Cysis 2 DX11 and Sandbox Update

I don't see the hate. Everyone knew this was coming for the PC. Why not wait until it was released and then buy the game. Sorry some of you are all impatient.

Not only would you have the game the way it should have been but also at a cheaper price.
I don't see the hate. Everyone knew this was coming for the PC. Why not wait until it was released and then buy the game.

Actually that isn't how it happened at all. It wasn't until (if I remember the timeframe properly) weeks after the game was released that the developers finally officially announced they were going to add DX11. Everyone was expecting it built in when the game was released.
Later on, you can sell him the 'Mega-Awsome Cheeses' Pack', replete with Swiss, Cheddar, and Provolone to give it that "complete sandwich experience".

or he could just wait to buy the 'Sandwich of the Year' edition, which will include all that, AND SOME CHIPS...

possibly a drink.

Found this at my Crysis

Crysis 2 - Patch 1.9 Notes Posted by Electronic Arts at 12:23PM on Wednesday, June, 22, 2011


Below are the patch notes for Patch 1.9, this is also the patch that will enable DX11 Support (available via a separate download). We're aiming to have this patch live and available to you all next week. As always we're interested to hear your comments/thoughts on these changes so please post them below.

Crysis 2 Patch 1.9

• Added Contact Shadows
• Added DX11 benchmark level
• Added DX11 support for Crysis 2 (the following features only work when downloading the optional DX11 package here):
• - Tessellation + Displacement Mapping
• - High Quality HDR Motion Blur
• - Realistic Shadows with Variable Penumbra
• - Sprite Based Bokeh Depth of Field
• - Parallax Occlusion Mapping
• - Particles Motion Blur, Shadows and Art Updates
• - Water Rendering improvements and using Tessellation + Displacement Mapping
• Added Realtime Local Reflections
• Added support for Higher Res Textures Package
• Added various new console variables to whitelist
• Fixed bullet penetration, which had been broken by a bug introduced with the DLC 2 patch
• Fixed issue in MP where player stats weren't always saved at the end of a game
• Fixed issue in MP where player stats would sometimes randomly reset
• Fixed issue with MP time played statistic, which would sometimes be too low on leaderboards and in stats
• Fixed issue with JAW rocket not firing through window's containing broken glass
• Fixed rare issue where a user could not access MP with a valid CD key if they had previously used an invalid CD key
• Improved advanced graphics options menu
• Improved anti-cheat measurements: fixed exploit which could prevent vote kicking working against a user
• Improved multi-GPU support
• Improved Tone Mapping
• Re-added possibility to enable r_StereoSupportAMD via config file (unsupported)

Discuss the Crysis 2 - Patch 1.9 Notes over at!
Haha, gotta laugh. They just now realizing that? ;)

At least they have a cool 404 page... I mean, the dude doesn't have his boot... Something HORRIBLY went wrong... ;)
Fuck off Crytek..I feel they intentionally gimped the graphics for the PC version so they could push the console version.Now the hype is over,we are suppose to embrace this..Again,too little too late!

I couldn't agree more. Months after anyone stopped caring about their game (thanks to shitty multiplayer and a single player which is lacking in replay value) they decided to attention whore by putting out a patch which contains all the things the game should have supported on the PC version from the very start.

Crytek can eat my peanut riddled floaters.
I couldn't agree more. Months after anyone stopped caring about their game (thanks to shitty multiplayer and a single player which is lacking in replay value) they decided to attention whore by putting out a patch which contains all the things the game should have supported on the PC version from the very start.

Crytek can eat my peanut riddled floaters.

Couldn't agree more as well. Shitty game to boot.
are the same people railing against Crytek going to feel the same way towards Bethesda when Skyrim is released without DX11 support?...they've stated that DX11 support will probably come later on...don't be hypocritical people...make sure to stand by your virtues at that time as well
are the same people railing against Crytek going to feel the same way towards Bethesda when Skyrim is released without DX11 support?...they've stated that DX11 support will probably come later on...don't be hypocritical people...make sure to stand by your virtues at that time as well

Considering that consoles are the lead platform for Skyrim I won't be touching it.
Considering that consoles are the lead platform for Skyrim I won't be touching it.

I would gander that Consoles were also the lead platform for Oblivion, especially when compared on a technical to Morrowind which is obviously a PC First Title.
are the same people railing against Crytek going to feel the same way towards Bethesda when Skyrim is released without DX11 support?...they've stated that DX11 support will probably come later on...don't be hypocritical people...make sure to stand by your virtues at that time as well

I'd be pissed if Skyrim only supported DX8, seeing as that would be the equivalent of what Crytek did.

Lack of DX11 is one thing. Lack of DX11 when it was a hyped feature AND lack of DX10 that the predecessor had is a totally different story.
And this wasn't included at release because....?

I'm with Savoy, too little, too late.

EA wanted to rush the console release out. If Crytek had more time, Crysis 2 might have been better reviewed for PC. It's too little too late. I know I have no desire to suffer through that game again just to see the new prettier graphics.
Games I had high hopes for: Homefront, Crysis2, DNF, Dragon Age II.

Games I didn't purchase: Homefront, Crysis2, DNF, Dragon Age II.

Thank you publishers for saving me lots of money...If I wanted to pick up a turd and fling it against the wall/people I could do that at home for free. :mad:
This is why I didn't buy Crysis at launch. Now it's $20 cheaper on amazon and DirectX 11 features will be getting added in by the time I get it. I could personally care less if it's a console port or not, so long as the game itself is fun for me whenever I play it. Judging by what I've seen of it, that looks like it'll be the case for me.
This is why I didn't buy Crysis at launch. Now it's $20 cheaper on amazon and DirectX 11 features will be getting added in by the time I get it. I could personally care less if it's a console port or not, so long as the game itself is fun for me whenever I play it. Judging by what I've seen of it, that looks like it'll be the case for me.

