"D" to 1000 Boxen and Borging Mayhem! (F@H)

What did you add to the [H]orde?

  • Intel CPU

    Votes: 216 58.9%

    Votes: 229 62.4%
  • Mac/Apple CPU

    Votes: 8 2.2%
  • Other CPU

    Votes: 14 3.8%

  • Total voters
958 now...
I borged my neighbor.
(in total that means that sometime this week my #of active CPU's should go from 28 to 36... then I just need to get my celly 1.7 back up and my dually 600 needs somewhere to run at my house without blowing a fuse.)

Just brought up a dual P3 463(zoom!) I'll have another 2 Athlon XP 2400+ boxen as soon as I decide what OS I want to run on them as well.

I just set up Suse 9.2 Pro on a Proliant ML370 PIII 933 and started it folding for the weekend. :cool:

Girlfriend got a laptop. She left it alone with me for five minutes, now it folds for the Horde.. at least, when running on AC, I think..

949 - 1 = 948

Add another 3Ghz/1GB machine to the barbie

945 - 1 = 944

I just built my new AMD opteron 252 rig, 2.6GHz. After a few days of thermal cycling, it will be on 24/7. And when prices come down quite a bit, i may add a second opteron 252... but i'll save that for another time :D.
DamienThorn said:


Man, let me be the first to say I simultaneously love and hate you. :p

An absolutely wonderful addition, good show!

It's not over, either. I still have a lab of 2.8 Pentiums, plus I'll be covering for a coworker, and will do my best to b0rg their clients...:D


I will have 5 more soon, but waiting for all the parts to show up :)
:D ROTFLMMFAO........leave it to me to go the wrong way......damn....I thought with so many pages it would be 800 plus......
Naw.. most of them are BakedON trying to be funny ;)

well it was d to 500.. and we got there.. so we added another 1k
KodiakStar said:
shouldnt you be adding yours mage? :)
we'd add the dually, but we're still going through squid :rolleyes:

don't think it is fixed yet. bah.
<- add about 6k to that, the numbers are off
Damn, saw this post last night just as the internet went off... but here it is.
:( I took down a box, and added a box. The new one's a duallie, with chips twice as fast each as the original was. But duallies don't count, just boxen. We're giving the original to a friend, and it'll be borged for sure, but until then it's not folding. I got word from On High that no more boxen are allowed in the house, and could you please do something about all the crap in the basement? so it's gotta wait til I go away to college this fall.

856-1+1=856... but it's 4x as fast! 1866 mHz instead of 450. Eventually I'll post the pics. I've got 'em taken, just have to upload and post.
Not much but I borged my uncle's laptop, a Pentium M 1.4ghz.

So 852-1=851

p.s unhappy_mage, check your math. :p
his math is fine, cause the 450 isn't going yet. it'll be awhile, but it has the service installed and ready to go. (as long as it stays a windows box - i'd have to reborg it if he puts linux on it instead. i dunno which one he wanted, so i did the one with games)

i'll be putting my 2.2ghz athlon back on folding in the coming weeks (it was UDing for awhile). we'll see if squid is fixed yet when i do... if not, there's always the less optimal solution.

so a tentative 849, but stick with the 851 until they get going. i'll let you all know when that happens.
<- add about 6k to that, the numbers are off
849 - 1 = 848
Just brought a Pentium2 350mhz online Folding. Overclocked it to 392mhz (as if it really matters.... but oh well).

My uncle just got a new computer, so I should be getting his old beater once he's totally done with it.
whooowhoooo just brought 3 more online;) so 848 - 3 = 845

2 pentium 4 2.8 ghz
and 1 xp 2400 at 1.8 ghz probably gonna overclock this one;)
Just added a Dell SC420.. P4 2.8 ( I knew I bought it for something) .....Im gonna add a few more this weekend :)
844 - 1 (Crosshairs) = 843


saw D's name and though. SWEET... another LAB. :(
KodiakStar said:
844 - 1 (Crosshairs) = 843


saw D's name and though. SWEET... another LAB. :(

I'm hoping to get another lab of Pentium 2.8's up and running, but on top of the security crap that I've had to institute and watch like a hawk, I've been in meeting with guys doing construction in the one of the buildings that some of my labs are in. They don't quite seem to get how much I dislike clouds of dust seeping into my labs, and by extension, computers.
I just added 2 P4 1.5's 1 Celeron 2.0

and an XP 2800

so thats 834 -4 = 830

EDIT: I fixed the numbers ... I hope Im doing it right :)