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  • I was hoping you could help me re-title my ebay auction thread titled "Swiftech H240-X (new)" to "Swiftech H240-X, 2600k, MSI 560ti, & Asrock p67"? Thank you.

    Something is wrong with my account.

    Can you have a look at it?

    Something about not having permission or so...
    Hi fugu,

    I accidentally dropped my post in the wrong thread (Z77 instead of Z87). Is it a big problem to have it moved?

    Is there a reason I cannot post attachments? Been a long time member & need to post an attachment to show problem I need help with.

    Is there any way I can change my username from EazyM3 to "D Unit." I really don't want to create a new username and would like to keep all my old history in my threads.
    Hi, I haven’t been able to log into my old account SnakeIRye and I recently got a valid email address cole_ryan@att.net. I’m now registered under Mr.Grape Would you be able to make cole_ryan@att.net the email address for SnakeIRye, so I can log in and then delete the new Mr.Grape account? I’ve been trying to get my old SnakeIRye account back for a while. Thanks for your time.

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