Dark Souls is on Steam

Heh. The delay looks like its to try to combat russian keys and keysites. I actually welcome this decision. Fuckem.
Heh. The delay looks like its to try to combat russian keys and keysites. I actually welcome this decision. Fuckem.

Sometimes it's just easier to pre-order through steam, sure you might spend an extra 15$ but at least you don't have to deal with silly crap.
once they patch out GWFL all saves will probably be lost as well...meaning all my good character builds will be gone and I'll have to create new ones...I don't mind so much being that I'll probably be playing DS2 for the forseeable future :cool:
once they patch out GWFL all saves will probably be lost as well...meaning all my good character builds will be gone and I'll have to create new ones...I don't mind so much being that I'll probably be playing DS2 for the forseeable future :cool:

Oh man i really hope that doesn't happen, or they at least give plenty of warning. I am nowhere near done with DS1, so this would be really sad for me.

I'm also kinda bummed that i didn't push myself to beat this game before the launch of the second. I'll bet getting in on the ground floor is amazing with regards to the multiplayer aspects. I wonder how dead DS is going to be now that DS2 is out.
once they patch out GWFL all saves will probably be lost as well...meaning all my good character builds will be gone and I'll have to create new ones...I don't mind so much being that I'll probably be playing DS2 for the forseeable future :cool:

IF they patch out GFWL, then I wouldn't worry about your saves too much, if it was anything like the Batman games, then a simple hex editor fix to remove the GFWL headers in the save file will fix it.
IF they patch out GFWL, then I wouldn't worry about your saves too much, if it was anything like the Batman games, then a simple hex editor fix to remove the GFWL headers in the save file will fix it.

Not really because the saves are stored in GFWL cloud storage unless you are playing offline with a local profile which Dark Souls handles as a completely separate save file so it's pretty certain that your online saves will be lost. Dark Souls 1 was a great game but I pretty much found so many tricks to kill the enemies that it no longer holds any real challenge for me even in NG+7, however I'm finding the second game much better balanced and much more challenging.
The DS1 saves are local and can be manipulated pretty easily. You can copy+paste saves and GWFL only seems to be a method of DRM/Achievements.
If you look in your documents folder, your saves are single files just sitting there.
Not really because the saves are stored in GFWL cloud storage unless you are playing offline with a local profile which Dark Souls handles as a completely separate save file so it's pretty certain that your online saves will be lost. Dark Souls 1 was a great game but I pretty much found so many tricks to kill the enemies that it no longer holds any real challenge for me even in NG+7, however I'm finding the second game much better balanced and much more challenging.
Games are saved locally and are located in My Documents\nbgi. I know it works because I always back up my save before fighting Bed Of Chaos on each character I make (frak that fight, by the way :mad:).
I went back to the Princess to have her tell me where to go again... she said Kingseeker Frampt. I googled, and luckly an image came up so I didn't have to go to the wiki and spoil anything, because just seeing that guy made me remember where he was.

Does the game ever tell you his name though?

Anyway, so I got the next quest, which basically sounds like a "finish the game" quest. Not that I mind!

My roommate was watching as i placed the Lordvessel and received this quest--he was like, 'is this a never-ending game or what?' lol

Before i left Anor Londo i wanted another sunlight medal so I went back to bonfire #3 and after some waiting finally was summoned... and then I noobed it up and died :( At least i know people are still playing this game!
I went back to the Princess to have her tell me where to go again... she said Kingseeker Frampt. I googled, and luckly an image came up so I didn't have to go to the wiki and spoil anything, because just seeing that guy made me remember where he was.

Does the game ever tell you his name though?

Anyway, so I got the next quest, which basically sounds like a "finish the game" quest. Not that I mind!

My roommate was watching as i placed the Lordvessel and received this quest--he was like, 'is this a never-ending game or what?' lol

Before i left Anor Londo i wanted another sunlight medal so I went back to bonfire #3 and after some waiting finally was summoned... and then I noobed it up and died :( At least i know people are still playing this game!
I'm pretty sure both Frampt and Kaathe both refer to themselves by name and are mentioned by name at least once in the game... I haven't played this in awhile, though :eek:.

And yes, Dark Souls is a never-ending game ;).
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I went back to the Princess to have her tell me where to go again... she said Kingseeker Frampt. I googled, and luckly an image came up so I didn't have to go to the wiki and spoil anything, because just seeing that guy made me remember where he was.

Does the game ever tell you his name though?

Anyway, so I got the next quest, which basically sounds like a "finish the game" quest. Not that I mind!

My roommate was watching as i placed the Lordvessel and received this quest--he was like, 'is this a never-ending game or what?' lol

Before i left Anor Londo i wanted another sunlight medal so I went back to bonfire #3 and after some waiting finally was summoned... and then I noobed it up and died :( At least i know people are still playing this game!

