Could newegg be lying to me?

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Happy Hopping

Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 1, 2004
I just bought iStarUSA 6 in 1 box, BPU-126-sa, and Newegg said this box is 6 GB/s SATA 3.

The manual that c/w the box said it's only 3 GB/s SATA 2.

The web site said it's 6 Gb/s of the above part no.

Could newegg be selling me some old stock?
That particular model has always been advertised as SATA3. It doesn't have any logic in between the connections so there shouldn't be anything limiting the speed (unless it isn't built to spec)
Oh, I think I get why the confusion. What you're actually asking is whether 3 GB/s SATA 2 cables are the same as 6 GB/s SATA 3 cables. The answer is that they are the same, ergo the confusion about how that hot-swap cage is wired. See this thread:
Oh, I think I get why the confusion. What you're actually asking is whether 3 GB/s SATA 2 cables are the same as 6 GB/s SATA 3 cables. The answer is that they are the same, ergo the confusion about how that hot-swap cage is wired. See this thread:

Well not specifically but the same applies. The caddy he lists does not have any logic in to so its just a straight cable pass through so there is no reason it should not support Sata3, as mwroobel has mentioned.

That being said if for some reason it adds alot of resistance because of bad connectors ect it might not be perfect. Also unless you are using SSDs it will not matter even it it does run at Sata2.
Oh, I think I get why the confusion. What you're actually asking is whether 3 GB/s SATA 2 cables are the same as 6 GB/s SATA 3 cables. The answer is that they are the same, ergo the confusion about how that hot-swap cage is wired. See this thread:

no, not the cable. The manual the unit only support SATA I and SATA II.

SATA II is only 3 gb/s
Well not specifically but the same applies. The caddy he lists does not have any logic in to so its just a straight cable pass through so there is no reason it should not support Sata3, as mwroobel has mentioned.

That being said if for some reason it adds alot of resistance because of bad connectors ect it might not be perfect. Also unless you are using SSDs it will not matter even it it does run at Sata2.

I'm using SATA 6Gb/s SSD, that's the whole reason of buying this 6 in 1. I want to return this item back to them
I think they are writing 6GB Sata 3 for exactly the reasons you are creating this thread. People don't understand (their general costumers) that there is no physical difference between Sata1 and Sata3, only signaling differences. So something that will work as SATA1 will work as SATA3 in the case of a box.

So as to not confuse people, they just write the highest operating speed for the item.
The iStar page indicates SATA 3 but the pdf data sheet shows SATA2.

I'm with Jinto. They just didn't update the data sheet.
Hello Old Hippie,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will be sending you a PM requesting your order information so that we can review on our end. Thank you again. Have a great day.
Why don't you just hook it up and see what the drives are running at....??
Hello Old Hippie,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will be sending you a PM requesting your order information so that we can review on our end. Thank you again. Have a great day.

I just shot Diet Coke out my nose laughing when I saw this post.
Coke Zero has to much of a cinnamon taste (at least that is how I interpret it) for me.
I have a lot of problem w/ these people at newegg. I bought at $130.7, I reported to them the item due to this false advertising scam the day after the box arrives. Today, they refunded my money--$109.99

How can this be legal?
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I have a lot of problem w/ these people at newegg. I bought at $149.99, I reported to them the item due to this false advertising scam the day after the box arrives. Today, they refunded my money--$109.99

How can this be legal?

Since you have completely disregarded what everyone has told you in this thread about how it is not a false advertising scam, what reason do we have to expect you to take our advice concerning newegg's return policy which you clearly did not bother to read?
I contacted iSTARUSA, they told me the new stock is 6 Gb/s since 2011. So obviously the old stock is 3 Gb/s

Thank you for submitting your ticket to iStarUSA Technical Support Department.
Regarding your questions, BPU-126-SA was firmware updated to support SATA III 6.0Gb/s drive since 2011, if you purchase this unit just recently, most likely your unit with support as well . Please follow this link to the most updated user manual

Thank you again for purchasing iStarUSA products.

