"D" to 1000 Boxen and Borging Mayhem! (F@H)

What did you add to the [H]orde?

  • Intel CPU

    Votes: 216 58.9%

    Votes: 229 62.4%
  • Mac/Apple CPU

    Votes: 8 2.2%
  • Other CPU

    Votes: 14 3.8%

  • Total voters
Tormond said:
Borged 8 machines this weekend (all 2Ghz+) but I have yet to have any show up as turning in a WU so will hold out on adding them until they do. On the up side I spoke with a Dr.s Office that I do work for today and I think they are gonna let me do their office (about 90 PCs all 2Ghz+)
counting these...

I just started folding and have 5 going at the moment with two more coming online later this week. I don't know if you want to count all 5, but they just started 6 days ago :)

AMD XP64 3700+ (2GB RAM)
AMD XP 1800+ (1GB RAM)
AMD Sempron 2800 (512 MB RAM)
AMD Athlon 1200 (512 MB RAM)
AMD Duron 850 (512 MB RAM)

Coming soon:
AMD Athlon 1700 (256-512 MB RAM)
AMD Athlon 1800 (256 MB RAM)

768-5 = 763

Shadowchild said:
Thanks to rj's amazing arithmetic skills, we're at 769, not 759 =]
you'd think, that with me going into calculus next year, i could subtract 8 from 780. i could have sworn it was 770 when i was doing the math and it just changed tho. that punk :mad:

subtraction never was my stong suit (and it is summer)

i'll try to be +-5 next time :)
Added another 866 p3 to the pile, so....

761 - 1 = 760

Added 3- P4's @ 2.4Ghz

Haven't returned any WU's yet but there coming, more Pc's to come:)

Too bad we just can't add 300K


According to an article at PC Magazine, Indiana School systems may soon be purchasing around 300,000 Linpire desktop computers. Linspire, via it's Education Program has a straight $500-per-school (not per-seat) cost, providing an incredibly-alluring price incentive for this to happen." From the article: "Many schools across the state have already had the chance to try out desktop Linux, and everyone seems excited to get this program going...This groundbreaking initiative makes it possible for schools to afford computers for every student, something that makes a huge impact on their overall educations.

Took an old borg with Google Toolbar and converted it to team 33. 1.8 GHz Celeron.

755 -1 =754
I just started folding for the [H]orde this morning. So far this is what I have:

I'll be adding a P3-933 as soon as I get a new mobo, a Celeron 2.4 when I get a new HDD and I'll add the machine in my sig sometime this week.
I just added a Dual Xeon 3.0 Ghz (well as soon as Server finishes loading on it) and 4 P4 3.0s and a Athlon 2000+. Gonna let someone else do the math cause I am too busy folding :)

Tormond said:
I just added a Dual Xeon 3.0 Ghz (well as soon as Server finishes loading on it) and 4 P4 3.0s and a Athlon 2000+. Gonna let someone else do the math cause I am too busy folding :)

1 (duals count as one, i think) + 4 + 1 = 6.


1 laptop I borged today = 7.

752 - 7 = 745
With the recent bad news of OCAU killing us I thought I would revive the thread...

7 x 2.8gHz

clean_me said:
With the recent bad news of OCAU killing us I thought I would revive the thread...

7 x 2.8gHz


Another 2.8 P4 to the collection! :D

Got my first borg confirmed. Athlon XP 2000+. Not a whole lot, but every little bit helps. When I help people fix their computers, part of my price is that they fold, and of course it's under my name and for team 33.

730 - 1 = 729

By the way, in terms of "active CPUs", last I saw, OCAU has 1532 vs. our 1796. They must not have any of the junkers folding...
Mohonri said:
Got my first borg confirmed. Athlon XP 2000+. Not a whole lot, but every little bit helps. When I help people fix their computers, part of my price is that they fold, and of course it's under my name and for team 33.

730 - 1 = 729

By the way, in terms of "active CPUs", last I saw, OCAU has 1532 vs. our 1796. They must not have any of the junkers folding...
congrats on your first borg!
one more for the [H]orde. Moving out last year I found a chucked rig on the side of the road. Mobo and CPU still functioning giving me a XP 1700+ and the dreams of starting a garden. :D


Well chalk up another Athalon 2400+.

728-1= 727

Two more borgs. A Pentium M 1.73 ghz and a Pentium 4 2 ghz.

727-2 = 725

Quarter of the target reached.
Back to the top for all the new guys, take out the number of PC's you've added getting us closer to our goal!

Ok mad props to mage for the Anti-Fold server. One more 24/7 proc has come online. Only a p4 1.4ghz but still:

I just started folding for the [H]orde a few weeks ago. While my home gaming computer puts up most of my numbers, I have several PIIs and PIIIs going at work as well. (I own the company, so permission is granted) Total: 5 boxen

Carnival Forces said:
wow! all work, or personal, or a mix? what kind of CPUs?

All work (2 more dual cores coming up this week personal) and they are all P4s with a minimum of 2.4Ghz
