Cysis 2 DX11 and Sandbox Update

This better install on my Steam copy!

Yeah, I've been thinking about that, my guess is that Steam will have to issue the patch via Steam as Steam games can't normally be patched outside of Steam as the DRM will overwrite external changes.
Yeah, I've been thinking about that, my guess is that Steam will have to issue the patch via Steam as Steam games can't normally be patched outside of Steam as the DRM will overwrite external changes.

or maybe Crytek has decided that it's too much work and Steam users will be SOL :D
or maybe Crytek has decided that it's too much work and Steam users will be SOL :D

Once the patch is out it's up to Steam to work it in their system. Thing is Crysis 2 is no longer for sale on Steam, so their motivation to issue this may not be all that high. But it's not like it a big effort, I'm sure it'll be on Steam, at least I hope,
Once the patch is out it's up to Steam to work it in their system. Thing is Crysis 2 is no longer for sale on Steam, so their motivation to issue this may not be all that high. But it's not like it a big effort, I'm sure it'll be on Steam, at least I hope,

so Steam will work both the DX11 and High-Res pack into 1 giant patch?...Crytek should do the same for the retail version
so Steam will work both the DX11 and High-Res pack into 1 giant patch?...Crytek should do the same for the retail version

Not everyone could use it if it's made into a combined patch. To use the high-resolution textures you need a 64bit system. There are still plenty of 32bit users would would raise hell when they couldn't use the DX11 portion even though their system is technically capable. This is also why I don't think Steam would combine them if they were to offer it, which I doubt. No real incentive for them now that they're not selling it.
it mentions some optimization with the dx9 API that comes with the dx11 patch as well. but of course doesn't mention what those optimizations are and if they are worth anything.

"The DX11 Ultra Upgrade is a free visual improvement add-on introducing DirectX 11 support as well as a wealth of graphical improvements and performance optimization for both DX11 and DX9 API's."
You're right, probably better shadows, lighting and water. The DX11 version will have the superior version of all three, especially the water.
lol, its all your fault WorldExclusive :p

Whatever is on the net will be found. To only add /dx11# to the home url was a simple search.
We now know it's real and coming any day now, so that's why I posted it. The DL links can become active later today or two weeks from now.
This would be a good thread for people to discuss, vent or ask questions about the update.

If I didn't someone else would have. :p
So Kyle, when can we expect you to add Crysis 2+ DX11 and DNF to your test suite?
Yeah, I've been thinking about that, my guess is that Steam will have to issue the patch via Steam as Steam games can't normally be patched outside of Steam as the DRM will overwrite external changes.

The hi-res textures for DA2 worked fine as a seperate download.

EDIT: Oh yeah, can't believe I forgot to point this out:


Wow. Is this some kind of joke being played by Crytek?
Good on them for releasing the update, but again, doesn't change the gameplay so I'm not sure what good it will do for those who dislike the game itself due to the changes from the first one.

Looking forward to some [H] screenshots. I'll probably look into purchasing it if and when it returns to Steam.
some of the tessellation looks worse like where they did not like the bricks up on the far wall and made them round just to say tessellated when the square bricks actually looked better.
crytek took the page down, if it was April 1st this would make more sense.

I just saw that.

Trolololo Crytek. :p

They had it in plain view, but it probably was done to get people off their back about it being vaporware.
Still, the damn patch needs to show up already.

Every post below this probably would be filled with laughter and hate. Updating OP.
Also here's a photo album of the DX11 screenshots via dsi1 of forums:

DX11 Gallery
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Great, they took down the page, back to the waiting game, was excited when I saw those links for download except they didn't work.





Does the patch insert large expansive environments to roam in and a decent plot, or does it just make everything look bumpy?
Doesn't look too bad, might try it out. Doubt it'll convince me to play through more than a level again though. I never thought Crysis 2 looked all that terrible anyway, like Crysis 1 but with lesser draw distances, better performance and better polished.

Does the patch insert large expansive environments to roam in and a decent plot, or does it just make everything look bumpy?

Meh, I still think Crysis 2 has better gameplay than Crysis 1 anyway.
are the download links working?...nothing happens when I click the DX11 page is not official yet?

the High-Res Texture pack works for both DX9 and DX11 which is nice but it requires a 64-bit OS...I'm sure that will piss some people off

Sounds good to me. Cinematic Mod for HL2 has required x64 for years (although I think he released a "lite" version which would run on 32-bit since 10.0). To me, that means that there may be some pretty heavy duty quality improvements in this texture pack. Most enthusiasts with Crysis-level hardware have been running x64 for years. Most [H]ers have considered x64 as the only way to go since it's the only way to use 4GB and beyond but don't seem to have pieced together that if an app/game doesn't REQUIRE x64 it can't actually make use of all that RAM itself. Sure the RAM works for multi-tasking, but not for singular large apps. Gimping games to 32-bit just makes sure we can never use the hardware we've purchased.
Next week.

Below are the patch notes for Patch 1.9, this is also the patch that will enable DX11 Support (available via a separate download). We're aiming to have this patch live and available to you all next week. As always we're interested to hear your comments/thoughts on these changes so please post them below.

