The best I can say is if you feel threatened don't buy the DLC or the game. No one should feel like they are being threatened or strongarmed into paying extra for game content. Lets leave that to the car salemen and lawyers yeah? leave the lot, find another lawyer. There's plenty of those in the sea and twice as many games you haven't played.
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If 70 bucks is that big a deal to you, then you should probably be trying to get a better job or spend your time developing more skills to make yourself worth more money.

I wanted the game and I bought it. I'm enjoying it.

Get a life. You've spent enough time crusading against it that you're obviously butthurt about it.

Now, back to my EA/Bioware chains.. they only let me out to post positive propaganda about thier shitty incomplete game.

Lol @ people trying to rationalize Day 1 rape to their wallets.

You paid 60 bucks for what is supposed to be the full game. Did you get the full game? No. Pay up 10 more bucks for the missing storyline/plot related Day 1 DLC.

This shit is like Stockholm Syndrome and you guys are all captives and slaves to EA and Activisions DLC schemes.

Its beyond hilarious.
If 70 bucks is that big a deal to you, then you should probably be trying to get a better job or spend your time developing more skills to make yourself worth more money.

I wanted the game and I bought it. I'm enjoying it.

Get a life. You've spent enough time crusading against it that you're obviously butthurt about it.

Now, back to my EA/Bioware chains.. they only let me out to post positive propaganda about thier shitty incomplete game.

My question to you is, at what point do you say, "enough's enough" in terms of game price inflation. $80? $100?

By paying $60 and now $70 for a release title you are telling companies they can do whatever the fuck they want. I wonder how many people will be game price apologists when it reaches $100 a game.
If 70 bucks is that big a deal to you, then you should probably be trying to get a better job or spend your time developing more skills to make yourself worth more money.

I wanted the game and I bought it. I'm enjoying it.

Get a life. You've spent enough time crusading against it that you're obviously butthurt about it.

Now, back to my EA/Bioware chains.. they only let me out to post positive propaganda about thier shitty incomplete game.

$70 isn't a big deal.

I just don't reward bad business practices and I vote with my wallet not to support Day 1 DLC or $60 price tags.

Why should I pay $70 for a game when I can get it for $20 or less during the Christmas sales?

That's like 9 months away. There isn't anything special about Mass Effect 3 that says "PLAY ME NAO".

It's nothing more than the same regurgiated tripe you saw in Mass Effect 1 and 2, just probably more dumbed down with a shittier ending.
That's like 9 months away. There isn't anything special about Mass Effect 3 that says "PLAY ME NAO"

Which is your choice. Other people feel differently, which is why we bought it now.

And games have been $50-$60 for decades now...if you factor in inflation they're significantly cheaper today than they were then.
If 70 bucks is that big a deal to you, then you should probably be trying to get a better job or spend your time developing more skills to make yourself worth more money.
I could buy 100 copies of Mass Effect 3 if I wanted to, that's not the point. They are charging $59.99 for a copy of a game without the full content at release, and then $20 more for some digital artwork and an extra character who was clearly developed during the normal cycle and then removed to make extra money.
I'm choosing to not support these business practices by not buying the game at this time.
If 70 bucks is that big a deal to you, then you should probably be trying to get a better job or spend your time developing more skills to make yourself worth more money.
I fully support the above statement.

Having said that, wealth doesn't come from earning a lot but from consideration on how to spend the money. If you earn more money than the lifestyle you want costs, then you are wealthy already. Part of becoming wealthy is to look at not the absolute value (i.e. game time gained vs cash spent), but at the relative value (pay $70 for one game, or buy X instead or do Y instead with those same $70).

This isn't a matter of not being able to afford it, it's a matter of whether the value provided by the $70 purchase is perceived to be a good value. I loved ME1 and 2, I could easily afford the $70 without having to worry about it, but I don't perceive it as a good value. I paid $5 for ME1 and $10 for ME2, I got totally suckered and paid another $10 for the Shadow Broker DLC for ME2 (which wasn't worth $10 in retrospect, I should have waited).

Likewise I don't see the appeal in paying $60 or $70 for ME3. Yes, I want ME3 (Origin aside), but I am not willing to pay $60 for it even though I want it badly. I have the self control to wait for it to reach a price I can agree with.

