Dark Souls is on Steam

depends on your strategies. enemies do more damage & have higher resistances. if you are tanking it will work for the first half but you will have problems later on.
well you said yourself that you tried reading "official literature" but didn't find your answers. I was just suggesting a source which definitely contains nearly all of the answers. You just need to be very specific on the info you want to find, when using the wikis. Otherwise, you are bound to click through some pages with spoilers you didn't want.

Ultimately, Dark Souls is a videogame. Limited. So yes, of course you can exploit it sometimes. Dark Souls even acknowledges this in some respects and sometimes provides means to cheese players/bosses/enemies.

But, as I said, across three games, there is remarkably little cheapness in the PVE or blatant trial and error, while still offering a remarkable amount of viable ways to win. There are certainly many situations which play on deficiencies of modern gamers. So it will feel like trial and error to them, because they are not paying attention and learning to play the game. But, pay attention, take your inches, and you'll make it between bonfires without dying. Sometimes even choosing not to actually sit at the bonfire, only lighting it.

Fair enough. You are a very patient conversationalist. I get what you're saying. 50% Of my agitated posts is just me venting my frustrations to someone/anyone.

Holy shit. The "upper-half" giant skeletons are a pain in the butt. I experimented with both pyromancy and straight melee fighting to see what is more efficient. They wouldn't be as hard if I could SEE. FFS. So I got all the way to the bottom of the Giant's Tombs and I reached a dead end. Not counting the orange lit glowing door, which I haven't unlocked yet. Maybe past those 3 skeletons?

Here I go...
you are not at the stage of the game where you can unlock that door. You will eventually have to climb out. from the top of the ladder at the first bonfire the path for that is right and then up. good luck.
Lol. My son while he plays always says what I tell him "dark souls teaches you patients".

You have learned well young padawan
no news, but a pretty gif

So....I'm a big dummy. I need help :)

I killed Eingyi (I know I know) on one of my main character builds taht uses power within. I have historically used two pyromancy flames. One not upgraded for power within and the other at +15.

would anyone be willing to trade/drop an extra pyromancy flame for me if they have one??

If not here...where would ya'll recommend I try to get help?
What mods are people using? Just Gedosato?

I beat Dark Souls with a Logitech F310, been debating on picking up a Dualshock 4 for DS2. Not sure if it's worth it tbh.
What mods are people using? Just Gedosato?

I beat Dark Souls with a Logitech F310, been debating on picking up a Dualshock 4 for DS2. Not sure if it's worth it tbh.

Are you asking about DS or DS2? If DS2 you're in the wrong thread. Go here: http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1809662

I'm partial to playing both DS and DS2 on a 360 controller, but I've heard good things about the DualShock4.
So....I'm a big dummy. I need help :)

I killed Eingyi (I know I know) on one of my main character builds taht uses power within. I have historically used two pyromancy flames. One not upgraded for power within and the other at +15.

would anyone be willing to trade/drop an extra pyromancy flame for me if they have one??

If not here...where would ya'll recommend I try to get help?

What level are you? I have one I don't intend to use. Been awhile since I've played but I think he's in the 80s
how do you trade/drop with another player?...I never did that in all my playthroughs...does 1 person just drop a soapstone sign and summon the other player and they drop the item?
that is correct, you can drop weapons, armor and items easily. Not spells or keys though. they see them as floating bags. you also have to be in a compatible level range, so you can't ask someone to take your level 100 stuff and give it to your level 1

put the drops near a cliff and use a great bow to shoot down invaders when they explore
What level are you? I have one I don't intend to use. Been awhile since I've played but I think he's in the 80s

Crap I'm like level 35...I'm trying to not level up on this playthrough since I got really tired of getting raped by invaders haha. I've been invaded a few times and ruined the guy muahahah.

In Dark Souls, if you beat the area boss, can you not go back and be summoned to help out?? I am level 35 in front of smough and whats his butt and can't get summoned! sheesh, I thought everyone would want help here....I have cleared the boss though, so I was curious if I've forgotten something.

In Dark Souls, if you beat the area boss, can you not go back and be summoned to help out?? I am level 35 in front of smough and whats his butt and can't get summoned! sheesh, I thought everyone would want help here....I have cleared the boss though, so I was curious if I've forgotten something.

Wow 35 huh? It's possible you're just low. I was like 80 somethin when I did Ornstein and Smough lol Though i was probably higher than most.

