"D" to 1000 Boxen and Borging Mayhem! (F@H)

What did you add to the [H]orde?

  • Intel CPU

    Votes: 216 58.9%

    Votes: 229 62.4%
  • Mac/Apple CPU

    Votes: 8 2.2%
  • Other CPU

    Votes: 14 3.8%

  • Total voters
Got a buddy to add a A64 3200+ w/big WUs. He'll be folding under FaultyLogic. I'll try to get his ass into the forums soon.

Now to get his mom's 3.6GHZ P4 into the mix.


Borged my older sister's computer, as payment for me helping reinstall their sound card driver. A nice AthlonXP 2500+, which makes it the fastest computer folding under my name so far!
694 - 1 = 693! Woot!
Just got another 2 borgs tonight. A Pair of P4 3.0Ghz. That would be 693-2=691
Dark Ember said:
I'm not dirty... I'm practical! I take it from where I can get it. ;)

Atta boy! That's the way to think! Got any pictures......of the computer, not worried about the girl.

chileman said:
Atta boy! That's the way to think! Got any pictures......of the computer, not worried about the girl.

I didn't think we were allowed to post pr0n on here... :eek:

Oh oh... the computer. Nope. ;)
Dark Ember said:
I didn't think we were allowed to post pr0n on here... :eek:

Oh oh... the computer. Nope. ;)

I don't think Moose would mind some DC pr0n. Ok, I'll quit jacking this thread, I swear.

Whoops forgot the P4 Dual Core and the other P4 I put up today at my own farm. So 3 more makes it 683

I was avoiding it for a long time..."Nah, I'm not going to borg my server. The server is important and needs to be reliable and needs its cycles and so no server borging..."

Well I borged the server. Chalk up one more XP 2000+.


Just brought computer #7 up and running in my house (#6 in my room). Nice new AMD Athlon XP 2800 from Newegg along with a very quiet Arctic Cooling heatsink.

Should give my PPD a nice little bump.


Well, I busted the watercooling on my old home rig, an axp 2200. So I replaced it with a nice new A64 3000+ venice w/ 1 gig of 3200. Then I remembered that I had an old athlon motherboard, so I put the 2200 on that and it's working.

So, -1 + 1 - 1 = +1


How many ppd should I expect out of the new A64?
wake6830 said:
How many ppd should I expect out of the new A64?

About 150-350 ppd depending on protein. I used to have my A64 2800+ o/ced to 3500+ speeds and my average ppd was close to 250. :)
674 - 4 = 670

I put F@H on my 4 machines last week.
AMD Athlon XP 1900
AMD Athlon XP 2400
AMD Athlon XP 3200
AMD64 3000

667 - 1 = 666

Added a 2.4ghz Celery

Bad number to stay at, quick, someone borg something

Dont worry Chileman, The 666 is gone. :D

Aratech said:

P3-733 mhz, P3-450mhz, Celeron-2.9ghz

Full fold ahead!!!!!!

The P3 733 has been upgraded to a P3 850
The P3 450 has been upgraded to a P3 600

Celeron D 340 @ 2930mhz
Sempron 3000 @ 1800mhz
P3 1100mhz
P3 1800mhz

school admin let me borg the lab

16, 3.0E's + 1 gig of RAM :D only on during school hours tho (8-4ish), so..7-8 hours =/

The other half of the room was running a different security program..so I dropped F@H on one of the rigs to test it. Going to check on it at the end of the week. If that works out, it should be another 16. ;)

Not really full blown borgs...but 8 hours per day on those rigs should turn in SOMETHING.

Also got one of my friends to do it.