Yeah, he introduces himself the first time you meet him.
Never ending indeed, the REAL Dark Souls has just begun, you're only half way through the game now! You still have DLC land to explore, Oolacile. Did you save Dusk? (After the Hydra in Darkroot Basin) You still need to find a "key" to get to Oolacile, that you will find in one of the new places that has opened up, but the target will not appear there if you haven't saved her yet.
Yeah, he introduces himself the first time you meet him.
Never ending indeed, the REAL Dark Souls has just begun, you're only half way through the game now! You still have DLC land to explore, Oolacile. Did you save Dusk? (After the Hydra in Darkroot Basin) You still need to find a "key" to get to Oolacile, that you will find in one of the new places that has opened up, but the target will not appear there if you haven't saved her yet.

There was a moment in Anor Londo where i was like, "I wonder if this is the end of the game.."

I never did kill that Hydra boss, but now that i have the Iron Ring, I can go give that a whirl.

So much left to do!
There was a moment in Anor Londo where i was like, "I wonder if this is the end of the game.."

I never did kill that Hydra boss, but now that i have the Iron Ring, I can go give that a whirl.

So much left to do!

The end...of the game? ha.... hahaha...
Looks like we wont see you in DS2 for a while... :)

So there is supposed to be an enemy(another crystal golem) at the end of the path once you kill the hydra, but he may not be there the first time. Just leave and come back later and he should be there. Once that is done, you can run through the Duke's Archives normally(its not hidden, you just kill an enemy) and get the "key" to go to Oolacile.

You are nowhere near the end. lol
I'm SL 66, and I think i only need one more Sunlight medal. Where should I try co-op?

I've been trying to do O&S, but I haven't done it in awhile and have died twice now ><

I feel bad for wasting these people's time lol
you have placed the lord vessel right? go to demon ruins and farm chaos bugs, you have access to 4 before the great door. or help with queelag
you have placed the lord vessel right? go to demon ruins and farm chaos bugs, you have access to 4 before the great door. or help with queelag

I don't know where these demon runes are, sadly. I also think i'm a bit too high for queelag. I waited around forever last night to no avail.

I did successfully kill the hydra boss though, and begin exploring this big forested area. Once i realized how to kill the hydra i was like 'd'oh!'... man what an easy fight, Iron ring so not necessary =P In fact because i had the iron ring, it caused me to die. I went charging in there and drowned :eek:

1. This forest is big! Way easier to loser your direction when you're in it than i thought.
2. These NPC heroes are fuckin annoying! And they double-team you, the bastards.
Anor Londo probably should have been the end of the game with the other stuff rearranged to come first. IMO it's the hardest area and it "feels" like a final area.
Well after like 45 hours..I finally went to Blighttown...SCREW THAT PLACE lol. The boss wasn't terrible but holy mother of god what a bitch of an area. Managed to get some good pickups but I spent about 5 hours in this cursed place and would be fine with never returning again. Though I doubt that will happen.
I'm SL 66, and I think i only need one more Sunlight medal. Where should I try co-op?

I've been trying to do O&S, but I haven't done it in awhile and have died twice now ><

I feel bad for wasting these people's time lol

You know about the NPC summon before O&S?
Well after like 45 hours..I finally went to Blighttown...SCREW THAT PLACE lol. The boss wasn't terrible but holy mother of god what a bitch of an area. Managed to get some good pickups but I spent about 5 hours in this cursed place and would be fine with never returning again. Though I doubt that will happen.
I haven't had to return there yet, and I am quite thankful. It was my least favorite zone so far.
You know about the NPC summon before O&S?

Nope... where he at?
Well after like 45 hours..I finally went to Blighttown...SCREW THAT PLACE lol. The boss wasn't terrible but holy mother of god what a bitch of an area. Managed to get some good pickups but I spent about 5 hours in this cursed place and would be fine with never returning again. Though I doubt that will happen.
I highly suggest going back to get the treasure behind the locked door in Undead Asylum (beginning area for those of you who don't know the names ;)) before heading to Blighttown. You need to figure out how to get up to the crow's nest in the Firelink Shrine to get back there. I won't spoil it, but the key for the door is in the area that is on the way up to the nest.
I highly suggest going back to get the treasure behind the locked door in Undead Asylum (beginning area for those of you who don't know the names ;)) before heading to Blighttown. You need to figure out how to get up to the crow's nest in the Firelink Shrine to get back there. I won't spoil it, but the key for the door is in the area that is on the way up to the nest.

I stumbled across all that quite by accident... what a lovely surprise!
I haven't had to return there yet, and I am quite thankful. It was my least favorite zone so far.

Nope... where he at?

Take the stairs up to where that dude is shooting arrows at you. At the first platform, before you get to the archer, you should see the summon sign in the corner.
Take the stairs up to where that dude is shooting arrows at you. At the first platform, before you get to the archer, you should see the summon sign in the corner.

The more you know :) Thanks!

I haven't been human in a long time, because I kept losing humanity at Anor Londo's 3rd bonfire.

Humanity is getting realllly scarce now. Only have one twin humanity left. I'm hoping a humanity farm spot is coming up soon.
Take the stairs up to where that dude is shooting arrows at you. At the first platform, before you get to the archer, you should see the summon sign in the corner.
You won't get it unless you talked to Solaire back at the bonfire (and you have to be human, of course).
You won't get it unless you talked to Solaire back at the bonfire (and you have to be human, of course).

