Day-One DLC Files Appear on Mass Effect 3 Discs

I couldn't give two shits if Bioware/EA decided to create an "optional" character for that game. They are WELL within their rights to do that.

No one's asking for free DLC. If anything, BW has already shown how DLC can be used in a positive manner. Use it as an incentive to entice pre-orders of the game. Anyone who bought a new copy of ME2 got Zaeed for free. Even Kasumi (which had a placeholder model on the disc) was $5, had pretty much the same amount of relevance as the From Ashes character (and imports into ME3), but it was released months after the main game.

The difference here is that they got caught with their pants down and repeatedly LIED about the fact that the character wasn't in development concurrently the whole time. Here's their response:

From Ashes is a 600 MB+ download with all new content, including the mission on Eden Prime, new dialogue options and conversations with Javik, new cinematics, the Prothean weapon, and new appearances for all squad members. All of the above content was completed while the main game was in certification and are not available on the disc.

As stated previously, in order to seamlessly integrate Javik into the core campaign, certain framework elements and character models needed to be put on disc. We did something similar with Zaeed and Kasumi in Mass Effect 2.

Which is BULLSHIT. Everything aside from the Eden Prime mission is present once you change the line in the ini. You can see it through his content in the main game - alternate cutscenes, P/R prompts being skipped (especially on Thessia, where he changes the conversations quite drastically as opposed to everyone else), full set of battle commands and voice files...the works. You can even LEVEL him throughout the game.

I personally got the Digital Deluxe edition because it didn't bug me, I liked the extras, and I wanted another character to play with. I don't mind them developing DLC but at least make an attempt not to piss in our faces and call it rain.
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Sorry for the long delay in reopening this thread, but let's get on-topic and less hostile please. Fail will no longer be a part of this thread, so please do me a favor and don't reply to any more of his posts in it. Also, please don't comment on that, keep it related to the OP.

I exited the thread because I'd felt I said what I needed to say. Bickering over whether the best car analogy for this DLC is for a sunroof or for a radio isn't really that productive.