I believe that you can only summon help if you haven't killed the boss. Killing a boss or not shouldn't matter when you're getting summoned to help others.
So....I'm a big dummy. I need help :)

I killed Eingyi (I know I know) on one of my main character builds taht uses power within. I have historically used two pyromancy flames. One not upgraded for power within and the other at +15.

would anyone be willing to trade/drop an extra pyromancy flame for me if they have one??

If not here...where would ya'll recommend I try to get help?
You know a couple patches ago they changed Power Within to drain HP at the same rate no matter what level your Pyromancy Flame is at. No reason to carry around a level 1 Flame around with you anymore.

In Dark Souls, if you beat the area boss, can you not go back and be summoned to help out?? I am level 35 in front of smough and whats his butt and can't get summoned! sheesh, I thought everyone would want help here....I have cleared the boss though, so I was curious if I've forgotten something.
You can be summoned anywhere at any time if you're in the right level range. I think players will most likely be around SL40-50 in the O+S area. Personally I'm usually up around SL60 by that time. To be able to summon, the boss in the area you're in cannot have been defeated.
actually the rules can be flipped for S+O. To summon others, kill "amazing chest ahead" and experience dark anor londo.
You know a couple patches ago they changed Power Within to drain HP at the same rate no matter what level your Pyromancy Flame is at. No reason to carry around a level 1 Flame around with you anymore.
You can be summoned anywhere at any time if you're in the right level range. I think players will most likely be around SL40-50 in the O+S area. Personally I'm usually up around SL60 by that time. To be able to summon, the boss in the area you're in cannot have been defeated.

I did NOT know that! Thank you :)

...and yes I am at a pretty low level and let me tell you. I thought I was the cool kid being at Anor Londo at level 30 but hot damn I got my shit kicked in by O and S. I died 8 times trying to defeat them. I finally was able to. I did it by myself somehow. I had a +10 demon catch pole and power within. It was very rough. I also kept trying to kill smough first which was tough. I finally did it, felt damn proud of myself. I guess I will have to go back to anther area to help some folks out. I am having a lot of fun at low levels. It makes the game THAT much harder.

Oh and it goes to show you, this is my third playthrough and I had no idea about the alter thing down below. Where you turn the place dark haha.
that is correct, you can drop weapons, armor and items easily. Not spells or keys though. they see them as floating bags

can those 'floating bag' drops (in both DS1 and DS2) be used as exploits or hacks by other players...I see them a lot during pvp with the player motioning for me to open it...I pretty much never open those items as I think it's a trick or trap
can those 'floating bag' drops (in both DS1 and DS2) be used as exploits or hacks by other players...I see them a lot during pvp with the player motioning for me to open it...I pretty much never open those items as I think it's a trick or trap

I don't think so! Dude, always open those things! I've gotten some SWEET stuff from those before. Slabs, weapons, fully upgraded armour. Boss souls etc. People are not always assholes.
they can be used as a trap, example, greatbow will knock you 10 feet, if near an edge you are gone.
Also they may have hacked weapons, for example that may curse opponents or teleport them
finally with lots of slabs and souls they may make your game too easy which ruins the experience.
someone dropping 100 boss souls is not doing you a favor
Drop me some blue and white Titanite Slabs and I'll be your best friend for life <3
OK I don't get what I'm doing wrong here...

Level 36, I have put my summon sign down in front of four different fog gates. O + S, Qualog, Iron Golon and Gaping Dragon.

Do people usually place summon signs at bonfires? In dark souls II, I ALWAYS summoned folks at the fog gate and never at the bondfire. Is it the other way around in Dark souls? (on my first playthrough, I played almost exclusively in offline mode)
OK I don't get what I'm doing wrong here...

Level 36, I have put my summon sign down in front of four different fog gates. O + S, Qualog, Iron Golon and Gaping Dragon.

Do people usually place summon signs at bonfires? In dark souls II, I ALWAYS summoned folks at the fog gate and never at the bondfire. Is it the other way around in Dark souls? (on my first playthrough, I played almost exclusively in offline mode)

Nah. The only place putting down a sign near a bonfire that works, is Oolacile(and thats mostly a PVP area).
You do want to put them near boss doors. Also near known NPC summon signs(you know where Solaire's sign is before O&S?) should help too.

My experience with DS was always spotty. I completely blame GFWL for that. And that was before DS2 came out. So there is certainly less people online for DS1 now. Summoning in DS1 was always a pain in the ass.