The campaign is better than the other FPS campaigns I played over the last year, up until March.
I think it was a very good game, but it could have been excellent if they made a dedicated PC version from the start.

Sometimes when falling short of expectations, the shortcomings are greatly magnified.
Crytek is putting features into the PC version of the game when they have already made the bulk of their money. Why bitch? At first it was a huge disappointment, but they came through in the end. Who knows what happened. Maybe EA put a deadline on Crytek that was just not possible on all three platforms, and the PC came up short.

I don't see how all my [H] brethren degraded into what I have read above. The updates don't work without the patch, due June 27th. Is that hard to understand? It's free. I think they could have charged for this and received the same amount of criticism I see here.

PC gamers won't learn their lesson, it seems, until they bury it themselves. Geez.
are the same people railing against Crytek going to feel the same way towards Bethesda when Skyrim is released without DX11 support?...they've stated that DX11 support will probably come later on...don't be hypocritical people...make sure to stand by your virtues at that time as well

Wait, they stated that DX11 support will actually be getting added to Skyrim? I thought Skyrim was supposedly only going to be another DX9 game. I just hope that Skyrim isn't going to be the buggy mess that Oblivion for PC was when it released.

Considering that consoles are the lead platform for Skyrim I won't be touching it.

I think Skyrim is going to make one awesome X360 game so long as it is anything as good as Oblivion was. I think they have already promised over 300 hours of gameplay, and Oblivion combined with all of the DLC gave me well over 300 hours on the X360. Since they announced that you can carry over your saved game from Oblivion, that was going to be my plan unless there really is going to be a DX11 version for the PC.
Crysis and Warhead were both patched don't need 7 patches for every game to call it excellent support...Crysis got 3 patches which got the game working perfectly...Crysis patch 1.2 was the big one which really improved stability

They work pretty well now but they do still have some issues. Significant ones.

Memory leaks are still abound. (Warhead seems to be a worse offender if map preload is off and texture streaming left on. Very first level often drops fps at the final beach area, purely from memory bloat.)

Flowgraph/scripting system prone to errors. (Scripting errors are easy to encounter, and they are largely unavoidable for custom map makers, see the 'Rainy Days' Crysis map release notes/thread on CryMod)

Objects occasionally loose destructability. (seen if you destroy lots and lots and LOTS of stuff (using explosives and infinite ammo console command) )

Both games run well and largely without issue but bugs can creep in with an extended session, especially if you reload save points often and switch betweens levels more than a few times. So, no they are not 'finished' by any stretch. Crysis 1 could have sorely done with a 1.3 patch.
If I wanted to pick up a turd and fling it against the wall people/people I could do that at home for free. :mad:

Or you could wait until Duke Nukem Forever is 5 bucks on steam and fling all the turds at people and walls that you like.

That games' turd flinging mechanics are unmatched in any game ever
PC gamers 2003:

Bahhhh graphics aren't everything, these console gamers are stupid. Who cares if a game has shinies, console games have such terrible gameplay mechanics.

PC Gamers 2011:

Bahhhh Crysis 2 doesn't have DX11? F you Crytek for selling me a $60 steaming pile of poo. These graphics are totally unacceptable and make the game just stupid.
Wait, they stated that DX11 support will actually be getting added to Skyrim? I thought Skyrim was supposedly only going to be another DX9 game. I just hope that Skyrim isn't going to be the buggy mess that Oblivion for PC was when it released.

Bethesda has not officially confirmed one way or the other but they did make some comments concerning the 'possibility' of DX11 support

regarding the PC version of the game, Game director Todd Howard says besides higher quality textures and bigger resolutions, it "looks the same" as on consoles, and it's "mostly a DirectX 9 game in terms of how the shaders work."...He does note DirectX 11 support is a possibility down the line, however: "When it comes to DirectX 11 there are things they get us for free, like performance gains. You’re going to get performance gains out of it versus an older version. But the specifics DX11 does, like tessellation and all that kinda stuff, we aren’t taking advantage of that right now. That doesn’t mean we won’t in the future. We aren’t right now because we want to author it so it looks great.”
PC gamers 2003:

Bahhhh graphics aren't everything, these console gamers are stupid. Who cares if a game has shinies, console games have such terrible gameplay mechanics.
Uh... the PC had much better graphics at the time than the Xbox or the PS2.
can anyone fix this 1.8 patch problem : failed to verify dlc purchases : i payed 20 bucks and this is what i get for the maps? and now my gun turns black and white it time for a class action suit. is this 1995 were company put out stuff then fix later or what.
i payed big bucks for dx 11 video card ,ive been cheated. on crysis 2 . we all have been bushed wacked.
its good that its out..but i wont play the game again just for the improved graphics.
Crytek is putting features into the PC version of the game when they have already made the bulk of their money. Why bitch? At first it was a huge disappointment, but they came through in the end. Who knows what happened. Maybe EA put a deadline on Crytek that was just not possible on all three platforms, and the PC came up short.

I don't see how all my [H] brethren degraded into what I have read above. The updates don't work without the patch, due June 27th. Is that hard to understand? It's free. I think they could have charged for this and received the same amount of criticism I see here.

PC gamers won't learn their lesson, it seems, until they bury it themselves. Geez.

A lot of people are saying, "too late." Well others around the web are saying the same thing, which means....

People are using the opinions of others to express their own. Play the game with DX11 and then give your final verdict, good or bad.
Crysis 1 didn't get rave reviews either, so dislike for the game isn't news.