Counter Strike: Global Offensive

The vast majority of people that quit so far seem to do it within like the first couple minutes. Why even fucking join the queue then if you're just going to leave because you lost one or two rounds holy shit people...
They should keep track of the guys f2'ing. This is going way too far. I have only finished two games out of fifteen today.

I guess my question is, what was wrong with the old system? People could join when others left...
I guess my question is, what was wrong with the old system? People could join when others left...

What they are doing is making it a true competitive mode and this is the growing pains. I like what they are doing, but the problem right now is you can not be a pick up in a game in progress so if someone quits, and it requires everyone to vote yes to keep the match going. If a team is getting rolled and someone rage quits, then someone from that team will vote no ending the game. I can't wait to see what it's like after it has been streamlined.
Bought CS:GO this morning to try out something new. Gotta admit its not too bad, I mean its old school CS, and since I havent played CS since HL2 release or so....i was shocked how much I remember the old maps LOL.

I also like the gun Recoil, No Spray and Pray (although it seems like the P90 is still the best Spray and Pray weapon to use).

Anyway its a nice change...and for $15 who can complain
Bought CS:GO this morning to try out something new. Gotta admit its not too bad, I mean its old school CS, and since I havent played CS since HL2 release or so....i was shocked how much I remember the old maps LOL.

I also like the gun Recoil, No Spray and Pray (although it seems like the P90 is still the best Spray and Pray weapon to use).

Anyway its a nice change...and for $15 who can complain

It gets better the more you play it.
the audio is still crap from the beta with very "trebly" sounds, high pitched, ear piercing sounds for guns, nothing sounding too .."solid"
So my question is...Does it matter which server you play on to bring up your stats?

Or are your stats always updated no matter what server you play on?

You have stats for different modes. Depends on what you play.
You have stats for different modes. Depends on what you play.

interesting.....going to have to read up on that I guess. I was playing i think on a normal server with FF off, and I think normal maps (dust, aztec,office,dust2 etc).
I am really enjoying talking shit on this game with the exception of people rage quiting. Apperently if tell the other team that you will rape them all, and you have 15 kills in four rounds... they will quit and call you a haxor.
Do they intend to let your server filters remain across sessions at any point in the near future. Seems a bit of a step backwards.
Does a DM server that isn't run on a fucking Gamecube exist or what? The EO Reality one is far and away the most popular, but it's jittery shit when it's busy. Which sucks because the best players generally seem to lurk around there.

You can just open netgraph and look at the spaces, the server is struggling...

Here's another one, azclan or some shit which is busy as fuck all the time. Server FPS just dips constantly, gets jittery.
Thats actually a known bug. Wouldnt be an issue if they wouldnt have removed fps_max.

Ive been reading the mailing list for this game and unfortunatly Valve just doesnt care at all. The server operators all tell them whats wrong and what to fix and even how and update after update it never does. Everytime an update comes out its one step forward and 4 steps backwards. They break alot of stuff and dont even test changes they make.
Thats actually a known bug. Wouldnt be an issue if they wouldnt have removed fps_max.

Ive been reading the mailing list for this game and unfortunatly Valve just doesnt care at all. The server operators all tell them whats wrong and what to fix and even how and update after update it never does. Everytime an update comes out its one step forward and 4 steps backwards. They break alot of stuff and dont even test changes they make.

fps_max works for me.
Thats actually a known bug. Wouldnt be an issue if they wouldnt have removed fps_max.

Ive been reading the mailing list for this game and unfortunatly Valve just doesnt care at all. The server operators all tell them whats wrong and what to fix and even how and update after update it never does. Everytime an update comes out its one step forward and 4 steps backwards. They break alot of stuff and dont even test changes they make.

I noticed if I dick around with my rates like rate 50000 it will even me out but it comes and goes.
keep trying to get into this game but it feels completely unnatural. even playing in deathmatch servers where the action keeps at a steady pace (which i'm used to), something feels off. i think this game has run its course for me.
Patch came out:

Valve said:
- Resurrected SourceTV as 'GOTV.'
- Added a map overview that displays players, events, grenade detonations, etc. Can be drawn on in a select-able colored pen when spectating or if the "sv_competitive_official_5v5" convar is set to 1 on the server or if the client convar "mapoverview_allow_client_draw" is set on the client (drawings are not currently networked to other players).
- Added free camera to spectator modes cycle.
clamped hud_scaling to 0.95.
- Added convar 'cl_spec_show_bindings' that toggles the visibility of the spectator key bindings.
- Added spectator ability to toggle competitive scoreboard player data using the 'drop' command.
- Extended team clan name support to the Team Select Screen. To use team clan name, all humans should match their Team name in Games->Settings, or the server admin can use the 'mp_teamname_1' and 'mp_teamname_2 convars.'
- After halftime, teams no longer switch sides visually on the spectator screen, they now stay where they are and the team colors switch instead.
- Created a server convar that lets you swap the default player side position manually (CTs on right and T's on left) called mp_spec_swapplayersides.
- Made the hotkey that's assigned to jump to a player not change after half-time.
- You can now display a country flag next to your custom team name on the spectator scoreboard by setting "mp_teamflag_1/2" to ISO Alpha-2 country code of the country you want to display.

- Introduced "Skill Groups", the new Skill Group emblems are now visible in the main menu and at the end of a competitive match. A players' Skill Group will be displayed after they achieve at least 10 competitive match wins.
- Reworked conditions of valid match leaving: A vote to concede becomes available to the team that lost a player. Otherwise the match continues.
- Number of players searching for a competitive match will display number of players compatible with the game type selected by player, for example players searching for "Dust II" will see a number of players searching for "Dust II" + "Defuse Mission", players searching for "Defuse Mission" will see sum of all players searching for "Defuse Mission" or any specific defuse map, and so on.
- Estimated wait time for a competitive match now more accurately displays wait time based on the game type selected by player.

