Cities:Skylines Reveal trailer

I'm fairly sure people will commute to the complete opposite side of your map if they want to. My biggest city is right under 200k people and sometimes I get bored and use the Follow thing just to see what they do. Those little buggers drive like maniacs on the curves.

Also, on the Districts subject. You can make any area, ANYWHERE a certain type of industry. The catch is that if the location does not have the natural resource, then it will have to import whatever it needs to produce things.

There was also that map where someone made a city with practically no cars by using a ton of ped walkways. They have no issue walking for miles either.
There was also that map where someone made a city with practically no cars by using a ton of ped walkways. They have no issue walking for miles either.

I agree, this game really doesn't let you effectively simulate an american city.
I agree, this game really doesn't let you effectively simulate an american city.

I think it lets you simulate low density sprawl, an utter lack of commuter rail or any public transit, 1-car-per-capita ownership, and insanely frequent traffic lights pretty well actually.

What about an American city doesn't the game accurately simulate?
What's the deal with downloaded buildings, parks ect that dont display correctly in the menu selection? They appear as white squares. Am I doing something wrong or is this a problem with the person that did the mod?
What's the deal with downloaded buildings, parks ect that dont display correctly in the menu selection? They appear as white squares. Am I doing something wrong or is this a problem with the person that did the mod?

Someone didn't set something right in the mod, I suspect. I've seen this with some mods as well. Haven't spotted a pattern.
Damn. Went in the kitchen to get some coffee, and a section of the game had a blackout, came back ten thousand people vanished!
So this game isn't easy as far as money goes. I normally go bankrupt by "level" 3 or 4. Fire depts and police depts cost so damn much...then schools, then you start getting rolling black outs and have to build more power stations...

Is there a money hack? I like the game, its really fun, but dealing with money is getting old.
There is unlimited money available when you start your game. But if you start out small you shouldn't have a problem
Ah, where at? I'll have to look for that tonight.

Ah, where at? I'll have to look for that tonight.


In the mods screen. Also for something slightly less cheaty, New Game Plus mod permits altering the starting money amount up to like $10 million.
Do these two mods come with the game or do you have to download them?

(I'm at work, otherwise I'd look myself)
Do these two mods come with the game or do you have to download them?

(I'm at work, otherwise I'd look myself)

Unlimited money is baked in. New Game Plus is on Steam Workshop for the game.

Note that at stock activating mods disable game achievements...but there's a mod on Steam Workshop to re-enable them ;)
So this game isn't easy as far as money goes. I normally go bankrupt by "level" 3 or 4. Fire depts and police depts cost so damn much...then schools, then you start getting rolling black outs and have to build more power stations...

Is there a money hack? I like the game, its really fun, but dealing with money is getting old.

Make sure you have positive cash flow and then put the game on fast forward, go cook dinner, come back you should have some cash to play with. I've done that several times and while I've never played long enough to get much past 50k population I've got millions in the bank.
Once you figure out a layout that works for highways and sidewalks it is pretty cookie cutter to keep increasing your population. You just go in chunks over and over. The game finally started slowing down a wee bit for me after I hit 200k people. I noticed that the cars didn't seem to be driving as fast as usual. This is with 16gb of memory and a 4770k oc'ed too. Still....compared to Cities XXL it isn't even in the same universe when it comes to performance.
81 tile mod has been released. I tried it out and the map feels like the size of an entire county. It's something that could take a good 6 months if not longer to fill up.
Anyone notice that the more money you have in treasury the less money you can earn? seems like there is some kind of cap. Maybe I'm wrong
Money is easy, just do not spend alot to start, grow slowwwwwwwwwwwwww and so as said, once you get positive flow in, grow a bit faster, eventually it seems hard to go broke unless you do something stupid, like dump waste into your inbound water pumps :D
Money is easy, just do not spend alot to start, grow slowwwwwwwwwwwwww and so as said, once you get positive flow in, grow a bit faster, eventually it seems hard to go broke unless you do something stupid, like dump waste into your inbound water pumps :D

I was fooling around with the los santos gta map to get familiarized with it before playing the game. I got the city out of the 30 million debt but once I hit positive treasury i went from making 130k down to like 40k in a matter of a few years and continued to drop. I think the game tries to get you out of debt easy but once you make a decent treasury it will drop down. I made no major changes once I was making 130k and the income dropped a lot right when i got out of debt
How many of the last sim city sold?