DS2 summoning is perfect, and is the sole reason I find DS2 a much better game. The system just works. (No GFWL)

Also, lvl 36 seems low for O and S area. Most people are 45-50, but usually higher from what I could tell last time I was there(I was lvl 80 my first time there and summoning didnt take long.). Look at this calculator to understand how the matching works, based on your level.
OK I don't get what I'm doing wrong here...

Level 36, I have put my summon sign down in front of four different fog gates. O + S, Qualog, Iron Golon and Gaping Dragon.

Do people usually place summon signs at bonfires? In dark souls II, I ALWAYS summoned folks at the fog gate and never at the bondfire. Is it the other way around in Dark souls? (on my first playthrough, I played almost exclusively in offline mode)

Second what Leviathan said. Summoning for me was pretty spotty even BEFORE DS2 came out. I can only imagine how tough it is now :(
unfortunately GFWL MP is shit on DS1. Do you see lots of messages on the ground? If not you may have a flaky connection. You can try opening gfwl ports, blah blah blah, that may do something or may not. Your level is probably ok for queelag & iron golem & dragon but low for S+O. Queelag, fog wall, the others you can try the bonfires or "funnel" points from the bonfire. If you really want to do a lot of coop you should get DS2 (assuming you don't have it). In many ways it is weaker than DS1 but for online there is no comparison.
unfortunately GFWL MP is shit on DS1. Do you see lots of messages on the ground? If not you may have a flaky connection. You can try opening gfwl ports, blah blah blah, that may do something or may not. Your level is probably ok for queelag & iron golem & dragon but low for S+O. Queelag, fog wall, the others you can try the bonfires or "funnel" points from the bonfire. If you really want to do a lot of coop you should get DS2 (assuming you don't have it). In many ways it is weaker than DS1 but for online there is no comparison.

Well I am just doing the Sunlight medal thing. I needed 10 sunlight medals for sunlight spear or whatever it is.

I have Dark Souls 2 and LOVE how good the Co-Op is, it's rough going to Dark Souls because summoning is pretty spotty. Although I always manage to get invaded BUT this whole plowing through the game at low levels is making lots of folks surprised :) My sunlight blade buffed +15 great scythe with power within does NASTY damage, especially since I'm only level 40 now.
No word, which sucks because even though I played through DS on PS3 already and had no shortage of people to summon for fights, I picked up the PC version on a Steam sale hoping to replay through and I only managed to summon others for the BG fight before the first bell. After that it's been a ghost town.
After the recent revelation that GFWL isn't truly going away, I kinda wonder if they'll ever drop it.
I had to go looking to see what you meant:


So, Microsoft didn't shut down GFWL on July 1 like everyone thought they meant, and is it is still running but nobody seems to be able to figure out just what Microsoft's intentions are.

It's such a huge corporation that I don't think that they internally know what they want to do. It's like they react to bad press and throw bandaids at a problem until the Microsoft ecosystem decides as a whole what to do.
It's such a huge corporation that I don't think that they internally know what they want to do. It's like they react to bad press and throw bandaids at a problem until the Microsoft ecosystem decides as a whole what to do.

Namco doesn't seem to care. (It seems like they quit even trying to patch the game.)
Ironically, Ace Combat was patched to steamworks from GFWL... Who know, maybe they couldn't figure it out and asked MS to keep it going? All I know is there is no patch, and one doesn't appear to be coming anymore....
After the recent revelation that GFWL isn't truly going away, I kinda wonder if they'll ever drop it.

Well, Microsoft realized that keeping the GFWL servers up longer than intended is a cheap way to avoid more bad press, consumer confusion and loss of consumer confidence in the Windows and Xbox brands at a time they're desperate to avoid it, doesn't mean GFWL is staying around or that they're "reconsidering". GFWL was dead and buried the moment the marketplace shut down.

The downside to GFWL servers remaining operational for MS's own reasons is it let's developers continue to procrastinate on moving their titles to Steamworks. One thing developers seem to hate is spending new time on old titles. So because there's no immediate fire under FROM's ass to move to Steamworks its obviously had its priority shifted to backburner. A number of other companies have acted similarly.
Have any of you ever used a trainer or cheats with this game?

I'm wondering if there's a way I can give myself a spell and resume playing my character with which I've progressed the furthest. I've been hankering to get back into this game, but the though of starting over is just daunting.