Crysis 2 Patch 1.9

• Added Contact Shadows
• Added DX11 benchmark level
• Added DX11 support for Crysis 2 (the following features only work when downloading the optional DX11 package here):
• - Tessellation + Displacement Mapping
• - High Quality HDR Motion Blur
• - Realistic Shadows with Variable Penumbra
• - Sprite Based Bokeh Depth of Field
• - Parallax Occlusion Mapping
• - Particles Motion Blur, Shadows and Art Updates
• - Water Rendering improvements and using Tessellation + Displacement Mapping
• Added Realtime Local Reflections
• Added support for Higher Res Textures Package
• Added various new console variables to whitelist
• Fixed bullet penetration, which had been broken by a bug introduced with the DLC 2 patch
• Fixed issue in MP where player stats weren't always saved at the end of a game
• Fixed issue in MP where player stats would sometimes randomly reset
• Fixed issue with MP time played statistic, which would sometimes be too low on leaderboards and in stats
• Fixed issue with JAW rocket not firing through window's containing broken glass
• Fixed rare issue where a user could not access MP with a valid CD key if they had previously used an invalid CD key
• Improved advanced graphics options menu
• Improved anti-cheat measurements: fixed exploit which could prevent vote kicking working against a user
• Improved multi-GPU support
• Improved Tone Mapping
• Re-added possibility to enable r_StereoSupportAMD via config file (unsupported)
Crytek is doing good with their post-game support...but the fact is that they misled people into thinking that the game would ship with DX11 support...if I had known that it was DX9 only I would have waited a few more months and gotten the game cheaper with the DX11 patch

I think the problem is whether the game is fun, engaging and entertaining or not, not what the API is behind the scenes. If a new DX9 STALKER came out (and they didn't screw it up) it would probably be all the rage here.

DX11 is nice and all, but lack of DX11 is not why I have not (and probably will not) buy the game.
I think the problem is whether the game is fun, engaging and entertaining or not, not what the API is behind the scenes. If a new DX9 STALKER came out (and they didn't screw it up) it would probably be all the rage here.

DX11 is nice and all, but lack of DX11 is not why I have not (and probably will not) buy the game.

b-b-ut i like having shoddy support for an API with a bigger number even if that means it looks exactly the same and has worse performance for no reason because blah blah.

this mentality is fucking retarded. cool they added new features, spiffed up the renderer, and hopefully did a good job optimizing it. i'd rather have a job well done then another tacked on renderpath that offers only negatives because people bitched.
Always fun to read people bitching and moaning about this game... lol, poor folks, sucks to be them, eh?

IMO the DX11 stuff doesn't add a whole lot. The tessellation on the brick is probably the most obvious example, but then again if you don't align the textures it kinda makes THAT more obvious... WAHAHAHA
Got the game for $19 a few weeks after launch. Played half of it, got distracted by something else, finally went back and forced myself to finish the game. I actually found myself stealthing through the last few levels--there was no benefit from engaging the enemy. The gunplay itself should be a reward but it wasn't.

A few weeks passed and yesterday, I uninstalled the game.

This will not, sometime in the future when the real patch is available, make me re-install it.
I think the problem is whether the game is fun, engaging and entertaining or not, not what the API is behind the scenes. If a new DX9 STALKER came out (and they didn't screw it up) it would probably be all the rage here.

DX11 is nice and all, but lack of DX11 is not why I have not (and probably will not) buy the game.

Well the reason Crytek takes so much shit for it is because high end uber r0xx0r graphics has traditionally been their thing. Hell it has been their only thing. Crysis was a crap game IMO, as was Far Cry. They started out ok and then became shitty monster shooters partway through. The thing that caught people's attention was the graphics.

So then along comes Crysis 2 and... It is a step back? I mean Crysis 1 was DX10/64-bit and all that.

That is what got people so mad I think. Please remember it wasn't like they announced up front "We are going to concentrate less on graphics and more on other things with the next game, in fact the graphics will likely be a step down to offer better speed and compatibility." No they talked up Cryengine 3 bigtime and released screenshots that were just amazing.

Then the game that uses it launches and none of that is there to be seen. That is what got people so mad. Gamers don't like it when you promise and then renege.
I don't really understand the negative attitude here. Sure it sucks that it wasn't ready on release, but judging by those screenshots, the update looks significantly better than just a small DX11 tack-on as many were expecting.

I would say that Crytek has done a great job on post release support for Crysis 2 with the improved anti-cheat measures and bug fixes. They're far from as 'PC first' as I would like, but I'm not going to bemoan them for the things they do appear to get right.

I agree here. I paid 49.99 for the game and I'll be looking to get a little more out of it. Plus I want to see it on the 6990.. :D
Not everyone could use it if it's made into a combined patch. To use the high-resolution textures you need a 64bit system. There are still plenty of 32bit users would would raise hell when they couldn't use the DX11 portion even though their system is technically capable. This is also why I don't think Steam would combine them if they were to offer it, which I doubt. No real incentive for them now that they're not selling it.

there have been high end features put into games for years now which not everyone could I don't think that they need to start worrying about it now...Crysis 1, Bioshock and others had DX10 exclusive features where if you didn't have the capable hardware those options would just be greyed out...same for other graphics features

why would people complain that they don't have the capable hardware now for?...they should go out and buy a 64-bit OS or DX11 video card if they are so upset instead of taking it out on the manufacturer
Wow the screenshots look great! I am looking forward to playing this once the updates are released! I have held off for so long.
I gotta say regardless of the optional dx11/texture packs, on a bug fix and mechanical level Crytek has done an excellent job supporting this title. Much better than Crysis, Warhead and Wars.
I gotta say regardless of the optional dx11/texture packs, on a bug fix and mechanical level Crytek has done an excellent job supporting this title. Much better than Crysis, Warhead and Wars.

Crysis and Warhead were both patched don't need 7 patches for every game to call it excellent support...Crysis got 3 patches which got the game working perfectly...Crysis patch 1.2 was the big one which really improved stability
OK everyone, OP updated with 1.9 Patch Notes.

We should get the patch next week to enable DX11, like others have already said.
I was right on by saying it will come within two weeks. Almost here.