I hope its way more.
So how often do you guys start new cities? I kinda want to start a new city on a new map with some mods, but... I also don't want to abandon my people.. Tough choices.

Also--mods... other than New Game Plus, what do you guys run?
I restarted a lot to get a feel of things. Also haven't found a map I really like yet. But I have been playing pillars so my play time in this isn't much compared to others.

The only other mods I have besides New Game Plus is one to auto bulldoze, and one that unlocks more land.

I'm going to look for one that unlocks all land from the start as long as I can afford to buy it. I hate having millions and not being able to buy more land because I haven't reached a certain milestone.
So how often do you guys start new cities? I kinda want to start a new city on a new map with some mods, but... I also don't want to abandon my people.. Tough choices.

Also--mods... other than New Game Plus, what do you guys run?

I'm still on my first city, still a long way to go till I reach the edges (all tile mod) but having fun filling it up and planning crazy designs to help with traffic and organization.
Any one seen this on sale? Want to pick it up..

It hasn't been on Steam. GMG has had it on sale since before release by way of VIP deals or coupon codes (there's a 20% off one right now that should work).

Cheaper than that likely means a gray market key, if your into that.
Its a good game but I stopped playing after about 2 weeks. Not sure why.

How far did you get? I tend to get unsatisfied with my cities, and I give up on them to start anew. After a while of that, I stopped playing.

Also, I don't like doing sandbox mode...
Its a good game but I stopped playing after about 2 weeks. Not sure why.

Not really, no. I kind of take it in shifts I guess. I might go a week without playing it, and then the next week I'll get incredibly hooked and play for hours. I've got 109 hours logged already though... I'd say I'm getting my monies worth :p

The official Twitter feed is hinting at an update of some kind.

This could be good news. I've love to see some good DLC for this. Hopefully they are smart enough to know that with workshop support, no one wants or needs some sort of asset pack. But something that actually adds a new gameplay element would be nice. Weather/disasters, a night cycle, unique methods of income (ex. tourism, casions, theme parks, etc), control over import/exports, upgradeable buildings... any of those would be rad.
Between the Witcher 3 and hopefully awesome update to CS which I've already put ~140 hours into, how the heck am I supposed to prepare for my PhD defense the first week of June? My committee members and advisor just don't get it, do they? :confused:
got to say, played it for a week, then stopped.. anytone else play then jsut stop?

That was my experience to a T. Loved the hell out of it for basically a whole week. Played it non-stop, so got my money's worth... but eventually the income got too easy, and it was the same thing over and over again. And just poof i was done playing.

The education system also kinda pissed me off. I had too many educated people and so had huge unemployment in my industrial complex. So right next to it i built a slum of sorts with no schools around. Still didn't work as those people commuted to school somehow, or somethin. Not sure how you're meant to balance that... maybe have to let your schools population cap out?

This could be good news. I've love to see some good DLC for this. Hopefully they are smart enough to know that with workshop support, no one wants or needs some sort of asset pack. But something that actually adds a new gameplay element would be nice. Weather/disasters, a night cycle, unique methods of income (ex. tourism, casions, theme parks, etc), control over import/exports, upgradeable buildings... any of those would be rad.

Yea some new gameplay elements would be nice.
I'd like to see something done with the water. Be nice if you could have docks and marina of some sort. If you have homes by the water I'd like to see docks and boats attached to those homes/land plots. Could also have more stuff for commercial and industrial ties to the water. Beaches etc.