Good point. But I would assume that anyone who has been to that bonfire had already talked to him. :D
the July shutdown of GFWL is coming up fast...hopefully now that DS2 has been released they can devote more man power to porting over DS1 to Steamworks
So, can anyone give me a subtle hint on Sif?

I got frustrated last night and started googling this fight, but I stopped because everyone seemed to say it was the easiest boss?

His reach is crazy, and if he hits you with the right move, you're pretty much KO'd from full hp. What kind of damage does he deal?
There is nothing easy about sif. You want to stay under him and hack at his rear legs. you may find a high stability shield useful. It should block one of the circular sword swings although you will need to roll on the second. if you have maxed out great combustion it will take him out fairly fast.
So, can anyone give me a subtle hint on Sif?

I got frustrated last night and started googling this fight, but I stopped because everyone seemed to say it was the easiest boss?

His reach is crazy, and if he hits you with the right move, you're pretty much KO'd from full hp. What kind of damage does he deal?

I find he is pretty easy if I get a weapon with a huge overhand swing. Then you just stand underneath him and mash away. Then run like crazy. Much easier than trying to position and hit his legs.

Or just kill him with a few spells.
There is nothing easy about sif. You want to stay under him and hack at his rear legs. you may find a high stability shield useful. It should block one of the circular sword swings although you will need to roll on the second. if you have maxed out great combustion it will take him out fairly fast.

I find he is pretty easy if I get a weapon with a huge overhand swing. Then you just stand underneath him and mash away. Then run like crazy. Much easier than trying to position and hit his legs.

Or just kill him with a few spells.

Excellent, thanks for the tips!

I'm using the Zweihander, so overhand swing: check. I didn't think about trying to block an attack with a shield, I'll bet that helps get under him. With the wide arc of his attack, just trying to roll past it and under him always ends with me dead.

I tried a ranged battle with lightening spear, but it just doesn't deal enough damage even with 30 faith. I'm sorely in need of the next spear spell, and i've been trying to get one more damn sunlight medal forever. Sadly, I leveled up a bit more and have kinda screwed myself on co-op opportunities (i think). SL 69--other than O&S (because I hate that fight, and it takes forever to get there), where can i try to get summoned?
Excellent, thanks for the tips!

I'm using the Zweihander, so overhand swing: check. I didn't think about trying to block an attack with a shield, I'll bet that helps get under him. With the wide arc of his attack, just trying to roll past it and under him always ends with me dead.

I tried a ranged battle with lightening spear, but it just doesn't deal enough damage even with 30 faith. I'm sorely in need of the next spear spell, and i've been trying to get one more damn sunlight medal forever. Sadly, I leveled up a bit more and have kinda screwed myself on co-op opportunities (i think). SL 69--other than O&S (because I hate that fight, and it takes forever to get there), where can i try to get summoned?

Black Iron set is great for this battle. You can even go Havel's set if you wanna tank.
Sif will come to you, you really don't have to move much in this fight. Especially if you tank, just ignore his attacks and stay under him. You should outlast him if your Zwei is strong enough.

Getting summoned.... I think Oolacile is the best place for you at that level. You might be waiting a long time if you try O&S again, at that level. Join Forest Hunters? Maybe Darkmoon. They will summon you then, or in Darkmoons case, you can use the blue eye to invade and punish the guilty(which is always fun).
Black Iron set is great for this battle. You can even go Havel's set if you wanna tank.
Sif will come to you, you really don't have to move much in this fight. Especially if you tank, just ignore his attacks and stay under him. You should outlast him if your Zwei is strong enough.

Getting summoned.... I think Oolacile is the best place for you at that level. You might be waiting a long time if you try O&S again, at that level. Join Forest Hunters? Maybe Darkmoon. They will summon you then, or in Darkmoons case, you can use the blue eye to invade and punish the guilty(which is always fun).

Okay cool. I'll definitely try my hand at straight up tanking him, movement be damned.

As far as covenants, i feel like i'm missing out on a lot of cool stuff because i'm trying to stick with sunbros (because i want nifty lightening moves to go with my faith spec). I've met so many people who want me to join their covenant, but i take steps backwards if i abandon mine right?
Okay cool. I'll definitely try my hand at straight up tanking him, movement be damned.

As far as covenants, i feel like i'm missing out on a lot of cool stuff because i'm trying to stick with sunbros (because i want nifty lightening moves to go with my faith spec). I've met so many people who want me to join their covenant, but i take steps backwards if i abandon mine right?

Yeah, but Great Lightning Spear isn't that .. great. It's slow, like Heavy Great Soul Arrow.
I never actually got it on my last play through. I think I was one sunlight medal away(you need 10).

If you are just trying to farm, the forest is perfect.
You can pound the first 4 human enemies next to that bonfire and keep going back. Or you can make it even faster by taking advantage of a "bug". (You can make those 4 chase you, run back toward the door to the bonfire, but dont go up the stairs, run into the corner by the edge of the cliff and wait there until they run up the stairs and jump over you into the cliff, killing themselves.)