- Added Save/Restore of match state.
- Added convar 'mp_backup_round_file [fileprefix]' -- If set then server will save all played rounds information to files with this prefix. Backup file contains players information like KDA, MVPs, cash, kevlar, helmet, defuse kit, weapons and grenades and match score for first and second halves. In a case of a tournament server crash backup file can be loaded using ' mp_backup_restore_load_file'. The default is 'backup'
- Added convar 'mp_backup_round_file_last' -- Every time a backup file is written the value of this convar gets updated to hold the name of the backup file.
-Added concommand 'mp_backup_restore_list_files [number]' -- Lists recent backup round files matching the prefix, most recent files first, accepts a numeric parameter to limit the number of files displayed (default 5).
- Added concommand 'mp_backup_restore_load_file [filename]' -- Loads the specified backup file and applies players information like KDA, MVPs, cash, kevlar, helmet, defuse kit, weapons and grenades; sets the match score for first and second half and starts next round.
- Added convar 'mp_backup_round_file_pattern,' that defines the pattern for naming backup files using tokens. Example: %prefix%_%date%_%time%_%team1%_%team2%_%map%_round %round%_score_%score1%_%score2%.txt. The default pattern results in 'backup_roundNN.txt'
- Whitelisted 'mp_logdetail' convar.
- Added convar 'sv_damage_print_enable', that determines whether damage given and received is visible in the console after a player is killed.
- Added 'cl_bobcycle' to 'sv_competitive_minspec'. It's now restricted to the defauklt 0.98 on servers that have 'sv_competitive_minspec' enabled.
- Made all server cash_ convars notify players when they are changed.
- Servers running with sv_pausable 1 will now correctly display 'server paused' UI element on clients when server is paused using 'pause' command.
- Added mp_spectators_max convar to control how many spectators are allowed in a match.
- Added convar mp_halftime_pausetimer that will indefinitely pause the halftime timer.
- Added convar mp_warmup_pausetimer that will pause the warmup period indefinitely. *Warmup periods shorter than 6 seconds cannot be paused.

- Performance improvements for users running on AMD systems.
- Fixed a major performance problem for users running Bitdefender antivirus software.

- Fixed two crashes that could happen if you were on a team and went to spectator team.
- Fixed the timer display on the hud still showing even when the bomb was planted.
- Fixed avatar scaling issues on the spectator hud as well as the issues that would place the player slot avatars offset some distance from where they should be.
- Made some adjustments to the specttor UI and regular hud to account for hud_scaling set really high.
Fixed a really bad bug where going from the lobby to a game could prevent players from having input. This would result in not being able to select a team or move around.
- Changed flashbang visual effect in Spectator mode so that it is updated when the target changes.
Does anyone have an ESEA code? Holy FUCK the matchmaking. Otherwise I'm just gonna say fuck it and reactivate my account, this is getting way too irritating.

Half hour wait times on average are fucking retarded. I had a 47 minute wait earlier with me and someone else. I also said fuck it 35 minutes into an attempt to play with 4 earlier too.

This kind of bullshit. Some days it's a couple minutes, others it's usually just waiting until someone gets fed up and does something else 20+ minutes later. Like it seriously cannot make a game by getting 6 other people when there is over 100 in queue? We even had a few 9/10 ready ups like 10 minutes in, which should of kept us right at the front of the queue with only 1 more needed, but it still took fucking forever.

It's unreal how fucked it is.
I get in games almost as soon as I click a game mode I want to play from the menu. No long delay waits such as what your experiencing.
Gave it one more shot. We just waited 40 minutes before giving up. Competitive match making is simply not possible with a group, apparently.

What the merciful fuck, valve. When I was playing Super Monday Night Combat, the matchmaker could get 10 people in a couple minutes, generally... with 1/20th of the playerbase.
What do you think I'm doing? There was 4 of us trying at the time in the picture I posted.

Doesn't matter if we're rolling with a full team or not, 20+ minute wait times have been the bare fucking minimum lately. Usually it just goes on for over a half hour and we just give up.
something wrong?

What do you propose that I could do better? We've tried different people as lobby leader, different map settings, etc. I even see other people reporting the same thing.

We now have most people sitting on the nuts of the highest rankings, so maybe that's why it takes so long? Are we supposed to play shittier so we can once again get games and be matched into certain slaughter?

It's completely fucked as it stands.
i forgot they introduced ELO. Thats likely why. I just joined a Cevo team 2 weeks ago. I plan to play matches the traditional way of getting scrims on IRC.
I'm almost certain it is the ELO system now.

I finally got a fucking game and it seemingly tried to keep everyone within 1 or 2 ranks of me. I'm ranked 1 below the highest, so I guess there's simply not that many people playing that are in the higher up ranks like that, and it'll never fill in the blank just for the sake of starting the game, it'll just look and look forever until it finds X amount of people that are as close as humanly possible to your rank.

So if you're higher up, you might just be shit out of luck. May as well just go play ESEA, because it'll be 10x faster to get a PUG going there than queuing in game.
Lost count of the number of times this game has crashed on an alt-tab since released. I know it's pretty much a Valve trademark by now, but I was hoping they could at least minimise it.

Thats correct. This game isnt what i would call a Valve Game.

It's exactly what I would call a Valve game. Valve are amazing sponsors/backers of good games by good studios (Portal, Portal 2, L4D, L4D2, et al), but I have yet to come across a source-engined game that doesn't suffer some glaring issues. It's however many years on and TF2 still sucks dick if you do anything on your computer after trying to launch it, and takes a good 30s to tab back in on 8GB of RAM. And unfortunately half the time I tab out of GO it crashes, no differently from the rest.