I am a bit surprised at how many people feel that $70 is a price worth paying for a video game that has zero resell value (PC).
Thuleman, you supported what he said, yet contradicted what he said in the same breath. Make up your mind man.

There are plenty of us who spend money only during sales. While others may on average buy 4 full games at full price a year, I will take that same 240 and buy many more games with that money during Steam or Amazon sales. Even if I had Bill Gates bank account, I would not spend money on ME3. I would buy out EA and shut them down.

Then I would make games that appeal to me. 50 billion bucks can make a lot happen.
If 70 bucks is that big a deal to you, then you should probably be trying to get a better job or spend your time developing more skills to make yourself worth more money.

I am willing to bet just about everyone who is unhappy with day 1 DLC can afford the game easily enough.

I could buy 100 copies of Mass Effect 3 if I wanted to, that's not the point. They are charging $59.99 for a copy of a game without the full content at release, and then $20 more for some digital artwork and an extra character who was clearly developed during the normal cycle and then removed to make extra money.
I'm choosing to not support these business practices by not buying the game at this time.

I completely agree with this post.
Thuleman, you supported what he said, yet contradicted what he said in the same breath. Make up your mind man.

Pretty much. And as others have said, it's not at all about being able to "afford" $70, it's about whether or not it's worthwhile, and whether or not companies should nickel and dime us with day 1 on-disc DLC.

Just because you can afford something doesn't make it a good deal.
I am willing to bet just about everyone who is unhappy with day 1 DLC can afford the game easily enough.

I completely agree with this post.

Those of you who read this signature. It's a moral imperative to buy EA games, they are banning customers from their Origin accounts for being complete retards and idiots on EAs forum. Please give your money to this great publisher who is willing to stand against the ever increasing number of trolls clogging up privately owned forums.

You agree with his post, yet you have this in your sig, and you spout about how it's a moral imperative to buy EA games.

Hypocrite much?
I am willing to bet just about everyone who is unhappy with day 1 DLC can afford the game easily enough.
Even though money is tight right now, of course I could afford it if I was happy with the product.

I paid full price for Portal 2 this time last year because I feel like I'm treated as a partner instead of a sack of money by Valve. Instead of day 1 DLC for $10 which was mostly just cut content, I got a free DLC a couple months after. That's how you do it right there.
Even though money is tight right now, of course I could afford it if I was happy with the product.

I paid full price for Portal 2 this time last year because I feel like I'm treated as a partner instead of a sack of money by Valve. Instead of day 1 DLC for $10 which was mostly just cut content, I got a free DLC a couple months after. That's how you do it right there.

Portal 2, and TF2 are fine examples of DLC done right. Hell, even Activision did things right in CoD 4 for the PC. We got free map packs and cool stuff, patches.

Now it's $15 per map pack, which I lol @ and don't even buy their games anymore.
Railing against developers and consumers does a lot of good though. You have repeatedly put down anyone that purchased the game, which is pretty ridiculous. Most of the people that disagree with you are out playing the game instead of griping about it on a forum.

The fact that I got ME and ME2 for free and 10$ respectively, and enjoyed them greatly, made me more apt to purchase a release day copy of ME3.

The worth of a game is subjective. You can say it's only worth 20$ to you... that only applies to you. I am fine with the price I paid for it. On the other hand, when you take a game like SC2, I didn't buy it, and I still haven't bought it, because subjectively to me, it has never been worth the price. I didn't call people idiots or slaves or sheep for buying it though.

You can speak with your wallet. I spoke with mine. I'm fine with whatever you do, it's your life.

I do disagree completely with the way you act about stuff like this. It's so... fail.

$70 isn't a big deal.

I just don't reward bad business practices and I vote with my wallet not to support Day 1 DLC or $60 price tags.

Why should I pay $70 for a game when I can get it for $20 or less during the Christmas sales?

That's like 9 months away. There isn't anything special about Mass Effect 3 that says "PLAY ME NAO".

