"D" to 1000 Boxen and Borging Mayhem! (F@H)

What did you add to the [H]orde?

  • Intel CPU

    Votes: 216 58.9%

    Votes: 229 62.4%
  • Mac/Apple CPU

    Votes: 8 2.2%
  • Other CPU

    Votes: 14 3.8%

  • Total voters
Dual core counts as two right? Added 4800+ x2 (2.4ghz) and a 2.2 p4 celeron.

833-3 = 800
chileman said:
We wanna see some PPD numbers when you get time!

Fold on fellas!

yes. please. numbers.. to give us more proof why we should hate you :D

or just simply be jealous.. i suppose that could work..
Going back to the last page and the math errors, it should be at 826 now(since crosshairs posted before spectre, and edited the number after he posted. Then zxcs subtracted 33 for 3.) I added a 1.1 Morgan core Duron today.

sandmanx said:
Going back to the last page and the math errors, it should be at 826 now(since crosshairs posted before spectre, and edited the number after he posted. Then zxcs subtracted 33 for 3.) I added a 1.1 Morgan core Duron today.

Thanks...... I was posting at the same time as Spectre, and edited the post to reflect the numbers....But it got messed up anyway :)

EDIT: I just noticed I moved up 6 spots...and only one box has reported....when the rest turn in, im gonna be on the fly :)

chileman said:
We wanna see some PPD numbers when you get time!

Fold on fellas!

Heres a screenshot of the dual core running fah.

Heres one from the opteron rig, it is much slower as I have a mySQL database, apache server and alotta other stuff running in the background.

Opteron CPU1 = -46, CPU2 = -41 (high due to ambient)
Ambient of the whole room is around 40 degrees and my graphics card reads 52. I have an AC unit sitting in the garage but the guy who's meant to fit it keeps delaying.
For all you new people out there, we've seen you around and heard you talk, now add them there boxen in here! :D

A64 3200+, AXP 1700+, P4 2.8 (they're only on at night, but once I move back to school I won't have parents complaining about the power bill anymore.)

I'm adding 10 (My first post in this thread since I started folding this weekend)
Ghz CPU Added
3.2 Intel 7/10/05
2.4 Intel 7/10/05
1.8 AMD 7/10/05
1.7 Intel M 7/11/05
1.6 Intel M 7/11/05
2.8 Intel 7/11/05
0.8 Intel M 7/11/05
2.8 Intel 7/12/05
2.4 Intel 7/12/05
1.5 AMD 7/12/05

8 Intel

Adding to the list...

Athlon64 3000+
Pentium 4 2.4C
Pentium M 1.5 laptop
Pentium 4 2.66


Well, I don't have much to offer, but every little bit helps, I guess:

AthlonXP 1800+ ( I would overclock it but I've got crummy RAM)
Centrino 1.4 GHz (work lappy, so it's only part time)

Ah, if only power down here in Texas wasn't $.10/kWhr, and if only myy wife would let me get a couple more boxen...

801 - 2 = 799

Edit: Added the math
Teancum said:
Well, I don't have much to offer, but every little bit helps, I guess:

AthlonXP 1800+ ( I would overclock it but I've got crummy RAM)
Centrino 1.4 GHz (work lappy, so it's only part time)

Ah, if only power down here in Texas wasn't $.10/kWhr, and if only myy wife would let me get a couple more boxen...
You should take the number before your post, and subtract two (if you just added two systems).

For example, it would look something like 801 - 2 = 799
798 - 4 (3 AXP 2200+ & 1 P4 3.2) = 794

4 new HT 3.4 GHZ P4's coming this next week.... borged as soon as they arrive. :)
BakedON said:
798 - 4 (3 AXP 2200+ & 1 P4 3.2) = 794

4 new HT 3.4 GHZ P4's coming this next week.... borged as soon as they arrive. :)

Damnit, your making this challenge to 500K a real bitch for me. :D

My laptop came a few days ago, 1.86GHz P M, and started a P3 550

794 - 2 = 792
sandmanx said:
Damnit, your making this challenge to 500K a real bitch for me. :D

My laptop came a few days ago, 1.86GHz P M, and started a P3 550

794 - 2 = 792
I have to do something.....
With what I have now I'd be lucky to catch you before you hit 500k..... gotta step up the pace!

792 to go!!!!
I'm going to count a dually as 2 boxen, plus I borged a computer I built a while ago for a guy who just now got broadband:


Added: Opterons 2x2.0 GHz, 3500+


One more P4 3.0 borged today.
Now I just have to find a way to borg the CEO's P4 3.6 and I'll be happy.....
4 more HP's still on order... where the hell are they????

785 - 1 = 784
This thread hasnt been updated in far to long....

Borged two machines today, a 2.4Ghz P4 and a 2.5Ghz Celeron D...

784 - 2 = 782
Borged 8 machines this weekend (all 2Ghz+) but I have yet to have any show up as turning in a WU so will hold out on adding them until they do. On the up side I spoke with a Dr.s Office that I do work for today and I think they are gonna let me do their office (about 90 PCs all 2Ghz+)
782 - 2 = 780

Well, These are the two computers I got from marty.
1 P3 733mhz @ 800mhz
1 Celeron 800mhz.