Technical Support Team
iStarUSA Group
I contacted iSTARUSA, they told me the new stock is 6 Gb/s since 2011. So obviously the old stock is 3 Gb/s

as mentioned before. it does not matter 3Gb/6Gb ....

this is just a dummy aka direct connection.
iStarUSA tried to please you by telling that information :p...

do not believe me? try the product release before 2011.. it supports 6Gb...

this is not a scam, this is testing your knowledge, and we share with you where you hardly not listen to us....:)

there is no firmware.. just a dummy LED passthrough and fan controller..:p.
The problem is, if I sell this in the near future, I have no need to try to convince that future buyer. I paid $110 for this, for that price, I don't need to put up w/ this. For any1 who pay $110 for a rectangular piece of metal, I expect service, if newegg were to sell this at their sale price of $59.99, then I would be willing to put up w/ it:

that's not all, for false advertising, they are bound by federal law to refund the FULL amount back to me. They refuse to do that until I told them I'll call the police in the morning after 4 more email exchange, and they made it sound like they are doing me a favor:

For your future reference, please kindly note we do not refund shipping fee for all returns since shipping fee is charged by shipping company.

such sickening service, they make it sounds like they are above the law
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You threatened to call the police because they were sticking to their policy of not refunding shipping fees? :confused: You do know that they are covered by their Policy & Agreement, right?

Product Listings strives for accuracy in all item descriptions, photographs, compatibility references, detailed specifications, pricing, links and any other product-related information contained herein or referenced on our Web site. Due to human error and other determinates we cannot guarantee that all item descriptions, photographs, compatibility references, detailed specifications, pricing, links and any other product-related information listed is entirely accurate, complete or current, nor can we assume responsibility for these errors.

There is no federal law forcing them to refund your shipping fees. If you believe there is, please link :)
You threatened to call the police because they were sticking to their policy of not refunding shipping fees? :confused: You do know that they are covered by their Policy & Agreement, right?

There is no federal law forcing them to refund your shipping fees. If you believe there is, please link :)

I'm thinking that he is thinking due to the false advertising, new egg should never have sold him the item in the first place. So it being their fault, they do a full refund.
You threatened to call the police because they were sticking to their policy of not refunding shipping fees? :confused: You do know that they are covered by their Policy & Agreement, right?
There is no federal law forcing them to refund your shipping fees. If you believe there is, please link :)

It's really sad when people act like this.

Even if it were true it'd be iStarUSA for doing the false advertising, not NewEgg.

If I were NewEgg, I'd 'black-list' ya. :D
Buried in the legalese of pretty much every product for sale by both the manufacturer and reseller is the little tried and true "This product is sold without warranty as to merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose" and of course the timeless "Specifications are subject to change without notice." You have no recourse other than to 1. bitch to your credit card company and try to get the original charge reversed or 2. whether you do it pro se or hire a lawyer, file a suit an serve papers to Newegg. Personally I think they did nothing wrong, they followed exactly the terms of service the post on their website (and that you have to click the checkbox that you understand and agree to before every order). If you don't like it and they fail to live up to your expectations, vote with your wallet and buy from someone else in the future.
Except 1 thing is not true: The federal law overrules their terms and condition of sales, in this case, false advertising law.

For $110 on a simple pass thru, I expect much better service on that, imagine the profit margin, it's a metal box w/ a few plug
This thread has delivered...... calling the police? Really? is this what our once fine nation has devolved to? Don't reproduce, seriously....
Except 1 thing is not true: The federal law overrules their terms and condition of sales, in this case, false advertising law.

For $110 on a simple pass thru, I expect much better service on that, imagine the profit margin, it's a metal box w/ a few plug

It isn't false advertising you moron. It's just a typo in the manual.

It sounds to me that you realized you could have purchased something else instead or got it cheaper elsewhere and that is why you wanted to return it. I refuse to think that you could actually be as stupid as you sound on the first page going on and on about a bogus problem while ignoring everyone's information.
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Since the item has been returned and a refund issued, I'm going to close this before the name calling gets out of hand
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