It's nothing more than the same regurgiated tripe you saw in Mass Effect 1 and 2, just probably more dumbed down with a shittier ending.
I wouldn't put down anyone who bought the game. By all accounts it's a fun game, even if the ending is supposedly a let down. And it's your money, not mine, so you can spend it as you wish. The only thing I think is silly is to complaining about the DLC situation and then buying it. If you do that, understand that your complacence is what is driving them to sell the product like that in the first place. They will only release Day 1 DLC if they make more money from it then they lose in lost sales because of people who won't support those actions..
The only thing I think is silly is to complaining about the DLC situation and then buying it. If you do that, understand that your complacence is what is driving them to sell the product like that in the first place. They will only release Day 1 DLC if they make more money from it then they lose in lost sales because of people who won't support those actions..

Exactly, that's the genesis of my school of thought that Day 1 DLC is a tax on stupid people.
Exactly, that's the genesis of my school of thought that Day 1 DLC is a tax on stupid people.
That isn't what he said at all. In fact, it seems like most of the people who bought ME3 have absolutely no problem with day 1 DLC. I say more power to them. They aren't stupid... they just have no problems playing EA's game. Eventually EA will push everyone to the limit though, different people just have different limits.
That isn't what he said at all. In fact, it seems like most of the people who bought ME3 have absolutely no problem with day 1 DLC. I say more power to them. They aren't stupid... they just have no problems playing EA's game. Eventually EA will push everyone to the limit though, different people just have different limits.

Limits? .... just do the two steps forward, one step back approach and you'll woo everyone to your schemes.
I don't pretend to have any skill at MSPaint, so I will describe the following in text.

Frame 1: "Congratulations sir, you just bought a new car!"
Frame 2: Buyer looks on as someone else drives away a similar car with a sunroof. Buyer's car does not have a sunroof.
Frame 3: Buyer is closely inspecting roof of his car. "You know, it looks to me like this car was *DESIGNED* to have a sunroof. I can see how the alternative parts would fit perfectly, here, here..." Car salesman responds: "Sir, sunroofs are optional accessories, also available with our more expensive models. If you want, I can install one for $x000.00"

People who want the sunroof can have it installed. Customers who were buying a premium product already (the CE) received the sunroof with their car. People who don't have a sunroof still have a perfectly functional car.
Limits? .... just do the two steps forward, one step back approach and you'll woo everyone to your schemes.


Do you know how hyenas kill a lion? They gather together, and circle the lion. One rushes in, nips at it, then jumps back before the lion can attack.

Soon, the lion gets tired, and that's when the hyenas all rush in for the kill.

EA/Bioware are nothing but jackals.
I don't pretend to have any skill at MSPaint, so I will describe the following in text.

People who want the sunroof can have it installed. Customers who were buying a premium product already (the CE) received the sunroof with their car. People who don't have a sunroof still have a perfectly functional car.
As I explained before, a sunroof is a bad example because it doesn't come standard with the base model. A complete single player experience typically comes with the standard version of a game. It's more analogous to a new car without a radio than without a sunroof. Sure, it's functional. But where the eff is my radio!
As I explained before, a sunroof is a bad example because it doesn't come standard with the base model. A complete single player experience typically comes with the standard version of a game. It's more analogous to a new car without a radio than without a sunroof. Sure, it's functional. But where the eff is my radio!

Or we could go in the correct direction and say that what he's suggesting is that the car has the trunk space chopped off so you don't have a trunk.

If you wanna buy the game, you have to pay $60 for the base game, and $10 DLC for the TRUE ENDING!!!

yea sure.
As I explained before, a sunroof is a bad example because it doesn't come standard with the base model. A complete single player experience typically comes with the standard version of a game. It's more analogous to a new car without a radio than without a sunroof. Sure, it's functional. But where the eff is my radio!
Of course it's analagous to a sunroof. Basic cars don't come with one, but more expensive cars can get it. I bought the CE, it came with leather seats (artbook), a premium sound system (.wav soundtrack), nice, useless rims (fabric N7 patch), and a sunroof (DLC). You buy the regular game, you get a vanilla car.

This is ridiculous. You wouldn't be arguing that this mission/character is essential to the experience if it came out 90 days later. Was ME2 missing its radio because Lair of the Shadow Broker wasn't free?

Any argument you can make about protheans being 'essential' I can make about the Shadow Broker because an encounter with him was so heavily foreshadowed.